Only time will tell

By BeBe1918

49.5K 1.5K 173

"If you do that again, I'll throw you off this bloody tower you - what on earth are you doing?" "Checking how... More

Tell Me About Tomorrow
Playlist/ Aesthetics
Chapter one - How to run from the mess you made
Chapter two - I Call Shotgun (Said the Dead Man)
Chapter three - The Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface & Go Fuck Yourself
Chapter four - Laughter in the tombs
Chapter Five - Our Old Friend Death
Chapter six - Emotions are for children
Chapter eight - Words To Live By
Chapter nine - 100 Times a Therapist was Needed
Chapter Ten - 50 shades of your blood
Chapter eleven - Today on Dr Phill - A Traitor
Chapter Twelve - Possession or Obsession ?
Chapter thirteen - The Good, The Bad and The Okay I Guess
Chapter Fourteen - The Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie

Chapter seven - Things Go Wonderfully Right (Or Horribly wrong)

2.6K 89 6
By BeBe1918

Perish. Suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way. When I was a small child there had been a series of unfortunate events. Yes, that would be the best way to put it. I had never been able to recall the events of which consisted them until today. 

The very first incident had been after a snobby little brat of a girl named Nancy had stolen my lunch. It had been specially made for me by Bruce and I had been extremely excited to eat it. I had even gone to the extent of bragging about it in art class. When lunch had came and I had gone to have it, I horrifyingly shocked to find it gone. To my dismay I found Nancy the rotten bitch eating it. To say the least I was devastated. Now, I would like to point of the events which came to be after this were not my fault in the slightest. The field had set completely alight around her. Boom. Gone.

No one had been harmed. They didn't know it was my fault however my father and mother were dead set on moving. So we did and when it happened again (this time I had caused a slight earthquake) Pepper and Tony came to the conclusion of home schooling. They hid away my powers. Keeping them dormant. Never causing to much of a certain emotion.

After many years I had seemed to completely forget about these events. Well, that was until today. 

The ground below my feet had started shaking thunderously and the once clear sky was now pouring down with torrential rain. The wind was howling, all the doors and windows flew open. The fire in my room, that had once been clam and collected was now roaring around me room blistering my skin and shredding my bedding. However it only seemed to skim my belongings. It seemed to repulse away from them.

I could hear screams and shouts of desperation around me but it was all muffled. Like background music. Unimportant. All I could think about was the fact that the letters from the one person I had ever loved had been burned to smithereens. The hatred and anger consumed me and I felt fat wet tears rolling down my cheeks. 

Just I was about to scream, I then felt a sharp sting in the back of my neck. I felt a soothing presence roll over my body.

Then everything went black.

---------------- Time Skip -------------

"Shut the fuck up Prongs we did not kill her."

"Sorry, you wank stain, that since she's hear, lying unconscious for weeks, not responsive, that I don't know, maybe we might have killed her."

"Both of you, please kindly die in a fucking hole, if you won't be quiet for one bloody second. Thank you."

"Alright, Moony no need to get your knickers in a twist, either way none of this was our fault, we pranked her like usual. We will return the letters later."

Silence echoed around the room.

"Have you guys felt the pull to her?"

"Fuck, yeah, I have Prongs. Keeps me up at night. All I can do is think about her."

"Merlin, you two are a pair of bloody saps."

"Whatever, all I'm saying is we can't keep on denying the bond. We need to do something and fast."


---------------- Time Skip --------------

Light flooded my vision as I opened my eyes. My head felt like it had been ripped in two and then sewn back together continuously. I tried to get up but an arm pushed me back down.

"Now, now Flo, careful there."

"What the bloody hell happened?" I say as I placed a cushion behind myself to help keep up. In front of me was five sets of eyes that stared at me with worry. Elijah, Violet, Blaise, Severus and Regulus. 

"Don't you remember Flo. You were in your room when it set alight. Thank god someone pulled you out in time otherwise you would be dead right now," Violet informed me.

"Wait what," my head flooded with flashes of memories. Red hot flames flickering around me. Sheer fear consuming me. And the letters. The letters were gone. The only memory left of him.

"My letters, there gone. Someone has burned them. Oh my god," I cried. I was hysterical. I couldn't stop crying, mumbling words of dismay. All I wanted was for Bucky to be here. He always knew what to say, to help me. He never made me feel bad or guilty. He understood the pain of loosing someone you loved. But he wasn't. I would have to make do with what I have. And right now. Right now that was my friends.

Severus pulled me into his chest, letting me sob. And as time went on and my sobs turned tears and my tears turned into snivels, I slowly clamed down. I leaned back onto Severus and closed my eyes listening to his heartbeat. He stroked my hair and kissed the crown of my head.

