Breaking Through

By BuckysDoll0822

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Brittany comes from a broken and tragic past.She meets the newest recruit,Steve's best friend from childhood... More

The Meet
Studying Her
Almost Friends
Break Through
Moving On

Getting Close

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By BuckysDoll0822

After a week of studying her gave me nothing I finally gave up and decided to just find other ways to occupy my time.It was a nice day out so I decided to join Steve for a run.I grabbed my stuff then headed out to the trail to meet Steve.

We ran the 10 mile trail and as we did I looked at all the beautiful scenery,not even hearing Steve call my name.

"Earth to Bucky I said how are you liking the Compound.Have you cracked her yet or have you given up like the rest of us."He had a smirk on his face as he looked me in the eye when we stopped for a break.

"The place is pretty nice especially the training room.I tried following her from a distance for a week but it's hard to follow someone who is invisible most of the time.I haven't given up yet I'm just taking a break cause I don't want to cross any boundary lines or end up pinned to the wall with daggers like you ya little punk."

I playfully punched his shoulder then messed up his hair as we started wrestling like kids again. "Nice one knucklehead.We all gave up after the first few days but you seem persistent. I can't believe you actually want to try to crack her.We all figured she would open up eventually but it's been 2 years so we figured she didn't want to talk about it just yet.Wanda is the best at reading minds but for some reason whenever she tries to read the kid's mind she gets blocked by a mind dampener that blocks telepaths from seeing inside your mind.We found out the hard way."

"I get it you guys just want to know her but some stuff or people just take time.You can't just expect her to open up even if it has been two years.She will open up when she's ready so for now all you can do is be patient and just give her time and space no matter how much of it she needs.She's basically the female kid version of me only way more closed off and guarded.You gave me a chance and respected my slow progress so just do the same for her."

He looked at me surprised and amused at what I just said so I rolled my eyes playfully and shoved his arm from up under him to make him fall backwards then I got up and took off running. "James Buchanan Barnes get back here.I'm gonna get you back for that."

He got up and started chasing me through the trail while laughing uncontrollably. "You'll have to catch me first Steven Grant Rogers.I highly doubt you can do that with your scrawny self."I laughed extra hard as I reached the end of the trail then headed back for the Compound.

He chased me all the way there but gave up when he had to slow down and catch his breath.I ran back to my room and collapsed on the floor to catch my breath.I grabbed some sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt to put on once I got out the shower then headed to the bathroom.The steam felt good against my skin but it irritated the red scratch marks around the top of my metal arm where it connected with my shoulder.I hissed in pain as I moved my shoulder away and started washing my hair.

My hair was long and tangled so my fingers got stuck a few times and I had to tug a little to get them out.I finally finished with washing my hair then climbed out the shower and got dressed.I walked into my room and found a basket with a few items and a note attached near the door.

"Thanks for saying all that stuff to Steve about giving me time and space to open up while you were on a run.Your the only person who actually gets me.Nobody in the two years I've been here has ever really been that nice enough to know what I need and respect that.They try to stay away but end up constantly at my door trying to get me to come out.At least you have enough decency to try to get to know me from a distance without bothering me.You seem like a good person who knows how to deal with my behavior.To say thanks here is a time table of when the others are around the compound so you know when you can walk around in peace. The pink ointment should help with the irritation around your metal arm and should clear it up in about a week.Take your metal arm off and put the blue cover on then put the arm back on so your arm feels a little lighter and you won't have to scratch around it anymore.The shampoo and conditioner should help make washing your tangled hair easier so it's not such a struggle anymore.The moisturizer makes it softer so you can manage it better so you can put it on before or after you wash your hair but it doesn't really matter.The comb and brush are designed to help manage hair like yours that gets tangled easily.There's also a time table of when I come out my room and where I go in case you want to watch me from a distance.Thanks for being understanding about all this.Your not as bad as I thought you were gonna be.Nice arm by the way it's actually really nice."

I looked through the basket and found everything she said was in there.The schedules, the moisturizer,the shampoo and conditioner, the comb and brush,the ointment,and the cover.I took my shirt off and applied the ointment which felt really nice then took off my arm and put on the cover.It was a silky soft blue which felt nice against my skin.I placed my arm on top of it and she was right.It really did feel lighter and more comfortable.I put my shirt back on and tacked the schedules to the inside of my closet so only I could find them. I put the hair washing supplies in the cabinet under the sink of my bathroom for next time I washed my hair.

I walked over to her door and left a small box of chocolate without saying a word then walked back in my room.I heard her open her door and grab the candy then mumble a small "Thank you James.Your welcome for the stuff"then close her door.It felt nice to hear her call me James.It also felt nice to hear her speak for the first time.Her voice was like tiny bells which was soothing and relaxing.I smiled to myself and looked over the schedules to see where everyone would be and when.

I hadn't eaten yet and according to the schedules the kitchen was clear so I made my way down to make myself a snack.I ended up eating some cookies and milk while watching some of the old movies from the 40's that were left in my room.I kept the time tables with me so I could know when to leave so no one found me.I finished up one of the movies then cleaned up and went to train.

I lifted weights for a solid two hours then went back to my room for a nap.I napped for 3 hours then Steve came in and interrupted me which made me cranky. "Steven you better have a good reason for interrupting my nap you twig. You know how much I love my naps and how cranky I get when I'm woken up."I shot daggers at him and laid back down to finish my nap.

"Easy there James you troublemaker I just wanted to see if your gonna join us for game and movie night tonight but I guess not so enjoy your nap."He shot daggers right back at me then walked off and closed the door.I fell back asleep in no time and didn't wake up until it was dinner time.There was a plate already outside my door so I knew who had brought it to me.I mumbled a soft thank you then closed my door.I knew it was her way of communicating and trying to reach out. Leaving gifts and small tips to avoid the others and mumbling a few small words became our special connection.We never actually saw each other but we knew exactly how to communicate without physical contact.

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