Sword Art Online: Les Loups F...

Autorstwa -Luckau-

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November 2022, Sword Art Online (SAO) is the first full-experience VRMMORPG to be published. Chris a young fr... Więcej

Chapter 0: Prologue
Arc 0 Chapter 1: The beta starts! Time to discover the game
Chapter 1.5: The beta ends! Time to say goodbye until the official release
Arc 0 Chapter 2: Welcome to the World of Swords
Chapter 2.5: The Anneal Blade quest
Arc 0 Chapter 3: The Assault Team
Arc 1 Chapter 4: L'Alpha, The Beater and Le Commandant
Chapter 4.5: The second-floor boss raid / The Emergency meeting of the Jericho
Arc 1 Chapter 5: The Dark Elves of Lyusula
Chapter 5.5: The 1st E.I.S. Team in movement
Arc 1 Chapter 6: The Defense of Fort Drayob part 1 / I met somebody that I know
Chapter 6.5: Yuuki
Arc 1 Chapter 7: The Treasure Hunt in the Ruins (with some bombs)
Chapter 7.5: A deadly trap from the Fuscus Colossus
Arc 1 Chapiter 8: Sorry I just demolished an enemy camp.
Chapter 8.5: A battle like no other
Arc 1 Chapter 9: I'm starting to get fed up of you!
Chapter 9.5: Oh allez quoi! I hate leading!
Arc 1 Chapter 10: The girl with her familiar, the sister, the twins (our pains)
Chapter 10.5: The hunts are open: Dead to the Big Yeti! Dead to the Black Cat!
Arc 1 Chapter 11: The defense of Fort Drayob part 2 / Anyone but not her!!
Chapter 11.5: The end of the Elves War
Arc 1 Chapter 12: The 10th-Floor is here
Chapter 12.5: I count on you Koharu and Luckau's visions
Arc 1 Chapter 13: The Assault Team vs Kagachi the Samourai Lord
Chapter 13.5: Merry Chrismas or don't die
Arc 2 Chapter 14: The new worlds are waiting us
Chapter 14.5: Welp a wolf is with our team now

Chapter 3.5: The first floor boss raid

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Autorstwa -Luckau-

16th November 2022, 10h00 (10:00 a.m.), Floor 1, Town of Beginning, Montel Inn:

Chris lvl 16, Koharu lvl 16, Luckau lvl 21. Total cols: 112 213

4 days after the reunion about the Labyrinth raid and the party to better know themselves, Chris, Koharu, and Luckau are having their breakfast before the raid starts in a few hours, Luckau asks Chris and Koharu if they are ready to fight...

Luckau: So my friends, ready to fight this afternoon?

Koharu: Yeah, I'm stressed a little bit but I think that I'm ready!

Luckau: Chris?

Chris:... *Meditatiing his sprit*

Luckau: Chris?

Chris is thinking in his mind, Luckau calls him again not aware of a behaviour that Chris hates at all...

Luckau: *Advice her* Koharu, you should cover your ears now. *Raise his voice* CHRIS RÉVEILLE-TOI! WAKE UP!

Chris opens his eyes and throws an apple at Luckau's face because he shouts again. Luckau falls from his chair because of the power of the apple thrown.

Luckau: *Collapse* Agh! Merdeuhhh!

Chris: *Angry at him* La ferme Luck! You know that I was thinking in my mind and you know that I hate to be interrupted, even more, when you're SHOUTING AGAIN! *Instant mood change* Anyway, what do you want?

Koharu: He asked us if we were ready for the afternoon raid.

Chris: Bien sûr that I'm ready you idiot Luck!

Luckau: *Wants to know about his meditation* What did you think in your mind?

Chris: *Uncertain about the plan* Some backup plans if something goes wrong. We rely too much on the guidebook and our knowledge during the beta fight. What if the boss is modified at the last minute? We could have some issues...

Luckau: *Exaggerating a bit* Don't worry too much Chris, there will be nooooo problem, everything will be fiiiiiiiiine!

Koharu: Didn't you just sound like a Karen Luckau?

Luckau: Euh nah, shadup Koharu.

Koharu: *Poot* You meanie Luckau, I was joking, anyway I just checked our potions in the inventory and we should buy more before we go.

Chris: Honestly, if we have plans to synthesize the potions, it will cost fewer cols to produce them than buying them.

Koharu: But it's not on this floor, that we can synthesize our proper potions?

Chris: Yep, it's at the beginning of floor 3 at the same time as doing the Elves Campaign so until then, we will continue to use our cols. T_T

Koharu: At least we have no money issues, for now..., ok, I go back to my room to change myself. *Goes back to her room*

Chris: Ok!

Luckau: Take your time Koharu, the raid is in 7 hours!

Koharu backs to her room to change herself while Chris and Luckau discuss in French: Kirito, Asuna, Koharu, themselves and their roles in the party...

*Discussion in French*

Chris: *Interoggates him* In fact, do you think they're ready on their side??

Luckau: Oui, just look at their levels, Kirito is level 20 and Asuna is level 18, plus at 5, we form the perfect hybrid team!

Chris: Did you tell them at least, what their roles will be on the front?

Luckau: Ouais and Kirito will have the role of Damage with Asuna, given their levels, you and I will be the Tanks, and Koharu will have the role of Support.

Chris: *Wants explanation* Do you put her in Support because you think she's still weak, or because she's not ready?

Luckau: *Explain to him frankly* Je te hais when you're like that, yes I decided to put her back on the front, so what? Yes, she's not ready to face the boss directly, here I said it!

Chris: *Is not convinced* Mais, she has the same level as mine, the same type of equipment, so why not put her in Damage or Tank?

Luckau: Chris, listen to me well, je suis un gaming developer so I know what I'm doing, no way that there are victims, okay?

Chris: *Sigh* Well, as long as you assume the composition that you made, I follow you, but I will not be on your side if you mess with her or with I don't know who or what ruined the raid you got it?

Luckau: Okay, the deal concludes, anyway let's talk about something else, will you?

Chris: Chris: Nan, it's okay, she's gonna be here soon, so let me meditate again, I want to concentrate as much before the fight.

Luckau: D'accord Chris.

