The Hero Next Time: A Novel o...

By MikeDePaoli

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In the previous novel of the Terribly Acronymed Detective Club, "Err on the Side of Violence," Emma told Sunn... More

Chapter One: Lauren, Friday
Chapter Two: Sunny, Saturday
Chapter Three: Sunny, Fall, 1971
Chapter Four: Lauren, Saturday
Chapter Five: Sunny, Saturday
Chapter Six: Sunny, Summer, 1977
Chapter Seven: Lauren, Saturday
Chapter Eight: Sunny, Saturday
Chapter Nine: Sunny, Summer, 1978
Chapter Ten: Lauren, Sunday
Chapter Eleven: Sunny, Sunday
Chapter Twelve: Sunny, Summer-Fall, 1978
Chapter Thirteen: Lauren, Sunday
Chapter Fourteen: Sunny, Monday
Chapter Fifteen: Sunny, Summer, 1979
Chapter Sixteen: Lauren, Monday
Chapter Seventeen: Sunny, Wednesday
Chapter Eighteen: Sunny, Spring, 1981
Chapter Nineteen: Lauren, Friday
Chapter Twenty: Sunny, Friday
Chapter Twenty-One: Sunny, Fall, 1985
Chapter Twenty-Two: Lauren, Friday
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sunny, Saturday
Chapter Twenty-Four: Sunny, Summer, 1986
Chapter Twenty-Five: Lauren, Saturday
Chapter Twenty-Six: Sunny, Monday
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sunny, Summer, 1991
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Lauren, Monday
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Sunny, Monday
Chapter Thirty: Sunny, Summer, 1993
Chapter Thirty-Two: Sunny, Wednesday
Chapter Thirty-Three: Sunny, Summer, 1995
Chapter Thirty-Four: Lauren, Wednesday
Chapter Thirty-Five: Sunny, Wednesday
Chapter Thirty-Six: Sunny, Summer, 2004
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lauren, Friday
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Sunny, Saturday
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sunny, Summer, 2004
Chapter Forty: Lauren, Saturday
Chapter Forty-One: Sunny, Saturday
Chapter Forty-Two: Sunny, Summer-Fall, 2005
Chapter Forty-Three: Lauren, Saturday
Chapter Forty-Four: Sunny, Saturday
Chapter Forty-Five: Sunny, Summer, 2009
Chapter Forty-Six: Lauren, Sunday
Chapter Forty-Seven: Sunny, Sunday
Chapter Forty-Eight: Sunny, Summer, 2009
Chapter Forty-Nine: Lauren, Sunday
Chapter Fifty: Sunny, Sunday
Chapter Fifty-One: Sunny, Summer, 2009
Chapter Fifty-Two: Lauren, Sunday
Chapter Fifty-Three: Sunny, Sunday
Chapter Fifty-Four: Sunny, Fall, 2011
Chapter Fifty-Five: Lauren, Sunday
Chapter Fifty-Six: Sunny, Sunday
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Sunny, Summer, 2013
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Sunny, Monday
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Sunny, Monday
Chapter Sixty: Sunny, Monday
Chapter Sixty-One: Lauren, Monday
Chapter Sixty-Two: Sunny, Monday
Chapter Sixty-Three: Lauren, Friday and Saturday
Chapter Sixty-Four: Sunny, Saturday

Chapter Thirty-One: Lauren, Tuesday

24 4 44
By MikeDePaoli

Joe knocked on the door. He actually knocked on the door of his own house when he had the key. Lauren opened the door, said, "Not interested, sorry," and then made to close the door, but opened it again when she got half way, chuckling. 

Joe didn't look impressed.

"Come ooooon!" she whined. "I'm just joking around. Why didn't you let yourself in? You've done it before to get the kids for church and stuff."

"I don't know," he said stiffly. "When you called me and told me to come here, that you had something to talk to me about, I thought the gravity of your request made it a good idea to knock."

