Alerah - The Prince's Favorite

By Shedling49

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Alerah Ravyne is a young and beautiful girl from Essos who was captured by pirates and sold on to a dornish m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

163 2 0
By Shedling49

Life was now absolutely wonderful and incredibly fun nowadays. Alerah enjoyed her new life as much as Prince Viserys has given her and only to secure her life for his happiness and enlightenment. Alerah was his life and wonder and Alerah who promised himself to do good for Viserys for all he has done for her.

But now that Alerah is a noble lady nowadays, there will be moments and days she must complete to take care of and not just spend time with Viserys when he so calls on her or asks for it. The moments arrive when it comes to her.

But one thing was that Alerah has to look at what the whole court looks like and how they participate socially as well and what she remembers when she saw or happened to hear their body language and attitudes so most of them were very independent in a mean or spoiled way and it may be that Alerah himself must become such a personality as well.

But the funny thing for her was that her room was so good when to her beloved and she of course had to go and come by when she wanted because Viserys wanted to see how she felt of course.

But after being with Viserys as a Noble Rich Lady for a whole week, she has to go on her own feet a bit and spend her own time. What she wanted to start with was to walk around the castle and see how all the castle roads and rooms that the court was only allowed to be in and Alecor was kind and told how everything worked and how she had to be treated and sadly enough, Alecor was completely honest and said that she does not belong to the Royal Family, but she is only a lover and a paramoor for the Prince and has only been given a title to secure her condition.

Which hurt Alerah a little but it was also the truth itself and she did not let it destroy her mind. Viserys wanted for her and he wanted to make sure she was insured and then gave her a gift that is enough for life and it was a great gratitude to give her.

Alerah knows she can calm Viserys down to a real human being and it has certainly saved more days in his life than he could ask God to have.

But as said today in a new week, she and also Viserys thought that they would get their own time apart a little.

And today, first of all, she would choose her maids. And she had a good idea what she wanted. And there were none but her best friends that she used to work with before at the castle. Alerah felt that they were the ones who gave her such confidence to stay alive and also believe that she could do wonders with her life and they would get the chance to experience that vision as well.

Their names were Lissa, Royna, Katrina and Sierra and Alerah went to find Alecor and asked him to get the girls' own room ready which would be their bedroom which was just a few meters away from Alerah's own and Alerah wanted them to have their own away in their room to eat their food in during the days and make sure that the fireplace is kept warm and nice and make sure that their beds could fit in there.

Alerah got the idea to knock out the small so-called storage room next to their room so you could arrange another room and there could be two beds and two more could be in the main room where you enter.

This was quite unusual for people to do so for their servants, but Alerah, who herself comes from a strong peasant family, knew that working only physically makes one burn out and Alerah got the idea that the more furniture for more space its and more comfortable for people and sheep softer to find and tinker with in their spare time.

Alecor did not say much about the matter but just kept its judgment to itself and obeyed its new order from Lady Alerah. But Alerah also gave Alecor a gift as a thank you for all the help and support from her injuries from her attack from Lady Arianna.

Alerah gave Alecor a bag of gold and there were 30 gold coins in the little red bag she gave him. It was a huge amount of money to spend but Alerah looked firmly at him and desperately wanted him to receive it, and which he did and bowed before her as a thank you and then left for work.

Alerah just smiled big because she could do anything right now and it felt good and nice for once.

Alerah went to her room again and decided to take it easy. While Alecor informed the news to Alerah's friends, they were overjoyed and surprised and hurried to thank and help their Lady.

Soon they and Alerah arrived so happy to see them again and gave everyone a hug to show their friendship.

Alerah told briefly but clearly how she wants them and she knows most of all that all four knew everything about what and everything they would take care of, take care of and make sure everything is in the right order and make sure most of all that no one gets in the way and destroys and distracts everything in the face of Lady Alerah.

And just at the same time when her friends came and when they went to look at their accommodation and even though the building was just being rebuilt, it was very happy about their room.