Luckau resumes writing his notes if someone, read his book if one day he dies on the front.

Chris: Already writing your last wills?

Luckau: *Sarcasm* Very funny

The minutes pass as the boys continue what they doing when Koharu is back and ready to go.

Koharu: *Fully equipped to raid* Hey guys I'm back!

Luckau: Re Koharu ready for the last grind then?

Koharu: Yeah! Let's go!

Luckau: *Clap* Okay Chris time is over!

Chris opens his eyes and takes his sword next to him.

Chris: *Concentrated* Yep I'm ready, let's buy the potions and do a last grinding, allons-y!

The trio takes the last quest available at the same time as buying the potions before going on their way to the raid before it starts at 14h (2:00 p.m).

Minutes later...

13h30 (1:30 p.m.), Floor 1, Tolbana Amphitheater:

43 players of the Assault Team are gathered for the last briefing. Before the raid starts, they are equipping themselves for the battle. Luckau had already sent a recon team, his team to clean and make a secured way to the boss room, when Kirito and Asuna were back in the group, 1 hour ago. Diavel and Luckau check if the parties are ready...

Diavel: *Checking if the recon team has made it* Alright guys, the recon team has just sent me a message right now, and the labyrinth is secured, which means that we can go now!


Assault Team raider 1: Let's beat that boss!

Assault Team raider 2: It's time to clear that 1st-floor!

Diavel: For the last 4 days, you players trained hard to be very well prepared, the average level was on our first meeting level 5, and now the average level is level 12!

Luckau: I hope you haven't forgotten your roles and tasks, everyone! I don't wanna fail this one!

Kibaou as always asks a sensible question...

Kibaou: *Putting a question* Hold on I have a question!

Luckau: *Doesn't wants to listen him* (Et merde, il veut quoi encore lui!) Oui Kibaou? *Hoping that's an appropriate question*

Kibaou: Do we know which player will get the reward of the last hit bonus?

Diavel: Honestly, no, but it's not the priority, the player who will get it, will keep it like we said on the first meeting, got it?

Kibaou: Yeah, got it Diavel.

Luckau: Ok, I call the leader of each team if they are ready, say it!

*Raising his voice* *Call each parties leaders*

Luckau: Leader of party Alpha, Liten!

Liten: *Stand up* Tank team Alpha, ready!

Luckau: Leader of party Bravo, Agil!

Agil: *Stands up* My Second Tank party Bravo is ready, Luckau!

Luckau: Leader of the party Charly, Diavel!

Diavel: My Charly squad is ready!

Luckau: Leader of party Delta, Typhoon!

Typhoon: *Stands up* Second Main Damagers group Delta ready!

Luckau: Leader of the party Echo, Kibaou!

Kibaou: *Stands up* Third H.D.A. party Echo is ready to fight!

Luckau: Leader of the party Foxtrot, Jake!

Jake: *Stands up* Foxtrot Supporter Team, is ready to help you!

Luckau: Leader of the party Golf!

Stilla: *Stands up* Helpers party Golf, ready!

Luckau: And of course, my party the Hybrid party Hotel, is ready since I already sent it securing the way.

Diavel: Ok then, everyone is ready? So let's go it's 14h! (2:00 p.m) it's time to beat this boss!

The Assault Team: *Warcry* YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!

The Assault Team leaves the amphitheatre and uses the teleportation of the village to be transported in front of the 1st-floor labyrinth.

Meanwhile on the 1st-floor labyrinth...

13h45 (1:45 p.m.), Floor 1, Floor 1 Labyrinth, Boss's room entrance:

Chris, Koharu, Kirito, and Asuna are resting in front of the boss's room after killing the mobs on their way

*All sit-down and rest*

Kirito: Too bad Luckau is not here with us after all the exp earned from these mobs!

Chris: Yep, we killed literally all the labyrinth mobs so for 1 hour we are chill, and you and Asuna earned 2 and 3 levels, so you are respectively level 25 and 23, while me and Koharu are both 20 and Luckau 22.

Kirito: I swear that I will lose hope if the rest of the Assault Team struggles to make their way on us...

Koharu: *Suprised* Why do you say that?

Asuna: *Annoyed and still hidden under her hood* Because 2 days ago a lot of players asked us to help them on the basic fights and a large majority were part of the Assault Team *sigh*.

Koharu: *Sympathize* Oof, at least it wasn't on us they ask or Chris will be very bored with them and Luckau could have been a furious trainer from the army.

Chris: *Smirks* You're right, so much furious that they will cry because of him rather than the game.

The group laughs about Luckau when the Assault Team and he finally arrive at the area...

*Footsteps sound*

Chris: Oh they're here!

Diavel: Ok Assault Team, you can rest a bit.

The Assault Team members are now resting after reaching the boss's room.

*Sit and rest* *Weapons and stuff verification*

Kibaou: Check your equipment and stuff in your inventory.

Luckau: Looks like guys you had fun.

Chris: *Telling the truth* Ouep, we laughed about you!

Luckau: Hein? What did you laugh at me?

Kirito: Oh nothing, back to the operation. Is the Assault Team ready?

Luckau: Yes, I let them rest a bit and maybe 10-15 minutes later we go raid it. Was it hard to secure the area?

Asuna: No, it was easy, too easy at 4, with our high levels on this floor...

Koharu: I know, but it's better to be strong now, rather than be weak right?

Chris:  Yep yep.

Kibaou approaches Luckau to ask how long the raid will during.

Kibaou: Hey Frenchman, I have a question for you.

Luckau: Ask me Kibaou. *Dying inside when he is next to him* (Encore? Oh purée...)

Kibaou: Since you have done the beta phase, do you know how long the raid will last?

Luckau: Well, during the beta, we were largely weaker, and we suffered losses so it took approximately half an hour or more to beat it, sorry I forgot the length. But with our gear and levels, if we are coordinating correctly and following my plans as planned, we could beat the boss in under 30 minutes!

Kibaou: Ok thanks Luckau!

Koharu is curious about Asuna since she still wearing her hood on her head.

Koharu: Hey Asuna, why do you still have the hood on yours?

Asuna: Oh, it's because I want to hide my face from the other players, not because I hate them but because I don't trust them enough, for now, except you, Kirito, Chris, and Luckau.

