SCP Copycat

By NasukraBTsuki

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[The second book in my SCP Trilogy!] {COMPLETE} SCP-SR50 Resident of Dimension Delta-42 Subject file classifi... More

1- Director
2-Pride Of A Witch
3-Challenge.... Uh..
5- Unexcepted.
6- Explanation.. NOW!
7- Dodging The Point
8- End Of A Legend- 106
9- Dispair.
10- Trail Of Nine-953
11- Compromise
12- Descent Into Madness
13- Wrath Within
14- Death Consumes All
15- Credits

4- Run.. For Your Life.

309 18 15
By NasukraBTsuki

Rocky wanders around the facility stopping by to check on some of the SCPs. He decides to visit 049 first.

Walking into 049's cell he sees the doctor asleep at the operating table. Rocky walks over and shakes him. "Hey! Are you okay?"

049 looks up sleepily. "No.. I feel.. so tired. I have been.. going over these bodies.. for hours.. All I can determine is.. that they were killed by weapons.. the foundation does not.. possess."

Rocky examines the body on the table, seeing that the wound was cauterized by whatever made the hole. "A laser weapon?"

049 slowly shakes his head. "Plasma.. perhaps." He then pulls himself to his feet. "The real question is.. why would SCP-1000 attack the GOC." 049 stumbles.

Rocky catches him. "Maybe they were trying to protect themselves from something far worse?!"

049 stares at the body. "Normally the GOC would pose no threat to them.. so why?!"

Rocky thinks for a moment. "How many bodies were delivered?"

"Six." 049 replies.

"Could they have been the original hosts for the sins?" Rocky asks while leading 049 to his desk.

049 nods. "Considering how I feel.. I dare say I am infected now too." He groans as he sits down.

"So it is sloth.." Rocky sighs.

049 nods as he begins falling asleep again.

Rocky rubs his head. "This is a huge mess." He then walks back out and keys up his radio. "I need a list of whoever is NOT infected.. 049 is confirmed to be the host of sloth."

The sounds of Dr. Therman and Clef cussing can be heard over the radio. 

"I am going to check on 106!" Rocky snaps back. 

Rocky quickly makes his way to 106's cell, not finding him inside. "106, open your dimension to me!" He orders.

Nothing happens.

"106!!" Rocky shouts.

953 strolls into the cell, her tails whipping happily. "You should save your breath. He can not hear you over all those screams."

"Then how have you been collecting livers?" Rocky asks annoyed.

953 walks over to the far wall and pulls off a panel revealing a tar portal. "106 leaves one door open at all times. Even in his torture-fueled state, he would never refuse me entry!" She then reaches in and begins pulling arms full of human livers out. The pile of livers quickly fills a quarter of the cell. She smiles wide as she sits down. "SEE! Isn't he like the best guy ever?!"

Rocky realizes quickly what 343 was trying to tell him. 'Each sin infects the most adequate host in order to destroy the dimension..'

'So let me get this straight.. The little witch girl, 239, was infected by pride.. 999 got gluttony.. 953, envy.. 049, sloth.. and now 106 is infected by greed.. All these I can understand, but why did lust choose Claudia?' The calm voice asks.

'Perhaps it is a distraction tactic.. much like 953's envy is meant to distract me.' Rocky replies.

'So, does that mean Drake is a key player in saving the dimension?' The voice asks.

953 cocks her head to the side as she eats, her ears twitch wildly. "Are you doing that internal conversation thing again?" She asks with her mouth full.

Rocky looks at her questioningly. "Yes. How did you know?"

953 takes another bite of liver. "Humans have a bad habit of breathing in a pattern similar to what they are saying in their heads. In that respect, I can usually determine what someone is thinking. You, on the other hand, only breathe for your thoughts. Whoever you are talking to does not affect your breathing."

Rocky sits down. "953, if something was to happen to Jennifer or our baby, what would you do?"

953 glares at him. "I would kill whoever hurt them!!" She growls.

Rocky glares at her. "Let me warn you, if you hurt them, I will tear you to pieces."

