Beauty of love (DISCONTINUED)

By Imnotlauriane

298K 13.8K 5.4K

BTS X READER - SOULMATE AU (The only reason why I'm keeping it on Wattpad is because people want to keep it... More

Before you start reading
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Extra scene
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5.4K 280 283
By Imnotlauriane

Because my brain can't process that from chapter 30 to chapter 32, the amount of views went from 49k to 79k, I'm offering you all a bigger chapter (8.4k words). Thank you for reading this story and giving it so much love!

It's just a casual reading. There's definitely nothing special happening somewhere in there. Nothing at all. (no spoilers please)

I can't believe they did that. There's no way I'm surviving through this class, I just can't.

"Alright, class-" the maths teacher starts as he enters the room before stopping mid-sentence, his eyes falling on our group and I look out of the window. I have absolutely no control over this and I'm not ready to take the blame anytime soon.

"I guess I shouldn't ask how this came to be. Of course the director would allow this" he mumbles to himself as he goes to his desk with a loud sigh.

Awkward. This is so awkward. I inhale softly and turn my head to the other side to see Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook leaning into their chair with a smirk while I can see Hoseok and Namjoon's backs in front of me.

How did this happen? Why did this happen? Is this permanent? Are they always going to be in my class from now on? Oh boy, how am I supposed to focus like that? Taehyung turns to me with a wide smile and I can't help but smile back when he looks so cute and proud.

But on the inside? Inside, I'm a screaming mess.

"Today I'm giving you a surprise test and we'll auto-correct later, that should allow you all to see what is lacking right now and what you should focus on before the exam" he says and the whole class whines at his words, clearly unhappy by this surprise but the maths teacher tuts at us and grabs a pile of papers.

"No whining, I'm doing this for you, this is your last year before graduating, I'm sure you don't want to be stuck behind because you didn't pass my class, right?" he says and I huff. "Heck no" I whisper more to myself but the vampires around me hear and chuckle.

"Alright, I don't want to hear anyone anymore, grab a paper and start right away, I give you forty minutes" the teacher lets out in an annoyed tone before setting a pile of papers on each first desk of every rows. Hoseok turns back and winks before giving me a sheet and I smile before staring at the test in front of me.

Oh well. It's not like this is a bad thing for me, to have five of my soulmates around me. It's a little... extreme, but I'm not complaining.

Feeling a gaze on me, I turn to my left to see Jimin bending forward to look at me from next to Jungkook and when our eyes meet, he gives me a thumbs up. I nod and focus back on what's in front of me, knowing that now is the time to prove to myself that I'm really getting better.

I write my name and start reading the questions, all of them making sense, which doesn't make sense. Does that make sense?

How I can understand so much in such a short amount of time from studying with Jimin is above me. Pencil in hand, I start filling in the blanks, mathematical calculations that all lead to answers that seem to work and although some leave me still confused, I can still make out some of the process even if I know it's going to be wrong. This is a lot better than before.

The minutes pass by quickly and before I know it, I'm done. I look up to see others still answering the questions and my eyes widen. What? I stare down at my paper and turn it around to make sure that I really filled everything there was. I blink and look at my left to see Taehyung and Jungkook still answering with a pout while the three others appear to be done as well.

I set my pencil down and start reflecting on my whole existence because this doesn't feel normal.

I finished before Taehyung and Jungkook. I stare at my answers. I must have messed this whole test then, there's no way I could finish it that fast. Maybe I thought I understood but I don't? Maybe I was completely wrong and misread every questions?

By the time I step on my confidence so it can look as flat as a pancake, the timer ends and it's time to correct ourselves. Jimin asks Jungkook who asks Taehyung to ask me to give him my test so he can see how I did and I hesitate. Do I take the chance of humiliating myself? Do I really want that?

"Just give me that" Taehyung whispers as he serves himself and I stare with wide eyes as my test flies away from me.


