•𝙉𝙤𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙪𝙣•...

By DontfuckwiththeChuck

274K 8.7K 6K

After getting fired from your job - working at a convenience store, your life takes an eventful spin as you w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 27

6K 223 173
By DontfuckwiththeChuck

The golden gleam of the setting sun shone onto your face as the beautiful shades of reddish orange and bright yellow mixed into and swallowed up the blue of the sky, leaving you staring at it in awe, mesmerized by the sight you couldn't help but take in, realizing just how enjoyable this moment would be if you weren't on the run. But then again, you really wouldn't even be here right now to experience this if you weren't.

The doll's eyes drifted upon you, examining your calm composure as you turned your head back to the road. He absolutely hated to admit it, but he was starting to find your presence tolerable. It was almost enjoyable having you in his company, though he wondered whether the feeling was mutual, sometimes hating the idea of it, much rather preferring to be feared by you than liked.

The day seemed to drag on longer than you would've liked it to, and the feeling of evening already setting in as the sky grew darker outside brought upon the feeling of relief to wash over you, seeing that the end of day was close. Your eyes moved their gaze away from the road for awhile, landing on the charger you had bought a few hours ago from a conviniance store that Chucky forced you to stop at as soon as he spotted it. You had it laying in your lap and couldn't wait to use it when you finally found a motel to stay in for the night, the thought of laying in a comfortable bed of a nice room was the only thing motivating you to keep driving.

The doll pressed his fingers onto the fabric of his seat, feeling the texture of the surface as he boredly looked down, trying to think of anything he could've possibly done to make this situation a little more endurable than it had to be.

"Do you think he's alright...?" You questioned out of nowhere, interrupting him while he was lost in thought.

Your eyes frantically moved, torn in between looking at him to see his reaction to the question you had just flung at him randomly and staying focused on the road to prevent you from seeing said reaction, knowing that the expression held on his face at the current moment would drive anxiety right into you just by looking at it.

You didn't know why you felt the need to ask him that. The question seemed to just slip out unintentionally. Maybe it was due to the fact that you were subconsciously thinking about it all day. After all, it was at the back of your mind constantly, even when you were unaware of it, silently killing you with the disturbance that it caused.

Your desire to turn and face the doll faded, already being able to see his cold narrowed eyes and completely infuriated expression fixed onto you in a manner that unsettled you to the bone from your peripheral vision. It gave you the impression that he knew exactly who you were talking about - Andy.

Chills ran down your spine, and the bumpy feel of the ride due to the poor road conditions didn't seem to make the situation any more pleasing.

The doll sounded a scoff after moments of intimidating silence.

"I fuckin' hope not." He finally answered, his voice laced with resentment and bitterness.

You sighed slightly, regret and guilt eating away at your mind unbearably.

"Oh please, are ya seriously getting all soft for a guy who nearly fuckin' killed ya!?" The doll snapped, his volume rising as his tone hinted disbelief and somewhat disappointment seeing the remorse on your face.

The sinking feeling in your stomach only grew, distracting you with the agitation and worrisome thoughts that accompanied it. Your hands struggled to stay grasped upon the steering wheel, your palms feeling slippery and wet with sweat as your neck and back heated up uncomfortably.

"hey." Chucky called out, snapping you out of your fearful stage. He chose a calmer approach this time - his tone of voice softer than it was previously, which for some reason, managed to calm your nerves down slightly as you turned your head to look over to him, wanting to hear what he was about to say next.

"Ya did good. Plus, the son of a bitch fuckin' deserved it... So quit sulkin' over a fucker whom, quite frankly, wouldn't give a fuck less if you were to end up taking a dirt nap six feet fuckin' under."


You pulled into the parking lot of the motel you had just found, parking underneath an overgrown tree that blocked out any light close enough to shine upon the vehicle.

You stepped out, The doll in your arm as you walked towards the building.
Your steps grew closer to the entrance, watching as a young man, looking to be around your age made his way out. He stopped as he noticed you approaching, his eyes landing on the doll you were carrying.

