𝙴𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 {�...

By xX_Bunny_B0y_Xx

177 41 0

Y/N is what many people would consider friendly. They helped out whenever they could, wherever they could The... More

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𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚗?|| ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚
𝚁𝚞𝚗|| ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚍|| ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

18 4 0
By xX_Bunny_B0y_Xx

After the ambulance and police left I told F/N what Jamie did and they were pissed "Good riddance then!" They crossed their arms and scoffed making me smile, I was too busy thinking about the masked creature 'Did it kill Jamie? If so, why..?' That thought bounced around my mind making it hard to focus on anything

I was snapped out of it by F/N pinching my nose "Earth to N/N!" I giggled and they crossed their arms again, I smiled widely and crossed my legs resting my hands in my lap.
F/N yawned "Today's been a long day already and we're gonna have an even longer next couple days of interrogations..." They said with a loud sigh as they laid back

I groaned at the thought of having to talk to people and laid back as well. Once again my thoughts wandered to the masked creature, the night before it seemed like they were trying to kill me and now it seemed like they were helping me, that only confused me more as I tried to figure out why. I'd never seen it before in my life and I certainly would remember meeting it, I sighed loudly and raised my arms above my head letting them dangle off the couch

F/N raised their head to look at me "What're you thinking about?" They sat up and looked down at me waiting for an answer. "Nothing really." I lied, they gave me a sceptical look before shrugging and standing up "I'mma go get some snacks!" They practically bounced to the kitchen with a giggle

I sighed and looked at my watch to it was 8:45 pm, I hadn't realized it'd gotten so late, but I guess most of the day had been wasted answering questions and trying to describe the masked creature as best as I could without sounding crazy. I groaned loudly as I sat up

I rubbed my eyes "I'm gonna head to bed! Go ahead and take the guest bedroom when you go to sleep!" I called out to F/N who gave a thumbs up from the kitchen doorway in response. I made my way to my bedroom and closed the door halfway behind me, I changed into more comfortable clothes and quickly got under my covers smiling contently. I closed my eyes and curled up before falling asleep


I woke to a heavy feeling on my body and opened my eyes only to come face to face with a familiar blue mask, I was about to scream from surprise until a gloved hand was placed over my mouth, the familiar creature placed a finger to it's mask and slowly removed it's hand from my mouth. It moved off of me and sat at the end of my bed, I sat up and stared curiously at it. So many questions were bouncing around my mind but I had no clue how to ask

Then I was snapped out of my thoughts when it brought it's face extremely close to mine very quickly startling me. It tilted it's head as if in curiosity and raised it's hand to grab my chin, it seemed to be inspecting me which only made me even more curious. It hummed before letting go of my chin and looking me up and down

"So.. What exactly are you..?" I mentally kicked myself after that question, my curiosity had gotten the better of me and the words left my lips before I could stop them. It simply shrugged in response making my question go mostly unanswered. "Do you.. Have a name..?" 'Damn my curiosity...' I smiled nervously waiting for an answer, it finally spoke to me for the first time, it's voice was deep and raspy and it's tone was serious and sharp "Eyeless Jack..."

"Oh, well... Jack, I'm Y/N." I smiled before realizing once again that I wasn't talking to a normal human, at least not one that's safe to be around. "I know." It stated plainly before looking around, that statement brought up even more questions and I groaned rubbing my temple

I realized I probably wasn't going to get much out of it and sighed in defeat as the questions continued to bounce around in my mind, I looked at the creature with growing curiosity "What's under the mask?" I immediately regretted asking the question and looked down hoping it didn't bother to acknowledge my question

It sat up straight before slowly pulling it's mask down grabbing my attention. It's eye sockets were empty and the same black substance that leaked from the mask, leaked from it's eyeless holes, it's skin was a greyish color, it pulled it's hood down to expose messy dark brown locks and pointy ears, it's appearance was strangely captivating and it finally answered my question of if it's human or not

It grinned showing sharp shark-like teeth making a small shiver run down my spine. "Satisfied?" It tilted it's head slightly to the side, it's grin only getting bigger once I nodded. "Well you're definitely not human..." I chuckled nervously. It stopped smiling and turned towards the door as footsteps were heard in the hallway

It reminded me of the first night this thing arrived only it was different this time. The footsteps stopped at my door and it stood up obviously on gaurd. It slowly and very quietly made it's way to the door placing it's hand on the door handle. Fear rose within me at the thought of it hurting F/N, I shook my head and it tilted it's head at me

It looked to the door before quietly walking back to me and plopping down at the foot of my bed, the footsteps were finally heard again and faded soon after making me sigh in relief. "I could have eaten them..." It mumbled with it's head turned away from me and slightly down "What!? No! Friend not food!" I tried my best to be quiet and whisper yelled at it

It turned to me and tilted it's head before shaking it's head and putting it's hood and mask back on, it stood up and slowly made it's way to my window then turned to me, it waved goodbye as it jumped out of the window and disappeared. I sighed loudly, once again this strange creature snuck in through my window and woke me up

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