The New Kids' A Player (Unrev...

بواسطة HippieMuffincakes

136K 1.7K 274

Heather Cruz has been minding her own business and laying low for the past year. But when a new kid by the na... المزيد

Warning! Please Read Before Continuing
The New Kids' A Player: Part One.
The New Kids' a Player: Part two. (:
The New Kids' A Player: Part Three. :)
The New Kids' A Player: Part four. (:
The New Kids' A Player: Part Five. :)
The New Kids' A Player: Part...Six? (:
The New Kids' A Player: Part Seven. :)
The New Kids' A Player: Part Eight. (:
The New Kids' A Player: Part Nine. :)
The New Kids' A Player: Part Eleven. :)
The New Kids' A Player: Part Twelve (:
The New Kids' A Player: Part Thirteen :D
The New Kids' A Player: Part Fourteen :)
The New Kids' A Player: Part Fifteen (:
The New Kids' A Player: Part Sixteen :)
The New Kids' A Player: Part Seventeen (':
The New Kids' A Player: Epilogue
Description For The Sequel: "Welcome To Cali".

The New Kids' A Player: Part Ten. (:

6.3K 88 14
بواسطة HippieMuffincakes

Oh yeahhhhh, four days in a row! Woop! Woop! Down side is I’m totally sleepy. xD Oh well, I’m going to push through it. Because I think I write better when I’m half asleep.  *Evil Laugh* Mwuahahahaheheheeeee! >:D

Dedicated to my best friend Sparrow Arrancar. Thank you for putting up with the nagging about my fictional characters, me begging you for ideas, me making you read every chapter and for making you tell me repeatedly that my book doesn’t suck on ice. (: 

Also, I’m going to apologize in advance because I know you guys are gonna get mad at me for what’s coming next. xD

Song: What is Love. (perfect for this chapter!)

By: NeverShoutNever and/or Christofer Drew. (Marry Me Christofer? O.O)


*Friday 12:26pm*


“What the hell is this even about?!” Kyle yelled at me, throwing his hands up.

I rubbed my temples. “He’s getting to close to Heather and I don’t like it.”

“So you’re gonna fight him?” he picked his bag up off the ground. “Blake, if she cares about Zack, and you hurt him, she’s gonna kill you. Literally.”  

Rick nodded. “Yeah dude, you mess with Heather’s friends, she will take you down.”

“I’m just gonna threaten him.” I got up off the bench. “Unless he decides not to listen. Then I’ll hurt him.” 

Kyle shook his head. “She’s gonna kill you. Slowly.”

“Fine!” I yelled. “Then I’ll just threaten him. Happy now?”

Rick nodded. “Dude still. If she finds out you even threatened him, you’re so dead.”

“Well then she’ll never find out.” I picked up my phone.

“From: Jared:

I found him. Behind the skool.”


“We’ll be there in 2mins”


I snapped it close. “Alright. Jared found him. Let’s go.”




“What in God’s name are you doing?” Jessica asked when she walked past me leaning against the lockers.

I crossed my arms. “Waiting for Zack.”

She sighed. “Why?”

“He’s been avoiding me all day. I wanna know why.”

She rolled her eyes. “So, you stalk his locker?”

I nodded. “He has to get his books before he leaves.”

“Alright.” she sighed and leaned against the locker next to me. “I guess I’m waiting with you then.”


Zack pulled his hood up when he saw me and Jessica.

“Excuse me.” he whispered.

I moved to the side. “Why have you been avoiding me?”

“I haven’t.”

I uncrossed my arms. “You have.”

“No. I haven’t.” he snapped.

I slammed his locker shut. “Liar!”

He looked at me. “That was rude.”

“Who did that?” I pointed to his black eye.

He pulled his hood down, trying to hide it. “No one.” He re-opened his locker. “I…I hit myself with a…book…”

I slammed it shut again. “Zackary Luna Knight. Don’t you dare lie to me.”

He turned back to me. “Um, can you please stop slamming my locker Heather?”

“Um, can you please stop lying to me Zack?”

He opened his locker again. “I’m not lying.”

“Yes you are.” I slammed it shut.

He sighed and turned to walk down the hall.

“Zack!” I grabbed his arm.

He winced.

I snatched him back and pulled his sleeve up. “What the hell…” I whispered when I saw the purple bruises going all the way up his arm. “Who did this to you?”

