In love with a MONSTER ~ Buck...

Από beanstalkbaddie25

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Y/N is the younger sister of the Odinson brothers, and when you go back to earth to help your brothers. You f... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1: 13 hours!
Chapter 2: Here to pick-up
Chapter 3: Filled with Rage
Chapter 4: Life of an Avenger
Chapter 5:The Room
Chapter 6: The man with a Metal arm
Chapter 7: An Old Friend
Chapter 8: Flashback
Chapter 9: Joining the U.S Army
Chapter 10: Sergeant Barnes
Chapter 11: Captain American to the rescue
Chapter 12: The day I lost everything
Chapter 13: Back Home
Chapter 14: Father's love
Chapter 15: Channel your powers
Chapter 16: Father's little girl
Chapter 17: I love you mother
Chapter 18: 70 years
Chapter 19: Back to reality
Chapter 20: Nightmares
Chapter 21: Bucky is alive?
Chapter 22: Mother's Necklace
Chapter 23: "You can't save me!"
Chapter 24: I promise
Chapter 25 - Alternate Plan
Chapter 26: Madripoor
Chapter 27: 32557038
Chapter 28: Sokovian Base
Chapter 29: the siblings
Chapter 30: What about us?
Chapter 31: Brother of the girl
Chapter 32: Leaving
Chapter 33: Here with a friend!
Chapter 34: Downhill
Chapter 35: Hogun!
Chapter 36: Wakanda
Chapter 37: The story of the Power stone
Chapter 38: Memories
Chapter 39: The Carters
Chapter 40: Jesus Christ!
Chapter 41: You're Free
Chapter 42: Welcome Back!
Chapter 43: Calming
Chapter 44: First Date
Chapter 45: I know
Chapter 46: Unwanted Child
Chapter 47: My queen
Chapter 48: Slow and Steady
Chapter 49: Rebecca Elizabeth Barnes
Chapter 50: Loki is...
Chapter 51: Your niece
Chapter 52: Planning, planning, planning
!Bonus! Explanation Chapter
!Bonus Chapter! Chapter 54: My doll
!!New Story!!

Chapter 53: My butterfly

571 16 4
Από beanstalkbaddie25

Last chapter😭😭😭😭

"Hey we got this," You whispered to Bucky as he held Becky close to him, letting her sleep for a bit longer. You tried to convince her to stay back with the rest, but being your daughter she was stubborn and did not let you guys leave without her.

"We will be landing in 10 mins," Sam called out from the front of the jet. Making Bucky shake his head no, "There must be another way, we have to find another way." 

"James! It's either this or I fight with you guys, what are you picking?" You raised your eyebrow, angry that he was still stuck over this. 

"Look," You sighed, "I know this is not what we wanted but we have to, to make sure Beck doesn't have to live as we did, so she can be safe. And right now that's all I care about." You smiled, brushing through Becky's hair.

"Doll!" He reached around Becky to take your hands in his, "Just promise me you'll come back to us."

You looked up from Becky, meeting Bucky's fear-filled eyes. "I promise." You smiled, kissing his cheek. 

 "We got this." You took his hand.  

"Do you miss it?" He asked, shifting Becky to his other hand.

"Can I be honest?" You waited for his approval. 


"I do, I really do. I don't miss the fighting part so much. But, to be able to save someone, to be there for someone. To be needed, and to be able to help." You looked up to him, seeing your daughter peacefully sleep in his arms. A small involuntary smile pulled at the corner of your lips. 

"Like you saved me?" He smiled. This is why you fell in love with Bucky, not being you knew him forever, or that he looked good, like really good. 

But because he knew you like nobody ever did. He knew you better than you knew yourself. He knew just how to make you feel good, even if that meant he had to hide his pain. He always had a way to bring your mood up, and just make you feel better. 

"Yes, like I saved you." You reached out, running your hand over your daughter's now calm hair, admiring how lucky you were to have the best husband, and daughter, and soon another. 

"You guys ready?" Nat asked, standing next to Steve as the jet landed. 

You walked hand in hand with Bucky, behind the couple, seeing T'challa and the Dora Milaje standing front and center, ready to greet you.

"Should we bow?" Bruce asked, walking out behind you. 

You were about to answer but were cut off by Rhodey, "Yeah, he's a king."

