By JaneNola

956K 27.4K 26.1K

COMPLETED - It's puck at first sight for Jules Martin, when his gaze falls on Luna Larsson at his first Colle... More

1 πŸŒ™ Salted caramel and chocolate
2 πŸŒ™ Make a scene!
3 πŸŒ™ Carry me!
4 πŸŒ™ Yes or no?
5 πŸŒ™ Oh, fuck off!
6 πŸŒ™ Nothing but the jersey
7 πŸŒ™ Look. At. Me.
8 πŸŒ™ Bad taste of hookups
9 πŸŒ™ Bro-code
10 πŸŒ™ Skate it off
11 πŸŒ™ Not my boyfriend
12 πŸŒ™ Who is she?
13 πŸŒ™ First Letter
14 πŸŒ™ If you keep doing this
15 πŸŒ™ Favorite distraction
16 πŸŒ™ You're hurting me!
17 πŸŒ™ I can't help it.
18 πŸŒ™ It's his mistake
19 πŸŒ™ I want answers
20 πŸŒ™ Don't apologize
21 πŸŒ™ I'll be civil
22 πŸŒ™ Before...
23 πŸŒ™ A little something
24 πŸŒ™ Happy now
25 πŸŒ™ It's the _ for me
26 πŸŒ™ Walmart version
27 πŸŒ™ Who's a flirt now
28πŸŒ™ Make me blush
29πŸŒ™ Certainly not space
30πŸŒ™ You want some?
31πŸŒ™ Such a daddy
32πŸŒ™ Shithead personality
33 πŸŒ™ Stop, I love it
34 πŸŒ™ Special, n-not weird
35 πŸŒ™ Must be simping
36 πŸŒ™ Want her back
37 πŸŒ™ A piece of tape
38 πŸŒ™ Three musketeers
39 πŸŒ™ You just k-kissed...
40 πŸŒ™ How mad are you?
41πŸŒ™ Lu, You're...
42 πŸŒ™ Fucking irreplaceable
43 πŸŒ™ Hard to trust
44 πŸŒ™ You're Cruel
45 πŸŒ™ Kiss me or what?
46 πŸŒ™ The girl I love
47 πŸŒ™ I believe you
48 πŸŒ™ Just passionate
49 πŸŒ™ So kissable
50 πŸŒ™ Crazy wild
51 πŸŒ™ If we're lucky
52 πŸŒ™ So much worse
53 πŸŒ™ You're my anchor
55 πŸŒ™ Fine ignore me
56 πŸŒ™ Shame on you
57 πŸŒ™ Stupid Scorpios
58 πŸŒ™ Moondust
59 πŸŒ™ I'm suffering
60 πŸŒ™ Pretending
61 πŸŒ™ Dreams do come true
62 πŸŒ™ For Luna
63 πŸŒ™ The girl behind the glass
64 πŸŒ™ Lucky guess
65 πŸŒ™ We fell in love

54 πŸŒ™ Trop m-m-mignonne

10.3K 327 224
By JaneNola

Jules Martin

"I'm excited to meet your parents." She whispered to me while she snuggled into my side during our short cab ride. I was excited too but in an entirely different way. The entire flight Luna kept suggesting the mile high club needed two new members. I wouldn't have hesitated if the surrounding passengers weren't already looking at us like we were planning on it. Some looked at us like we were celebrities. I mean yeah, Shawn Mendes and his not so blond girlfriend right now have nothing on us. Or maybe those people just watched a lot of college hockey and recognized me. Some felt awfully single like a Pringle watching us and others specifically threw me angry glares. I knew why, and I hated it. No, I was disgusted by it. Devastated even. They would look at Luna's broken wrist and the healing cut on her nose, the bruising under her eyes she tried to hide with some makeup. Then they would glare at me, reasoning I was the one responsible. I would never even think about putting a hand on her, not even in my sleep. Someone please beat me straight into a coma if I ever do. "Babe." She squeezed my hand as my thoughts were keeping me busy.

"Mmh." I hummed, not entirely sure what she might have said.

"You're distracted." She looked up and smirked. Yeah, if anything you're always the reason.