Your paths eventually crossed as you finally walked up to the building. You gave him a weak smile and a quick nod before your hand reached the handle of the glass door, pushing it open before you were stopped.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but, that wouldn't happen to be a good guy doll, would it?" the man questioned, causing you to tear your hand away from the steel handle, turning around to face him as you looked down at Chucky to read the bright red words plastered on his blue overalls, finding it hard to make out what they said because of how tainted and torn the fabric was, stained with dried blood and stitched sloppily. You inhaled sharply at this, nervousness and fear washing over you as you hoped the man didn't notice the crimson stains, afraid he would grow suspicious, as any normal person would, seeing a children's toy covered in blood.

"Uh, yeah, it is." You replied, eyes moving up to meet his as you studied his facial features and the expression he held as he observed the toy. It made you anxious, watching him silently stare at the doll, questioning his thought process, wondering what the next sentence he was going to speak would be.

"Sick!! I thought it was! What's up with all those scars and blood though? I haven't seen another model like it before."

You gulped at his question, biting the inside of your cheek as you tried to contemplate a proper answer that would throw off any growing suspiciouns he possibly had.

"It's a limited edition. Custom made for Halloween." You answered, watching as he nodded in realization, looking as if he believed what you had just told him to be completely true.

"Awesome!! Does it still have it's batteries in? What's your name, little guy?" Your eyebrow cocked as you watched him crouch down to be on eye level with Chucky, his enthusiastic expression confusing you even more as you silently questioned this guy's sanity, wondering what he honestly expected out of the doll other than silence, confused if there was something about Chucky you hadn't realized. The young male noticed this, chuckling slightly, his shallow laughter coming out to sound more confused as he stood up in his regular position once again.

"oh, uh, they're supposed to respond-"

"Hi, I'm Chucky! And I'm your friend til the end! Hidey ho! Hahaha!"

A child like voice eerily cut him off, erupting from the doll you held close to you as you jumped slightly in surprise, not knowing that Chucky was capable of doing that. As if him going into doll mode wasn't unsettling enough on its own.

Your eyes moved back up to look at the man in front of you, curious to see what his reaction would be.

"Haha cool! Are you planning on selling it? I'm willing to pay." The man suddenly offered, sounding genuinely interested in purchasing the doll from you. It made you cock an eyebrow. You almost forgot at times, that not everybody around you knew that Chucky was alive, though it would've been way more easier that way. You knew how much he hated being carried, and you couldn't really say that you enjoyed carrying him all that much either.

"Seriously?" You questioned, your voice coming out a little too excited than you expected it to, nearly forgetting that Chucky was right next to you, hearing everything you had to say, and you could tell right away, that he did not like it.

"Yeah, I sorta collect stuff like this. It's more of a hobby, really. I'd be happy to take this off your hands for you. " He offered, and a small part of you yelled at you to go for it. This was your golden opportunity to finally make a break for it, to leave this whole mess behind, to go back to your apartment, to eventually forget all of this had even happened in the first place. Your decision making was cut short as you felt a small hand slither itself behind your back, fingers digging themselves into your skin deeply, the only thing separating them from actual contact with your flesh being the thin fabric of your shirt.

You shuddered slightly before gulping, feeling your heart begin to race as the contact made the familiar feeling of fear sink in once again. You knew the slight pinch you felt on your back as he grasped against it was a warning of what was to come if you went through with it. It was a threat, and the doll made that clear as he silently dared you to even think about giving him up to this complete stranger.

"I... couldn't bear giving it up, it's been in my family for years... Too many memories, y'know?" You declined politely, feeling the grasp fade from your back as you masked your fear behind a a sympathetic smile, seeing the flash of disappointed written on the man's face.

"I understand... but uh, if you ever change your mind or anything..." He reached for his bag, taking it off as he opened one of the smaller zippers, taking out a notebook and a pen as he jotted down a few things quickly, almost as if he had done it a million times before, and you had no doubt of it. He tore the piece of paper off before handing it over to you.