Koharu: Ok I understand.

Chris begins to lose patience and wants to fight now.

Chris: *Balances himself* Hey! Can we go now? It will be almost an hour that I'm waiting here to beat the boss argh! Je veux me battre! I want to fight!

Luckau: Don't worry, we go now.

Luckau whistles to inform the team.

Luckau: *Whistles to everyone* Break over! Assault Team be ready!

The Assault Team: Yeah!!!

Diavel: *Approach to Luckau* Well let's go! I open the door Luck, since the leader of this raid ^^

Luckau: Sûre do it, Diavel.

*Door opening sound*

Diavel opens the boss room door... after the door is fully open, all the players enter the darkroom.

*Slowly entering the boss's room*

Luckau: Be ready when the lights are on, the boss will appear.

The Assault Team: Roger! *Checking on all the sides*

*Room lights being turned on*

The boss room is now enlightened, and the labyrinth boss of floor 1 is spawning: Illfang the Kobold Lord

*Boss apparition* *Boss cries waiting for the battle*

Diavel: *Orders them* At my signal, we attack.

The boss deploys its Axe and its Buckler Shield, and its HP bar appears on all the players' UI, as expected the boss has 4 full HP life bars...

Diavel: *Giving the signal* Assault Team..., it's time..., Assault Team..., ATTACK!

Assault Team: *Warcry* YAAAAHHHH!

Luckau: *Reminds them* And please remember and stick to the plans, if you don't want to mess up!

The Assault Team is now attacking the boss, the Tank Teams are taking the aggro, Agil's Team is the main Team to be focused on, while Liten's Team helps him and takes the aggro if Agil and his Team lose it.

*Weapons attacking* *Weapons clash*

Agil: *Orders his squad* Tank players let's go!

Liten: Members of my team on me!

*All the tankers engage their part in the fight*

The 3 High Damage Assault Parties are attacking the boss on its flanks and its back.

Diavel's and Kibaou's Teams are mainly composed of 1H Sword holders, Typhoon's Team is formed by a mix of 2H Sword and 2H Axe.

Diavel: *Slash* Kibaou, you take its left flank, my team and I take its right.

Kibaou: *Agrees with him* Okay, Diavel, *asks him* Typhoon, you and your mates take it back?

Typhoon: *Obeys him* We take that Kibaou!

Kibaou: And make sure that you do the move like you did it yesterday!

Typhoon: Sure, I'll do it again!

The two Supporter Teams along with Koharu are staying in the back watching the room and waiting to help the players with difficulty...

Koharu: For now, they handle the boss very well.

Luckau's Team has been split during the beginning of the fight as expected the plans. Luckau and Chris assist the Tank Teams, Kirito and Asuna assist the High Damage Teams and Koharu the Supporter Teams ready for the backup.

Luckau: *Slash* *Looks her* You good Liten?

Liten: *Block an attack* Yeah with you, my team has no issues for now!

Luckau: That's cool to hear, let's continue on this way then. *Slash* *slash*

Agil: Tank on this spot Chris, we will be more efficient after that!

Chris: Bien reçu!

After 10 minutes of fighting, the boss has lost a quarter of its life, when its sbires: the ruined Kobold sentinels, begin to appear on the map

*Multiple monsters spawn*

Luckau: *Alerting the Assault Team* CAREFUL! THE SENTINELS ARE HERE!

Diavel: Kibaou, go take Kirito and Asuna with your team and attack together against the mobs, my team and Typhoon will take the rest.

Kibaou: *Order Asuna and Kirito* Okay you two with me let's go!

Kirito: Asuna let's help them!

Asuna: Yes Kirito, I follow you!

While they fight the mobs the Support Teams are preparing the potions in case of injured players and their delay skills to counter the boss attacks for the extraction moves.

Jake: Ok be prepared, in a few minutes the situation will be modified so be ready to intervene if it goes wrong!

Koharu: Ok!

Kirito: *At the distance* Hey Support Team! I need Koharu with me and Asuna there are a lot of Kobold sentinels on us! We can handle them more easily at 3!

Jake: Roger! Koharu, go join them and help them to kill these mobs.

Koharu: Ok Jake. On my way, Kirito! I coming! *runs to him* *kill the mobs in her way*

While Koharu helps Kirito with Asuna dealing against the sentinels, Luckau begins to have difficulty with the aggro of the boss, after receiving a lot of damage.

Luckau: *Hit* *Argh* Support Team! I need potions here!

Stilla: Luckau, you come and drink some, or we throw some on you?

Luckau: Throw some to me, throw me 3 potions!

Stilla: Ok, don't move I'm throwing them on you! *Long potions throw*

Stilla throws with such perfect precision the 3 potions that Luckau needs, he receives easily the potions and drinks them quickly.

Luckau: *Reception* Perfect, *glup*, *glup*, *glup*, *glup*, I'm good now, thanks Stilla. Chris you alright?

Chris: *Finger up* Ouais ça va, I lost only 10% of my life that's all.

Luckau: *Reminds him* Don't forget to watch your life and when you reach the yellow, you back. *Ask them* Diavel, Kibaou how are the damages?

Kibaou: *Checking the boss's HP* It's good, the boss lost its HP constantly!

Diavel: Indeed, no issues let's continue like that!

The fight is still on after 20 minutes of fighting when the boss's life reaches its final life bar...

Diavel: *Informing the Assault Team* Everyone! The boss will change its weapon in a few minutes, Typhoon, Kibaou, back your mates on Jake and Stilla now! My Team same thing!

Typhoon: Ok mates, go withdraw! *Retreats with his team*

Kibaou: My Party, go join the Support Teams now.

Diavel: Kirito, Asuna, Koharu too!

Kirito: Ok, girls let's go!

Asuna/Koharu: Yes. *Both move away from the danger*

Diavel has sent the H.D.A/Damages Parties on the back front because he has his proper plan in mind.

Diavel: *Thinking in his head* (Sorry Luckau, but I must do it...).

Luckau: *Orders him* Chris, keep the aggro with Liten and Agil, but you begin slowly to back on me.

Chris: Ok ok. Inform me when I move.