The gravity of her request. So, even he knew she had something big to tell him. All joviality left her then, and she cleared her throat and said, "Come in."

He followed her into the living room, then stopped when he saw Rachel sitting on the couch. "Rachel," he said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

She stood and said, "I'm here to support Lauren."

Joe frowned and said, "What's going on?"

"We need to talk, as I said on the phone," Lauren said. 

"And you needed Rachel here with you while you talk to me? We're not so far gone that you need to worry about your safety, are we? You know I'd never hurt you, Lauren."

"Well, we'll see about that."

"What do you mean?" He looked at Rachel and said, "Where's Al?"

"At work," Rachel said. "He's not needed for this conversation. In fact, he's probably the last person you want here."

"Well, yeah, is that a surprise?"

"No. We didn't want the kids here either, so we made sure they were at school before we got together. Lauren and I are going into work a bit later, after we're done here."

"And what is it we're doing here?" Joe asked.

"Well, first I should tell you that Al and I got that townhouse we were looking at. We'll be moving out soon."

"Oh!" Joe said, perhaps with more delight than he meant to show. "Well, you didn't have to bring me here to tell me that. You could have just called me."

"You're right," Lauren said, "but that's not the main reason we brought you here."

Joe looked from her to Rachel, then back to her. 

"Oh, by the way, how was Joanie's first day back?" Lauren asked.

He blinked in surprise. "Oh, uh, good. She's at a desk and her hours are set. No overtime. They want to ease her back as smoothly as possible. Eventually, though, she'll be back to her usual hours, which are all over the place, especially if she goes for detective."

"Will she, do you think?"

"I think she will. She was kind of pissed off at Goncalves on Saturday, for being so dismissive of her rank and posting. She was like, if that bitch can make detective, then I can. Her words, not mine."

"I share Joanie's assessment of Goncalves," Rachel said, "but I also feel a little sorry for her too, because her friend is missing. It makes her more human, though I'm loathe to admit it."

Joe chuckled. 

"If her hours are going to increase," Lauren said, "then she won't be home as much, and she won't have as much time to miss you if you come home to me."

"If?" Joe asked. "Have you changed your mind about wanting me to come home? Is that why I'm here?"

"No, on the contrary, I still want you to come home, more than ever."

Joe sighed in relief. "Okay. But I think Joanie's not taking my impending departure as well as she claims. She's been a bit more aloof lately, more distant, as if she's mentally preparing herself for not having me around."

"Aw," Lauren said. She meant it too. It must be hard for Joanie after having him around to cozy up to night after night for months. It was what Lauren missed most about her husband. "I hope she knows she can still see you for those Sunday evenings again."

"I hope so too. She's also turned off the taps, so to speak, maybe to punish me subconsciously."

"Poor Joe," she said. "No sex for you?"

"When we kissed in the parking lot," he said, holding a thumb and forefinger an inch apart, "I was this close to going home with you, just because I was craving any touch at all, but I knew that was the wrong reason to make love to you."

Lauren cast a sidelong glance at Rachel, who flushed a little at the frank talk about their love life. She didn't care if it embarrassed her, this was actually some headway for Lauren. "I'm your wife, Joe," she said. "The only reason you need to make love to me is that I invite you to."

Joe's breathing grew heavy, and she knew he was seriously considering taking her up on her offer now, except that wasn't why Lauren had brought him here, and this situation could devolve spectacularly if they weren't careful.

Suddenly Joe looked at Rachel. He stared at her for a bit too long, then looked back at Lauren. "Wait, is this what I think it is?"

Lauren blinked in surprise. "What do you think it is?"

"What you just said about making love to you... and Rachel's here without Al, and when we talked about threesomes at our last session... is this an invitation?"

Lauren looked at Rachel, whose eyes were so wide they might pop out of their sockets. "Um." She looked back at Joe and furiously calculated the percentages in bursting his bubble, because this was the last thing she'd ever expected him to say, especially when she'd been gearing herself up to tell the love of her life that she was pregnant with Al's child. That was why Al wasn't here, because if he was he would be in the hospital within minutes of Joe hearing the news. 