I shook, looking out at the snow falling onto the city of Toronto as the cab drove by the tall buildings. "I was t-thinking about the flight." I smirked at her, the dirty words she casually whispered into my ear coloring my thoughts. "We're going to be staying with my parents, so you're gonna have to behave." I wiggled my brows at her and she slapped her cast into my chest. Good for me my thick jacket buffered the attack. "Hey." I laughed. "You cannot m-m-meet my parents and tell them you j-just killed me in the cab."

She leaned in, and I already knew what that grin on her lips and that blush on her cheeks meant. Dirty whisper incoming. "Kissed, not killed." She whispered into my ear before brushing her nose along my cheek. That one wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Thank god. I do not want to greet my parents with the three of us. Her lips quickly found my lips next and she didn't hesitate to swipe her tongue along my bottom lip. Okay, that's hot though.

I smirked into the kiss when her teeth did their magic and made my dirty thoughts go from zero to hundred. You can't say those two horny fucks again... Really. Not this time. That shower last weekend left both of us waiting for that to be continued, but Luna hadn't been feeling well at the start of the week. Can you blame her, last Sunday she was still going on adrenaline and then when she woke up next to me the next morning she was squirming in pain. Her muscles were so stiff even laughing hurt like hell. And then, coach had us cramp in some extra practice sessions before everyone was gonna be out for thanksgiving.

We did see each other, as much as we could, which was still every day, but most of the time we'd watch a movie or study, snuggling was a no skip option and then doze off. You know, sometimes sleeping with her, holding her, waking up next to her is better just than sex. Doesn't mean I wasn't kind of craving it right now. Especially since she told me on the plain exactly what kind of dress she packed for dinner and what she was planning to wear under it, which wasn't a whole damn lot.

"That'll be 34." The cab driver said, while Luna's mouth fell. Not because of the price of our cab, but because of the building it stopped in front of.

"Are you sure, we're at the right place?" She nudged her elbow into my side as if I didn't know my own home address.

I paid the driver and let him keep the change. "Yeah. Lu, I know w-where I live." I chuckled, shook my head and pulled her out of the cab behind me.

She widened her eyes as she gaped at the tall modern building from the street all the way to where the glass met the sky. "And what floor do you live on?"

I grabbed our bags from the trunk while she kept staring at the cloudy sky, snowflakes melting onto her rosy cheeks. "The seventy-ninth floor." She looked at me and batted her lashes like a little kid hearing she's going to get a happy meal.

"Uuuhm." She hesitated, looking back up at the building. "You sure?" She smiled at me funny and I playfully rolled my eyes at her before swinging my duffel bag around my back and grabbing her little suitcase. "Jules?" She questioned again and I almost couldn't hide the amusement on my face. I threw my arm around her shoulder next and pulled her inside the building with a grin.

"The top floor? Are you fucking kidding me!" Her eyes went wide once more when I used my resident pass and pressed the button. The highest number on the damn thing. "Don't tell me this one directly enters the apartment... Or do I have to say penthouse? Jules." She spoke too fast to be calm.

"Lu, baby. Relax." I whispered into her temple before kissing it as soon as the elevator started to move up.

"Jesus yeah relax. I'm about to meet your rich ass parents wearing leggings and an old hoodie. Great. Does your mom wear pearls? I bet she does. This building scream pearls. This building screams billionaire money for god sakes." Her word vomit started and progressed along with the number of floors and we weren't at the top yet. "And I thought Levi was rich... What are you? Riiiiiiicccchhh." She dragged that word for at least three floors. Thirty more floors to go. "I mean why didn't you just tell me? I would have made an effort to whiten my teeth before coming here. I would have at least rocked some pearls in my mouth. I don't know if you're onto it but I'm really really really fucking nervous." Nineteen floors. "Omg I shouldn't swear in front of your parents should I? You should have warned me you were living like a character from Gossip Girl. I knew it was Dan from the very beginning, I was on to that motherfucker. It's maybe my favorite show ever, but I'm not like Blair or Sere-"

Ten floors.

I cut her nervous ramble off with my lips pressing hard into hers. "You're adorable." I whispered and I finally felt her take a deep breath. Five floors. "I never warned y-you because I need you to be you. That's more t-than enough perfection and definitely Gossip Girl worthy. Don't look so surprised m-my sister made me watch a few episodes." Two floors. "I love you, don't forget that." I sighed while the elevator sounded and the doors opened straight into the living room. "Here we go."

