Watching and learning history...

By BabbyBobby021

77.8K 911 1.2K

Teams RWBY, JNPR, and SSSN along with some other people received an invitation to watch a movie called 'Battl... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Trailer
Chapter 3: Storm of Steel
Chapter 4: Through Mud and Blood - Act 1
Chapter 5: Through Mud and Blood - Act 2
Chapter 6: Through Mud and Blood - Act 3
Chapter 7: Through Mud and Blood - Final act
Chapter 8: Friends In High Places - Act 1
Chapter 9: Friends In High Places - Act 2
Chapter 10: Friends In High Places - Act 3
A break

About future updates

1.6K 31 12
By BabbyBobby021

I don't have much time so I'll keep it short.

To all of my beloved readers, I would like to say thank you for your support. I know that you all are eager to know what will happen in the next future chapters but I'm afraid I have some bad news.

At first, this story as well as my other two other stories would be updated very quickly, maybe a chapter per week, as I had finished my university summer term. However, the COVID situation in my area had deteriorated very fast in the past three months and now, by whole city is under very strict lockdown. It doesn't help that the manpower needed to maintain order and such is not that great so the authority had to turn to civilian volunteers. I guess you know where I'm getting at, right?

Do not be worried though, I will still continue writing my stories, it's just that it will take much, much, much longer to update since I have tons of work to do now and I have only like 4 hours of free time per day. So please, bear with me, chapters are coming, I will not pull the plug on any story and left my audience hanging.

Again, thank you so much for your support, and I'll see you in the next one.

Take care, everyone!

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