But as it said, Lissa, Royna, Katrina and Sierra came in new clothes and when Alerah discovered it, she took one of it and the woman who came with the service clothes saw how disgusting it was.

A completely thin material for the shawl for a simple dress and had a hard and simple neck ring and totally loose and fluffy and no restrictions around the dress. It was too disgusting for Alerah to see.

She also remembered in Dorne before she moved that some women in the service wore trousers or a solid half or full length dress and some had thin covers on their upper bodies. She liked that.

"These are abominable. I do not want my servants to look like slaves or whores. Throw them away and give my girls completely better clothes and fasting as possible and with my ideas it can probably be done in a few days in normal labor." Alerah said to the older woman and she bowed and nodded.

Then Alerah's friends had come into the room and heard about the clothes and they tried to say that they had no problem with the matter.

But Alerah refused to hear about any more topics. Alerah had at least three ideas and the first was a blue body-length dress that was tight down and simple airy enough to go in and it would have half long arms to easily be able to wear and air things and so she wanted the girls to get two each jacket cover that they could hide the body a little with and that would make them more safe and comfortable to touch and wear throughout the day.

In three versions, a work dress that lasts every day and in such cases two pieces so they could wash their clothes well in advance.

A party dress that they would wear during parties and other things that could make them just stick out or out just to be needed in the meantime.

And then a black dress that they would wear during the time of the loss.

It was perfect and Alerah herself paid for these designs and in the meantime they would wear the clothes they had already received. Not so heavenly good-looking and fresh, but it had to be that way.

"My Lady. Otherwise I can tell you about the dressmaker. He lives in the castle otherwise." The woman tipped.

"That's good. Do you remember otherwise how I wanted the clothes?" Alerah asked and she nodded.

"Good to do this. Go to him and say that Lady Alerah wants him to get all the materials he needs and I prefer that the day dresses should be light blue because it brightens everything in front of people. Party dresses should be red and the black dress it's clear what it adds. Greet him to just send a bill for all the time and work and I'll pay it in time afterwards. Can you?" Alerah explained himself.

The woman nodded and saw that Alerah brought out a couple of money as a thank you because this is not her real job to fix things she fetched things for people.

But the woman bowed and then ran. Alerah smiled at her friends and assured them that everything would be fine in the end.

Then she thought of going out for a walk and looking at the court a little. She asked her friends to come along.

And then the routine started and all four just followed their leader and waited for the next order. It started to get fun in the beginning and then when Alerah came to the first big corridor, the fear started to appear and people started watching one every now and then.

But Alerah did as she was taught by Alecor and Prince Viserys to greet and bow to some people because that way she could be easily ignored and get a good quick greeting back.

Of course, Alerah knew that they would probably laugh or gossip loudly about her also because she is just a favorite of the Prince. But people have to put up with it and if it gets too hard or too ugly, she can simply say no.

Eventually she came to a couple of older noble men and Alerah jumped a little but when she saw their straight eyes on her she smiled a little and bowed to them a little and apologized that she did not discover them so quickly.

"You must be Lady Alerah Rawyne. Prince Visery's new mistress." It was Lord Reynor who said.

"May I be my Lord ..."

"Lord Reynor."

"Lord Reynor and if you want to know the honor, you're the first Lord to have a chat with me. People should think you like all sorts of people." Alerah said.

"Yes, maybe so. This is otherwise Lord Skaros, he's a businessman otherwise." Lord Reynor said.

"Nice." Lady Alerah bowed and Lord Skaros nodded contentedly.

"Well, we should not take your time and enjoy your new life." Lord Reynor said.

"Not so new My Lord but enjoyable it will probably be more out of I think." Alerah said and then left the Lords to themselves.

But one thing he thought was a little puzzled and discovered that Alerah servants were wearing the wrong clothes and were puzzled by the sight. It was as if they were wearing nightgowns.

But they went ahead and ignored it.

After several roads forward, there was a large cardboard door and there were two guards on each side and it was actually recognized and it was the door to the Throne Hall and they could hear people talking a little loud.