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something," You smiled at T'challa as you walked to them, shaking his hand, Steve, Nat, and Bucky behind you.

Bruce kneeled, clearing his throat. 

"What are you doing?" Rhodey whispered to him, shaking his head. 

T'challa looked over you guys to them. "We, we don't do that here." He shook his hands, turning around to lead you guys in. 

Before he started walked, he caught a glimpse of the tiny body Bucky was holding. "I see there is a Barnes jr." He smiled, turning to you. 

"Yeah, and a second one on the way." You beamed, rubbing your not so prominent belly. 

"Congrats y/n!" He hugged you, continuing to lead you guys in.

"So, how big of an assault should we expect?" He asked, walking you guys inside. 

"Uh, sir, sir?" Bruce jogged to him, "I think you should expect quite a big assault."

"How are we looking?" Nat asked.

"You will have my Kingsgaurd, the border tribe, the Dora Milaje-" 

"And a group of unstable human beings with superpowers," You added, walking into the lab. 

"Y/N!" Shuri beamed, rushing towards and eloping you and Bucky in a tight hug. Waking Becky up. 

"Mama?" She yawned stretching her hands and looking around. 

"Is that?" Shuri pulled away, looking at the tiny brunette in Bucky's arms.

"Rebecca Barnes!" 

"Oh, she is so cute!" Shuri reached for Becky, who looked at Bucky before letting Shuri take her. 

"Aren't you adorable!" 

"Shuri," T'challa cleared his throat.

Shuri looked up at you guys, "Yes, sorry." She apologized, returning Becky to you and proceeding into the lab. 

She made you lay on an examination table and scanned your body. She held her hand out, showing a hologram of the power stone. 

"Wow!" She exclaimed, looking at the hologram. 

"What?" Sam asked. 

"Well, the energy of the stone is seeping through her veins. Every cell destroyed and restitched with the powers. Here look," She zoomed into the image, demonstrating how your cells reacted to the first contact of the powers.

"Can you do it?" Bucky asked, holding Becky close to his chest. 

"Yes, but we have to individually suck the energy out of each cell." She turned to T'challa, "It will take time brother."

"How long?" Steve asked. 

"As long as you can give me."

Just as she said that Okoye got an alert on her kimoyo beads. "Something's entered the atmosphere." 

"Call Tony, and inform him about what is going on," Steve instructed nat, she nodded leaving the room. At that everyone except Shuri, Steve, Bucky, you and Becky ran out. 

"Hey cap, we got a situation here," Sam called through the intercoms. You turned to the two men, nodding them to go deal with what's outside. 

"Y/N, as soon as she takes it out, you destroy the stone!" You looked at Steve, nodding in response.

Before leaving, Bucky walked to you, kissing your forehead, "You promised." He reminded, before running behind Steve. 

You gave them a sad smile, watching them walk away, before turning to Shuri. 

"Will you hurt Mama?" Becky asked, sitting down on a chair a few away from you guys. 

"No, honey!" You shook your head, "Shuri here is gonna helping mommy defeat the bad guys. Right, Shuri?" You turned to her. 

"Yes, Rebecca." She smiled, "Why don't you go play with them," She said pointing to the women in her lab waiting to take Becky away. 

"But I don't wanna leave mama!" She sat stubbornly. 

"Rebecca." You warned her. She nodded, hopping off the chair and walking to the woman. "Thank you." You tuned back to Shuri.

She just smiled at you, before starting to work on taking the energy out.

"They need me out there," You repeated for the seventh time, still have the intercom, you were able to hear everyone outside struggling. 

"No, you need to do this!" Shuri tried to calm you down, but the more yelling and groaning you heard the anxious you grew. 

"How much longer?" You asked impatiently, getting up to see the bloodshed beneath you.

"We didn't even start," Shuri shook her head. "Listen Y/N, I know you should help them but it is more dangerous that you destroy the stone. If you go out there, he will suck the powers of you like a juice box. So now, can you please listen to me and lay back down." She said, pushing you back down. 

You calmed down a bit, knowing that Thason was here yet, and let her start her procedure. 

"Everyone on my position. We have incoming," Steve said into the intercom, making you look at Shuri. 


"What the hell?" Nat muttered, making you shake with anxiety. 