They hadn't told Al they were doing this, either, when they'd decided early this morning to go this route, because if he knew he'd want to be here, the noble bastard; he'd want to take responsibility and accept whatever punishment Joe doled out, but he didn't understand that doing so would make nothing better, in fact it might make it worse. Joe would look at his face and see not contrition, but smugness, no matter how much Al prostrated himself before him, and it would be like waving a red cape in front of a charging bull.

Before she answered one way or another, she decided to test the waters a little. "I thought you said you weren't interested, that you could only handle one woman at a time."

Joe looked at Rachel, who was blushing furiously now. This was not going the way she'd planned either, and Lauren felt bad for her.

"Honestly," he said, "now that I'm here, with both of you, I'm thinking, fuck it, if you want to give it a go, I'm in."

Lauren reeled at the mix of emotions she felt hearing his words. Lust for him. Dismay that he wanted Rachel as well as her. Elation that she had a way out of admitting she was pregnant. If they went through with this today, she could plausibly tell him she was pregnant and that the baby was his, and he wouldn't be inclined to disbelieve her because it would follow an encounter he might regret later and feel guilty about, especially where Joanie was concerned, because up to now Joanie had been the only other woman in his life, that one encounter with Rachel in Aldergrove aside.

She could tell Joe that he'd misunderstood, that she wanted him just for herself, and Rachel was just here to referee in case he got annoyed with her constant luring in an attempt to win him back. Would he believe it, though? 

What informed Lauren's decision was that Rachel didn't protest, didn't leave the room. She looked at her, and Rachel gave the tiniest shrug and nod, as if she could read Lauren's mind about the baby; they'd only discussed this very scenario yesterday, although neither of them had planned on Rachel getting thrown into the mix.

"Rachel's a little nervous about this," she said. "Even though she had you once before, it's been a long time, and, you know, with your size..." She bit her lip as she pictured his cock. Finally, she'd have him inside her again. "How about Rachel and I show you what we do first, and then, when I invite you to join in, she can decide how far she wants to go with you."

"Okay," Joe said, breath shaky.

"Do you have a condom?" Rachel asked a little breathlessly, already indicating how far she wanted to go. Was this because she really wanted him, or was she just getting her own back for all the times Lauren was with Al? "The other time we did it I was still on my period. I just want that extra bit of protection now."

"Yeah, I have one in my wallet," he said, pulling it out.

Lauren and Rachel exchanged another glance. Lauren still couldn't believe they were doing this, but she trusted Rachel with her life, so she trusted Rachel wouldn't play with her heart where Joe was concerned.

"Come on, my love," she said, offering her hand to Joe. "Come to bed with me."

He took it, and they walked up the stairs, Rachel following them.

The next hour or so was a bit of a blur. She found that sharing Joe with Rachel was a very different experience from sharing Al with her. Maybe it was because she was in Rachel's position now, and now she could understand how sweetly painful it was for Rachel to watch her best friend and lover make love to her husband.

This was why she never pictured what Joe was doing with Joanie, because it probably resembled what he and Rachel were doing right in front of her eyes, since Rachel and Joanie were closer in height than Lauren was.

It helped that she started with Rachel herself, and the two of them putting on a show for Joe was wildly exciting, reminding her of the days when she'd performed with Joe for Rachel and Al's delectation over Skype. It certainly excited Joe because, just like Al did the first time they did it with him, he had to spring himself free within minutes of watching them go at each other.

When Joe was out of his clothes and on the bed, Lauren couldn't satisfy her appetite fast enough, taking him in her mouth for the first time in months. When Rachel joined her in the feast, he cried out in surprise, and she almost did too, even though she should have seen it coming; she'd have to get used to more participation from Rachel before they were done today.

Lauren rolled the condom on him, marvelling that it was the first time she'd ever done this. She beckoned Rachel. "You take him first. I want the second time to be mine, because it'll be longer."