953 hunches over, baring her fangs at Rocky. "They are MINE, just like YOU are MINE!! I do not make it a habit of destroying my own property!!"

Rocky stares back, not breaking eye contact. "You are a fox and I am a wolf. If you truly wanted to claim anyone of us as your 'property' you would have to challenge the pack leader for superiority."

953 casually takes another liver and swallows it whole. "Oh.. right.. that is you, isn't it?" She asks calmly but breaking eye contact.

"Correct." Rocky replies gruffly.

953 shrugs. "I guess we are at an impasse then. I am not foolish enough to challenge you!"

'Her mortality just worked to our advantage.' Rocky stares at her thoughtfully before walking out.

'What was the point of infecting her?' The voice asks.

'I don't know. Perhaps the fifteen year delay is also affecting the sins..' Rocky then walks towards his room, but falls through a dimensional rift in the floor. "Oh! What now?!!"

343 and Lucifer stand a good distance away from each other. Their surroundings resemble a school gymnasium but much larger. They both turn to welcome Rocky.

"Ah! Mister Hagino! Or should I call you Doctor now?" Lucifer asks.

"You may call me whatever you want, as long as you answer my questions." Rocky replies gruffly.

Lucifer confidently nods.

"Since the agreement was that the dimension's destruction would be delayed fifteen years, does that mean the sins will be rendered dormant?" Rocky asks.

"Yes, that is exactly what that means. It is no longer MY responsibility to end this dimension." Lucifer answers.

"You make it sound like this is a requirement, that the dimensions must be part of this sick game!!" Rocky snaps back.

Lucifer crosses his arms. "Do you really think the Scarlet King is the worst interdimensional being? There are things far more dangerous, things that feed on dimensional energy. The fewer dimensions, the better chance we have of survival."

"OH! OKAY! Let's go ahead and flip this like you are some sort of hero, Lucifer!" Rocky replies sarcastically. "Do think I forgot how you tried to KILL ALL OF US!!"

"You would have been alive in the next dimension.." Lucifer looks blankly at 343. "Besides, neither one of us are any kind of 'hero'. We are both selfish, manipulative, and overall imperfect." He directs his next question to 343. "I am assuming you told him at least a little of what happened, correct?"

343 nods. "A vague description of the event." He then turns to Rocky. "The fact that we are like this is a direct result of our inability to cooperate with each other and our own pride."

Rocky groans. "Okay! So I have my full team to complete these trails. Great! Next question, the sins are still bound to their current hosts, correct?"

Lucifer nods but then cocks his head to the side. "Unless they die!"

"Obviously.. What about Wrath?" Rocky asks.

Lucifer smiles evilly. "Wrath has yet to choose a host.. soo many tasty options! It will likely not emerge, now, until the fifteen year delay has passed. At which time, it WILL be the proverbial 'nail in the coffin' for this dimension."

Rocky makes a mental note and then returns to the conversation. "Now, what is the first trail?"

"I will take it easy on you. A simple two-lap race against the fastest demon in the underworld." Lucifer says as he snaps his fingers and a flaming shadow horse appears.

Rocky claps his hands together once. "I have a perfect idea then!"

Lucifer shrugs. "I don't care. This is not one on one, so throw everything you want at this!"

343 snaps his finger as the other SCPs join them.

"Oh, Thank God!" Drake says with a happy sigh.

"Having a rough ride?!" 953 asks jokingly.

Drake falls backwards onto the floor and stretches out. "PLEASE, don't mention the word 'ride'! I am so raw right now!"

"Wow! TMI, Drake!" Iris rebuts.

"I am seriously glad no kids are around!" Cain comments.

682 glares at Lucifer. "Are you begging to die today?!"

Lucifer glares back at him. "Conduct yourself with some class, reptile. Just because your uglier than a pile of shit doesn't mean you have to act like it!"

"YOU FUCKING WORM!!" 682 roars.

049 makes an effort to calm 682 down, but he simply walks away.

"Have fun with your bullshit!! Next time you mouth off to me I will swallow you whole!" 682 snaps back.

"Don't choke!" Lucifer says with a wave of his hand.

