The Goddess of Fire || The Bu...

By blondiepepper

27.7K 938 104

Once again, Hestia de Aretuza was no where to be found. Rumors told a story of revenge and how the Emperor ke... More

Blood and Wine
Chapter 1 - Destiny
Chapter 2 - Thin Ice
Chapter 3 - True Faith
Chapter 4 - May she enlighten you
Chapter 5 - Alive
Chapter 6 - Me and the Devil
Chapter 7 - Familiar
Chapter 9 - Pride
Chapter 10 - Just like a Game of Gwent
Chapter 11 - Fight Fire With Fire
Chapter 12 - The Time of Axe and Sword is Now
Chapter 13 - Forgiveness
Chapter 14 - You're my destiny
Chapter 15 - Epilogue, Once Upon a Time
New Story!

Chapter 8 - This is War

1.4K 48 6
By blondiepepper



"The Gods, filled with resentment from the humans, as they stopped honoring the powerful ones, pledged that a daughter of Elven blood, half dragon half human would step into the Continent to clean what was not cleansed. Blessed by Freya, giving the copper haired girl her own holy blood, the female would grow to master magic like never seen and with fire growing in her lungs, after finally completing 40 moons, bathed in enemy blood, she will restore the balance of the earth, so says the prophecy" Ciri was reading from a small red like blood book "do they really preach that?".

"Like a prayer everyday in Novigrad, I said to Geralt, she really has become a martyr, or at least something like that" Jaskier replied, taking a sip of his drink.

"You'll get seasick that way" Ciri took the drink from Jaskier's hand and threw it out of the boat "you men are very stubborn, you know you'll get sick if you drink on the high seas" she shook her head in negative "stubborn, stubborn, stubborn".

"What? I have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle, my dear Ciri, what did you expect me to do? Not get into the lifestyle of a whorehouse owner?"

"Exactly" she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a saint, your auntie Sparkles is the one" Jaskier tapped his forefinger twice on the book.

"She's not my aunt, you really don't understand anything about anything, do you?".

"I understand music, I'm the best bard on the Continent."

"Out of your head, only if it is."

"Impressive, if Geralt and Hestia could have children, I would say you are their daughter."

"I'll take that as a compliment" she shrugged.

"It depends on the time, at that moment, it's more like an insult".

"You are so very sensitive, Geralt always said that."

"Oh yeah? He said that?".

"I'm sure Hestia would say the same."

"Hestia definitely wouldn't say that, she's a woman who cares about other people's feelings, you know? You need to spend some time with her, being around Geralt is making you cranky".


"I said crancky, but yeah, grumpy also apply, you need to live a little Ciri, staying training like a witcher day and night is not what a girl your age should be doing."

"And what should a girl my age be doing? Hm? Marrying someone I don't love? Living a pitiful life? Being subordinate to a man and expecting him to protect me? No thanks, I'd rather know how to fight and protect myself."

"Ok, ok, you have a point" Jaskier arched his arms admitting defeat "for someone who didn't hang out with Hestia much, you certainly spoke just like her".

"Must run in the family."

"God, don't you guys ever shut up?" Geralt finally took the initiative to speak.

"Good morning flower of the day" Jaskier said in a playful tone "when Serena said you were going to be beaten after the spells I didn't think you would be like this" he patted Geralt on the back twice, who only looked at him seriously "I forgot how dull you are" he grimaced.

"How long have I slept for? Ugh this brings back bad memories" Geralt said sitting up, he could feel the cold salty breeze coming from being on the high seas, which left him somewhat confused since his last sight had been of Hestia, the cliff, near Serena's house. The witcher looked up, finding the sky full of stars and the full moon illuminating the path and reflecting beautifully in the sea. Hestia would love that view. "and where are we going?"

"Two days or so" Ciri replied, taking a bite of the bread she had stashed in her bag "do you want some?"

"I'm not hungry" Geralt grumbled and Ciri rolled her eyes.

"You haven't eaten anything for two days, Geralt, if we are going to fight for Hestia, it is not going to be on an empty belly" Ciri stretched the bread towards Geralt, who like a sulky, stubborn boy, took the bread slowly and brought it to his mouth. He had completely forgotten he was that hungry and almost devoured the bread in two seconds, feeling like a total idiot for denying it and Ciri once again being right "that's what I expected" she laughed lightly, but held back her laughter soon after, still angry at Geralt for leaving her behind when he knew how much she wanted to be along on the journey to find Hestia.

At first she felt betrayed, she spent her days furious, fighting with Yennefer for allowing such a disaster to happen. She felt obligated to help rescue Hestia, since she was the only family that had left, she knew her mother and knew her well too, even knew her father and now, with everyone dead, there was only her, her and Hestia with royal blood. It was her duty to protect her family and after all Hestia had done for her, she would not accept the woman suffering for a second more.