While the teacher starts explaining each questions when students raise their hands, my eyes are fixed on Jimin's small fingers because that's all I can see as he holds my test. He turns the page around even though the teacher's currently explaining the fifth question and I know that he doesn't need the new vampire to tell him how maths functions, Namjoon's belief that Jimin's behind maths being a nightmare sounding like the truth to me.

My breath hitches in my throat when I see him grab his pen and he starts writing on my paper. He turns the sheets a few times and hands it over to Jungkook who then takes a look at it and I hear him hum before Taehyung takes it as well to take a look.

I move over to get it from him but before I can reach it, Namjoon takes a hold of it and then passes it to Hoseok and I internally groan. It's so nerve-wrecking to not know how I did while they all pass it around.

The vampire in front of me finally turns around and slides the test on my desk with a grin and I gulp before looking down.

All good. My eyes widen. What?

I turn the paper around and where I expected Jimin to have corrected me, he actually wrote the word Success.

I can't believe this. I look up to meet his eyes and the look on my face must be amusing because he silently giggles, eyes creasing until he can't see anything anymore. He motions for my paper again and I tilt my head in confusion before looking down to see a message at the bottom.

You owe me kisses on my cheeks until they fall off, you promised!

I blush and slam the paper on the other side to hide it. I did promise that, didn't I? Shit. Feeling myself burn from the inside because there's no way I can act like this never happened since they all read it, I know Jimin is going to get what he wants.

And I mean, I wouldn't deny him, it's just freaking embarrassing. I said that but I wasn't expecting to really manage to have a perfect score. That just doesn't make sense, does it? I thought I would at least fail the questions I wasn't sure but it ends up that they were good? That's got to be a fluke, I didn't really pass, Jimin just wants the kisses.

I look up to the board in front of the class where the answers are written and...

Okay never-mind, I really did it. With my heart pounding loudly, it seems to distract more than one, which I feel bad about but it's not my fault if my soulmates decided to swarm the class and tease me.

I swear I'm not responsible for this!


"They're all glaring at us as if we stole their precious toy" Lisa says as she stares at the guys' table.

I turn around to see Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin pouting heavily, hands playing with their food while Namjoon and Hoseok sigh, a smile sent my way before they nudge the others to stop acting like babies.

I chuckle and bring my attention back to my friends. "They'll survive, it's not like they'll never see me again and although I'm leaving with Rosé soon, they still have today and tomorrow, they'll see me in class and then at home. They're big boys, they can let me spend some time with my girls" I say, loud enough for them to hear and the girls grin.

"They're like spoiled children, it's cute. I never thought I'd say that about them but I guess everything's possible. So, spill all the tea, how is it living with them?" Jennie asks and I blush lightly, a smile on my face as I focus on the nice moments we went through, bonding with Jungkook after the incident the cherry on the cake.

"It's been fun. They're playful and snitching is in their blood but there's not a dull day with them. They're cuddly as if everyday is their last day and they're sweet, gentle and loving. They've also been helping me study this week, well mainly Jimin and can you believe that I understand maths better now?! I just had a 100% on our test and I'm still not quite over the shock. Jimin is a prodigy, I swear, I don't know how he did that but he could totally be a teacher and everyone would pass his class" I tell them, needing to prove this to them by showing them the test he corrected.

The girls take a look at it and I watch as their eyes widen. "Girl, you couldn't do this last week" Jisoo says with a gasp as she quickly flips the paper to look at everything. I nod eagerly with pride. "I know! I think the exams next week are going to go really well! I'll be able to enjoy the school break without having to worry too much" I muse, more than thankful for my soulmate's help.

"That's most reassuring, that teacher will finally give you space and leave you the heck alone" Lisa growls and I smile with a small nod, not willing to include them in the current problem, that the vampire no longer cares about my notes, he just want my blood.

"Oh, so you owe Jimin kisses hm? I wonder what's going to fall off first, his cheeks or your lips?" Lisa chirps and I choke on my food, Jisoo going to rub my back gently while I cough to get it out. "That's-" I start as I try to get my breathing back in order. I grab the paper from in front of them and tuck it back in my bag, cheeks burning under their amused eyes.