Luna's eyes went ballistic when she witnessed the interior and the sky-high windows. She even muttered something under her breath. "Holy motherf-"

"Salut Maman." My cheeks went hot as soon as my mom came around the corner just when Luna was about to finish that. I just felt Luna stare into the side of my face with her mouth open wide at the sound of me speaking French.

"Uhm hi Jules's mom." Luna spilled and instantly she pressed her lips, preventing another possible nervous ramble.

Mom was greeting us in her usual attire. A cooking apron and her leggings. I knew Luna had nothing to worry about, because my mom might be swimming in money, she's still as average and grounded as the woman behind the register thirty years ago before she wrote her own Parisian pastry book. She even got her own TV-show, but I was planning on letting Luna get used to the idea of all the wealth before I dropped that bomb on her. "Jules." Mom smiled saying my name in French and then Luna definitely squeezed my hand more than the simple what the hell squeeze. That was more like an I have been saying your name wrong all this time type of squeeze. Not wrong, just different. I like it better in regular English anyway. "Ah, you must be Luna." Mom greeted her like she has known her for years. French hospitality. "Jules told me you had an accident last week. Are you okay honey?" Mom smiled as we finally stepped out of the elevator.

"Yes, I'm okay. Uhhm. Nice to meet you too." Luna suddenly pulled her jaw from the floor to speak. "Misses Martin."

"Jesus, that makes me sound way too old." Mom instantly countered and I knew she was gonna say that. "Just call me,-"

"Claire." Luna chuckled and I frowned at her. I don't think I ever mentioned- "Sorry, the bedazzled chef's apron says your name." My mother laughed while pulling Luna away from me for a hug and two quick kisses. Typical French people greetings.

"My son doesn't talk a lot about me does he." She winked at her and I rolled my eyes.

"Maman." I muttered.

"Don't worry, he does. He just always referred to you as mom. Never knew he'd say maman though." Luna chuckled but threw me a little glare. Shit. I should have probably told her a lot more before coming here. Especially about the talking French part.

"You haven't told her you speak French have you." Mom cocked a brow at me before pulling me into a hug and I hugged her back. "Yeah I figured." She shook her head. "Men." She rolled her eyes. "We have to pull every bit of information out of them like we're the freaking FBI until they're finally sucked dry and by the time we do we women have lost interest. You better tell her everything there is to know honey." She patted me on the shoulder to follow her in while I squeezed my eyes at her back. That was such a mom comment, thanks. I swear this is where Céline gets that attitude from.

"Nice apron." I smile after her because that was really the most cliché one she owns. The gold rhinestones are just not her.

"Don't flatter this thing, it's moche as hell." I looked at Luna to see her frown at the French word for ugly she just threw in there. I'm gonna need to get her a dictionary. "The production team gave it to me last week for my thousandth episode airing." And there goes that bomb.

What the hell?" Luna's jaw fell again before mouthing something at me as we followed mom into the kitchen. "Uhm... Uhm... I'm sorry this is going to sound so rude, but what episode exactly?" She asked hesitantly at first before going for it full throttle.

"Nothing special Luna, I just have my own cooking show on tv." She turned around and smiled, Luna's feet frozen to the floor and she seemed at a loss of words.

"For real?" She pulled her brows up.

"In this household the woman carries the success." My mom said with great pride.

"Now you make it sound like I married you for money." My dad laughed once we entered the kitchen. "Trust me, I didn't know she was going to become a famous tv face when I asked her to be my prom date."

"Hey dad." I smiled at him and his typical humor. "This is Luna."

"Luna, nice to meet you." He smiled at her and then gazed at me with that proud look on his face. So was I, I was proud to be by her side and take her home to my parents.

"Hi, mister-."

"Peter is fine. My wife here thinks mister and misses Martin sound too old. My dad would turn around in his grave if he heard that, but nobody is gonna tell him." Oh my god dad really? Dead grandpa jokes... This man really thinks he's funny.

"Jesus dad." I widened my eyes at him, but Luna seemed to think it was funny as her face was beaming with joy before she started to observe the marble on the walls again and she seemed overwhelmed. "Is it okay, if we put our s-s-stuff in my r-room?" Dammit. I cussed at myself for stuttering, especially since my parents pressed me for a while me to go to speech therapy for it, and I just didn't feel like it.

