The Reflection I See Isn't Mi...

By planetprongs

1.1K 51 24

I hate walking past a mirror and seeing someone I'm not. Looking into a mirror is like a nightmare for me. It... More

Before Reading
Chapter One ▪︎ Alone In A House Of Nightmares
Chapter Two ▪︎ Every Day Is The Same
Chapter Three ▪︎ The Worst Possible Consequences
Chapter Five ▪︎ Feeling Out of Place
Chapter Six ▪︎ Eyeing Dresses

Chapter Four ▪︎ The 'Great' Escape

123 8 0
By planetprongs

Regulus had been sat in his room, moving about with excitement and also nerves. He had told his mum he'd be taking muggle transport and she asked no questions except exchange a lot of money into muggle and gave it to Regulus, acting as though this wouldn’t set him for a year. He decided not to say anything and thank her.

His trunk was packed and he was leaving a lot of things behind but he had remembered seeing Sirius in new clothes so perhaps Euphemia took him shopping. Regulus didn't know and he didn't want to take any of the Potter's money.

Regulus was surprised that they even cared enough that they were risking to bring him in their home. They knew that Walburga would come after him. But yet, they still had their doors open wide along with their arms open.

Quickly, a car jutted to park outside of the house next door to the Black home, which you couldn't see from the house because it was so large. He saw Barty and his father get out. Regulus opened his window as wide as he could.

Barty's dad looked mad and also slightly terrified. He looked up to Regulus' window and pointed his wand at it. Regulus moved back and pulled his trunk to the window, he hung it over the edge slightly and Bartemius lowered it down with his wand.

Regulus mouthed a thank you and shut the window. He grabbed the money and his jacket. He ran to the door, not looking back at his room. He walked calmly when he was out of his room, hoping not to come off as smug. He reached the hall where his mother was.

She looked at Regulus and nodded. "Have fun, I suppose."

Regulus nodded and opened the front door, shutting it behind him. He waited until he heard his mother's footsteps walk away from the door and he bolted for the Crouch's car. Barty leaned over to open the back door from the inside and Regulus got in.

"Thank you." Regulus sheepishly said, nodding to both people. Barty's father only grunted and started the car while Barty grinned.

"You made it." Barty whispered, a smile on his face. Regulus let out a breath he hadn't realised he was keeping. He smiled back at Barty, a little shocked his mother wasn't chasing after him.

Barty reached over and brought Regulus into his arms. Regulus hugged him back, feeling a little awkward that his dad was in the front. Barty pulled back, still smiling. Regulus didnt know how someone could smile so stupidly but still so beautiful.

Stop it, Regulus.

"You might need some new clothes and that but I'm sure Euphemia and Fleamont'll have you sorted." Barty told him. He sat back in his seat, his arm still around Regulus. Regulus was now in the middle since Barty didn't let go.

"Mhm." Regulus breathed, looking out of the window. Barty looked out too. There wasn't anything to look at except this was all very new for him. He had never been in a car. Nor been this far from the house before. He only apparated when going to King's Cross, it was very new.

They had been driving for twenty minutes or so now.

"Are we going to the Potter's first to drop off Regulus' things?" Bartemius spoke directly to Barty, still driving. Barty nodded. Regulus and him had been talking, they didn't exactly know what about. They just talked and talked about whatever came to mind, a lot like what they would do late at night at Hogwarts.

Soon, Bartemius pulled up to the Potter mansion. Regulus sank in his seat, looking at Barty nervously. Barty smiled encouragingly.

"Dad, you can go. Dorcas'll just walk with us town to the village. I'll call you when I want picking up." Barty told his father, he got out the car and pulled Regulus out too. He moved around to the back after shutting the door, taking Regulus' trunk.

Bartemius drove away and Regulus looked at the house and backed away. "I can't do this, I don't wanna see Sirius. I-"

"Calm down, you're okay. It's gonna be okay. You don't have to talk to Sirius at all if you don't want to, okay?" Barty told him, hands on Regulus' shoulders. Regulus nodded, still very nervous.

Barty took Regulus' hand and walked to the front door with Regulus' trunk in his other hand. Barty pressed the doorbell and backed away slightly.

"What if they've changed their mind and they don't want me anymore?" Regulus whispered. Barty rolled his eyes.

"They're the Potter's, Reg. I don't think they would ever do that, they care a lot about you. Get it into your thick skull."

The door opened and Andromeda was standing there, smiling wider than Regulus had ever seen her smile. She rushed around Barty, basically picking Regulus up into a hug.

"Oh thank god you're safe. Thank Merlin. I missed you so much, I don't think you've met Tonks have you? Or Ted? Oh, I'm so happy you're out of there." Andy exclaimed, hugging Regulus very tightly. Barty smiled and turned back into the house where Dorcas was smiling.

"Come in." Dorcas took Barty's hand as he picked up Regulus' trunk. Before they were out of earshot of the two cousins they heard 'Merlin, have they been feeding you?'

Both, Barty and Dorcas, exchanged a glance. Euphemia was in the kitchen along with Lily, James, Remus, Peter, Sirius and Marlene. Euphemia smiled widely at Barty.

"Where's Regulus?" Euphemia asked, smiling politely at Barty before turning to Dorcas. Dorcas smiled.

"Being attacked by Andromeda at the door. Which one's his room?" Dorcas asked. Euphemia told her that it was the last door along the first floor corridor. Dorcas took Barty, quickly.

James looked like, well, James. The overly smiley person that looked way to happy to be sober. Lily was a little nervous, you could see it in her features. Remus didn't care clearly, and he didn't look sober. Peter definitely was between high and drunk but he looked to be enjoying himself. And Sirius was definitely nervous. He was basically shaking. He wanted to get up and hug Regulus like Andromeda was but he couldn't. He didn't want to make himself look like a fool.

Euphemia tapped Sirius' shoulder and Sirius looked at her. She raised an eyebrow and he sighed, getting up from his chair and walking to the front door.

The door was still wide open and Andromeda was hugging him. Sirius awkwardly waited until Andromeda was done ranting to Regulus about how much he had missed. She looked up slightly and opened her arms a little wider for Sirius.

Sirius shook his head and furrowed his brows. Andromeda pulled away from Regulus, Regulus turned to the doorway and immediately turned away. Andromeda frowned but walked past Sirius to leave the two alone.

"You okay?" Sirius asked. Regulus shrugged. He didn't know what to say. It's not like there wasn't a million things to say, but Regulus couldn't find anything to say. "I'm proud of you."

Them four words made Regulus bite his lip and beg to not let any tears out. Sirius walked to him and wrapped his arms around his brother. "I'm really proud of you. You're out of there. You're safe. I promised I'd come back for you but I couldn't and I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I coped. It was just a lot gloomier in there without you. I didn't even make the decision to leave, Dorcas did and I just agreed. I was so scared. I'm so sorry I didn't come with you." Regulus sniffed against Sirius' shoulder. Sirius sighed.

"It's okay, you're safe now."

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