Luckau: Dak!

Besides the Tank groups, almost everyone is already or soon with the Support Teams resting before the last phase of the combat.

Luckau: *Openly talks* Normally, Illfang will release its Talwar so the Parties' composition will be 2 Tanks 4 High Damages, and 2 Support, don't rush it now, the plan has worked perfectly since the beginning.

Diavel:... *focused on something*

The boss shouts with rage and informs the players that the last phase is on.

Luckau: Okay Équipe d'Assaut en avan..., *Diavel sprints suddenly* *Yell at him* HEY, DIAVEL!

Diavel interrupts him by rushing with his party to the boss.

Luckau: *Asking him why* Diavel what da hell are you doing?!

Diavel: *Tries to justify* I want the last hit bonus so I will kill the boss!

Koharu: *Can't understand* Seriously? Why?

Asuna: Greedy to get the boss loot at the end *sigh* players never change even in the death game

While everyone is surprised by his action, a majority of the players decide to not respect the plans and go try killing the boss.

Assault Team player 1: *Wondering* Hey why do Diavel and his Team go now and us not?

Assault Team player 2: I don't know, but I want to try my luck so I go too!

Assault Team player 3: Me too! I go attacking!

Luckau: *Remark them* Hey you! Stay here! Stick to the plan!!!

The players do not listen to Luckau, while Kirito and Chris suspect something is wrong with the boss...

Kirito: *Suspect something* Hey Chris, I think there is an issue there about the last phase, I think this is not like the battle that we have done before...

Chris: *Thinks the same thing* You too, you something wrong? Yeah, it's too easy, *sees the anomaly* hey wait a minute, a Talwar, is it straight like that? Shouldn't be curved?

Kirito: Let me see it... *sees a different weapon* no, it's not a Talwar is not with this form, oh oh.

Chris: *Anxious* Don't tell me it's another weapon?!

Kirito: I think so... *recognise the weapon* it's a KATANA!

Chris and Kirito look at each other and both alert the players about the modification.


Assault Team players: *Interrupt their action* What?! *Huge blow*

Diavel: Argh! *Huge fall*

Illfang slashed Diavel and his party with its Katana, other players were trapped by the move too...

Luckau: *Sees the groups down* Merde!

Kibaou: The formation is broken!

Agil: The players are stunned!

Liten: We can't all save them, we need help!

Typhoon: One strike and some players will be dead!

Jake: Support players! Let's go rescue them one per player and get out them of danger!!

All of the support players follow the orders except Koharu who is petrified about this event...

Stilla: Koharu, come on we need you!

Koharu: *Breathing hard* *Petrified of this action* I can't... I can't...

Luckau: Koharu!! *Seeing that she can't act* Merde! *Orders his mate* Kirito, go help Diavel or he will die!

Kirito: *Can't do it* Sorry, but I can't make it in time!

Kirito can't sprint to save Diavel in time when Illfang prepares to hit a deadly attack on him but...

Illfang: *Rage sound*

Diavel: *Facing the boss and his fate* (Shiet I failed I'm going to die, I'm going to die...)

Chris: If Kirito can't save you, MOI JE PEUX! I CAN!

*Dive to block**Crossing Sword*

Chris succeeds in blocking the deadly attack of Illfang but his Anneal Blade is very fragilized after that move.

Chris: *Struggles to block the attack* Bordel de chien! Diavel, dégage de là!!!

Diavel: *Injured* What?

Chris: *Yells at him* I said get out of there! My sword can't handle it argh! *Begin to lose his strengths*

Diavel tries to move a bit but it's not enough to be saved as Chris can no longer block another attack when Illfang attack him again

Chris: *Seeing that his Sword will break* Pas bon ça! Pas bon du tout! It's not good at all! *Sword broken* Fais chier! *Receives with Diavel the blow* Argh! *Projected far away* *Wall impact*

Chris is projected for 50 meters in the direction of the wall next to the entrance door after his sword breaks in half, because of the power of Illfang's attack being too strong for his Anneal to handle it.

Luckau: *Sees his best friend down* PUTAIN! CHRIIIIIIIIIIIS! *Rushes at him with support* STILLA, VIENS AVEC MOI! COME WITH ME!

Stilla: I follow you! *Runs with him*

Luckau and Stilla rush to him quickly to check on his injuries...

Koharu: *Gasp* Chris! Oh no not that, please...

Kirito: *Tells the others of the same danger* Diavel is still not saved, guys!

Asuna: Oh no he will die for sure...

Kibaou: No, I'm here Diavel! *Sprints to him*

Kibaou rushed at the same time as Chris but he was slower despite that, he saved at the last second Diavel before Illfang made another deadly move.

Kibaou: *Leap to push Diavel* Got you buddy don't die now!

Diavel: *Can't believe that he is still alive* My god, thanks Kibaou, *argh* *wants to know about Chris' condition* how is Chris?

Kibaou: *Confused* I don't know but be projected like that, it's certainly a deadly move...

Agil: *Raises his voice* Bring Diavel here! Raiders, assemble! Close to me! Liten, I need you again to aggro the boss while we evacuate the injured players with the Support players.

Liten: Count on me Agil. *Mace pared*

The Support Forces use their delay skills to block and change the boss attacks while the rest of them and Agil and his mates are rescuing the injured players left. As to Chris, he is found by Luckau and Stilla and his HP is critical only 2% of his life is left.

Chris: *Vision blurred* *hearing distorded**paralyzed**cough blood* *cough blood* * throat hit* *Can barely speak and breathe* (Merde! Putain! Mon dos! J'ai mal!) *Cough blood* *cough blood*

Luckau: *Slide to him* *Check his body condition* *Reasures him in French* Je suis là mon ami tiens le coup, hold on, Stilla potions!

Stilla gives the potions she kept in reserves in her inventory to Luckau.

Stilla: *Holding the potions to him* Here Luckau, advanced potions!

Luckau: *Open the potions* *Reach him the potions* Drinks these Chris, you will be better after that! Avale!

Luckau gives the advanced potions to Chris while some players of the Support Team and the High Damage Assault Team protect him from his wounds with Asuna and Kirito coming to him at their turns...

*Drinking the potions*

Asuna: *Worried* You alright Chris?