Abel marvels at the flaming horse. "What a magnificent stead!"

Rocky taps 096 on the side of his arm. "Ready to put your speed to the test, buddy?!"

096 looks at the horse and nods seriously.

"I want in on this too!" Abel replies happily.

"Brother.. all due respect, you are a sprinter, not a marathon runner." Cain rebuts.

Abel hops in place. "It just sounds like a good time!"

Iris chuckles. "Let him run off some energy, Cain. At least he will sleep well!"

"Then it is settled, Valcron verses 096 and Abel!" Lucifer exclaims happily. "This will be two full laps around the world!"

953 sits down. "Yeah.. I am too full for a run like that.."

"JEEZ! I am glad I didn't decide to run!" Rocky exclaims in surprise.

"Right?! I could never accomplish that!" Iris comments.

"The trials will only get harder as we progress. So be ready, your talents may yet be very useful." 343 whispers as the competitors line up and the gym disappears leaving an open field.

Rocky leans into 096. "If you need motivation, focus on me. If you go wild again I would rather be your target than anyone else." He whispers.

096 nods.

"Oh yeah! That sounds like a great idea!" 953 says sarcastically.

Rocky glances at the smiling 953 before turning back. "Is it going to be a problem if they run through buildings or get noticed by civilians?" Rocky asks 343 and Lucifer.

343 smiles. "What civilians? I don't see anyone, do you?"

Rocky looks around. "Now that you mention it.. the area is awfully quiet."

"That is because everyone, not relevant to the SCP Foundation, has already been removed from this dimension. So! Destroy anything you want! It really isn't going to matter in fifteen years!" Lucifer replies jokingly.

"Haha. So funny.." Rocky turns back to 096 and Abel. "You heard them, go wild!"

"I planed on it!" Abel replies happily. 

"GO!" 343 shouts as the three take off into a cloud of dust.

Lucifer whistles as he watches. "Motivation is not lost on those two!"

Rocky watches as 343 spawns a few floating screens so they can watch the action.

"It is no surprise that Valcron is in first place. You would have to literally run faster than sound to catch him!" Lucifer says, taking a seat in a black chair.

"Come on, Abel, you can do it!" Iris says in a cheer.

Cain crosses his arms and remains silent.

Valcron galops at a fighting pace followed by 096 and then Abel. They close distance on a major city, crashing straight through large multiple story buildings, some of which lose structural integrity and come crashing down. Abel begins picking up speed, using the structures to slingshot himself past 096.

"Hurry up, slowpoke!" Abel taunts.

096's eyes narrow as he groans.

"YAY, ABEL!" Iris cheers.

Cain leans into Rocky. "My brother is okay on land, but once he hits the water it will be a different story."

"As you said, Abel is not built for marathons. 096, on the other hand, will not tire until his goal is reached." Rocky replies.

"But.. he is falling behind." Cain replies skeptically.

Rocky grins. "He is just pacing the first lap. Once he hits the second lap all hell will break loose."

The next obstacle, in the trio's path, is a mountain range. Valcron uses his speed and the first mountain to catapult himself over the range. He lands on the other side with a thunderous crash. Abel, however, is slowed down by the obstacle, giving 096 second place again.

Rocky looks back at 343. "Once they hit the second lap, I am counting on you to get everyone else out of sight."

343 gets the hint and nods.

682 rolls his eyes. "This is such an amazing waste of my time.." He growls.

"You know, if you don't want to be helpful, I could just send you back." 343 groans.

682 stands. "Yeah.. Why don't you call me when there is a fight. Something that will not bore me to death!"

Cain chuckles. "Is that a hint on how to kill you?!"

"If only. I would finally be rid of you!!" 682 snarls back.

953's tails whip wildly. "How about another trip to 106's dimension?!" 

"How about YOU shut the fuck up!!" 682 snaps back.

953 shows her claws. "I would love for you to try and make me!!"

"Okay, fine, thanks for nothing!" 343 says as he sends 682 back with a simple snap.

"Ah, 682, always a cheerful fellow!" Lucifer exclaims jokingly.

"What is your idea of an unpleasant person?!" Iris asks.