He pushed my hand off. “N--”

“Don’t even think about lying.” I snapped.

“I got in a fight.” He whispered.

“You’re lying.”

He stared walking again. “No, I’m not.”

I rolled my eyes and followed. “Yes, you are.”

“I said I’m not.”

“And I know you are.”

He turned around to face me. “Why do you even care?!”

I blinked, surprised that he yelled at me. “Because you’re my friend Zack…”

“Well did you ever think that maybe I don’t want to be friends anymore?!” He yelled in my face.

I backed up, feeling the tears coming. “Zack, wha--”

“Heather just leave me alone! Please!” some emotion flashed in his eyes. But it wasn’t anger, it almost looked like…Pain?  “It’s better that way. For both of us...” he turned and walked away. This time, I didn’t follow him.


*Flash Back*

“I can’t do this anymore!” Matt yelled as loud as he could.

“What do you want from me, huh?! You want me to apologize?! I’ve already done that and you are STILL mad at me!” I yelled back with just as much venom. 

“You shouldn’t have slept with him in the first place Heather!”

“I can’t believe your so upset about this! It happened before we even knew each other!”

He punched the wall. “So what! It’s still my best friend! You could have at least told me! But instead you let me find out on my own!”

“Matt I love YOU. Not him! It was along time ago anyway!” I felt to tears pour out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

“Doesn’t matter when it happened! The fact is that you slept with Kyle!”

“I’m so sorry Matt…”

He shook his head. “Fuck this! I’m out of here!” he slammed the door. I fell to my knees and cried my eyes out because somehow, I knew I’d never see him again. And I was right…

*End Of Flash Back*


I walked back toward Jessica. “Let’s go.” I whispered.

“Um. What just happened?”

I ignored her.

“Heather.” she grabbed my arm. “What happened?”

I shook my head. “Nothing.”

“Now you’re lying to me. Tell me what happened.”

I tried to blink away the tears. “Can you stay over tonight?”

She pulled me into a hug. “Of course.”


*Next day.*


“Hey babe.” Blake leaned on my desk.

I looked up. “Hi.” I smiled.

“Wanna go to the pool later?” He smiled back.


“Alright. Pick you and Jess up…5ish?”

I nodded. “M’kay.”

“Cool. See you later.” he gave me a light peck on the lips.

Jessica walked in the door after he left. She sat down next to me.

“Jess,” I looked up from my drawing. “You wanna go to the pool later?”

She nodded. “Yeah I guess. Blake’s house?”


She smiled. “Okay.” then it faded.

I followed her gaze and saw Zack walking in the door. He’s not even in this class. So I’m guessing he was here to see me. Lovely. Just. Fucking. Lovely…

“What the hell do you want?” Jessica hissed.

“I wanted to talk to Heather.” He whispered.

She snorted a laugh. “Well in that case, turn your skinny ass around and walk back out the door.”

He touched my hand. “Heather, I want to apologize.”

Jessica pushed his hand off. “Don’t touch her.” she snapped. “Matter fact, I have some words for you Mr. Knight.”

“Jessica, don’t.” I hissed. 

She ignored me. “Let me tell you sumthin’. You have some nerve coming over here trying to ‘apologize’ after you went off on Heather. ‘I don’t want to be friends anymore’ like what the hell kinda 2nd grade shit is that? Grow up Zackary. But in meantime, kick rocks.” She waved him off.

“Jessica!” I slapped her arm, trying to hold back laughs.

“What? I’m just speaking the truth.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll…Um, talk to you later Zack.”

He nodded. “Alright.”



I scrolled through my contacts until I got to the name I was looking for.

“Hello?” he said  from the other end. 

“Hey man, it’s Blake.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just--”

“I told you not to call unless it was important.”

I sat on the floor. “It is important.”

“Alright. What is it?”

I sighed. “I can’t do it.”

“Are you kidding me? After all this?”

“I know. I’m sorry. But, the deals off.”

I heard something break in the background. “You fell for her, didn’t you?”

I nodded to myself. “Yeah.”

“I knew this would happen.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s, nearly impossible to break Heather’s heart without falling for her.”

“I see that now.”

He sighed. “It’s alright man. You staying or you moving?”

I thought about it. “I’m staying.”

“Alright. Call me if you need anything.”

“Okay. Thanks Matt.”


