Fate Has Other Plans

By nic275

1.2M 36.2K 5.2K

What happens when you think that you've found your forever, your life and husband . But he turns out to be a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Meet the character's
Author's note and comments
Meet the characters part 2
Message to Ya'll

Chapter 63

9.7K 330 11
By nic275

Ace's POV

I walk into our house for the first time in seven plus days . With Cass and the baby's stuff in hand .

I place them on the nook couch and head back to help Cass out .

She walks infront of me as I carry our son in .

She hasn't said more than one sentence since Jason was killed . It's really starting to worry the shit out of me .

I've always known that she cared about Jason but not to the extent that she'd go into instant depression like that.

When we get to the living room , I stand behind her . She stares blankly at the spot Jason occupied almost seven days ago .

Tears form in her eyes as she stares there , I walk up the stairs to the nursery.

Baby Hero is fast asleep , I put him in his cort bed and walk back downstairs.  I plop onto the yellow couch and stare at her as she carries the dishes from the table and to the kitchen.

She's been this quiet since the officer spoke to us .

The cop walked up to us with a sad look painting his face .

"I'm so sorry Mr and Mrs Bernett.  There could've been ways to avoid this , we were still strategizing one." He had said , I remember how my jaw ticked as I look into his eyes .

His eyes averted to the side as I asked him .

"How long has she been out here? " His face looked to be a bit nervous when he replied.  I could tell that he was worried about his own safety.

He does know that I'm an ex-convict.

"Its been two day. But I assure you Mr Bernett , we were on her case , we were about to..." he began .

"You were about to what? Get of your every-minute-donut-break? Why were we not informed about this ?" I asked him , his face drained of colour , knowing exactly what his answer is going to cause.

"We were informed about your wife's condition,  the doctors advised that we do not say anything or else something bad might happen . Considering what your wife had been through.  I'm sorry Mr Bernett ." He said .

"Do you realise that she could have killed us all! Do you fucking realise that you had endangered not only my family's lives but you endangered that of everyone in this hospital ?

You have no idea what that bitch is capable of. And we don't know who she was here to kill! We dont know who her target was! Had you told me , I'd had had guards securing this place .

And that is a pathetic excuse sir , if my life is on the line then I have a right to know , no matter mine or my wife's condition . You have no idea how much damage could have been done ." I yelled .

I still dont understand or agree with his excuse , but I dont have another option . What's done is done .

Although now my wife is in shock . She barely says anything anymore.

She washes the dishes quietly , her face is almost as red as a tomato.  Quiet sniffs can be heard from here .

"Baby , are you okay?" I ask her. She looks up , and a tear slips . She nods and give me a tight lipped smile .

"Yes." She says then looks back down . Her voice is gentle and calm.

After that we head upstairs and she sleeps as I hold her .

I know that she's not asleep , but I just want to give her as much space as I can. But at all at once loving and supporting her through it .

After some time,  I fall asleep.  My body loosens up as I get comfortable .

Although my dick is hard - well it is pressed against her ass - , I  snuggle closer to her and I hold her tight.

Then there's peace .

My eyes pop open , when I do that , I realise that the bedside is empty. With this realization,  I bolt up from the bed .

My feet pad against the floors as I search for her in the closet and bathroom .

"Cass?" I whisper-yell . No answer follows that .

I walk out of our room and realise that the light in the nursery is on .

Hero is fast asleep , although not the way I had put him , his head is now facing the other end of the bed. 

Cass is sitting on the rocking chair . Her arm is on the cort bed and her head is on her arm. She is fast asleep.

Her face is covered with dried tears , her nose is blood red and her lips form a perfect line .

I lift her up into my arms and walk back to our bedroom. I drop her onto our bed , and I hold her waist again .

My poor wife .

A week later.

My phone rings and I immediately pick up without checking the caller ID .

"Hello ?" I say as I stare at Cass breastfeeding our son.

"Hey Ace , how are you guys doing?" Kim's voice speaks.

"Oh , hi Kim . I'm doing fine , but she isn't. " I say honestly , watching her looking into Hero's beautiful eyes .

"She still hasn't said anything?" She asks , concern lacing her voice.

"No , she tries to say things but it's usually one worded replies like yes or no.  " I explain , I hear a quiet 'Hmm'

I imagine her nodding her head in understanding . The way she always does .

"Lord knows how many times I have to go pick her up from the nursery and bring her to our bed . And as much as I'd love to leave her there ,because it seems like she's at peace when she's with Hero , she just doesnt look comfortable ." I add.

"I am out of ideas . I have no idea what we should do now ." She sighs .

"I think she's traumatized,  I mean Ja- I mean he was shot right infront of her . She heard , saw and even felt everything. " I say . I try as much as I can not to mention Jason's name infront of her .

We dont know what triggers her , but the doctor says that she might have episodes if this doesnt change in a month .

"You know , I have a great therapist.  She could see her and we'll see from then." Kim says , I nod along then suddenly remember that she cant see me .

"Yea." I agree. Cass stands with fast asleep Hero in her arms. She walks up the stairs.

"I'll send you her details right now . I've got to go , say hi to Hero for me." She says .

"Bye ." I reply , then end the call .

I follow Cass's foot steps up the stairs . She is sitting on the rocking chair , watching Hero sleep with a ghost of a smile on her face .

"A word?" I ask her .

She nods then stands from the chair ..I head to our bedroom . After a few seconds she enters too .

"Yes?" She asks .

"You need to see a therapist. " I say blankly .

"What? No." She says monotonously .

"Cass , I'm not asking you . " I say to her.  Her eyes tear up as she looks up at me.

"You cant force me." She bites out .

"I'm doing this because I care about you Cass , because I cant stand to watch you like this every time . " I say to her , tears forming in my own eyes .

"I'm okay Ace , end of discussion. " she says .

"You're not okay Cassandra, you're not fucking okay !" I say to her .

"Ace , our son is in the next room. " She says , scolding me for cursing .

"Cass , you can't go on like this . It's as if everything you do is mechanical,  it's something you're programmed to do . I cant watch that . It pains me everytime. " I say to her . Trying my hardest to sound convincing .

"Then dont look at me." She holds her ground .

"Cassandra what the fuck? Is this how it's going to be? Is this how you want to be for the rest of your life?

Is this how you want to raise our son? Is this the future you want for him? A disengaged mother and a father who works his arse off for hours?

Be fair Cass , if not for me then for Hero . He needs you more than you could have ever imagined , I need you . Please Cass , you have to take therapy .

I know Jason would've wanted that for you." Feeling the tears in my eyes all scattered on my cheeks .

I push the blankets open and snuggle into them . The night sky looks magnificent. 

I barely close the curtains , mainly because the ceiling to floor windows reveal the most beautiful views of the sky and the city.

I hear her footsteps fading to out the bedroom .

I feel really bad about how I spoke to her , but it had to be said . She had to know , I cant watch her throw her life away like that .

I love this woman , and I'd do anything to help .

I close my eyes and fall asleep , it's been a really long week .

Author's note.

Hello!!! I know I've been AWOL for some time , but I apologise and I promise to make it up to you❤

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Nic275 ❤💍🧚‍♀️

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