"Sure. You can freshen up before dinner if you want. I'm gonna do so too, so take your time." Mom smiled and eyes up the stairs. "We'll have diner in a hour or so. Céline will be home too."

Luna smirked at the mention of my sister and I knew how excited she was to meet her. I might not have given her the heads up on my parents, but I did warn her for my sister. That sixteen year old can be a lot. Ahem, she is a lot.

"You have known how to speak the language of love all this time without me knowing!" Luna slapped my shoulder as soon as we went into my room and I closed the door behind us. She didn't even look around twice before coming at me.

I turned around holding my hands up. Okay I deserve that. "Lu, that's not my love language and I know it." I leaned against the door while letting my eyes wander over her. She's so cute and hot when she's angry.

She took a step towards me, her hands going around the collar of my hoodie until my knees went weak at her words. "I would have made you talk me into bed in French if I had known." She leaned in more, her hands in my neck bringing me to her lips while she tiptoed to gain a little height. "Think that would have made me pretty wet, pretty damn fast." She whispered into my ear and all I could think about now was to kiss her...And more. Definitely more.

"Luna." I whined, my way to tell her to calm down before I would throw her onto the bed while my parents are on the other side of the door.

She took a step back, tilting her head sideways before putting her hands at her sides. Here comes a rant. "You started it." She eyeballed me. "Not my love language." Now she was mimicking me too. "Maybe I'll make you suffer a bit. You kind of deserve that for not telling me about your super nice and funny and not to forget beautiful French speaking parents. And then I'm not even mentioning your mom is a freaking tv face. You could have at least warned me." She widened her eyes at me.

"I didn't t-t-think it would m-matter." I continued to lean into the door, my eyes pinned and mesmerized by the stunning girl in from of me, who surely wasn't afraid to tell me what she was thinking.

"I would have bought a damn French for dummies book!"

"I'd love to hear you pronounce." My tongue slipped into the corner of my mouth while I teased a smirk on her face.

"Very funny." She tried in her best fake French accent and I couldn't help but laugh loudly.

"Actually... Yeah pretty damn funny."

"Asshole." She scoffed playfully, rolling her eyes too while she amused me.

I shook my head at her stubbornness. "Lu, I only speak a l-l-little myself. My dad is f-f-fully Canadian and doesn't speak a word. My mom grew up in Paris before she moved here at seventeen. She worked behind a r-register until she started to hand out recipes and giving cooking workshops on the side. She wrote a p-pastry book and then a tv channel asked her to be a guest on a show and from there on it just spiraled." I smiled at her. "What else do you want to know." I grinned.

"Any other secrets you're keeping to yourself. And maybe to hear the tad of French that you do speak." I saw the sexy glimmer in her eyes and at that I scooped her into my arms until her laugh sounded through the bedroom. Okay, I guess I can do that.

"T'es vraiment trop m-m-mignonne quand t'es fâchée." I fully smirked into her lips when I laid her down on the bed. I hoovered over her to be the only witness of her swooning. "Et je v-veux vraiment te baiser. Si fort que tu crieras mon n-nom." I whispered into her lips. My hips grinded into hers, which roughly sufficed as a translation. Her tongue quickly and unapologetically darted into my mouth, pretty sure claiming me now while her hands pulled the cap of my head and she pushed her fingers through my locks. The way her legs wrapped around my hips to temptingly push our cores together left me panting and wanting more. As soon as she felt me getting hard through my sweats a moan rolled into my mouth, and it made me hum against her lips.

"I have no idea what you just said, but it sounded hot." She pulled back slightly to look at the desire in my eyes, as she met me with her own.

I brought my lips to her ear. "Plus-minus that I want to fuck you right now." I didn't even stutter. "Hard."

She instantly hummed. "Hhm." She looked as if she was floating as soon as her hands fell from my hair into the light gray silky sheets above her head. "Yes please." She hummed more and I was tempted to lace my fingers through hers and keep them there. In this position putting my lips into her neck was a calculated step to make her softly moan while pressing my now throbbing dick against her, and she took all of it very willingly.

