Dead Hand of the Past

By washu14

82 1 0

The Maidens and the Warriors are on their second set of Temples and in the first one they must face their far... More

Ichiro's Decision
Azure Visit's Jem
Leander Gets a Report
The Amber Forest
Azure Plays with Fire
A Royal Summons
Jem Discovers the Truth
In Honor of the Maiden's
A Forbidden Love
Amberley Keeps Azakia Distracted
The Dawn of a New Day
Kirin's Worry
Ichiro and Azakia Talk
Donnetta Escorts Them to the Temple
Parla's Time in the Temple
Azakia's Time in the Temple
Kodora's Time in the Temple
Lilla's Time in the Temple
Saphira's Time in the Temple
Koria's Time in the Temple
Azure's Time in the Temple
Jaden's Time in the Temple
Kazuki's Time in the Temple
Ichiro's Time in the Temple
The Stone Table Ceremony
In to the Lights
The Amberfish and the God Cynthius
Ichiro Remembers the Mist
Kodora Takes Charge
A Buffing for Lilla
Final Preparations Before the Mist
Into the Mist
Fir Darrig to the Rescue
Ichiro's Challenge
Lilla's Challenge
Saphira's Challenge
Jaden's Challenge
Koria's Challenge
Kazuki's Challenge
Parla's Challenge
Azakia's Challenge
Azure's Challenge
Kodora's Challenge
Lilla to the Rescue
Fir Darrig and Ichiro Talk
A Little Time to Rest
Leander's Secret
Rainbow Valley
The Legends of the Rainbow
Tyla Breaks the Code of the Fairies
Souzousha Interferes
The Ark
The Ark Under Attack
Azure and Saphira Check on Jem
A Riddle In the Book of Kirin
The Effects of the Garnet Stone
Azakia's Doubts
Into Hades
The Maiden's and Warriors Visit with Demeter, and Persephone
Ceremony in the Underworld
Across the River Styx
Hades Shows them Another Way
Hades Grants Jaden a Wish
Back at the Palace in Karoo

The Journey to the Amber Forest

1 0 0
By washu14


On the ride, the girls were positioned with their armed escorts. Lilla and Saphira were thrilled their guards Einar, and Newell was so attentive. When the two of them had talked in the privacy of their tent they had an argument on which of them had been assigned the hotter guy. This escort business had its perks. Jaden and Azure decided among themselves they would not fight having escorts. The men were nice, and they were good company. Parla, like the fact Kazuki was to be her personal slave as she put it. Nothing changed between Kodora and Koria they would ride together but look upon the other as their equal. Azakia was assigned to Ichiro, and he had to spend all day in the front because that was where Ichiro seems to think he was needed.

For three days during their travels, the girls didn't see much of Ichiro and Azakia. They didn't eat or socialize with the others. When the girls were alone, they tried to figure out what had changed between them. The bond they thought they needed to accomplish bringing forth Vala appeared to be dying right before their eyes. They didn't know what to do to fix it they would have to bide their time until they could find a way to rebuild what had been lost.

Jaden thought about the premonition about her and Ichiro at the waterfall. She had to admit they seemed very comfortable together; it wasn't like they were doing it to give each other support or because they were going to face something dangerous. It looked like they were a couple the kiss they shared was not friendly it was full of passion. She had to wonder when their relationship would bud into a romance? If that were really what it was they had witnessed. She was eager to experience that kind of passion. The only time she had shared that kind was when she was with Apollo. But that was a lifetime ago.

That night the girls decided after Azure and Saphira checked on Jem, they were going to sing around the campfire and make a campfire snack. Kodora was going to make a Dutch oven dessert. Just because Ichiro didn't want to have fun it wasn't going to keep the rest of them from having any. He sat off in his tent alone listening to the laughter that was drifting from the campfire. They are all in a jovial mood, except for Ichiro and Azakia. He had told Azakia he had been too tired to attend, and they needed their rest for the ride the next morning.

Azakia didn't dare disobey his brother. The years of bonding had nothing to say for the respect he had for his brother would keep him away from the girls. If that's what Ichiro thought needed to be done, but for the life of him, he didn't know why. He missed everyone's Company especially Jaden's. He had grown fond of the maiden, but his feelings were confusing him. Maybe the time away from her would help him work out his feelings.

The next morning Ichiro woke early to take a walk before the others. He was surprised to find he was not the only one up and about. Azure and Kane were sharing a breakfast picnic watching the sunrise. He stood in the shadows and watched in anger. The couple was completely at ease with each other. They laughing and talking as if they were old friends. Damn his decision to protect. They had a few more days before they made it to the temple where he would leave behind the young men he had assigned to the girls. That was when he realized the couple wasn't alone all the maidens were there with their escorts enjoying the sunrise. Anger got the best of him and was surprised by his thoughts. It wasn't just the fact of Azure and Kane was there, but Ben and Jaden were among them. His anger was inflamed. He had to wonder why he was so angry about this what was wrong with him and why did seeing Jaden with someone else make him angry? The image of them holding hands flashed in his head he had not even seen her with Ben. His anger caused him to make a snap decision if they could wake this early they could ride this early. He walked in on their little picnic.

"I hate to break this little tryst up but we must break down the camp and get on our way."

He turned abruptly and walked away. The girls thought they knew what was upsetting him, but the men were at a loss why the prince was upset? Hadn't they been doing their jobs well enough?

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