"Here are the numbers to my room and phone. Feel free to contact me whenever, I'm not really that busy.... Most of the time at least... I'm Arthur by the way." He introduced himself as you took the paper and shoved it into your pocket, not really caring if you damaged or crumpled it in the process, knowing you weren't gonna need it and were probably gonna throw it away as soon as you went into your room.

"(Y/n)..." You introduced, nodding politely as he smiled, repeating the action.

"well, it was nice to meet you, (Y/n). I'll be around here for the next couple of days, hope to see you around."

"You probably will." You told, watching as he nodded to you one final time before heading over to his car, probably to get a bite to eat somewhere around the area.

You walked into the building. Checking in was pretty easy and you got it over with pretty fast, to your relief.

You walked over to the elevator, pressing the button next to it as the doors slid open, inviting you in as you entered.

It didn't take long before you reached your floor, getting out as you walked down the hallway, noticing that it was a little bigger than the previous motel you were in. You shook away the memories that accompanied the thought of the other motel, the unstable voice of Andy as he tried to talk you out listening to Chucky, the sound of the bullets firing, done by your hand, the sound of the chair snapping as it made contact with the back of Andy's head, and his body laying motionless on the floor to both your relief and distraught. God, you hoped he was still alive, but at the same time didn't... For if he was, you were more than certain he would be back, and even thirstier for vengeance, not only against Chucky, but you too.

You finally reached your room, pushing your key into the knob, opening the door as you entered, not entirely expecting much, and it was good that you didn't. The place was plain, a little larger than your last room, which increased the possibility that more dust accumulated in it. It certainly didn't look very clean, a thin layer of dust sitting on literally every surface in sight. You closed the door behind you and set the doll down to his feet, walking away from him as you examined the area, finding a cable right next to the night stand of the bed as you plugged in your charger and took your phone out of you pocket, along with the paper that Arthur gave you. You plugged your phone into the charger, setting it onto the nightstand, on top of Arthur's paper.

The good thing was that the bed was way more bigger this time, it was placed right next to a small balcony that lead to the view of a decently small pool that looked more slime green than blue. You could tell it wasn't cleaned often, if the sludge building up upon and in between the tiles of it didn't give it away, then nothing would. You stepped closer to the sliding glass door that separated the balcony from your room , staring out of it as you were lost in thought about other things.

It began to grow silent, the kind that washed over an entire space, leaving it filled with uncomfortable awkwardness and thoughts of what to say to cut the quietness out.

You could hear the leaves brushing upon eachother on the trees outside, rustling through the wind, accompanied with the faint sound of dripping water, probably from a leaking ceiling or faucet somewhere close.

It felt so calm, yet so anxiety fueled. You could feel yourself caving into your own silence, negative thoughts hovering over your tired mind as you were reminded once again, of the situation you were in, and who you were with. It was uncertain to the both of you where you were at with eachother at this point - trust-wise. It was complicated to say the least.

You wouldn't say you were in good terms with eachother, but weren't in bad terms either.

You just left it at that - an unspoken statement.

It felt so difficult to trust him, no matter how comfortable you were begining to feel when you were along his side. It felt as if he wouldn't hurt you, though you knew he was capable of it and you were more than convinced he would as soon as this was all over. But he was all you had right now and you had to depend on him, even with the knowledge that your life could've slipped away from you at any given moment. It was best not to think about it too much anyways.

" 'least ya got a king this time..." You heard the doll mutter from behind you, snapping you out of your thoughts as you watched him walk towards the bed, climbing on top of it as he found a comfortable place to relax on.

He wasn't too far away from you now, his presence haunting and stiffening you as you looked away.

"Sleeping would do us both some good..." He mumbled, resting his head upon a pillow as he closed his eyes, expecting you to join him, but you didn't move from standing at that one spot. You looked over to him again, seeing him lying upon the bed you thought you had all to yourself, it was selfish, you knew. But you just couldn't beae the thought of sharing a bed with him, especially not after that morning where you found him on top of you, doing God knows what.

