Wilderness in Alaska

By wolfdreaming

213 69 21

Changkyun is going to go to Alaska and will begin professional training about the wilderness there. He don't... More

Arriving in Alaska
Enjoying time with friends
Last day before work starts again
Getting to know the college
New class New friends
The Past and the Future
Mysteries after Mysteries
Fear or courage
Live or death
What happened?
Being Famous?
Trying to calm down
Stressful day again?
Studies and curiosity?!
Long study day
The solution!?
See you again?
Lonely... Hurt...
From sad to funny
Bad timing
In your face
Just Love

Rescue! Love?

8 2 2
By wolfdreaming

(Disclaimer:  This one doesn't have better read as well, and also including the following chapters, still have fun reading^^)

Minutes felt like hours till Lyria arrived but she came as soon as Shownu checked the time. Shownu opened the door and let Lyria in. With a little stare to the air, he noticed that the Blizzard was moving further and the weather just changed to a light snowfall.

-Perfect time, I don't know how Lyria is doing this, she is just a lucky person.- He thought, -In comparison to Changkyun, Lyria had much more luck with the weather.-

A thought in his background appeared when he wished that Changkyun had that luck because then he wouldn't have been seriously injured and he may haven't lost his consciousness by that.

"Thanks for coming, Lyria!", he welcomed her.
"You're welcome. It was easier than I thought and it was even faster to get here. But now where is the wolf?"
Shownu showed her the way and explained to her once again but more detailed what the matter by the wolf is and what he had already given him for medicaments.

"I wished I could have done more for it. I feel guilty that it's my fault, that I made the first neat too loose and with this I caused the situation where we are now… Maybe I should have called you earlier or just should follow the advice you would have given me through the phone."
"It's fine Shownu, don't worry too much and don't think your doings were useless. You have rescued the life of the wolf, otherwise, I'm sure, it already would be dead. Get out of those thoughts and be proud of what you have done. Anyways, now, let me pay attention to the wolf."
Shownu nodded, let Lyria begin to analyse the matter and followed her commands to help her.

"So far, it seems like it has a sepsis which could make sense. As you told me, the first neat you had made was too loose and from that the wolf was bleeding again as soon as it moved a little bit. In that time it might be possible that it has caught a bacterium and this caused the sepsis it has now."
"Yeah that makes sense… To sum up, it's my fault since the first neat was too loose.. Why haven't I made the neat tighter? I'm such a bad vet…" he talked himself down.
"Shownu don't take you down. Yeah you made a mistake but without mistakes you don't learn and won't improve yourself. In addition, you called me which was good and much better than trying to figure out what the matter is. You hadn't waited too long, instead you decided right away as you noticed, you need professional help."
"Thanks, Lyria. Still I'm disappointed with myself, I will definitely learn from this mistake but I mostly wished it wouldn't have happened. Anyways, what will you do now? Since sepsis is more or less the solution, what is the next step?”
“Well, I guess the best would be if we will give it some antibiotics the following days. The other opportunity would be an operation but that’s more risky than the antibiotics.”
“Yeah that sounds good. How many should I give it every day? Three?”
“Yes, three is good. In the morning, afternoon and evening as you know from others.”
Shownu nodded and noted down the facts in the report.

“As a thanks, do you want to stay for a coffee? I also have some cookies if you want to have them for coffee?” Shownu asked shyly.
Even though Shownu has known Lyria for a long time, talking with her about other things than medical stuff he gets nervous and shy easily.
“Sure, but you don’t need to thank me in any way. It was my job to come for help. However, I surely won’t deny your offer,” Lyria answered with a little laughter.

Changkyun was still on the couch while Shownu and Lyria talked together about the wolf. He noticed something which is kinda weird but at the same time cute. The way Shownu looked over to Lyria seems like Shownu would have a crush on Lyria. His shyly and nervously invitation for a coffee with cookies said it all to Changkyun but maybe he wasn’t right.

-Maybe it’s just normal between them. I mean I haven't seen him for a while, so everything is possible. In addition, a lot might have changed in that time. I will ask him, hehe… But firstly, I want to know what the results of their talk about the wolf was. -

Changkyun saw both coming out of the restroom. While Shownu was preparing the coffee, Lyria came to the table and sat down.
“What’s the result now? Is it very dangerous?” He asked as soon as he sat down at the table too.
“Soo, I wouldn’t say it’s very dangerous but it’s needed to take it at least seriously. The wolf has got a sepsis from the first neat. The blood came out and yeah while that a bacterium got into the wolf and caused the sepsis. The result is that the wolf has to get antibiotics for the next few days and also some rest. You could pay attention to it so it won’t do anything stupid.”
“Ah okay. I will definitely take care of it. Thanks for helping.”
“No worries. It was my job as I already told Shownu”, she answered with a smile.

Shownu came back from the kitchen and put some cookies on the table and gave the coffee to Lyria. They talked a little bit about different stuff, for example how much damage the blizzard had caused and also about the animals which had got hurt and needed help from Lyria. Shownu and Changkyun listened carefully. Shownu was more focused about what injuries the animals had got and what Lyria has given them, while Changkyun listened to the behaviour they have given by the process of their healing. In addition, both tried to guess what has to be done to help those animals and Lyria answered whether with a 'yes' and explained this more detailedly or with a 'no' and gave them some tips to get another idea which might be right.

Hours passed when they finally came to an end of the talk. It was already in the late afternoon and the snowstorm stopped and some sunshine came through the clouds. The light was a deep orange mixed with yellow and illuminated Shownu's room.

"It was a nice day. I hope the wolf will get well soon, if not please call me Shownu," Lyria said before she went to the door with Shownu.
"Of course, I will update you. Thanks for coming and staying for some time here."
"Yeah, thanks for coming and helping and also talking with us about those interesting topics," Changkyun added.
"A lot of ideas came out through that. Anyways, I need to go now otherwise I may end up staying the whole night here."
"Ah yeah. So then see you!" Shownu said with a shy voice.
"See you two!"
Then Lyria went out of the house, to her car and drove away from the parking spot.

"Do you like her a lot?" Changkyun asked Shownu as soon as he closed the door and went to the wolf to give it its antibiotic.
"What's that for a sudden question, Kyun?"
"Well, I'm just curious. But still could you answer the question?"
"Yeah I like her, even a lot but just as a close friend. Do you really think I have a crush on her?" Now even Shownu was curious about this sudden topic.
"For me it seemed like that. It came to my mind when you asked her for a coffee and it was kinda suspicious how you said it to her shyly. In addition, you couldn't stop looking at her when we talked about those topics. Isn't that obvious?"
"I don't know. Did I really look so long at her? That's so embarrassing. We two don't match at all."
Shownu was confused and unsure about his feelings. He thought about it but made the conclusion that it's not possible. He is sure but he also doubts it.
-What Changkyun has said makes sense, it seems like I'm having a crush on her but I don't want to believe this. We two really don't match, do we?-

"What exactly do you mean that you two don't match. I see a lot of similar things. You two are vets, love nature, you two are curious about rare injuries or accidents from animals and also you two get along well. Shownu, it's an opportunity now. Decide if you want to take it or not."
"There are some right points but I need to overthink it through the night, to get a clear mind about this. Tomorrow I can say more."
Changkyun accepted it but he still was sure that Shownu has a crush now and annoyed him with his curious looks every time Shownu looked over to him.

-The wolf took the antibiotics without noticing it which is a good start for its recovery.- was the last thought Shownu had before he went to sleep.

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