Joe was speechless with amazement and lust as they both loomed over him, unable to believe his luck, probably wondering why he'd turned down Rachel's offer back in August.

Lauren sat on his face to stop him saying anything, to put his mouth to better use. He worked her clit with his tongue the way she remembered, and she came within seconds, and then again after watching Rachel ride him, her face a mask of pain and pleasure as she took in a cock that was one and a half times the size of her husband's.

"Yup, still feel it in my back teeth," Rachel moaned.

"Can I roll you over?" Joe asked after Lauren had enough mouth action from him.

"Just be gentle with me," Rachel said, flushed with arousal.

That was where it got painful for Lauren, watching her husband on top of Rachel, pressing her into the mattress the way Lauren wished he could do to her; it would smother her if he did, though. When Rachel's legs wrapped around his waist, pressing him closer to her, consuming him the way Lauren consumed Al whenever he was on top, she had to look away. When Rachel cried out in pleasure, she squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to cry.

When he growled his climax, Lauren looked back to see Rachel patting his back. "Okay, buddy, you need to roll off now," she said. "I need to breathe." That made Lauren feel better; he was too much for Rachel as well. 

Joe lay staring up at the ceiling, looking like he'd won the lottery. Lauren peeled off his condom and cleaned him off with her tongue, then swivelled herself around for sixty-nine. To his credit, Joe kept giving, didn't plead tiredness and try to go to sleep. She needed him awake. She was going to fuck the shit out of him.

After feasting on him as if she hadn't eaten in months, because she hadn't, not him, she slid him inside her for reverse cowgirl, and he lay back while she did the work. She knew he liked this position for that very reason. He could recharge for a while. She didn't mind. She had a lot of pent up energy from missing him inside her, and she wanted to spend it today.

Rachel planted her face between her legs and licked both of them while she pistoned up and down.

"Oh my God!" Joe cried in surprise. "Lauren! I love you!"

Those words made all of this worth it. "Baby!" she cried. "I love you too!"

This went on for a while, because Joe still had a way to go; Lauren didn't mind, this was exactly what she wanted, a marathon of sex with her husband to make up for the months he wasn't in her bed, and even the month before he left, when they were barely speaking to each other even while living in the same house.

When she swivelled around, Rachel took advantage and sat on Joe's face while she kissed Lauren hard on the mouth. The three of them made so much noise that Lauren was glad they were alone in the house. This was not anything for the kids to hear. She was happy she could scream as loud as she wanted as she ground herself into him, riding for all she was worth, and when Joe finally exploded inside her, she collapsed into Rachel's arms, kissing her neck and whispering, "Thank you," into her ear.

"My pleasure," Rachel whispered back.

"I bet it was."

Rachel hooted laughter and playfully grabbed her breast.

Joe groaned beneath Rachel, and she dismounted. Joe, breathless and slick, said, "What were you two saying?"

"Just scoring you," Lauren said. "Five stars, no question."

"I still don't know how you can take that monster so easily," Rachel said. "When he was on top of me I thought I was going to split down the middle."

"So?" Joe asked Rachel. "Now that you've had me at my best, what do you think?"

Rachel thought about it a moment. "You're like fudge," she said. "Very sweet and filling, and only to be taken in small amounts."

Joe burst out laughing. "While Al is, what, popcorn?"

Rachel smiled wistfully and said, "Yes, he's my big bag of popcorn, with lots of butter."

"How did we start using fairground parlance?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know," Rachel said, "but we're not telling Al about this, okay?"

"Why not?" Joe said. "I'd like to rub this in his face."

Rachel frowned at him and said, "Because maybe he'll want to foursome with us next time. He's freaky that way."

"You're joking, right?"

"I'm not really sure."

"Well, no thanks. I'm not watching him do anything to either of you."

"And besides," Lauren said, "Al and I are done, right Rachel?"