*End of the day*

I looked down the hall and saw Blake leaning on my locker.

“Whatcha doing?” I giggled.

He smiled. “Waiting for you.”

I nodded. “What’s up?”

He moved so I could get into my locker. “Do you know what our song is?”

I laughed. “We have a song?”

“Yeah. No hands.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s pretty sad.”

“Yeah, I know.” he nodded. “Anyway. I wanted to tell you something.”

I turned around. “M’kay. Tell me.”

He took a deep breath. “Okay. So, I really don’t know how to do this.”

I started giggling. “Blake, are you blushing?”

“I wouldn’t doubt it…Anyway. I don’t know how to do this because, I’ve never said it and actually meant it before.”

Ohhhhh myyyyyy Godddddddddd…

“Heather…” he sighed. “I love you.”

I smiled, trying to hold back my laughter. “Oh really?”

He nodded. “And I’m not just saying that. I really mean it…And…yeah…”

“Well Blake, I don’t love you.” <--- Is what I wanted to say.

“Well Blake, I love you too.” <--- Is what I should have said.

I smiled. “Well that’s nice.” <--- Is what I actually said.

His smiled faded. “This is the part where you say ‘I love you too’.”

I shook my head. “I don’t believe in Love.” I lied. “Anyway, me and Jess can’t make it tonight. Sorry.”

He nodded.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I closed my locker. “Bye.” I kissed his cheek.

I grabbed Jessica when I got out side. “Hey girlie.”

She raised her eyebrows. “What put you into such a good mood?”

I smiled. “Faze two, complete.”

She started screaming. “Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ohmigod!! He said the L word?!”

“Shhh!” I put my hand over her mouth. “Yes.”

“Oh my god! How‘d he say it?!”

I laughed. “He was all like, ‘I’ve never said it and meant it before’ blah, blah, blah. AND he was blushing!”

Her eyes widened. “Yeah. He is wasn’t lying if he blushing. What did you say?”

“I said ‘that’s nice’ and ‘I don’t believe in love.’”

“Well played.” She high-fived me.

“Thank ya.” I smiled. “Oh, I gotta go meet Zack.”

She rolled her eyes. “Why?”

“He apologized.”

“So? Just because he apologized, that doesn’t mean you have to accept it.”

I sighed. “What ever happened to forgive and forget?”

“He was a total jerk though.”

“Once, out of how many times?” I rolled my eyes. “Besides, I think his face makes up for the jerkiness.”

“That’s true.” She nodded. “Okay fine. Go. But I want a full report later.” she giggled as she walked off.

“Love you Jess!” I called over my shoulder.

“Love ya too chica!” she yelled back.


I sat on the ground next to Zack and pulled his headphone out. Ahhh, just like old times.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“H-hey. I didn’t think you were gonna come.” he smiled.

I shrugged. “Forgive and forget.”

“I am so sorry for yelling at you. I really am. I didn’t any of it.”

I shook my head. “I know. Don’t sweat it.”

He hugged me. “I thought for sure that you were going to hate me forever.”

I giggled and pulled back. “No. I could never hate you. Ever.”

He smiled. “Good, because I’m in love with you Heather.”


Author’s Note: OH YEAH!!! BAM! I totally just ended there! Even though I'm sure you guys saw that one coming. I was watching Twilight so you know. I was in a lovely mood. (: Oh, and how about those twist?! Woop, Woop!!! 

Twist re-cap: 1. Blake beat up and threatened Zack. 2. Zack got mad for the first time EVER. 3. You got a flash back of the day Matt left. (the only guy who's ever broken Heather's heart.) 4. Jessica halfway cussed out Zack. 5. Matt knows Blake!!! And he hired Blake to re-break Heather's heart. 6. Blake is in love with Heather now, but you know, she doesn't love him back. YET.  Last and most shocking. Zack is in love with Heather!!!! :D

This has to be by far, my best cliffhanger, EVER. And you know how I love my cliffy‘s. And you guys might have to wait until next week for the next chapter because I’m freaking sleepy! xD No, I’m kidding. But you might have to wait a day or two. (:

Thank you to my fans! My readers! The people who comment! And the people who vote! I love you guys so muchhhh. Let’s see if we can get this book on what’s hot! :D Alright, time to Vomment (vote and comment) and fan. I love you for reading! (:

                                                                                                               -Lexi Rain. <3

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