"I didn't think he would actually manage to make me understand maths so well you know? That was in the spur of the moment but apparently, Jimin doesn't forget so now I can't run away from this... it's going to be so embarrassing" I whine and drop my head on the table.

Jisoo coos and pets my hair. "You're becoming all lovey-dovey with your guys, Rosé is going to scream when she hears everything that's been happening this week" she says in a giggle and I pout at her, her words not helping me.

"But I was wondering about something" Jennie starts and we all turn to her as her eyes fall on me. "Why don't you just stay with them? They're your soulmates, aren't they? It's been going well so far this week, we can see it in how you've been acting, you're much more content now than before, why go back with Rosé when I know that you've been referring to their place as home more than the apartment now?".

I purse my lips and sigh. "Rosé and I have been together for a long time now... it feels like I would abandon her if I did that... I don't want to leave her alone" I mumble, torn between the choices offered to me. "She's really important to me and I don't want her to think that I'm letting my love life get the better of our friendship" I add, wondering if what I'm saying makes sense.

Lisa sighs. "Girl, she would totally understand. She's not dependent on you, you know? Plus, who's to say you wouldn't see her again? It's very possible to meet up from time to time! If you're worried about her being alone, we have an empty bed at our place, she can always move in with us" she says without hesitation, as if the answer is obvious.

This is very tempting, but wouldn't she feel like I'm just getting rid of her? I sigh and hit my forehead on the table, not sure of what to do. I really want to stay with my soulmates, but I also want to stay with her. She's like a sister to me and these last two weeks of her being gone were definitely too long.

"Just think about it, she's coming in two days so you can always talk about it with her when she gets here but if I'm honest, she'll probably insist when she sees how comfortable you've been with them" Lisa adds before shrugging.

Jennie sets a hand on my shoulder and smiles. "It's okay to do something for yourself. It's your life after all, she would never get mad at you for that, even less so be disappointed". I nod and let their words stir in my mind, the possibilities offered to me and what I should do with them.

Luckily, tomorrow's the last revising day before the exams and I won't have to deal with the teacher during the weekend. That's going to be a relief. Work won't be expecting me and I'm thinking about quitting since I'll be too busy writing the draft for my next book, I won't have much time to spare.

I sigh and sit up, the lunchbox put in my bag before I share a look with the girls. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll see you girls in the changing room? It's time to go soon anyway" I tell them and they nod, eyes falling on my cast enough for them to know that no one's going to touch me now. Namjoon's warning spread through every ears like wildfire so the whole building now knows to simply not bother me anymore.

That's a little intimidating because now the stares I'm going to get will be afraid, hesitant and probably angry, but that's better than being attacked because of jealousy. They're my soulmates and no matter what people do, that won't change, nor do I want it to. I'm very happy to have them as mine.

I exit the cafeteria alone and make my way towards the nearest bathroom and once inside, I get into the last stall. I only have time to hang my bag on the door's hook before I hear a group enter the room. I get ready to do what I came to do, a little awkward at the silence that fills the room. Can I just pee in peace? At least talk or something... I think to myself, a little uncomfortable.

"Did you hear about this morning's incident? That girl's getting the queen treatment now, it's fucking annoying. We can't even do anything anymore without the Bangtan acting like she's about to die and now every single one of them moved to her maths class, like what the fuck? Man she's getting on my nerves".

I gulp and decide against peeing. Hopefully they're going to leave soon.

"I know, but we can't even do anything anymore, you heard Namjoon oppa, I honestly don't want them to find me and shred me into pieces, she's not worth it". A laugh.

"That's because you're a coward. They don't scare me. She's been acting like the world belongs to her nowadays and I'm tired of seeing that happen. She's a nobody and she's getting way too much attention because of these vampires".

"So what are you going to do?". A hum.

"I'm going to make her bleed in front of everyone. I wonder how they'll react. I heard from a friend that her blood smells so addictive and so tempting that it actually feels dangerous, maybe that'll take care of her and we'll finally be rid of a problem".

I feel the blood drain from my face and I try to keep my breath constant. I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear anything. Please... just go.