"Is that p-p-permission to do anything I want?" I whispered into her skin while sliding my tongue from her ear to her throat before kissing her there as hard as I wanted to fuck her.

"Anything." She breathed while her back arched into me and her head pressed back into the sheets. "As long as you don't have any more secrets."

"Here comes one y-you already know... I have been wanting you like this all week." I pressed my lips into her throat while grinding my hardness into her. "I might have one more." I kissed her throat again. "But I'll show you later." I struck her skin with my tongue until it made her moan again.

She whimpered, desire coursing through her body while she squirmed against me. "When?"

"When you p-p-put on that sexy dress you brought with you." My throat goes hoarse and dry at the thought of her in it even though I had no idea what it looked like. All I knew was backless, silk and thin straps, and the rest was for my imagination to provide an image. One far more tempting than appropriate to wear to dinner with my parents.

"Only if you promise me to rip it off after dinner." She arched her back and pushed her hips into me, and that along with the promise she just asked of me, was enough for me to imagine pulling those leggings off and taking her now. Aw fuck tonight is going to be a long, long and painful night.

I moved my lips from her throat up to her lips, briefly wetting hers with my tongue, my hardness firmly pressing at her entrance "You h-have my word." I whispered before biting my lip as I was tempted to just push my tongue into her mouth for another hot kiss. "Mmh." I whimpered painfully while moving away from her, leaving her relaxed and tingling for my touch on the bed. "We better freshen up before I can't stop m-myself." I shook with a smirk before laying it on thick, and giving her something to hang on to tonight. "What I want to do to you takes longer than an hour." I smirked and she lifted her head up from the bed.

"You better live up to that promise, Martin. I'm pretty turned on now and I don't think it's gonna go away soon."

"I hope so." I stuck my hand out for her to pull her off the bed and that's when her eyes finally fell on her surroundings. "Fancy bedroom." She smirked while looking around.

My room hadn't changed a thing since I left. The bed was still covered with the same silky bedsheets, the walls were still a weird marble shade of white and gray and covered with every hockey jersey I ever played. They were carefully hung up in glass frame boxes. Easier to dust mom always said, but I just knew she thought it looked fancier to put them in those glass box things. Apart from its own private bathroom, it still had the most amazing view over the city's skyline.

She looked out of the window, standing just right in front of it and I joined her. "It's like a mirror on the outside." I whispered while my fingertips brushed her hair back over her shoulder. "Nobody would see us." I whispered more, while my heartbeat was taking over certain parts of my body. I know I just told her to freshen up, but I was so turned on I wasn't sure if I meant that.

"So I can do this?" She smirked back at me while putting both her hands flat against the glass and my mouth parted at the striking image she provided me with. That dress isn't gonna last long. "And this." She arched her back until her ass collided with my dick. He was welcoming her with a twitch while my entire brain short-circuited. My hands latched onto her hips pulling her more into me while she continued to tease me with her smirk. "You could literally fuck me right here and nobody would see us?" She spoke so temptingly I almost answered her question with the deed.

I groaned grabbing her hip with one hand while putting the other in the small of her back. "Put on that dress for me Luna." I muttered, trying to keep it together, my fingers now digging into her.

"Why bother, if all you want to do is take it off." This girl knows how to get to me. That smirk Jesus I can't resist that.

"Baby, you're s-such a cock tease." I enjoyed pressing myself into her once more. A whimper fell off her lips and it was a sensory overload and something that would haunt me all night. "See that h-head board over there?" I muttered at her while still holding onto her tight.

Her face followed where I was nodding at. "Uhu."

"You better hold on to it tonight, because all that t-t-teasing is going to come back to bite you." I pulled her up straight and flush into my chest, my hand slowly moving up her throat so I could tilt her face to me. "I love you." I added with a smirked and it wiped the smug look off her face.

It didn't last long until I was met with a grin spreading across her lips. "I better go get that dress on then, because that's gonna tease you into fucking me even harder." Her smirk grew while stepping away from me, my hands devastatingly empty. "I love you." She added too and as much as that made my heart melt it made me want to roll my eyes at the fact she always teased me harder.

----------- 🌙 -----------

💛 Soooo how do you think this meeting the parents is going so far? Any thoughts on what could be the other secret and the extra special surprise I have planned for next chapter?

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