She raised her eyebrows at her, and Rachel cleared her throat and said, "Yes, of course. You're coming home, and that's your condition."

Joe squinted at her, not liking something in her tone, but he nodded and said, "All right. Now, as much as I'd like to lie here all day with both of you, I should probably get to work, and you two said you needed to, right?"

"Yes, we do," Rachel said. "I need a quick shower first, though. I don't want Al smelling you on me."

She fled to the bathroom before Joe or Lauren could offer to join her. Maybe she wasn't feeling as good about what they'd done as Lauren thought. It was one thing to do it with Joe in an extreme situation, when they didn't know if they'd survive the night, but another to do it with clear intent, at full health, knowing full well what it would do to Al if he found out. Lauren could understand. Joe's very presence here was a result of her own journey of betrayal and heartbreak. If Rachel's guilt made her steer clear of Joe next time, then that was good for Lauren. Then again, the first time Lauren did it with Al certainly hadn't been her last.

Lauren lay on top of Joe and said, "Could we just stay like this for a minute, while Rachel's in the shower? I miss this."

Joe wrapped his big arms around her, and immediately she felt warm and cozy, and safe. She missed those arms so much.

"I love you so much," he said. "I never stopped."

"I love you too, baby. I'm so glad we did this today."

"Really?" he asked. "Even with Rachel?"

She took a moment too long to answer. "Yeah. I mean, it was a new experience, sharing you with her, and not something I'd want to repeat anytime soon, but I got to have you for longer than she did, and that's all that matters to me."

"I almost forgot how energetic a lover you are. You rocked my world, there, babe."

"Thank you," she said, feeling proud. "I had a lot of time to make up for."

Rachel found them still cuddling on the bed when she emerged, towelling off her naked body. Lauren eyed her hungrily, wishing they had more time to go again, but she didn't want to push her luck; the more time they spent here, the more they would be missed, the greater the possibility of discovery. Plus, she didn't want to take any more advantage of Rachel's good will; she might have cooperated today, but Lauren knew it was at least partly for her sake, and there was no guarantee she wouldn't resent her for dropping her into this situation to save Lauren from her own mistakes.

"Did I tell you how lucky Al is to have you?" Joe asked Rachel.

"Joe, don't spoil this moment with creepy compliments," Rachel said. "Lauren, we probably should get back to the office, now."

Lauren sighed in resignation. "Yeah, you're right." She kissed her husband long and deep, and she felt his tongue twine with hers, felt him swell against her leg. When she came up for air, she said, "That's to take with you, my love, to make you hurry back to me."

"I will," he panted.

She smiled and rolled off him, and as they got dressed, Lauren heard her phone buzz. All of them were lucky no one tried to call them while they were busy.

To her surprise, she found a text from Sunny.

Made contact with Jordan's Naira last night.

"What?!" she squawked.

"What is it?" Joe asked. 

She showed both of them the phone. 

"What the fuck?" Rachel said.

"Where the hell has she been?" Joe asked. 

"Hold on, let me find out," Lauren said. She typed: How?

She found me. She was reading Jordan's emails. She never said who she was but I suspect it's her. She used a disposable cell and said she was getting rid of her phone after our conversation. She's either crazy or spooked. 

She showed them Sunny's response. "Jesus," Rachel breathed. "What the hell is going on here? Do you think it has to do with Jordan's disappearance?"

"I wonder," Lauren said, and typed: I need to see that text thread.

Want to meet today?

Let me get to the office and clear some time in my schedule.

Oh, you're not there now?

Lauren smirked as she thought of what to tell him. Could she say, "No, I was busy having a threesome with my husband and Rachel"?

She typed: Had a late start. Childcare issues. All good now.

Okay. Let me know as soon as you can. We can even meet after work if you want. Also, are you available tomorrow evening?

Maybe. What for?

You'll see once you read the texts. Ask the others too?

Will do. TTYL.

Lauren put her phone away and said, "He wants us to be available tomorrow."