Chris: *Finishing drinking and can finally speak* I don't think so I can't move at all. *Tries to move a bit of his body*

Kirito: *Constating the debuff* Looks like you have 15 minutes of paralyzed debuff so it's until the end of the fight, which means from now until the end of it, it's game over for you, sorry Chris...

Chris: *Accept the situation* Et merde! *Argh*

Luckau: Don't move Chris. You will hurt yourself.

Koharu arrives at her turn panicking and then sits close to him.

Koharu: *Kneels close to Chris* *Feels guilty of her inaction* Oh, my god, I'm so sorry Chris. *Panicked voice* I was so scared so much that I didn't move after the boss changed its pattern and hit Diavel, and when he was in danger and when you leapt to save him..., *tears begin to flow* both of you almost die because I hesitated too much... it's all my fault!

Chris grabs her hand in order to calm her...

Chris: *Grabbing her hand* *Reassure her* No! It's ok, you did your best, it's your first time you being on the front so... dealing with this situation..., even I panicked when the boss changed its secondary weapon and hit the players.

Luckau: *Prepares a medical check* Ok, I do a concussion protocol, Chris, see my left hand and tell me how many fingers I show to you

Luckau shows 3 fingers to him.

Chris: *Reads the fingers* 3 doigts, argh!

Luckau: Ok, count in French the number from 1 to 10

Chris: Ok, alors, *counting in French* un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix!

Luckau: Ok your brain and head are safe, no concussion, you can rest now my friend, like Kirito said before it's game over. Stay here.

Then arrives Kibaou and Diavel who he leans next to him

Diavel: *Leaned next to him**Guilty of his mistake* Sorry about that guys, I failed miserably!

Kirito: *Saying straight* You know? If you wanted the reward, you should have waited at the last second, not at the last phase, Diavel! Remember what you have learned during the beta!

Kibaou: *Shocked* Wait a minute?! Diavel is an ex-beta player?

Kirito: Yeah...

Kibaou: Why you didn't tell me before?!

Diavel: I know! I'm sincerely sorry Kibaou after all things that I have hidden from you!

Chris: *Complaining* You owe me a huge debt after I saved you! And broke my sword! (And my body!)

Luckau: *Takes back the initiative* I take the lead back and, we will talk about your actions after the fight Diavel, you just ruined my plans!

Chris: *Yelling at Luckau* Luck! Just kill da ducking boss now!! I just lost my sword, I'm out of the action! So I don't want to lose this fight!

Kirito: *Raise his Sword* I, Koharu and Asuna will do it!

Koharu: *Refuses to take part* No, I'm staying next to Chris.

Chris: *Insist that she goes* Argh, Koharu, do it, go help Kirito, there are already players to protect me, so don't worry about me I will be fine.

Koharu: *Listen to him* Ok, I join them too, but be safe Chris.

Chris: I will Koharu, I will... (j'ai tellement mal...).

Luckau: Hey! *Joins them* Don't forget that I'm here too, so I will help you. *Gives orders* Kibaou, you and your team must protect the Support Team while they heal the wounded players from the potential Kobold sentinels.

Kibaou: I'll do it Frenchman, MY GUYS BE IN DEFENSE POSITION NOW!

Luckau: Lind, you're the second of Diavel right?

Lind: Yes, Luckau.

Luckau: Same order, and you take command of your squad!

Lind: Copy!

Luckau: Asuna, if you retrieve your hood, you will be faster since you lose your speed with it, and you will have a better field of view.

Asuna: Ok, I removing my hood, but it's just because we are in an emergency!

Kirito: In any case, the players must know who you are, so..., better to do it now.

Asuna: Ok, ok... *removes her cape*

Asuna removes her red cape, revealing her real appearance to the players, Koharu and Chris are fascinated by her beauty.

Koharu: *Marvelled at her beauty* Woah she is beautiful...

Chris: *Astonished* Bon sang, she looks like my elder sister with her long chestnut hair. *Joking at Kirito* (Kirito, I see that you hit the jackpot)

Luckau, Koharu, Kirito, and Asuna stand together to face the boss. Weapons ready, Luckau tells the trio about the new plan.

Luckau: *Explaining to them the plan* Ok, we will do a four-switch attack at my signal, the opening about this combination is tight so don't fail it!

Koharu: Understood!

Kirito: Copy!

Asuna: Right!

Luckau: Hope you have learned some good Sword skills Kirito because it will be you doing the last attack! Kirito: Yep yep, I have one ready to be used!

Luckau: And girls?

Asuna: I have one.

Koharu: Me too, thanks to Chris.

Luckau: Alright alors, ALLONS-Y, GO! *Ask the rest of the players* To all the players who still have the will to continue, who are not already protecting the weakened players and are not incapacitated, can help us beat down the boss!

Some players assist Luckau and his party to finish the fight.

Agil: Need me?

Luckau: Bien sure, merci l'ami!

Liten: I help you too.

Luckau: Génial Liten!

Chris sees the six players running into the boss, eliminating the mobs in their way. He thinks something in his mind...

Chris: *Depited* (Even with my high level, on this floor, I'm weak on the battlefront..., I can't move at all to help them, I promised Koharu that I would protect her but she is her who is protecting me right now... Maybe I should change my approach to fighting on the next raids who knows? But for now..., my friends... beat it!)

With Agil and Liten tanking the boss, Luckau's group has weakened faster at Illfang as it is now on its critical gauge with 8% HP left. Luckau alerts the duo that he will begin the switch attack.

Luckau: *Thanking the tankers* Agil, Liten, merci beaucoup!

Agil: No problem Luckau.

Liten: After all, it's my role to protect you.

Luckau:*Signals his friends* Be ready to switch my friends.

Koharu/Kirito/Asuna: At your signal!

Luckau charges his switch Sword skill and shouts its name...

Luckau: *Skill charging**Air Slash!* *Jumps* *Skill execution* *Slash*

Luckau jumps in the air and does with his sword 360° move slashing the boss in a full turn.

After finishing the skill, he signals the trio to switch.

Luckau: Koharu switch!

Koharu: Yes, Luckau!