But Alerah did not have to watch the guards look at her so annoyed and the others for Alerah would not even think of just stepping in anyway.

Alerah and her girls went ahead and chose to think of something else.Just then a little later she came to a completely different room and there sat Princess Elia and her little family besides Prince Rhaegar. But she remembers little sweet innocent Princess Rhaenys who played so wonderfully.

She might need a real playmate her age and fuss with. It could certainly make her play more and take it easy a bit.

But Princess Elia rocked around her son Prince Aegon and looked a little tired and then chose to visit her alone for another time when she could be more relaxed. Luckily, another had them in the room and it was the children's own babysitter and Aegon's nurse.

It was rumored that Elia could not get enough good milk for Aegon sometimes and even though how much Elia refused to breastfeed, Rhaegar wanted his children to have the best to survive.

Poor Princess Elia and Alerah bowed greatly from her absence and left in peace and quiet. Then in several corridors she was to herself and it felt both tense and calm in a difficult way and that was another reason why the moment became so much more difficult.

And there was no one else Alerah wanted to meet again and that was Lady Arianna with her maids.

Now Alerah knows who Ariannna was and she was the one before in the royal court and she looked to be pure damn. The time has certainly not healed yet.

Lady Arianna herself was not so happy to see the new Royal Favorite in the court and Arianna heard about everything from Talisa that Alerah had been upgraded to a Nobel Lady and had her own down payment and everything.

Which she also has, but most of it her father got to the family. Both Alerah and Arianna looked at each other for a long quick time and then Alerah chose to go towards Arianna's and Arianna did the same towards Alerah.

Then they came closer to each other and looked at each other.

"Nice day, until you came with your sour weather again." Alerah told her.

"It is the Gods who maintain our weather and you only sin by pulling up the old with the new in front of them." Arianna is big.

"As you want, but it's you more than me who pulls something back with you and in other words you have not apologized for how you almost killed me by killing me. I did not even know that you were Arianna."

"Lady ... Arianna and nothing more than that, you should address me your ugly woman."

"Yes, just that and nothing more than that. I will also be addressed as Lady Alerah and as Visery's Favorite Woman. His one and all. He has said that to me with love and care."

"He will get tired of you little you. I may have lost his heart but I took care of it for a long time and will always pound for it."

"Oh so nicely said. Maybe he should have wanted to hear that instead of seeing your ugly side at the end."

"You will be amazed to see what Prince Viserys really is. He is a Targaryen and Blood of the Dragon. You will lose his confidence in everything step by step."

"And then you come forward step by step? "

"Or someone else who is younger and more beautiful than you are now. Or a nice Targaryen Princess will come and simply take your little place and then you will just be a simple good pleasure for performing."

"It will not be at all. I will rise higher and higher and I will take everyone's seats in the big queue who want to get a chance in Visery's attention, and believe me I succeeded in that without even calling him or even look at him. He knew exactly what we had in common. "

"As you wish."


"Play Alerah and then when you finally notice the word of your enemies, you have to hurry until time runs out." Arianna finished and started walking.

"Would that be a tip on how to handle a royalty or do you just mean Prince Viserys. Then I think you have fought in vain to have even managed to lust after him. I wonder how much he still enjoyed your company alone as he does with me and how long did it take to bring in more women to be inspired." Alerah boasted and humiliated Arianna enormously.

It hurt Arianna a lot and became furious and got some other memories that just gave her such great sadness over her loss over Viserys.

Alerah just walked away with her girls who were just proud of her friend and Lady who spoke out sharply.

They agreed on most things and Arianna started to cry but kept quiet. Far from it, Alerah began to feel tired and a little hungry and decided to go back to her room to have some fun.

And Alerah's friends then offered another way they could get back and even though it took a while, it did absolutely nothing and Alerah was just in a great mood for having told little Arianna for good. Which she hopes made a good impression.

But Arianna went back to her and she asked to be alone in her room and then she started crying because the world was so unfair to her and she could not stand Alerah again. Why could she not have lost her face and then been banished from the Red Castle.