"His all candidates' debate is tomorrow evening," Joe said. When they both raised their eyebrows at him, he squirmed and said, "Am I the only one keeping up with his campaign schedule? I'm rooting for the guy."

"Maybe he wants us there for moral support?" Rachel said.

"I'll find out," Lauren said, "but he said it's something to do with the texts, which I really want to see now."

Joe finished dressing and made sure his wallet, phone and keys were in his pockets, like he always did. Lauren smiled at his obsessive tick. "Let me know what they say, and I'll try to come out tomorrow," he said.

"Thanks, babe, I love you," Lauren said. "Have a good rest of the day."

"You too, love you too."

With that, Joe was out of the bedroom and off to work.

Rachel finished dressing quietly, shoulders hunched. Lauren put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Feeling weird about what we just did?"

"You think? That wasn't in my playbook today."

"I'm sorry. Did you not want to? You could have bowed out and let me take over."

Rachel sighed and looked at her. "That's the problem. I didn't want to bow out. I was all in, so what does that say about me?"

Lauren shrugged. "You shared Al with me. I can't deny you the same courtesy without being a total asshole."

"So, why do I feel like I'm the one who fucked up?"

"You didn't. In fact, you helped me a great deal. Don't feel bad about that."

Rachel stared at for her for a second. "The baby, right? Now he'll think it's his."


"If he ever discovers the truth, he'll never forgive you."

"I know. I guess I'll have to hope he doesn't."

Rachel was quiet a moment, and then she said, "So, does this mean you're going through with it?"

"Do you want me to? I know what Al thinks, but this affects you just as much as it affects him."

"Forget about us. You're the one carrying this child. Do you really want to do the whole baby thing again?"

Lauren sighed and said, "It's certainly not what I planned on at this age. I don't know how I'll explain it to Tosh and Naomi, but if Joe's behind me, maybe it will be okay."

"What about work? You're the head honcho now. Can you be a new mom and run Justiciar at the same time?"

Lauren shrugged. "It will take some rejigging of duties. I'm still partner. Maybe Somers and Sanderson will have to take up more of the slack. Look, I was an investigator even when Naomi and Tosh were young. I'll figure it out."

"You had parents willing to do babysitting then. Is that true now?"

"Fuck. You're right. I think I'd have to hire a nanny."

Rachel smiled. "You know, I never got to be there for Tosh and Naomi's births. I'd love to see you with a baby bump."

Suddenly Lauren had to kiss her. She threw her arms around her and drew her in, and Rachel squealed in surprise, but then moaned into her mouth. 

"Do you think I'd look sexy with one?" she breathed into Rachel's ear.

"Yeah!" Rachel cried. "I'd love to see how big your breasts get. Can I suckle you too?"

"Ew!" Lauren said, chuckling, pushing her playfully. "You're a freak!"

"I always wondered what it tastes like."

"Have one yourself and find out. Actually, I never made much of my own. I had to bottle feed."

"Yeah, Allison had to do that too. I hear it's pretty common."

Lauren sighed and drew her in again. "A baby. I'm actually going to have a baby again. What the hell am I doing?"

"You know we'll all be there for you, right? Sunny and Tej, too, I bet they'll be thrilled."

"As long as they think it's Joe's."

"Well, yeah, you're right."

They held on to each other, and Lauren marvelled at how this morning had turned out. She'd started it thinking both Rachel and Joe were going to disappear from her life, and now they felt closer to her than they had in months.

"I think we better get to work," Rachel said, "and we need to see those texts."

"Yeah," Lauren said regretfully, wishing she could hold her longer. "We've done enough here. Let's go."

Thanks for reading this far! If you've read the previous three novels in this series, you'll know that none of the characters are saints. Perhaps their hijinks would never happen in real life, but I like reading for escape, and hope you do too. If you liked what you just read, hit "Vote" to send this title up the ranks. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

To see how Sunny does in his all-candidates debate, and the unexpected development that shuts it down, click on "Continue reading."

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