But I need to see her face... I need to know who I need to avoid. Who is that? It's not a voice I recognize. I try to look through the small crack of the door, but it's useless, I can't see anything from this angle.

The giggles that reach my ears become further until they exit the bathroom and I sigh in relief. Clearly no vampires since they would've figured out that I'm here, but the relief doesn't last long when I remember what was said.

This is really worrying. Someone who doesn't care about Namjoon and the others going after her? She must be stupid. She's not going to live long and at this rhythm... I won't either.

I breathe in slowly to calm myself and do the pee I was meant to do to begin with before washing my hands and hurry to get ready for sports, knowing that I'm going to be late if I take any longer. I find the girls' bags and proceed to get changed before going outside where they're sitting on a bench.

I can't let go of my tension as I notice faces turning to me and I can't help but stare at each of them to see who it could be. Who said that? If only I could hear their voice, I could find out who it is easily, damn it.

Jungkook notices me and runs over to me, his arms wrapping around me happily and I hug him back with a sigh. I rest my head against his chest and he squeezes me tighter, probably sensing that something is wrong.

"Are you okay, muffin? Did something happen?" he asks softly. I shake my head, not wanting to worry him right now, he's had enough on his plate these days and I don't want to add one more thing. I know that something might happen so I just need to be on guard and make sure to avoid people getting too close to me.

"You're not lying, right?". I freeze, eyes clenched tight before I exhale slowly. "Not now, please" I whisper, on edge enough like that. I don't want him exploding in anger while we're still on campus grounds. He pulls back and stares down at me, eyes taking in the paleness of my skin and he frowns before turning his neck to signal for Hoseok to come join us.

The latter doesn't waste time joining us and he quickly notices my state as well. "What happened?" he asks, hands cupping my cheeks as I look down to avoid their eyes.

"She won't say but she was all tense when I hugged her so I'm thinking something happened on the way. Let's just be on guard today until she tells us what's wrong" Jungkook tells him and at that, they both make sure to keep me close as we reach the girls, deciding that the more people on my side around me, the safer I'm going to be.

When they see my state, Lisa makes me sit on her lap and hugs me close while Jennie and Jisoo scoot over closer to offer comfort, but they don't ask anything, which I'm thankful for. I look around, faces I'm used to seeing, but now I can't help but see them as possible threat.

To make me bleed in front of vampires would be absolutely terrible and I don't want to be kicked out of school, if I even survive. This University was the best choice for me considering its refined taste, control is a must here and I can't take the chance of going to a smaller one. If I can just make it to graduation, then it'll be over and I can finally stop worrying about students being assholes.

"Alright everyone! I hope you're all ready for the exams, it's too bad that there won't be one for my class, I'm sure you're all very sad, hm?" the teacher asks with a grin and everyone laugh at his words, which makes him gasp.

"What is this? Why are you all laughing? No no no, that won't do! I want to see you all looking sad, we won't see each other for a whole month after that! Aren't you going to miss me?" he asks with a hand over his heart.

I raise my hand with a small smile. "I'll miss you teach, your class is fun" I say and he beams. "See? That's what I wanted to hear, it's not so hard to do right? Since Y/N is the only one who's going to miss me, I'll go easy on her today. She can choose her two partners for today's class, as for the others, you're going to be mixed with whoever I decide to put you with".

The class erupts in whines, my girls included and I giggle. This wasn't expected but I won't spit on that. Two arms get me to my feet and I end up within my soulmates' embrace, their eyes staring at me in expectation.

"You'll choose us right?" Jungkook asks and I can only nod at the hope in his eyes. Lisa huffs her disappointment. "I can't believe you'd rather choose your handsome vampires instead of me. Really, your taste is lacking girl" she says before falling into a grin. "A choice I would've made myself. It's too bad, really" she adds.

I roll my eyes and let my two soulmates take me to a calm corner once the tasks given, which for now is to simply stretch. And where I thought I could have it easy, my soulmates make me see just how wrong I was.