His icy blue eyes opened, snapping towards you and noticing that you were still in the same spot. He rolled his eyes in impatience, sitting up slightly as he faced you.

"The fuck are ya waiting for? Me to tuck you in and sing you a fucking lullaby? " He sarcastically questioned, his impatience and tolerance slowly slipping away as he waited.

"Get in here already! For fuck sake..."

You didn't respond and it only set him off the edge even more.

"Hey. You wanna sleep out on the balcony, be my guest. But just so you know, this bed's big enough for both of us.." he hinted, laying back down, sighing over dramatically in relaxation just to annoy you, even almost convincing you as your body ached to sleep on the soft, comfortable surface of the mattress that the doll laid on as he messed around with you.

"Quit bein' a fucking baby and get over here already... I'm too tired for this shit!" He snapped, signalling for you to come over but you still wouldn't let yourself budge, hoping he would take the hint and offer to sleep on the chair again.

"Just so you know, I'm not getting up from here to sleep on a fucking chair again just so your entitled ass gets to hog up the whole damn bed to yourself." His eyes were now closed, but he could tell you were still eyeing him.

"You're loss..." He taunted in a singsong tone, a smirk forming on his lips as he heard your footsteps approaching him.

"Fine... " You mumbled in defeat, walking over to the other side of your bed before climbing on and tossing the blanket over you, getting comfortable as you tried to ignore the fact that Chucky was right next to you.

He turned to his side, eyes latching onto you and noticing that you were facing him, eyes closed, looking like they were forced shut so you didn't have to open them to be met with the sight of him.

"Heh, look at you getting all comfy with me... Ain't so bad, is it?"

You groaned at his question, paying no mind to the smugness that laced his tone, hearing him snicker at your annoyance as you roughly turned to the other side, your back facing him, as chills went down your spine feeling the movement on the mattress as he too, turned away from you.


The doll forced himself not to shift too fast or hard, not wanting to accidentally wake you up from your, what seemed to be, deep slumber. He didn't know how long he had spent trapped with his own silence and dwelling thoughts, but he did know that it was well over an hour since you had crawled into bed with him and here he was, still awake, frustratedly waiting for the perfect moment to execute a plan he was anticipating ever since Arthur had stopped you to have a conversation.

A soft snore escaped your lips, and he took it as a sign that you were finally out cold, even though you probably were for the past have an hour, he had to be certain of it before he could've done anything else.

He climbed down from the bed slowly, being sure to keep as silent as possible as he tried to manoeuvre himself around in the darkness, his only light source being the lights that surrounded the area outside, shining into the glass frame of the sliding door.

His hands grazed the wooden surface of the nightstand next to you, moving up as he felt around the top of it, where he hoped he could easily grab your phone from. His fingers latched onto the object as soon as they brushed upon it, sliding it off and holding it between his two hands, Arthur's paper, that was previously under it, falling onto the floor just a few inches away from his feet as he reached out and grabbed it.

He noticed that you began to steer in your sleep, head immediately whipping towards you as he waited to see whether you would wake up or remain asleep. When you didn't move for the next few seconds, he unplugged your phone, walking over to the dressing table as he grabbed a whole of the leg of the stool that was placed right under it, dragging it over the tiled floor and making sure it didn't make much noise in the process.

He stopped as he reached the door, placing the stool not too far from it before climbing on top of the small wooden seat, twisting the knob and pulling it as the door fell open. He climbed down carefully, pulling the door to open even more as he exited the small crack, using the stool to hold the door open so that he could enter into the room with ease once he returned once again.

Chucky began to examine the note Arthur had given you, realizing that his room was conveniently placed on the same floor as the both of yours, smirking slightly to himself as he walked down the hallway, examining every room number before finally reaching Arthur's.

He then switched on your phone, keying in your password before clicking on the call app, entering in the man's phone number before pressing the call button as he heard the ringtone sound from the inside of the room. He placed the device up to his ear, before hearing the ringtone cut off, the half asleep voice of the awoken man sounding from the phone as he slurred a confused "hello?"

A grin formed on the doll's lips.

"Hey, asshole."

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