Koharu stands in position preparing the Dagger skill she learned and mastered from Chris since the beta: [Misty Edge].

Koharu: *Concentrated* Ok, if I remember correctly, *Adapts her posture* I must be in this pose with my Dagger outstretched and sprint into the boss like that. *Skill triggering* *Misty Edge!* *Skill execution* *Slash x5*

Koharu does a 5 hits combo straight on the boss, and she tells the duo left to take the rest.

Koharu: Kirito, Asuna, your turn switch!

Kirito: We got it! Asuna?

Asuna: Ready!

Asuna goes on with a fast thrust skill with her rapier.

Asuna: *Skill charging**Shooting Star!* *Skill execution* *Multiple thrusts*

Asuna signs Kirito of the final switch attack.

Asuna: Kirito, Switch now!

Kirito: I have it, die! *Facing close to the boss* *Skill preparation* *Jumps* *Vertical Arc!* *Skill execution* *Slash x4*

Kirito jumps at his turn and slashes the boss vertically with his sword skill, the damage has been quadrupled, because of the four-switch combo, dealing enough damage to end the boss's life.
Illfang the Kobold Lord shout in pain before turning into fragments and disappearing from the room and the players...

*Huge fragments burst*

Koharu: Did... did we beat it?

Luckau: Let's see...

All the players look up and see on their UI that the room now displays the message "Congratulations" notifying the players that the 1st-floor has been cleared.


Last Hit Bonus: Kirito

A brief moment of silence occurs before everyone in the room screams with joy because it is a sign that the boss is dead, that the raid is over, that it is a success and more importantly, that the game can be finished.

The Assault Team: WE DID IT!

Assault Team raider 1: *Cries with joy* My god we did it we beat the 1st boss!

Assault Team raider 2: *Euphoric* Yeah we can beat this game!

But the atmosphere falls down just minutes after when Kibaou wants explanations about this raid...

Kibaou: *Interrupts the celebration* Hold on guys, Luckau you will tell me what's going on now! We almost had casualties during the raid! Kirito and Chris almost let Diavel and the other players die from the boss! I'm sure that they are part of the beta players who didn't assist us before?!

Other player complains like Kibaou and denounces Chris and Kirito.

Stupid Assault Team raider1: *Is a jerk* Yeah these two there, were plotting against Diavel!

Stupid Assault Team raider 2: *is a moron* I'm agreed, they left us there because they wanted us dead for taking more easily their reward!

Asuna: *Disputes* What?! Why do you say that? Kirito and Chris didn't do that!

Kirito: *Trying to defuse the tension* Hey calm down! Kibaou the adrenaline is still on you!

Koharu: *Complaining* Hey that's not fair, Chris is not like that, Kirito's too.

Diavel try to calm Kibaou.

Diavel: *Attempts* Hey Kibaou, calm down please, and let Luckau explain to you.

Luckau: *Plant his weapon on the ground to have everyone's attention* Well, *improvize his speech emergency* I suppose you guessed that Chris, Kirito, and Diavel are part of former beta players like me great. *Calming explaining* Well, it's simple if we had almost deadly casualties, *pointing the blame on DIavel* it's because Diavel let his cupidity win over him because he wanted the last hit bonus reward. This is ambiguous Diavel because you said that the last hit bonus was not important *sigh*.

*Continues to explain calmly* Anyway, the guidebook that I edited with them can have some mistakes like this one ok, but it's because it was a book done in the beta phase, JE RÉPÉTE LA PHASE BÉTÂ!! Not from the official release! *Starts to get angry* So of course, the devs can fucking modify the game before we are aware so that the boss weapons and gear or whatever are different to have greater difficulties! So yeah, you can't blame Kirito or Chris to engage Diavel and other players to gamble themselves to the death, particularly *very angry with some players* WHEN YOU DON'T FOLLOW MY PLAN YOU FUCKING STUPID MORONS!!!

Kibaou:..*have no words*

Luckau is now furious after the Assault Team didn't follow the plan on the last part...

Luckau: *Is in rage* Sérieusement, it was perfect at the beginning and I have nothing to say about the Tank Teams and the Support Teams you were excellent, nothing to say but as for the Damage Teams, except Typhoon's Team... when we were on the last phase you all messed up!! When I said, stay there, you stay there, *sigh* you are all lucky to be alive now, honestly, I should have done nothing and let you die there!

Assault Team raider 3: *Feels insulted* Hey that's harsh!

Assault Team raider 4: *Offended* You meanie Luckau we're sorry!

Asuna: *Wished that he was less harsh* You don't need to say that, Luckau...

Kirito: *A bit shocked at his words* I know that you're furious but telling them that...

Luckau ignores Asuna and Kirito and tells Chris to be with him.

Luckau: *Sigh* *Ordering to wake up* Chris wakes up, Koharu helps him to get up and come here, and Kirito comes here too.

Chris: Ok j'arrive!

Koharu: There give your hand. *Helps him to be with Luckau*

Koharu grabs Chris's arm on her neck and helps him to walk next to Luckau.

Luckau: *Revealing something* Before I leave you here, I think I need once again to introduce better of myself, Chris, and Kirito. If you still think that they are "dirty players" after that, you are already a lost cause in my eyes.

Kirito: *Doesn't want that* Do they really need to know who am I? I mean, they already know that I'm an ex-beta player.

Luckau: *Insists* Yes, but look how Kibaou and these morons described you two, they need to know who you are. *Introduces Kirito* So, this guy on my right is the player who beat Illfang it's Kirito. Like me, he is an ex-beta player selected on day one, who has done a lot of things during the beta phase, including participating in all the 10 beta floors and their raids, being the highest levelled player during this period, helping the other beta players in difficulties and furthermore he has done something that no one has done on the beta. *Looking at him*

Kirito: *Screwed* (Oh no, I must improvise) *Improvising* Yeah, I even succeeded to glitch the game and was transported to the last floors of the game! I could do a lot of unique things.

Assault Team raider 1: *Bluffed* Woah really?

Luckau: *Describing him more* That's right! And guess what, at just the freaking age of 14! Yes, 14, he jailbroke the Proto-NerveGear to have access to that hidden content, so in the community, we nicknamed him, "Kirito the Beater" because he was the player who broke the beta system and the VR device, so the devs were panicking about you! By just you, going on the not-finished and ready floors with that jailbreak.

