You Made Me What I Am

By Vyaska

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Harry was living as ordinarily as he could until changes he could not have expected rocked his foundation. Wi... More

Chapter 1: Contact Made
Chapter 3: Date with Tattoos
Chapter 4: Morning Afterglow
Chapter 5: Training
Chapter 6: Safe
Chapter 7: Waking
Chapter 8: Trust Must Be Earned
Chapter 9: Moving Forward
Chapter 10: Peace
Chapter 11: Overdue Explanations
Chapter 12: Hermione
Chapter 13: Planning and an Attack
Chapter 14: Out of the Tunnel to Aurora
Chapter 15: Salvation
Chapter 16: An Alliance is Made
Chapter 17: Life in the Clan
Chapter 18: Home
Chapter 19: Time's Forgiveness
Chapter 20: A Family Matter
Chapter 21: Interrogation
Chapter 22: Rewards for Patience
Chapter 23: New Ideas with a New Start
Chapter 24: A Fight for the Ages
Chapter 25: Fighting for Life
Chapter 26: Questions and Answers
Chapter 27: Plans are Reached and Decisions are Made
Chapter 28: Plans are Made Further
Chapter 29: The Peverell Legacy
Chapter 30: The Peverell Legacy Revealed
Chapter 31: Rebirth of the Peverell Clan

Chapter 2: A New Persona

3.1K 146 7
By Vyaska

Harry woke up the next day feeling like a new person since his former questions had been answered and his insecurities because of them had vanished into thin air; as if the old him had melted away and the him he was now was ready to accept himself for who he had become with full acceptance in all ways. Ready to take the world by surprise and he relished the fresh summer air coming in through the curtains as the morning sun filtered through them and warmed the room with its rays. Harry rolled over intending to go back to sleep, but a knock sounded on the door and Harry then heard his aunt yell at him about breakfast and then mowing the lawn.

He was annoyed now; more than just a little. He could have stayed put and no one would have been able to enter the room now besides him and anyone he himself invited to the room...but he knew well that he couldn't just do this because that response just had questions begging to be asked by his relatives. So, he sighed softly into his very comfortable bed and pillows before he gave Hedwig a 'sorry' glance, and then stood as he quickly threw some boxers and and tee on. He had become accustomed to sleeping nude after the changes occurred, and having been informed of his incubus status; it was now no wonder why any more.

Incubi hated layering fabrics over their bodies and felt more at ease in complete nudity than restricted by garments. Harry had noticed his distaste for clothing, but had decided he would only be nude when he felt it was safe enough like here in his rooms. His incubus side had balked at this, but then it had settled as he reasoned why and it gave in grudgingly

'You will be free to allow me to have you out when the time comes. For now we must survive.' Harry had told it

The incubus's orange-red eyes glowed, 'So long as I will not be caged away like the other side of you before now'

'Never again will we be caged as we were before.' Harry agreed, 'I will be who we want now and as soon as you are safe enough with me to come out more; you will.'

Still, he doubted his relatives wanted him to cook breakfast for them in his birthday suit; though the thought was mildly entertaining enough as to their reactions should he try it one day.

"There you are, boy. Now get to cooking so my Dudders doesn't starve himself to death." Petunia shrieked at him

Harry just rolled his eyes and went to the stove to begin. As if any person who resembled a baby blue whale could starve in one day. He went about his routine and as he was leaving his aunt said " Grab a plate and sit."

The teenage incubus froze momentarily and then sighed. He fixed himself a small plate; he didn't normally indulge this much in foods so laden with fats, butter and salt or sugar. He tried to moderate it; even while at school. He sat down and remained quiet as he began to eat his food; trying not to tense up or show how unnerved he was to them. Petunia eyed her nephew oddly and wondered why he had changed so much in so little time before them.

"Vernon is at work and Dudley will likely hardly remember this conversation, so neither of them can reprimand me for asking. I know that I don't normally care about things that have to do with magic and your people, but I feel as if I need to ask. Did something happen in your world yesterday and that's why the man you brought into the house was here?" She questioned him with curiosity, "I know he was one your kind, so I tried to remain observant instead of demanding he leave at once as Vernon would have. His power was strong enough for even me to accept it and feel it. It felt cold and dark though, as if something bad happened to him." She continued

Harry was quiet and did not exactly know how to answer her. Something had happened in their world, or rather, something had happened to it because of his decisions yesterday; but he was doubtful his aunt would keep quiet of it if she felt threatened. Then he sparked an idea as a smirk appeared in his head.

"Oh, yeah. About that...umm, that was my trainer in my summer advanced lessons I'm supposed to be having. He will be dropping by sometimes to teach me advanced defense and other things while I am to stay here. I will ward the backyard so no one else will see us though. He won't be staying over, unless he feels he might need to." Harry said with nonchalance

Petunia seemed nervous about this, "And this man? Do you know him personally from somewhere?"

Harry smiled easily though the Incubus side of him was practically cackling and doubled over with the hilarity of that question, "Sure, as he taught us at school for a year before resuming his duties to our law enforcement department."