"Come on, bun, you can bend lower than that, you need to stretch those thighs properly" Hoseok says as he pushes me down and I scream, the pain radiating through my muscles burning and extremely uncomfortable.

"Hobi! Fuck that hurts stop!" I exclaim, eyes clenched tight as I try to control my breathing to not simply die right here and now. "You can keep going a few more seconds, bun" he says instead of freeing me, hands pushing me down just a bit more and just as I'm about to start crying from the pain, he finally lets go of me.

Once I'm released, I take a few wobbly steps away from them just to take a moment to breathe, heart pumping way too fast right now. "You two are monsters, I can't believe you would torture me like that!" I whine, already ready to flee the class if this keeps going any longer.

The two of them burst into laughter as they keep stretching. "That's because you never do it, muffin, you'll get used to it after a while" Jungkook claims with a grin. I gape at him and shake my head. "Why the heck would I want to get used to this! Nu-huh!".

I let myself fall on my back with a groan. Those were the worst twenty minutes I've ever spent in sports class and that's hard to achieve, yet they made this moment top it all. "I think I'm dying. My body is going numb" I let out as I hear a humph as a body falls down next to mine.

"Oh what is that light I see? Is that the end?" I murmur as I stare at the sky, hand reaching out for it. Hoseok chuckles as he bends over my face with a smile.

"Sorry to disappoint bun, it's just my face". I huff and roll onto my side where Jungkook awaits me with open arms. He closes them around me and I sigh, eyes closed. "I think I'll just sleep here. Tell the teacher I'm dead. Ah and this vampire is dead too, he needs to be my pillow".

Hoseok doesn't listen and instead lies down on the grass too to back hug me. "No can do, we need to start running" he whispers in my ear before stealing me from Jungkook's arms and onto my feet at the speed of light.

Disoriented, I take a moment to catch my balance before shooting him a pout but he just laughs happily and pulls me along with him onto the running tracks, Jungkook whining behind. "Hyung! I liked her idea!".

Hoseok completely ignores us and forces me to start jogging with the others, the two of them keeping a moderate pace next to me while I try to catch my breath, the first minutes always the worst.

Jennie and Jisoo come join us with amused eyes. "I see Y/N survived. We could hear her screams from the opposite end of the area, go easy on her guys" the latter says and I open my arms for her, eyes shining. "You're the only one taking my side, you're the only one for me Jisoo" I say and she mimics my stance while the two vampires huffs.

"She's already taken, you can't have her" Jungkook claims with a frown. Jennie snorts. "Haven't you ever heard that sharing is caring?". Hoseok laughs. "Yeah, we share her everyday, only, with our mates, no one else".

"Go on now, off you go, leave us alone" Jungkook says with a fake angry tone of voice, hands shooing them away and the girls grin before waving me goodbye and pick up the pace. "That's cruel" I let out, eyes not letting go of my two friends as they wave around bodies and away from me.

"Come on, you act like it's a terrible thing to be with us" Hoseok coos, hand going to ruffle my hair even though we're running. Well... I guess it's more speed walking for them really. "You guys go ahead, I know I'm slow" I say when I see a few groups surround us to keep going.

"How about you go faster instead?" he asks and I laugh.


"Aww come on! We'll help you!" Jungkook says cutely and I huff. "I thought you all wanted to keep looking like that cold group of vampires, everyone's going to know that you're all softies now" I tell them, watch as they shrug.

"We talked about it and to be honest? We don't really care. We want others to see that you're important to us and it's even scarier when a smiling group becomes murderous. They'll know not to mess with us. You'd tell us if someone tries something again, right?" Jungkook says, eyes meeting mine again, knowing that I'm hiding something.

I huff out a puff of air and decide to try running faster instead of answering. If I get more out of breath, then I can't talk anymore.


"My whole body hurts" I whine as Taehyung carries me on his back out of the campus with the others around us.