Lady Arianna got such a bad headache again and it was because of all the frustration and she could not even stand it either. You could not just drink away all thoughts and feelings. Is not that what the Book of Gods says?

But what Alerah said was so heavenly sickeningly hurtful and it took a toll on her. How could she say such a thing and just make herself believe that she had to work her way up to looking forward to Prince Viserys.

She would have to pay for this and she would really have to soot and suffer for everything. And Arianna now began to think through what would be great to make Alerah scared in the middle of the big world.

At the same time, Alerah sat in her room and sat at her dining table and ate some fruity bread cakes and drank good milk with it and it satiated her stomach and energy to take it easy during the day for dinner.

Then there was a knock on the door and Katrina opened the door for the visitor and it turned out to be Viserys servant and he had given a little note to Alerah and it said that Viserys still wanted to have dinner with her alone.

Alerah was very happy and she already went to her wardrobe and looked at how nice she would absolutely wear because the two had promised themselves to be apart for a while and a dinner does not always say much.

And then she chose to take the dark red dress with a checkered pattern on it and it said to take it easy and then take a rest after the buffet, she thought at least. Arianna sat and pondered a bit on her little revenge and she wanted to get Alerah in a very bad mood so that she could not show herself to people at all.

Then her door was knocked and it was Talisa who asked to come in and Arianna let her.

"My Lady I have your incense you wanted for the evening." Talisa showed the basket that contains some incense sticks that you would fire up to make flies go away and it also gives off a good smell.

And that was just when Arianna got an idea in her head and the incense was just what she needed. Arianna smiled slyly and then just called Talisa to come to her and asked her to get some thick pieces of cloth and a few flower roots. And the flower roots would do the dangerous thing.

Later in the afternoon, Alerah was ready for dinner and she was wearing her noble red dress that had half-length sleeves and she was going to wear a belt but skipped it and her hair up with braid back and the rest of the hair was down and she went a little too far and thought to adorn me then she knew she would look too ridiculous and skipped it too. It feels wonderful to be so in love with someone and sometimes you can be so happy that you want to be the best in anything in such romantic events.

"You can be in your room when I go, but make sure the room looks good while I'm away."

"Sure Lady Alerah." Lissa answered. Alerah smiled in the mirror and then she went to the Prince's floor in a happy and elated mood of energy.

Shortly afterwards when Alerah was away from all the visions, the girls were briefly around the room and just checked in and took away and put all the stuff back where it should be and then all four went to make their dinner and eat well.

Talisa was nearby and waited until she could take her chance and place the incense in good time and she had with her a small lantern where she could hide the incense from everyone's visions.

Talisa walked carefully in the corridor and listened to their talk on the road and they said that they were so successful in getting this service and life as well and then Talisa could notice that there were work tools outside and realized that something more was going on and then thought to tell on the matter for Lady Arianna.

Then Talisa finally came forward and opened the door to Alerah's bedroom carefully and made sure it made no noise and managed to get the door open big enough for herself and then she closed the door and waited until no one was around.

Then she turned around and saw what Lady Alerah's room looked like and it was bigger in everything than her Lady's bedroom and more royal and this will make Lady Arianna get a bang of anger.

Then she also saw a whole wardrobe full of bright clothes and her own bath and much more.

Talisa went and looked carefully for a good place for the lantern and then she could see some patches of fire in the ceiling by a window that hung from the ceiling and got a great idea and smiled big.

Talisa took one of these lamps and put all the roots in a cloth and then she put that sack together in another sack with incense sticks and she had lit them for a short while until the sticks started to burn and all this would start to smoke really during the night's sleep and dear Lady Alerah would get a hard breath in her sleep and be afraid to fall asleep again and imagine that shadows were after her.

Gods what fun it was going to be.

Alerah soon arrived at Viserys and knocked on his door and Viserys welcomed the guest in and Alerah came in and bowed before her beloved Prince and Viserys smiled at his sweet woman and took her in his arms and enjoyed her only and Alerah smiled at his company again.

