The secret lover x Rafe Camer...

By EmmaRayne88

25 4 0

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4 1 0
By EmmaRayne88

Rafe gets up and sees wheezie and she says "Dad and Ashley's parents need Ashley," Ashley's dad says "Baby we need you to date this new kid "Kayden". "The boy is a dirty blonde with green eyes Ashley he's perfect for you baby" Ashley is shocked and froze. "dad I cant" her dad looks mad "Ashley... You will" you run upstairs trying to process why they want you to... Rafe walks up to you and gives you a huge hug. "What's wrong my princess" Your dad texts and says "Don't tell ANYONE Ashley" you really wanna tell rafe but you can't "I am just stressed" he tries to kiss you but you say "I am sorry not right now rafe" "Oh uh okay" A few hours later Kayden texts you "Hey. Ashley right?" You smile and say "Yeah. Kayden right? "So would you like to meet up soon?" you looked shocked since it was so fast but agreed. You fell asleep pretty happy! 

You wake up to 32 texts from rafe asking if yall were good and 2 from Kayden. Kayden said, "Meet at the wreck 3:00?" you texted back "sure" you looked at the time and it was already 2:00!! You rushed to put on a lilac crop top and some ripped jeans. You drove to the wreck to see one hot guy and he came up to you "Ashley?" you smiled and looked at your feet "Yes I am Ashley" His eyes widened "Well Ashley you look amazing" you look up and say "You too Kayden" You go inside and tell each other about yourself. You take out some cash but he grabs your hand and puts it down. He opens his wallet and takes out his money and hands the cashier $20. you were surprised because the only person to ever buy you food is Rafe. "Thanks so much this was amazing" he happily replies and says "Listen my parents said I have to date you by tomorrow morning so can we maybe date? It does not have to be real right now but we can get close. We have to make it seem real" you are very surprised and you say out of shock "Um yeah" He grabs your hand and says "Thank you, Ashley!!" you are still surprised and say "Anytime" you go to the Camerons and rafe said "Ashley are we still good? you say happy "Yes" He leans in as much as you wanted to kiss him you said "Rafe I cant... I just got a boyfriend" he looks shocked "um Ashley uh so your uh joking right" He sniffles the whole time "No Rafe his name is Kayden!" He goes upstairs and he hears you tell Sarah how hot Kayden is and he hears you left and starts throwing stuff all over his room Sarah walks in "Rafe I knew you liked her I am so sorry" "Sarah go the hell away" "ok damn rafe" the next day you walk to the Camerons and the house is trashed "um. Sarah?.. Rafe? rafe walks down you can tell he had been crying... His eyes were puffy. You felt horrible. "Are you okay rafe". "Yeah, Ashley I am" you went to hug him he kinda pulled away then hugged you. 

3 days later

you and Kayden were official. Rafe was so obviously jealous. You and Kayden went everywhere together. Topper and you got closer. 

Kayden calls you downstairs. "Hey babe, Want to go to midsummer with me?" "Ofc baby" you picked a dress out. It was purple. Kayden got a limo for yall to ride in. You walk in the door and everyone's eyes fall on you. Sarah runs up to you. "YOU LOOK HOT ASHLEY" you laugh. She grabs your hand and brings you to her room. She hands you a VERY revealing and cute swimsuit. You put it on and she looks at you with the widest eyes. you both walk out with matching bathing suits and then again they're eyes fall on you and Sarah. Rafe looks at you, His face was the most shocked. You walk up and kiss him on the cheek. "You look great rafe" he smiles "You too" you walk away and run to the pool. Of course, you dive in. Out of nowhere, you feel someone jump in behind you. It was Rafe. He grabs your hips and you smile. Kayden gets in front of you he can tell rafe is trying to hit on you. He grabs your thighs and puts them around him. You put your arms around his neck and kiss him. He then throws you to be funny. He threw you in the deep in. You were not ready and it was very deep. You touched the bottom and there were so many people you struggled to get up. You were so close to drowning that you pass out. You wake up when someone gets you out of the pool. It was Rafe, They call the police and they put you on a stretcher since you were struggling to breathe. Rafe comes with you everywhere. Kayden was nowhere to be found. You wake up the next morning and there was rafe, in the chair beside you. Holding your hand. You wake him up and he looks so happy. "Omg you awake" you smile "sure am"

authors note: This was also short, I have no motivation to finish this sadly but ily <3

word count: 911 </3

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