"That's because you overdid it to avoid answering me" Jungkook grumbles, foot going to kick a pebble. "Answer what?" Jimin asks and I point forward. "Taehyung! Let's follow that bird!" I exclaim, to which the vampire nods with excitement before gripping my legs tighter. "Hold on tight, baby girl!" he chirps before starting to run forward quickly, the others left behind as they sigh.

Taehyung is not dumb, he knows that there was no bird to follow but I still appreciate his willingness to take me out of this uncomfortable situation. He makes a turn into a street that does not lead home and I let him, head resting against my arm that is wrapped around his neck.

"Did something happen, baby girl? You're avoiding everyone's questions, why?" he asks softly after a while, his pace of walking slow and comfortable. I press my lips into a fine line and bite the inside of my cheek. Taehyung is calm right now, surely he can remain calm if I tell him what's wrong?

"When I went to the bathroom before sports class, I was in a stall when a group of girls walked in and started talking about me" I start and he hums, thumbs rubbing comforting circles on my knees.

"One of them... She must really hate me, she said that she'd make me bleed in front of everyone, that it would be a sure way to get rid of me since she was told by a vampire that my blood smells addictive, she doesn't give a shit about Namjoon's warning. I know that I shouldn't stay quiet about that but... I'm bringing you guys so many problems already and I don't want you all even more on edge. I mean, most people saying threats like this end up not doing it because they're all talk no action but I can't help but keep looking over my shoulder and hope that nothing happens... Our soulmates are all easy to get angry, well maybe not Namjoon but you know what I mean... I didn't want to have to deal with that" I mumble, body relaxing when I realize that he's not becoming tenser, no clenching of his jaw, nothing.

He sighs and keeps walking towards a nearby park without saying a single word but I can imagine how it's all swirling in his mind. "They're going to be mad right? That I didn't say anything earlier?" I ask, to which he shakes his head. "They won't, baby girl, they'll be worried for you, but they won't be mad, not at you" he murmurs, his deep voice calming my nerves.

We reach the park and once in front of the swings, he puts me down before turning around and picks me up again, my arms going around his neck while my legs wrap around him in confusion. He takes a seat on the swing and then moves me a little so I can be more comfortable and stable before swinging us gently.

It's a very weird feeling in this position but it also very soothing and I move my arms under his so I can rest my head into the nook of his neck. One of his arms slides around my back while the other holds the chain and we remain like that in silence, the wind our only companion at the moment.

"I'm nervous about next week" he admits suddenly. "I'm nervous because I don't know when to expect the worse. That teacher seems really unpredictable and I hate that you have to be around him everyday. I hate that we can't get rid of him without hurting you one way or another, but I hate most especially that he can hurt you without you being able to defend yourself. I don't know how we're going to take care of his threat".

I squeeze him tighter. There must be only Taehyung to admit something like that. Only him who instead of telling me to just trust them and leave this in their hands, will tell me that he's scared. That he doesn't know everything, that it might not turn out well.

"I'm nervous too" I echo, eyes searching for the right words to say. "I've done my best to keep my past a secret, to not have everyone find out and suddenly, my maths teacher tells me that he knows. Someone writes on my desk that they know and that I'm going to do the same to you guys. It's scary, it makes me feel powerless and all I can do is wait and hope that things don't turn into a nightmare. I don't like that. I'm worried that my being in danger is going to hurt you too".

His free hand slides to my cheek and he makes me sit up from my position against him so I can see his eyes. "I promise to you that we're going to do our very best to keep you safe, no matter what. And if the truth ends up being revealed, then we'll go. All of us, we'll go somewhere far away, where no one knows us, where we can simply be ourselves and be happy" he promises, his eyes searching mine.

And as I stare into his, the passionate red of his declaration becomes a beautiful purple where strings of golden pink sparkle, such a beautiful sight, fascinating and breath-taking. It makes my heart melt, to know the emotions behind that color. I feel my eyes tear up as I bring my hands to cup his face, thumbs going to massage under his eyes, watch as he breathes in softly before opening his mouth.

"I love you, my little mate. I would do anything for you, you know that right?" he whispers, voice so soft and I nod, I know. I too would do everything in my power to keep him safe.