"Have you missed me?" Viserys asked.

"Of course I have." Alerah said and then they took their place and enjoyed a big buffet again with fish and chicken pie with other goodies.

"You spoil me everything."

"Not at all. Just eat your share of the food." Viserys said calmly and they both just took theirs and ate their dinner.

Then when Talisa was ready for the plan in the work, she started to flee from there and return to Lady Arianna and after having managed to leave their floor, she went straight to Lady Arianna's room and inside stood Arianna pondering when the plan would be started. Talia may not have managed to get in and still have to wait for her successful turn or maybe Talia has been discovered and Alerah may torture her on everything and then she gets to soot for her tricks and is punished instead.

But then Talisa came into the room and Arianna looked at her curiously.

"How did it go?"

"It went well and everything will go exactly according to plan. Tonight she will have a really awful fire to nightmare My Lady." Talia told with a smile and Arianna was so pleased and smiled enormously happy and could breathe.

Meanwhile, the incense had been going on very slowly and surely. Dinner went fast and Viserys and Alerah said good night and did nothing kissing or hugging but just said hello then for once and it felt just as good.

And when Alerah had opened her doors and closed them, her friends heard it and arrived at her quickly and helped to change.

Because Alerah could feel after her walks and such a big dinner, Alerah wanted to be comfortably dressed in her nightgown and wear around her nightgown and just enjoy a quiet evening and just eat or drink something good and lie still in bed or something.

Royna asked if it would stay and tell about a fairy tale or something but Alerah said no because she was quite tired and thanked for their help for the day and then the girls said good night.

Alerah was now dressed for the evening and only poured half a glass with her Pento wine which she loved immensely and then took a bread cake that was on her fruit and small good dish that was on her everyday table.

Then she took a quick look over her large balcony and she regretted it because something in her eyes irritated her and chose to go in again.

What Alerah did not know was that there was a little fire in the air that caught my eye in the drought for a while.

Later she then went to bed and began to sleep and soon she fell into a deep sleep and a few hours later the incense began to take effect.

And then when the incense was on, a thick black incense began to enter the air in the room and when it arrived at Alerah she found it difficult to breathe and as soon as she felt that the air did not reach into her nose or mouth she woke up and picked up air as fast as she could and became very scared and wondered enormously what had happened.

At the same time, Lissa came and the others ran into the room and could hear that Alerah screamed a little completely out of breath and became afraid for her sake.

But Sierra could see the incense in a patch of fire in the ceiling and took it and threw it into the bath and let it burn up in an open place and then Sierra fetched water and poured over the whole fire.

"Take it easy My Lady and inhale as much as you can." Lissa said.

"Lady Alerah, I found the problem and destroyed it. Someone must have sneaked in and put a thick incense to poison you." Sierra said.

"Did you find what was in the incense?" Royna asked.

"No, everything was in several small bags together. Everything is already burned enough as it is." Sierra replied.

But Alerah probably knew who it could all be and promised to take pure revenge back for causing so much trouble for nothing.

Alerah said to leave almost all the windows open to ventilate all the air and then she wanted to go to bed and that they would get something soothing before the girls go back to bed.

And it helped and then it took a while to get sleepy again but in the end she managed to fall asleep again and everything was painless again as luck would have it.

Next Morning

The morning came and Alerah woke up firmly and her friends knocked on the doors and arrived and Sierra and Lissa hurried to pick up the morning coat and see if Alerah was fully recovered. Which Alerah assured enormously and just wanted to eat her breakfast and only then look up Lady Arianna and talk to her about a few things.

But what would she say? That she knew enormously that it was her invention of the incense and make her in a worse sense overall? What an idea then.

No, she had to just play on and make Arianna realize over time that her little games and pranks do not work on her.

Then after the meal she would have to choose clothes and it was quite difficult to decide and her friends picked up each of their clothes what they thought would suit her and showed it in front of her.

Alerah was grateful and chose a red green dress with long sleeves.It was enough and chose to have a simple hairstyle today and let the hair hang down today.