The people can't believe him, they are astonished.

The Assault Team: Woah!

Luckau: *Describing now his friend on his left* And him, the guy who is broken in half on my left, call him Chris!

Chris: *Feels offended* Je ne suis pas brisé en deux enflure! I'm not broken in half you idiot!

Luckau: *Doesn't care* Anyway, this broken French is Chris, I'm surprised that some of you didn't recognize him before.

The Assault Team wonders why Luckau said that for Chris until a member of the team recognizes him.

Assault Axe raider: *Points at him* Wait a minute is Chris? THE Chris? " Chris, Le Champion Alpha" of GGO?

Chris: *Mega screwed* (Et merde..., Jean-Luc t'es un gros con! You are the big moron) *Have no choice to reveal himself* Oui, it's me..., (oh putain, why?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Assault Sword raider: *Knows him very well* *Very delighted* Hey it's the same Chris as the "Legendary Chris" from ALO wouhou!

Koharu: *Is confused* What? I'm lost here...

Chris: *Sigh* Well I'm just a random former player of these games that's all. You over exaggerating!

Assault Sword really: Really? Random former player, are you kidding me?! You accomplished at the time the unique achievements possible at the time: *Describing all of his achievements* On the [Alfthem Online] game or ALO, you've been the player who has done all the quests including the limited and legendary quests, you had all the Limited, Unique and Legendary weapons and battle gears possible at that time, and you are the only player who has successfully done the World Tree challenge not once but twice!! You are simply the greatest player of Alfthem Online of all time.

Koharu: *Is in admiration over Chris* Woah really? That's awesome Chris, why you didn't tell me that? *Remembered about her conversation* Oh, now I remember what we discussed before, I understand now, sorry...

Chris: *Sigh* *Already fed up* Yep, it still reminded me, of more nightmares than good dreams... you are done here?!

Assault Axe raider: *Takes the sequel to introduce his other triumphs* No and on GGO or [Gun Gale Online], Chris is a former multiple national, three times continental champion! Chris has won a lot of Majors tournaments all over the world,  and more importantly, Chris is a double world champion in solo, and in the team, with his squad, if I remember well... oh yes, it was the French e-sports organization named "Les Loups Alpha".

If he was nicknamed "Le Champion Alpha" or "Le Maître du clutching" it's because he played and led with his squad with an optimal strategy and unstoppable improvisation moves and has done legendary clutches moves, that are still discussed today. This led to multiple streaks of wins for over a year because no one could beat him or his team, even in solo when you were on their visor it was recommended to give up before he or they killed you.

And for the best part, he was the youngest world champion at the time at the age of 12, both solo and with the team! He finished being 3 times back-to-back-to-back world champions in solo, so the youngest triple world solo champion at the age of 14! And moreover, Chris was crowned the youngest double world team champion last year at the age of 15 which he still is to this day! Only Vitality and G2 succeeded in beating him and "Les Loups Alpha" in the finals, 2 and 3 years ago!

Chris: *Tired of that* Yeah, yeah, yeah shaddup now will you? You are too unreliable because you two have forgotten what you and the other players especially have done to me in the past!

Assault Axe raider: But...

Chris: *Still holding a grudge* There is no BUT, don't force me to be brutal on you I still have this on my throat, the harassment that I received during these times, argh! I hate all of you for that! *Yells at them* YOU RUINED MY CAREER! BECAUSE OF YOU AND THAT CONNASSE!!! Bordel de merde! Can we go now? I'm done here why do we have to stay here and don't go to the next floor?

Luckau: *Has not over yet* In a few minutes mon ami, I didn't reveal to them who am I. *Cleans his throat* *Introduces himself without revealing everything* You know that I have been a beta player, great, but you need to know that I was a former Game Master on [Alfthem Online] and [Gun Gale Online], former Grand Master and God Player on [Asuka Empire Online], but the best of my career, I'm the former co-founder (with Chris) of "Les Loups Alpha"!

I was their In-Game Leader for 3 years until Chris took the IGL role and I, became their Head Coach. And as you resumed very well for Chris: former multiple national, continental, Major champions and double world champions with the team, in which my first crown was with my player's career at my 18 years old, and the second was as been the head coach of the team at my 21, so I'm the youngest player to have with a team having all the trophies as a player and a coach ^^.

But unlike him and the other GGO pro players, I have more trophies in solo, because I started to play at 16 years old, and I freaking love participating in LANs, my first LAN's tier S win was at that same age. Despite that, I was only crowned world solo champion once because my best friend defeated me twice in the final stages (in the semi-finals in 2018, and in the final in 2019), I'm the one who beat him for the 4th duel and conquered his world championship undefeated streak ironically! So we had the legendary duel at home in France, and I will never forget that day because I was the world champ on my 21st birthday even if it was during the Pandemic Era, the public was gathered to celebrate with me.

During the competitive scene, I was nicknamed "Lucky_Luckau, Le Commandant des commandant" with the team or "Lucky_Luckau, Le Collectionneur" or "L'Empereur des LANs" in solo! Oh man, I appreciate this one. (And you will of course, never know that I'm one of the SAO creators too! If you know it and that I consider you as a threat, well you are dead!).

Assault Axe raider: OMG! It's you? Lucky_Luckau? The former captain and coach of the team?

Luckau: *Proud of himself and his former team* Ouais.

Assault Sword raider: You have all my respect, man! You're an example of all the communities!

Luckau: *Regrets* If only you haven't trash-talked me, my team and Chris! It's a shame that you will never see us again in action.

Asuna and Koharu are speechless at the introduction of the 3 boys.

Asuna: *Is agape* I can't believe that!

Koharu: *Open-mouthed* Me too, but they really do that, Asuna.

Luckau: *Finish to conclude* So Assault Team, you know now 3 huge huge players who participate in the beta phase and have a huge background. We have the legitimacy to be here and help you but I could say that we don't really need you to advance on the front. Unfortunately, I need you, and you need us since I, Kirito and Chris helped a lot of players in the beta, and in the official release, you can ask some players to prove our truth but if you don't want to do it fine no problem. But you better be cooler with us next time, or we will stop assisting you and we will do our stuff in our corner, got it?