I stare down at his lips and I don't know where that confidence comes from, but I suddenly get the urge to kiss him, to let him know how I feel too and I do, face leaning towards his until my lips touch his as I close my eyes and instantly, I almost forget who I am, everything in my soul about Taehyung. Just Taehyung.

He responds quickly, both arms going to wrap around me to pull me closer into his hold and his lips meet mine to take control, press against my mouth, gently but with force before biting into my bottom lip, teeth sinking into the soft flesh and gathering a whine from my throat that he swallows with a groan of his own. As I part my lips to breathe in, body overwhelmed with everything that I'm feeling, his tongue swipes across the pink flesh over his bite to heal the wound before pulling me back into a tender kiss.

So many feelings take place in my soul, love, admiration, fascination, desires, each of them swirling and mixing together and enhancing every touch of his body on mine. It makes my breath become smaller and when my lungs start burning, Taehyung slowly releases my lips to rest his forehead against mine. We both take a moment to just breathe, to process what just happened.

Damn. "That was... wow" I let out and he chuckles, thumb going to tease my bottom lip and pulling on it to see the healing marks of his teeth in the flesh. "You don't know how proud it makes me to be first one to mark those lips of yours" he murmurs, voice filled with satisfaction, his deep hum vibrating against my chest.

I blush and hide my face in his neck, feeling more than soothed now. I guess I really love them, don't I? I can't even see my life without them anymore. "My cute little mate, you can't go and kiss me like that and then act all shy, it's going to make my heart melt" he teases, happiness in his voice.

I whine quietly and remain where I am, heart still beating out of control. I really went and did it. I kissed him. I won't be able to sleep tonight, there's just no way. He chuckles and rubs my back up and down.

"As much as I want to keep you to myself for as long as I can, the others are going to be worried, we should get going now, baby girl" Taehyung eventually says and I nod, anxiousness coming back since that also means telling them about the threat.

And possibly about the kiss too. I have a feeling Taehyung won't want to keep quiet about it, although I know he would if I asked him to. "Ready?" he asks and when I nod, he stands up from the swing to gently drop me on my feet.

He then softly takes hold of my hand as if it could break anytime and intertwines our fingers together. At this moment, I feel like the safest human in the whole world next to this beautiful vampire whose heart is a shining diamond.


Once we reach the house, it's to six soulmates relaxing, each of them keeping themselves busy with their hobbies, either cooking, reading or simply being out of view.

"Oh, you two are finally here? How about you go take a shower while I get dinner ready? Jimin-ah, can you go get her some clothes please?" Jin says once our shoes removed. Jimin's about to agree and jump to his feet but then his eyes fall on us and narrow.

"Something happened between you two" he claims loudly and it doesn't take time for Jungkook's head to appear from up the stairs along with Yoongi while Namjoon and Hoseok look up from the book they were reading in the living room.

I blush and press my lips together while Taehyung's chest puffs out, a beaming boxy smile on his face. Here we go.

Jimin and Jungkook come over like predators and turn around us with pensive hums, fingers rubbing their chins as they start sniffing like dogs.

No, Y/N, don't start again, you know what happens when you compare them to dogs. I look up until I feel a nose in my neck, which has me yelping and then fingers grab my bottom lip with a gasp.

"Oh, is that how it is? You two ran away to go kissing, hm?" Jimin whispers suavely, fingers letting go of my lip to start sliding across my cheeks with a smirk.

"YOU TWO KISSED?!" Jungkook all but shrieks, mouth wide open as he stares at the two of us while Jimin steps back with an amused grin, eyes pleased and a bright blue. The others start getting closer as well and, unable to handle their gazes anymore, I hide behind Taehyung who's still beaming like the proudest dog.

"She even initiated it after I told her that I love her" he claims and chaos gets unleashed, bodies jumping up and down in excitement and jealousy because they lost their chance at being the first. "YOU TOLD HER THAT YOU LOVE HER?!" Jungkook continues shrieking, as if he can't believe his mind, he who bonded with me only yesterday.

