Dad Next Door: Volume 1 (Unde...

By SammiBSykes

228K 7.6K 8K

Harry Styles is a single father of three, working two jobs to try and cater for his family, everything is alw... More

Meet the characters
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Dad Next Door Vol.2 Excerpt
Dad Next Door Volume 2
Fan Art

Thirty Five

4.9K 163 231
By SammiBSykes

Harry P.O.V

Louis really wasn't joking when he said Christmas comes right as Halloween ends. At midnight last night, he shoved a Christmas playlist on the loud speaker, blasting Wham's Christmas song all over the house and turned his fairy lights in the bedroom from white to red and blue. 

I wasn't happy about the fact that it woke the kids up in the middle of the night and they all began dancing around the room, screaming "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart but the very next day, you gave it away!" At the top of their lungs like they were at some type of concert.

I made Louis get them back to bed- he eventually got them down at one in the morning. 

That also means that this morning, the kids were very grouchy and tired- they have school today and having five hours sleep really wasn't great. Especially Robin, he's had a tantrum once already this morning and I won't be surprised if he has one at nursery too. Let's just hope he can have an extra long nap this afternoon. 

We dropped them off at school and now Louis is driving us in my car to the shops for some Christmas shopping. 

"Well, what is it that the kids want?" He asks, flicking the indicator with his middle finger and the way he does it, makes it look so hot. 

I shrug, going to change the song from Mariah Carey that we've listened to five times in the past hour but Louis slaps my hand away with a sweater pawed hand. He pushes the beanie on his head up as it begins to slip and he just looks so soft right now.

"I know they want a pet but every kid does. Robin keeps talking about an oven he sees on Cbeebies. His birthday is December fifteenth so I need to figure out what to buy him then as well." I bring my hands toward the heater to try and get them warmer. 

"A Christmas baby, just like me, I see! Though, I'm Jesus, so, I win." 

I shake my head fondly. He's such a child himself. We park up outside The Entertainer shop and walk right on in. 

It's a little busy but not as busy as it will be in December so it was a good idea of Louis' for us to do the Christmas shopping now.

I grab a wheel basket and wheel it behind me. Louis puts my hand in his, plodding through aisle after aisle to see if we can find anything that catches our eye.

He points. "What about a trike for his birthday?" He asks, looking up at the orange trike.

I bring it down and roll it this way and that, steering it around to see how well it is. I purse my lips. "Sure."

He takes it from me, putting it over his neck like you would a snake, holding it so his arms are either side of him like a cross. 

We find the box for the fake oven and I pop it into the large basket. We spot a Barbie stables with three horses, Barbie and a few accessories. I bring it down. 

"Now Darcy would love that." 

"Natalie would too," Louis pipes.

I nod. "Yeah, it can be Darcy's present but they can play with it together. Besides, Natalie will probably prefer riding herself." She's gone a few times now to the stable to groom and sit on Princess. Though with the cold weather, she's felt less and less motivated to go.

We find a baby Annabelle doll for Natalie, the ones that you can feed and they will wee and poo and stuff. 

"I think they deserve more than this," Louis says. 

"Maybe, yeah. They are good kids. Don't forget we still have to shop for Santa toys too," I point out. 

Louis gasps dramatically, faking fluster by placing his hand to his forehead. "Harry! Are you- are you telling me that he isn't real?" He says, jokingly wobbling his bottom lip.

I sigh, putting my hand on his shoulder, playing along. "Unfortunately, Lou."

"All those years and it was my mother who would eat the cookies!" 

I nod. "And drink the whiskey."

He perks a brow. "Whiskey? Thought it was milk."

I smile. "Robin, my dad, used to tell me that Santa got bored of drinking milk and it got him tired so a small glass of whiskey would wake him up for the rest of his journey."

"That's fucking genius," Louis mumbles. "I might just have to do the same with the kids."

We find some stocking filler toys; some solo figures of Barbie and her friends, a few teddies and accessories for the dolls, getting Robin a dinosaur toy as well for his stocking. 

We soon enough finish shopping and go to pay. This time, I'm able to pay without being scared of looking at my bank account, thanks to Mark and his generosity.