"Shuri?" You called for her, but she still ignored you. 

"Cap... That's him," You heard Bruce say. 


"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve panted. 

"No!" You yelled, getting up, grabbing the orb, holding the heart chain Bucky gave you as you ran out of the building.

As you ran behind the rest, Bucky saw you, pulling you to the side.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Bucky seethed, making sure Thanos didn't see you. 

"I can't just let you guys get hurt like this." You whisper yelled back, ripping away from his grip. 

"Are you out of your damn mind? We could have stalled a bit longer," He yelled back. You looked away from him, towards the rest, seeing them get tossed and thrown away. 

"James," You whimpered, turning his attention back to you. "I have to do this."

"No." He shook his head, tears forming at the corners.  

"They can't stop him, Buck. But I can." You pulled him towards you, holding his face so he had no option but to look at you. "Look at me."

"I have the powers to destroy this."


"I have to it. James, please." You took his hand, forcing it to your cheek. "We are out of time."

"You can't," He shook his head, trying to stop the tears from falling. 

"I have to," you cried, holding the orb. "If he gets it, half the universe dies." 

You held it up, crushing it open to hold the stone. As soon as you touched it, it started to suck the powers right out of you, making you wail in pain.

"No!" You heard Bucky yelled, making Thanos punch Steve in the face before turning to you. He slowly walked to you, throwing Bucky to the side, when he tried to defend you. 

You turned to him, using your other hand to keep at a distance, as Wanda got up and tried to hold him back, but failed again. He ripped out of her magic, sending her tumbling down the ground, and tried to walk towards you against your powers. 

You let out a screeching yell, feeling the stone taking over, but it wasn't ripping the power, it was sending back, rejecting it. 

You felt your body regain its lost energy, feeling every cell, every nerve awake.  You levitated, holding the stone in your hand and crushing the glass once drained. Before you could react, Thanos gripped your throat, smacking you back to the floor. "What have you done, little girl?" He sounded angry, irritated. 

You used your powers to rip out his grip. Coughing as he released your neck. You limped back, tremblingly, trying to get up. 

He walked towards you, smirking, see you back away from him, as you watched all your friends and family struggling to get up. He loved how your eyes filled with fear, but he didn't quite catch the angry developing. 

As you watched Bucky, Steve, Thor, and Nat struggle to get up, coughing and holding their side, wincing in pain, their faces dirty and sweaty, a mixture of blue and red blood splattered everywhere, cut and bruised up. It made your heartache to see them go through so much, to see them suffering, but that hurt only turned into more anger. You limped up, holding your stomach, and using the nearby fallen tree trunk for leverage. 

"Oh, have one on the way do we?" He asked, watching you get up.  

"Don't you dare hurt them!" Bucky screamed, trying to get out of the root trap.

"I wouldn't dream of it," He said, turning to look down at you. "But, you are a key element in fulfilling my destiny." He walked slowly to you, as you tried to pool up some energy to stand tall. 

"Your destiny is to kill half this universe's population?" You asked, stalling him. "To take the life of innocent people!" You stepped forward, angry souring through your veins. 

"This universe!.." He looked around, "Needs a balance. And I am trying to bring it just that," He sighed turning back to you. 

You were fulling standing now, still holding your stomach with one hand as the other created a  purple crystal ball. 

"Not willing to give up, I see," He smirked. 

"Never give up, child," Odin said, picking your face to look at him, "Just focus," He nodded. You smiled at him, turning to the 10 warriors standing a few feet away, waiting for your father's sign to charge at you. 

"Now," He spit, making all ten grown hurdle towards the child in front of them. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, remember what Odin said, 

"Let them think they have the leverage. Once they slip, show them who you really are. Y/N, the strongest of them all, my daughter."

You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath as Thanos walked to you, throwing away anyone who tried to stop him. 

"Let them think they have the leverage. Once they slip, show them who you really are. Y/N, the strongest of them all, my daughter."

You opened your eyes, the brown part replaced by a ring of purple flames. 

Thanos pointed his gauntlet at you, sucking the energy out of you, but you waited, once they slip, you thought. You fell to your knees, wincing in pain, but not letting it take over.  

Control, and concentrate, and wait for him to slip, you repeated over and over. 