Petunia seemed to relax now, "And the neighbors won't see anything at all? You are sure of this"

Harry shook his head, "Nope."

He purposely made the popping sound with the 'P'.

"We don't expose ourselves to those who don't know about us, as it can lead to a lot of Ministry problems within your world when too many of the muggle community do notice us. We only show ourselves to you normally if we have to like in self-defense, since school-aged children are forbidden from casting in the summer until seventeen years of age.

By then we are supposed to know how to be discreet if we need to cast. Other than this, we would only use our abilities if we need to escape somewhere really quickly and have no option but apparition while in public."

"Since I have been here, I have done some magic to better protect the house and you have never noticed it as you were not supposed to. It is just our way of doing things." He told her flatly

Petunia seemed surprised by this, "Your world is a government separate from ours?"

Harry eyed her oddly now, "Yes, of course it is. Since we have a different world leader than you do, but if the dark lord were to attack a muggle establishment; then our Minister of Magic and your Prime Minister have to work together to figure out the damage control. Didn't you think during our war beforehand that your news was oddly reporting tons of gas leaks or explosive house fires and that it seemed odd or misplaced?" Harry asked

Petunia considered, "I had thought of it as odd, but I never thought magic was involved either."

Harry eyed her dryly now, "Yes well, that was the point Aunt Petunia. The families in those attacks were massacred and no one was left alive in them. The reports had to be something that would allow you all to seem as if it was a normal, but sadly a very tragic accident of some manner and not something that would cause panic while the magical ministry investigated and did their things to prepare for the next outbreak as muggles continued to live in safety."

"The magical community is small, and many of us are still afraid of another witch burning if we were to be discovered by the elitist terror groups or otherwise militaristic organizations. Most witches and wizards are no different from you or Dudley except we have a unique gift you don't possess. It is how each one of us uses it to determine if they are bad or good."

"Magic is an energy that my people can use and manipulate to make our lives more easy. This energy in general is a neutral variable until the caster has an intention for the use of the energy and it could be bad or good depending on the emotions behind the intentions of the said caster. When I accidentally blew up Aunt Marge, I was very angry then and my magic went haywire because of the way she talked about my parents as if they were common street whores. The fact I was young and had less control over my core than I would now; that is here nor there." Harry told her shortly and Petunia cringed.

"I knew they were lies, but it did not help that no one intervened when she went too far and I was even more infuriated because you allowed her to demean your own sister that way; after my mother gave her own life for me to live. It was her choice and one that I doubt she regrets at all. Aunt Petunia, do you remember when I saved Dudley from those dementors that attacked us here two years before?" He asked

She nodded silently.

Harry's gaze darkened as a scowl showed now, "Dementors are foul creatures as you well know by now, and as I told you...they feed on all the positive emotions in people and suck them out. Feeding until the person's soul is sucked out of their body too and they are left no more than a brain-dead vegetable.

Each person hears something different when exposed to them from their memories and experiences in their lifetime. They take the good emotions and memories while you are forced to relive the horrible ones that you would rather forget. Do you want to know what I hear every time I come near those things?" He asked her icily

Petunia really didn't want to know, but she nodded silently anyhow as she felt she had no other choice.

"I hear my father telling my mother to run and get me and then to run for it. Then there are battle sounds; I heard my dad engage the dark lord in a duel and then fall dead to the floor with a loud thunking sound. Next, there was strangely erratic footsteps moving up the stairs hastily followed shortly by another set at a slower pace."

Harry's eyes shadowed, "Mum runs into the nursery; silently crying as she picked me up and is cradling for but a moment. She whispers she loves me and that everything will be alright; that she will protect me. To remember that she and James loved me more than anything else in the world.

The dark lord then bursts into my nursery and she sits me in my cradle. The dark lord tells her to stand aside and allow him near me." Harry said as Petunia pales drastically and Dudley watched the scene with curious interest

He said, "'Stand aside, you silly girl...' but she doesn't move and puts her body in front of mine; shielding me from him and begging him for my life." Harry said in a whisper, "'Not Harry,' she says, 'not Harry; take me instead.'"

"He asks of her to move a second time. She refuses and begs him as her wand is trained on him; her magic flaring and her eyes glistening. 'Please, have mercy. Take my life and spare my son. Not Harry, take me instead.'"

"The dark lord grows angry and then shrugs and says, 'then so be it' and the green light of the killing curse hits her and she screams. Her voice haunts my ears along with high-pitched cold laughter and flashing green in my eyes as I wake every night when rest is not so fitful for me."

Harry shifted uncomfortably, "I was spared that night from death because it was foretold that I am the only one who can defeat him. Your sister sacrificed her life for me as any mother in our world with good and morale backgrounds would. She would have shielded Dudley as her own too if she had too and you know that though you have denied it for years.

However, my mother also gave her life so that both our world and yours continue to coexist in peace. If Lord Voldemort reigns supreme, then you muggles are in for a world bent into extinction as he considers muggles a disgust to him and he will hunt you all down and kill all of you as if you were ants to be crushed underneath his foot."