She wanted Geralt to understand how this went far beyond a matter of honor and pride, it was something that touched her heart deeply, the person who shared the same blood as her was in trouble, all to protect her. She needed to reciprocate, she needed Hestia to know she was loved, dear, that they would always have another, but they didn't even have time to talk, to reconnect the bonds undone by years apart, it was all so fast, from the moment she found out about Hestia, to finding Geralt and disappearing in that portal, having as her last sight what seemed to be the death of Hestia.

How could you sit at home pretending that nothing was happening? That you didn't have a debt weighing on your back? A searing pain in her chest? Ciri had trained, she was good with the sword, but even better with her powers, with each passing day Ciri became more powerful, she knew herself and knew her powers well. Yennefer always said that looking at Ciri was like looking at Hestia, when the two were still young.

Hestia and Ciri. Two women, with the same blood in their veins, separated by prejudice, irrationality and greed. Full of power, indomitable, frightening, grandiose. It was as if Ciri followed in Hestia's footsteps, perfectly, as if choreographed. There was only one difference between the two, Hestia had the power of fire and Ciri that of traveling between space-time.

"You shouldn't be here" Geralt grumbled, sitting up properly. Jaskier handed him his belongings, the swords, armor, potions and maps.

"You can't stop me, Geralt" Ciri sighed, staring up at the sky "what is to be, will be, it's time for you to admit that".

"I get that you're upset, I was just trying to protect you."

"Well, while you're running through the woods like a madman threatening to throw yourself off a cliff, I've found the answer to all our problems" Ciri stood up, stretching out her hand to Geralt "it was under our noses the whole time".

Geralt held Ciri's hand and stood up, looking at her a bit confused, but he knew that Ciri was a smart and cunning girl, if she said she had a plan, it was probably a good one. Geralt followed Ciri into a small room inside the boat, coming across a few people, familiar faces or not so familiar faces.

"Geralt of Rivia, these are our allies" Ciri spread her arms, pointing at the people "some you already know, your dear friends and witchers Vesemir, Lambert and Eskel" the men nodded "this one I believe you also recognize, Baldric Farrimont, higher vampire".

"I...I thought you were dead" Geralt said somewhat confused, looking at the vampire.

"Higher vampires can only be killed by another higher vampire, I thought you knew that, besides, you're a witcher, aren't you?" the man smiled lightly, his face full of scars, apparently he hadn't fully recovered after the battle in Skellige.

"I knew...I just...didn't...didn't stop to think."

"Neither of us had time to think after what happened" Baldric sighed, thinking of his late wife and their not even born child.

"I'm sorry," was all Geralt could manage to speak and Baldric nodded in thanks.

"Well, moving on" Ciri interrupted, pointing to a Viking looking man, clearly from Skellige "that's Thottend Guamdjilson, son of Ragnar, King of Skellige, meaning we have the Prince of Skellige here."

"Nice to meet you" Thottend commented seriously.

"Oh and of course, we have Anneli Of Novigrad, from one of the richest and most powerful families in Novigrad, she is part of Eternal Fire, who workships Hestia, you know, the Goddess of Fire."

"May she enlighten you" Anneli said smiling, the woman had long brown hair with a coppery tint to it which made Geralt intrigued, her skin was white and her eyes seemed to light up as she quoted Hestia "it is a pleasure to know a little more of the Goddess of Fire's history, you being a big part of it, it is a great pleasure sir Geralt"

"Pleasure" Geralt said more in a tone of confusion than anything else, not quite knowing what to say "and what exactly is the plan?" Geralt turned to Ciri.

"Well, we will go to Ragnar's castle, not far from here, we will convince him to support us in the fight against Nilfgaard and we will save Hestia that way" Ciri said confidently "oh, also, Yennefer is gathering all the mages she knows to help".

"What if he refuses?" Geralt said in a tone of debauchery.

"Then I will have to take my place as heiress to Inis Ard Skellig and Inis An Skellig" Ciri smiled almost machiavellian, she really had thought of everything, every detail "I think he would rather I take my place as Empress of Nilfgaard and Hestia as future Queen of Cintra, than lose his own throne, don't you think, Geralt of Rivia?"

Geralt gave a very light smile of approval and rested his hand on the girl's shoulder.

"I should have known you were smarter than me."

"Yeah, you really should" Cirri smiled confidently.

"There's just one detail."

"And what is it?".

"I know where Hestia is."

"I hope you really do know, because we'll need a place to fight, won't we?"

"That's right, girl, this is war"


author's note: hey everyone! hope you're enjoying the story! If you could please leave a vote, a comment, anything, I'll be very greateful! Tell me what you're thinking so far <3

Also, we're on almost done! Just a few more chapter until the end and my heart already hurts, I'm so attached to Hestia and this story.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading!

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