"I know exactly what I want to get them for Christmas, Harry." 

"And what will that be, Lou?" I ask as he pulls me toward the car.

"I'll tell you on the way home. You're gonna love it."


Natalie has dance tonight. Louis insisted on watching on because he's never seen her in dance class before. So he's helping her get her hair into a tight bun, she's in her leotard and tights and she's bound to get cold when she comes out the school.

We drive her to the building and we all run inside to get out of the nipping air. Louis watches from the small window in awe, the rest of the mums and some dads dotting around, sitting on the benches, looking bored. 

"They're so adorable! She's so good at it already!" He coos, tiptoeing so he can look inside the high window. 

Robin begins to fidget. He taps my arm. "Daddy," He whispers. "I need wee, wee."

Ever since he went to nursery and had one on one help with his speech, it's gotten a lot better. He's even very good at telling me when he needs the toilet so the accidents happen less and less now. He's learning fast and growing up even faster. 

I take his hand. "Alright, munchkin, come on, let's go wee wees. Louis, look after Darcy for us, babe. Just going to the loo."

He nods, coming over and taking my seat beside Darcy. 

Robin charges for the toilet once we're in the bathroom, slamming the seat up. I help pull his joggers and pants down, sitting him on the toilet. 

"Robin do dance?" He asks. 

I smile. "Maybe one day, if you want to."

He nods. "Me 'ike tutu." 

He finishes and I help him wipe and pull up. He flushes the toilet and we go and wash our hands. 

When we get to the waiting room though, I can hear Louis' voice shouting. I open the door slowly to see him and one of the mum's up in each other's faces. 

"How dare you!" He seethes. "The only thing wrong here is you and your nineteen fifties opinions!" 

Oh no. 

I place a hand on his shoulder and he shucks it off, not noticing it's me. When he whips his head around to stare daggers at me, his face softens but I can see the angry tears in his eyes. 

"Sir, you need to leave," Madame Laurent announces from the doorway of the classroom. 

Natalie ducks under Madame's arm and comes over to me. "What's happening?" She whispers.

I shrug. "Not a clue."

"Me leave? What about her and her stupid homophobic ass?" Louis snaps. 

"Sir if you don't leave now, I won't allow you or your children back in this dance school again." Madame Laurent taps her slippered foot. 

Louis grabs Darcy's hand from where she stands beside him, swivelling on his heel. "Fuck this school." He storms out the room. 

I look between everyone, rubbing my neck awkwardly. "I'm ever so sorry for the outburst Madame Laurent, I'll make sure it won't happen again."

She nods, tolerantly. 

"That community is something else," The mum Louis was arguing with mumbles under her breath and what the actual fuck is that supposed to mean?

"Just so you know, our community is the most kindest and genuine one out there and you'd be damn lucky to be accepted in such an amazing place. Louis is a great person and you're just a cow." I take Robin's hand, Natalie already shuffling out the room. 

"Fuckin' cow!" Robin yells over his shoulder, making most of the people in the room laugh in shock. The mum widens her eyes, not amused. 

I pick Robin up. "We don't use that language, Robin. Fuck is a wrong word, we do not use it," I explain. 

"Sorry, daddy," He mumbles, playing with the pearl necklace around my neck. 

I kiss his temple. 

We catch Louis outside the car, puffing on a cigarette, eyes tearful, jaw tight. I place my hand around his waist.

"You alright, baby?" I ask, brushing my lips along his forehead.

He stubs out the cigarette once the kids are near. "Yeah. Just great."

"What did she say?"

He bites his top lip. "She was muttering shit about you when you left the room, saying you were gay and how it was wrong. I then confronted her about it and told her you were my boyfriend and she just went off on one. It just got me mad, you know? No one makes fun of my Hazza." 

I put Robin inside the car and bring Louis in for a tight hug. "I'm okay. You're all I need and I don't care what anyone says, as long as I got you, then that's all that matters."

"I'm sorry," He sighs, hugging my waist. "I shouldn't of blown up like that."

We pull apart and Natalie stands there, hugging herself and teeth chattering. 

"Why didn't you go in the car, silly!" I say, rubbing her cold bare arms. 