And nothing more than that.

All the girls were not going to say anything and just understood that some effort grabbed Alerah and left her alone.

But Alerah did not intend to let the fanatic Arianna let her stay in her room and stop her from meeting people at all.

"Let's take a walk in the garden." Alerah said straight on and everyone went out.

But on the way there, just as she had reached the exit to the whole garden, an important person appeared and went straight at her.


"Oh, did you beat yourself up, little one?" Alerah said.

It was a little girl so she ran straight into her and hit her face on Alerah's legs.

"A little."

"Oh then, and what's your name then?"

"Rhaenys." Alerah smiled at the little princess and behaved motherly to the little girl.

"You should not run anyway. You can hurt yourself really badly. How are you?"

"I'm okay. My nose hurts, is it red?" Rhaenys asked nervously.

"No. But it will pass. You are a strong little one."

"I'm sorry."

"There is no danger. Things like that happens." Alerah smiled assuredly.

"I can not find my mother."

"Have you lost her? Is she out in the garden?"

"No she is in her room I think. I just wanted to go out and play but then I wanted to go in but did not find the way."

"It's okej. I can help you find your mother."

"Can you?"

"Yes, come with me and my friends and we will go to your mother." Alerah gave her hand to little Rhaenys and she grabbed her hand and then went in again.

But somewhere Alerah had a Talia again who spied on her again and saw everything.

But anyway, Alerah remembered the road to Prince Rhaegar's apartment where Princess Elia's residence was also located.

And shortly after, they came to the floor and told the guards about her case and saw little Rhaenys who was still holding Alerah's hand and let the ladies pass and then Rhaenys started jumping a little while she was walking and knew that her mother was nearby.

"Is she in here?" Alerah asked quietly and Rhaenys nodded loudly and Alerah knocked.

"Come in." It was Elia who answered and Rhaenys opened one door and shouted happily at her mother.

Elia saw Alerah as Rhaenys ran into the room, hugging her mother tightly as she held her son Aegon in her arms.

"Rhaenys, where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you." Elia replied. "Rhaenys you can't go all by yourself everywhere. Who knows what might happen to you." Elia said anxiously.

"Forgive me." Rhaenys said as she hugged her mother's legs and her little face pressed against her legs.

"Your Highness." Alerah bowed and Elia looked at her again.

"Hi, thank you for bringing my daughter here. You may be quite curious about things."

"That was the least I could do."

"Where did you find her?"

"The princess was at the garden to play but tried to find the entrance again to find you again. She went straight into me but no harm happened." Alerah explained and sounded a bit playful towards Rhaenys who was a bit ashamed and smiled at Alerah's gaze a bit.

"Rhaenys you should be in your room and play. You should always be close to me wherever I am."

"Sorry. But I wanted to play with someone." Rhaenys said and Elia realized that her playmate was probably ill and had not been told about this.

Alerah looked at poor Elia that she was completely exhausted and realized that Elia did not have it so easy with much.

"Is everything okay My Lady?" Alerah asked cautiously.

"Yes, I'm fine and please go and leave my room and leave us alone." Elia said tired and annoyed at everything and Alerah just obeyed the Princess and bowed and then left.

Elia felt terrible but Alerah thought to herself and understood that she did not have it so easy and what she has heard briefly and whose so she knew that Elia did not feel so good and had a really bad health.

And did not think at all to judge or think of the Princess' will.

Alerah chose to take her chance now and go to the garden and take a tour and it helped most of all to clear away the mind and then when she decided to go in for the day and just sit in her room and just take it easy and find something amusing or just content with the silence.

But then a man came up to Alerah and bowed and gave her a message and Alerah opened the letter and it said that Viserys was waiting for her for dinner in his room tonight and it made Alerah's mood a lot better than ever.

Alerah chose to wear a sleeveless blue dress with a nice white pattern and had the same hairstyle but put on a nice perfume and then she went to Viserys residence and when she arrived Viserys came with a very passionate kiss and both enjoyed a nice evening together.

Good night.

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