"Your going to be okay Florence. I promise."

------------------ Time Skip - Two Months Later ------------------

The first week after waking up, I had spent the majority of my time crying. I had laid in the hospital eating ice cream and listening to music. The burns on my body were not too bad Poppy had told me. I would be alright.

The second week I had spent my time sitting in my bed writing hateful letters addressed to the Marauders. I never sent them but I did however keep them in my draw. I would re-read sometimes and imagine what it would be like if I really told them how I really feel.

The third week I was dismissed from the hospital. I started going to lessons. I completely avoided the marauders but when I did see them I gave them vicious stares. I spent my time outside of lessons either with Hagrid caring for the animals or painting in my room.

One month after the incident, I was back to my routine. Going to lessons, Hogsmeade at the weekends and spending time with my friends in-between. Everyone seemed to be so happy with there soulmates. Strung up in love. Yuck. But sometimes I was jealous, that I would never experience that. Although something had changed, the marauders had not pranked me once since the incident. In fact they had gone out there way to be nicer to me. Smiling at me in the hallway. Holding the door for me. It was weird. I hoped they didn't think I was going to forgive them so quickly. They needed to grovel at my feet.

Now two months later, half way through November I was extremely excited for Christmas and my birthday. I couldn't wait to see my family. I had so much to tell them. However, tonight it was Violet's birthday and there was a party happening in the Ravenclaw common rooms. 

I was now getting ready in my room. I was late again, so I hurriedly did makeup. I added a red lip and did my hair. Getting changed into a sparkly gold slip dress which hung low on my back and putting a pair of heels on which were covered in hearts.

This is just what I imagine her wearing, but you can obviously choose whatever you want.




I grabbed my oversized leather jacket and then rushed out of my room.

-------------------- Time Skip -------------------

The party was in full swing by the time I had arrived. People were making out on the couches, doing shots in the corner, smoking weed by the window and dancing basically everywhere.

 I spotted Violet dancing (if that's what you can call someone, quite honestly grinding on someone else) with Elijah. She was already completely drunk and laughing like maniac. When seeing me, she sprinted over and hugged me.

"Happy Birthday Vi," I shouted over the music.

"Oh my god, thanks', I can't believe I'm 17. Oh yeah just to say my brother is looking for you. The dick. Don't forgive him." And with that she was gone. 

I went over to the drinks table and grabbed a bottle of fire whiskey. I was going to need I realised as I saw Potter coming over. What a nightmare.

"Oi Stark, fuck you look. Shit, you look bloody brilliant," he called out.

"Don't talk to me, someone might think we are friends."

"Come on, Florence ."

"No. Don't you dare talk to me."

"If it makes you feel better, you can slap me. LIGHTLY."

"Piss off you wanker. I have nothing to say to you." I pushed him slightly and with that I walked of.

As the night went on I became slightly drunk. Only slightly. It was later on and I was dancing by myself enjoying the music as it flowed through my body. That was when I felt pair of hands on my hips. At first it was fun having someone guiding my body to the beat. I took another sip of my drink. My head became dizzy and someone was moving me towards the corridor. Hands were slipping my dress. I tried to get push them away but it was like I had no strength. My arms just flopped down.


"Please no. I don't want you."

"Of course you do you whore look at the way your dressed."

"No," my words slurred. Whoever it was carried on undressing me. They were placing sloppy kisses on my neck. My head was filled with panic. But I couldn't do anything.

"Stop it. Get off."

That was when I heard heavy footsteps behind me. 

"You heard her Rosier. Get the fuck off or else I swear that micro penis of yours is going to be so far down your throat that you will choke and die."

But the hands carried on traveling. 

"Alright that's it you bloody bastard."

I hear grunting. And the crack of a nose. Something wet splattered over my face. It had to be blood. 

"Come on, darling. Let's go." Two strong arms picked me up. When I looked up to the face of my knight in shinning armor, there lied one of my bullies. Remus Lupin.

"Knight in shining armor," he said with a raised brow. 

Shit, I said that out loud. The arms carrying were so strong and comfy. I should tell Remus that.

"You don't need to tell me anything."

Gosh he is so handsome.

"Why thank you my dear."

"Just leave me here to die," 

"No can do Flo, let's get you back to your common room."

As we arrive back to the Gryffindor, Remus places me down. He puts me in bed and strokes my face. 

"Be more careful next time. I don't want to have to save you again."

He kisses my forehead.

"Sweet dreams love."


Thank you for reading.

Don't forget to like and comment.

Just to say here is the soulmark on the marauders for Florence.

Florence's Patronus and Animagus is a red fox. 

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