Louis pulls his hoodie off, his jumper underneath rising up with it, exposing his tummy and I poke it, making him jolt away a little. 

He pulls it over Natalie's head and it goes down to her ankles. 

"I'm surprised it's that big on her. Would've thought it would've fitted like a glove," I say with a snort and Louis hits me on the arm. 

"After I defended you? Get in the car, Curly, my God." 

I laugh, stepping into the car and slamming the door shut behind me.


I make some homemade veggie soup for dinner with a side of a crusty roll. Louis comes over with his bowl, holding it out for me. I take the lid off the pot and ladle some soup into his bowl. 

He sneezes then, a sweet little achoo and sniffs. 

"You alright?" I ask when he sneezes for the second time. 

He sniffs. "Hm? Yeah, think so. Might be coming down with a cold."

I sprinkle some ground ginger on the top of his soup. "Get that down you, it'll help."

He grabs a spoon and goes over to the island where the others are sitting, munching away at crusty rolls and dunking it into their soup. 

I settle beside Lou, breaking my roll apart and some crumbs flake against my yellow wool jumper, clinging to the fibres. 

"Papi, when are we going to put up the tree?" Natalie asks.

Louis looks to me with a grin. "I um... I was thinking, maybe tonight?"

"You have a tree?" I ask.

He nods. "It's the fake ones, hate the little needles going everywhere with the real ones. I have the decorations down from the attic as well."

"Can we, daddy?" Darcy says. 

"Ch'istmas tree," Robin giggles, clapping. 

I shrug. "Don't look at me, I don't mind when we put it up."

Darcy finishes her soup quickly, jumping down from the stool and running toward the stairs. "Come on, papi!"

Louis rolls his eyes, scooping the soup into his mouth and jumping down too. "Wait, you little monkey! I wasn't finished!" He charges up the stairs and they come back down with the box containing the tree and a box of ornaments. 

I wash up everything whilst Louis sets the tiers of the tree, slotting them together and fanning the pines out so that it's not all squished and resembles an actual tree. 

I come over then, grabbing the tangled up lights. "Louis, you need to learn to pack these properly. Look!" I hold up the mass of knots and he cringes.

"Oops? That can be your job."

I tut, beginning to pry the knots apart and after ten minutes of cussing under my breath and never ending knots, I get the lights perfect again. I wrap it nicely around the tree, popping the plug in its socket and the lights blink to life. They're red and twinkle on and off. 

Louis puts the first ornament on the tree, it's a clear bauble with red glitter inside and a picture of his mum, silver lettering of her name planted along the glass. He discretely kisses his fingers and plants it onto the bauble, not realising I was watching him.

I pick up a glass reindeer, stringing it along one of the branches. We all pick at ornaments and string them up here and there. Robin does a great job at decorating one branch with a load of baubles but I advice him to try different branches as it sags from the weight. 

I take most the baubles off that branch and place them in spots that are bare. Soon, we have a Christmas tree decorated in red and gold. 

Natalie gasps. "W-where's the star?" She asks, pointing to the top of the tree. 

Louis plucks the golden angel from the box. All three kids hold their hands up, wanting to put it on but Louis ignores them, handing it to me. 

"Daddy should put our first Christmas together's angel on the tree." He kisses my shoulder from where I'm tiptoeing to put the angel on the tree. 

The kids clap when it's up. Louis turns the music up and we begin dancing around to Fairytale of New York. Louis grabs my hand and I spin under it, laughing. 

This'll be one of the greatest Christmas' ever and I cannot wait for it to officially begin. 

A/N- hey hey hey!


I had to have beans and potato waffles for dinner cuz I was so hungry I didn't wanna wait for curry delivery argh. It was Branston beans and they're shit compared to Heinz. 


It's already getting chilly here, highest is 20 degrees C when like three weeks ago, it was 25!


I wonder what they have planned for the Christmas present? You probs can guess what it is but oh whale.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

There is deffo at lease 2 chapters left, I think it'll be 2 chapters then this story will be done hehe, oh and an epilogue so 3 chapters.

Vote and comment and I'll see you in the next update!


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