Lucifer points at Rocky. "This guy."

"What are you talking about?! Rocky is the nicest person ever!" Iris rebuts.

"For now.." Lucifer mutters.

Valcron and 096 pass by, starting into their second lap.

"Wait! Where is Abel?!" Iris asks concerned.

Cain points at the screen. "He drowned.. Quite literally dead in the water."

"Cain! That is not funny!" Iris rebuts.

Cain shrugs. "You know he will be back, so why are you so excited?!"

Iris looks at 343. "Send me back." She demands.

343 does not respond as he snaps his fingers and Iris disappears. 

Back in the city, 096 begins to close the distance on Valcron, getting more and more agitated by the minute. Valcron notices this and makes an effort to go faster. 096 closes his eyes for a moment, his skin slowly turning bright red. He opens his eyes and begins screaming.

Rocky looks at Lucifer with a grin. "There it is! 096 is triggered!"

Lucifer looks back at him. "Too bad for you!"

343 levitates the others off the ground and out of harm's way. "This is all you now."

Rocky gives a thumbs-up as his eyes turn a golden color and a transparent bi-pedaled wolf surrounds him. "Oh.. I got this." He says in a unified male/female voice.

Rocky looks back to the screen as 096 breaks the sound barrier with a loud boom. 096 closes the distance on Valcron and passes him. Valcron nods in recognition. 

Rocky hears 096's scream coming closer as a cloud of dust can be seen in the distance. He smiles. "Come on, big boy! Hit me with everything you got!"

Lucifer begins to float upward. "Your funeral, pal.."

096 barrels through the finish line and straight into Rocky, who grabs hold of him and brings him to a sliding stop. 096 screams angrily in Rocky's face.

Rocky locks eyes with him. "Good job, buddy.. but.. time for a nap." He says as he picks him up and slams him face-first into the ground. 

096 struggles against Rocky.

Valcron reaches the finish line and silently observes the scene.

Rocky and 096 struggle against each other until finally, Rocky gets a clean and power punch in on 096's face, crushing it inward. 096 falls to the floor, his body jerking wildly.

"Well.. that will keep him down for a few minutes." Rocky pants.

Lucifer claps his hands as he returns to the ground. "Sound strategy! You may now choose one person, place, thing, or anomaly to proceed to the next dimension."

"Will this choice cause the prize to disappear now?!" Rocky asks.

Lucifer shakes his head. "It will only move forward after the fifteen years have ended."

Rocky points at 049. "I want him, no sloth."

049 looks around at the others. "Yeah.. that sin is a pain in my ass!"

Lucifer nods. "Agreed. Per our agreement, I can not claim 049 nor his anomaly, now that you have chosen him."

Rocky waves to 343 as he sends the others away. "Now.. I want you two to explain to me why you two MUST destroy or save dimensions."

Lucifer groans. "There is an interdimensional being we encountered long ago. It began consuming our world, flesh, minds, and souls. The more it ate, the stronger it became. Even 682 was powerless to escape the absolute carnage. 343 and I had our scuffle and became reality benders, accidentally saving ourselves. I took the approach that the dimensions must be destroyed in order to save the last dimension.. obviously, 343 has taken the approach of building a team to fight the being."

"So why the change of heart?" Rocky asks.

Lucifer rolls his eyes. "THIS team has impressed me. If anyone has a chance of saving everyone.. it is you and the SCPs that follow you." Lucifer disappears.

"He really does not like giving compliments like that." 343 comments.

"I still do not fully trust him." Rocky growls.

"Believe me, I share in your skepticism. He always has his own agenda." 343 replies before returning them to reality.

Dr. Therman sees them appear in the hall and rushes up to Rocky. "I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE, JACKASS!!"

Rocky waves his hands nervously. "Calm down! What's wrong?!"

Dr. Therman grabs his hand pulling him as they run down the hall. "Jennifer is in labor!"

Rocky picks up speed and shakes loose of Dr. Therman, running past her and into the delivery room. Six hours of labor later, Jennifer gives birth to a beautiful blonde baby girl, Sophia Rose Hagino.

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