Stupid Assault Team raider 1:...

Stupid Assault Team raider 2: I..., I don't know what to say...

Assault Team raider 3: Luckau is right, I saw Chris and Koharu rescue 2 players on the Rivalry Plains, during the 1st day of the official version.

Assault Team player 4: And me, I was helped by Kirito with his piece of knowledge of the 1st floor, so we really need them in the Assault Team. Without adding that 2 legendary players are with us.

Luckau: *Looking at Kibaou* See now Kibaou? It's better for you and your mates to behave better.

Kibaou: *Apologise* Ok ok, I'm sorry about that, I was angry but you know, no one helped me and some other players before so I want everyone to be equal to each other, we lost a lot of players before, because a few of the beta players refuse to help the newbies and some die because of them, so that's why I was furious.

Luckau: You know, when I distributed the guidebook for the players at the Plaza, you could have asked for help.

Kibaou: I'm sorry, would you pardon me?

Luckau asks Chris and Kirito if they forgive Kibaou.

Luckau: *Looking at them* Chris, Kirito?

Kirito: *Saying straightforward* Honestly, I didn't care about what he said, since I was focused on clearing the game so, let's forget that incident, excuse accepted.

Chris: Same thing, but it must not reproduce.

Luckau: Excuses accepted, my Team, we leave now!

Kiabou: Thank you.

Koharu: You alright Chris to walk alone?

Chris: Yeah I can walk alone thanks Koharu.

Luckau, Chris, Koharu, and Asuna leave the Assault Team to activate the teleportation portal of the 2nd floor, as Kirito stays a bit more, to check his inventory before he joins them.

Kirito: You know? Maybe some ex-beta players are jerks but we are nice and ready and want to help others so think better next time Kibaou and all the players who got a bad first impression of me and my team. It would be a shame if you have a bad reputation because of that. *Seeing his reward in his inventory* Oh, [Coat of Eclipse] that's cool!


*Appearance equipment changed* *Walks away*

Kirito equips his new avatar. He has now a black coat on him and leaves the Assault Team to join his team, at the same time in the hallway, Luckau receives a notification from the system.

Luckau: *Checking his inventory* Hein? C'est quoi ça? Oh...

Koharu: What's the matter Luckau?

Luckau: *Surprised* I have a reward from the boss!

Asuna: What? Normally it's the player who has done the last hit who gets the rewards right?

Chris: *Already knows* I think, I know what is it, my friends.

Koharu: Tell us, Chris.

Chris: Have you seen the announcement "Congratulations" after the end of the fight?

Asuna: Yes and?

Chris: Well under the word, there were 2 other pieces of information under that, Last Hit Player: Kirito and MVP: Luckau

Luckau: *Is confused* Euh, on the beta and even on the development, there wasn't the MVP rewards system at all. It was just the Last Hit to be rewarded on the boss raids.

Koharu: So, that means that the devs developed it during the last phase of development.

Luckau: *Hates his colleagues* So they did it again on my back argh I hate them! Je Les hais!

Kirito arrives with his new black Coat and hears the shout of Luckau.

Kirito: *Finished running* What's going on?

Chris: *Recapitulate for him* To simplify, there is another kind of reward which we can get on the raid, and Luckau got it. Regardless, it wasn't part of the original plan of the game development, *complimenting his new outfit* and you are great with that Coat Kirito, it is the Last Hit Reward?

Kirito: *Showing his drop* Yep, that's neat right? But Luckau, why are you mad?

Chris: The devs have done it on his back again...

Kirito: Ah yeah ok... I understand.

Luckau: Have we done here?

Asuna: I think so...

Chris: Well, we can go to the next floor hehe.

Kirito: Ok girls, next destination 2nd-floor: The Grotto Plains!

Koharu: 99 floors to go then, *sigh* hope we will reach the end.

Chris: We will Koharu, hey give your hand.

Koharu: *Blushes* Oh yes. *Accepting and holding his hand*

Koharu gives her hand to Chris and he tells her something...

Chris: *Thanking her sincerely* Thank you for beating the boss earlier Koharu.

Koharu: No, it's me who should thank you, you helped Diavel to survive, you were there when they needed you and you are still with me even though I messed up my part on the raid.

Chris: *Telling her performance* But you were part of the final combo and Luckau hasn't complained anything about you so, you didn't mess up the raid. It's my fault if I was K.O. for the last part of the raid, so please, don't denigrate yourself Koharu, I don't like you when you are like that.

Koharu: Ok, I will stop doing that Chris, thank you.

Chris: Merci... et de rien.

Luckau: *Seeing them behind* And you two, accelerate a bit rohhhhhh!

Chris: We are not in the Army Luck'! If one day we decide to start back our rivalry on GGO, I will crush you again!

Luckau: In your dreams.

The group laugh at the mood as they continue their way alongside together. Luckau, Chris, Kirito, Koharu and Asuna on their adventures, will meet people who will assist them on the next floors and people who will do their best to slow their progress and even hurt them...

Back to the present day...

The Unknown Person: *Amazed by the story* Piouf, it was intense for a first raid, ok it's not the fight that you have now but hey congrats to them to have no casualties.

WolvesKeeper: Well... yeah, they were lucky, bref, I think I'm fully recovered from my wounds, so if you want to know the rest, you can read their book, as I said, they wrote all the experiences and memories they get during their adventures and from their friends too.

The Unknown Person: Ok I'll do it Wolf, but you know, if you use me you will be fully up to beat their ass!

WolvesKeeper: I know, but I'm not ready to use you not now, I have already my double persona to manage but don't worry when the time comes, I will use you, my friend.

The Unknown Person: Too bad then, well good luck on the fight Wolf!

WolvesKeeper: Merci bien, Maverick. And... it will not be me who will take part in the defence but Kamui. *Vanished*

The WolvesKeeper disappears from the mysterious person named Maverick when he begins to read his personal notes from the 1st EIS.

Maverick The Unknown Person: So, the 1st EIS, what did you do on the second floor, I'm very curious about you even more...

À suivre...

Fin du Chapitre / End of the Chapter:

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