You tuned out everyone's yells, just focusing on the giant purple Titan in front of you. 

Thanos struggled at first, feeling the energy of the four already collected stones, plus yours now souring through him. But once he saw you not struggling as much, he got cocky, smirking, he walked closer. 

What. A. Mistake. 

Once they slip, show them who you really are. 

As soon as he stepped into your radius, you took support, standing up. Lifting your head you see his smirk disappear. 

You opened your eyes, seeing the men just a foot away from you, circling you, attacking you from every direction. You let them take advantage, let them think they were gonna win. But as soon as they starting getting slower and softer with their attacks, you used your powers, pulling them closer, creating a ball of the men around you and lifting them, trying to sustain as long as you could, as soon as you reached your maximum capacity, you let go, making the men fly back in all directions. 

You held your hands out, slowly creating a purple forcefield around you that help you levitate. 

Thanos furrowed his eyes, feeling the energy surge stop. As soon as you see him slightly drop his hand, you use the leverage. You point your hands to him, two purple whips surround him, squeezing him. 

You grunt, trying your best to keep him tied up, but with every passing second, you felt worst. Even though you were gaining back your powers, it felt draining, like it was trying to suck your soul away, feeling weaker by the second. 

You tried to concentrate on something, anything.

"Mama?" Rebecca? You looked to the side, still struggling to hold on to the Titan, seeing your daughter looking at you, being held back by Yama. "Mama!" She yelled again. 

You turned away from her, not being about to face her. "Oh, look at that!" Thanos smirked, through the pain, as he saw Becky struggle to get away from Yama. 

"Don't you dare look at her!" You yelled, tightening the grip around him. 

"Ahh!!!" You shrieked, crying at how much your body hurt, it felt like the energy was picking at each of your nerves. Focus, Y/N! Focus. You thought to yourself, he can't win, not after he destroyed your Asgard. Not after he killed Loki. 

"Wow, they get along together." Bucky smiled, pulling you to his side, as you both watched Loki show Becky small fireworks bursting in his hand, something your mom had taught him before you were born. 

"Yeah, they do." You smiled back, leaning your head on his shoulder, a small tear slipping out.

"Mama! Mama! Look what Uncle Loki can do with his hands." Becky yelled, waving to you from the backyard. 

"Yeah, butterfly." You laughed, wiping the tear away and heading down to your family with Bucky's hand in yours.

Thinking of the memories of Loki, Becky, and Bucky definitely helped you focus.

"You killed him." You seethed, through the crying. "You killed them all." You felt the angry taking over. "You will pay for that."

Thanos tried to speak but you pulled harder, making him just groan from the discomfort. 

This time you let the anger take over, let it drive you.  Thanos tried to fight against the energy being sucked out of him, but he just stood there helpless and in pain.  Feeling the powers surge back into you, you used them to lift him, making sure he was not about to use his hand. Pulling him closer, so you were just a foot away. "You will pay for killing my brother." You cried, using all your strength to stop him. 

You let out a high pitch screech, reaching your maximum potential. Pushing though the pain, making the forcefield around you increase, you tried one last time, pushing it towards the purple giant. 

He wrestled, trying to get out of the grip, he looked straight at the ball of energy coming towards, fear filled his eyes as he struggled helplessly. 

Seconds, it took a few seconds before it hit him, bursting him into a swarm of deep purple butterflies, releasing everyone who was held back with restraints. 

You tried to stay conscious, but having to deal with this much, being pregnant on top of that took a huge toll on you, as soon as it hit him, you lost control, plummeting from 15 feet off the ground. 

Just as you were gonna touch the ground, flesh and metal hands took your impact, setting you down slowly, you winced, every part of your body hurting beyond words. As soon as you settled on the floor, another pair of hands resting on your stomach, a pair of small, dainty hands. You were too spent to see who they were, but by how they held you, you knew. 

Bucky, and Rebecca. 

Alright, guys!!! In love with a Monster is OFFICIALLY completed 😭

I still have two more bonus chapters, that I will try to post within this week, but I have like a million assessments piled up, that I have due by the end of the week. 

Also, also!! I have 3 more Bucky and Sebastian fanfics in the works, that will be uploaded in the next 2 weeks so, just watch out for them. 





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