Harry saw how pale they were as he spoke, "I have the power to stop this, but I have yet to determine why I should if you people like your family treat mine the way you do? Especially since we are blood-related. I also wonder why I should bother because the wizarding world sees me as this golden child they fawn over with praise one minute then some insane oddity the next according to the news there. I have witnessed the good and bad of both, and I am unsure if I am even willing to be a savior for either yet."

Harry ate the last of his breakfast and paused before he eyed them seriously, "Let these words seep into you today, and then let us see if you can sleep comfortably tonight. Knowing that I hold the key to your lives in my hands and always have, but you three have done nothing but abuse me, neglect me, and treat me as if I was some plague or oddity unfit to live at all."

Harry stood and left her and Dudley to their thoughts. Oddly Dudley had said nothing the whole time. He was probably waiting in glee to see his dear mother tear into him with words and threaten him with more work. He had gone quite pale though near the end of his speech as much as Petunia had.

Harry decided letting loose felt good and he needed it. He decided maybe Tom was right, and that perhaps he needed to release his serpent side finally. The incubus purred at the thought as his eyes glowed in how much mischief he could wreak if he did. With his mind made up, he set out to change for the better now. He dressed into some jeans and another tee, but this time a dark red one and put his sneakers on and bounded out of the house.

He walked several blocks until he came to the shopping center in the middle of Surrey for the convenience of the close-by residents. Harry looked around until he found a clothing shop that fit his snake side and his incubus but still had a bit of everything else if needed.

Inside the shop, the music was loud and hurt his ears but he ignored it in favor of browsing and having fun for once. He had nearly given up hope of finding what he needed by himself when a shop clerk approached him with a half-smile. His light brown hair and medium blue eyes were shining softly at him.

"Need some help there?" He asked kindly

Harry smiled sheepishly, "I suppose so. I need pretty much a total closet makeover, except for jeans and tees which have already been taken care of."

The clerk nodded and seemed to think a moment, "Are you into something more edgy and rugged, or more professional and yet stylish but still with an edge to it?" He asked

Harry considered, "Probably a bit of both, as I do attend a boarding school that's rather exclusive, but I am on summer holidays so there is no need to hold back on me. As for money, don't worry about it." Harry said

The young man smiled now and noticed how uniquely beautiful he was among the many ordinary customers he usually had. The boy was likely seventeen or maybe eighteen, and just about graduate high school before either working or going to a uni. The clerk bet he was headed to a uni though, as he seemed to be from a line of old money.

"I am sure we have everything you need then. Follow me." He beckoned Harry

The raven-haired boy was then led on a whirlwind venture through the shop as he was handed everything from silk dress shirts and fine dress slacks to leather pants and tops that had far too many holes to be a shirt. Harry had thought the clerk was playing a prank on him until he realized it might have been his way of seeing if Harry was up to his standard. Not wanting to let the chance pass; he had worn the shirt and the clerk had flushed before rushing off to find more clothes.

He now had an array of casual tops for all sorts of things as well as jean shorts and work-out wear. He had khakis and swim trunks. New sneakers and some black lace-up boots that looked vaguely like combat boots though he did not question it too much.

Boxers and undershirts were added and who knew what else.

As he was trying on the clothes again, Harry had noticed the clerk's appreciative eyes on his form and realized the boy must either be gay or bisexual at the very least. Or maybe he just appreciated the human form...he had no idea. He had no problems with either option either as it was, and Harry smirked when his back was turned to him. This was going to be more fun than he had originally thought possible when he had set out.

He suddenly felt his instincts starting to rear up and rising in full force now. Out of nowhere he was so suddenly painfully aroused; his cock twitched in anticipation. Hopefully...his guess was right though he highly suspected he was as his other senses were picking up things too,  but he wanted to be sure before he acted.

He was beginning to feel hungry and it was not the food kind of hungry. It was more carnal...

It was a full two hours before Harry finally felt he had spoiled himself enough with clothes and had the clerk stop. While he was at the register, he pulled out his Gringotts card he had attained last year for easiness and safety; which to muggles looked a random banking debit card of some kind.

"So your total comes to 308.67, and I am very happy to have met you today since you are so fun to shop with." He smiled, "My name is Chris, by the way."

Harry smiled, "Harry." He said

"Well Harry, is there anything else you need?" he asked

Harry thought a moment; internally smirking and thinking that yes; there were several things he needed right now. Some of them more desperately than others. However, none of them were currently attainable.

"Do you know a good place for piercings and tattoos?" He asked

Chris thought a bit and his eyes lighted, "Indeed I do. In fact, the owner and I are friends of a sort, and her parlor is not far from here. If you meet me here at five after I get off of my shift, I can show you around?" He asked

Harry smirked at Chris and thought of several ways to help him get off, "Is that how you ask for a date normally?" He jokingly asked

Chris smirked at him now in amusement, "Not always no, but it does have its charms at times."

Harry laughed to this, "I suppose so. I guess I will take these back to my place and redress before studying a bit. Then I will meet you here at half-past four, sound good?" He asked

Chris nodded with a grin, "Sounds good enough."

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