"Awwww, Taehyung is always the first one making that step, still, it's the first time that he gets first place at kissing a new mate, this is cute" Hoseok coos, just as endeared as Jimin. Namjoon observes a little further behind with a nod to himself.

"That means kissing is fine... so we could all have a go..." he murmurs, lost in his thoughts but his words are enough to bring about silence around us. "Namjoon is right. Technically... once she kisses one, she can kiss the others" Jin, who had been quiet until now, adds. Shit.

Yoongi tilts his head to the side with a raised eyebrow before slowly making his way over to me and just as he's about to grab me, eyes lighting up a lime color, which means he very much intends on teasing me, I run straight for the stairs.

"S-s-shower, I'm going to go shower, I'm gross. And I smell. Definitely smell! Don't touch me, I'm infectious!" I exclaim before hurrying up and into the bathroom where I lock the door. I bring a hand over my heart and try to calm my breathing.

Holy shit. This house is going to become a battleground. Are they all going to try to go for a kiss? I gasp. I hope not! Oh my gosh, I can't have a first kiss with all of them in a single night, my heart will explode.

And Jungkook was freaking out, is he okay? Jimin and Hoseok seemed overly pleased for Taehyung and I so I guess overall, it's fine? What have I done? Where did all that confidence go?! I need it now!

I groan and turn on the shower head to get the water warm and then get undressed before stepping inside. I proceed to get my hair soaked and can't help but let my mind wander to earlier in the park.

I really kissed him. Not him who moved towards me, I did. But it felt so right, his eyes were captivating and held the world in them, I couldn't resist, not when everything about him was so tempting to me.

I blush and decide to focus on cleaning myself to survive the heat of the shower. A little more and I'm going to pass out. I scrub myself with the perfumed soap, some more attention on my itchy back then rinse under the water.

It's always so hard to get myself to take that shower, but once I'm in the shower, it's always so hard to get out of it. I sigh, the tip of my fingers already starting to wrinkle and I proceed to wash my hair twice before rinsing and then turn off the shower head.

I get the excess water out of my hair and look around for my towel, the bright colored one. "Uh?" I let out, confused eyes going around to see absolutely none of the towels around. Please don't tell me they were taken to be washed?

Carefully, I step onto the fluffy bath rug and try to look for an alternative towel to use but nope, they're all gone. Shit.

I step closer to the door and lean my ear against it. "Hello? Is anyone nearby?" I ask, wait a moment for an answer but when I hear nothing, I take the risk of opening the door just enough to peek my head outside.

"Can someone bring me a towel..? Please" I say weakly, eyes open and wary in case someone tries to attempt anything while I'm naked.

"Towel?". "Oh right, I forgot that I put them all in the washing machine. Did I transfer them to get dried? I can't remember... Do we have a spare one?". "I don't know, I'll go see".

I hear steps start walking up the stairs slowly and I close the door, feeling very exposed even when hiding behind it. "Give me a moment, peach, I'll see if there's something we can give you" I hear Namjoon say and I hum, a little relieved that it's him.

I allow myself to open the door again to peek out, careful to not let my body show and watch as he searches the shelves by the laundry room. "Aish, we don't. You didn't start the drying cycle, hyung!" Namjoon says loudly, to which a "Oops" is the only reply he gets.

"Alright, peach I'll lend you one of my sweaters, you can use it to dry off, it's not ideal but it should be enou-" his eyes fall on me and he freezes as he takes in the little amount of skin that was showing.

I narrow my eyes at him. That's a dangerous reaction.

"Thank you" I say quickly before closing the door again. I hear the sound of a throat clearing and of feet stepping away and I sigh in relief.

From now on, always make sure you have something to dry yourself off before getting in the shower. Noted. That's normally not at problem at the apartment but clearly, with mates, this is perilous territory and I'm not ready to face that just yet.

A knock on the door has me jumping in surprise and I slowly, very slowly open it to see Namjoon looking away as he hands me a sweater. "Sorry I couldn't find something else. Jimin is going to bring a few clothes for you to your room so you can just... wear the sweater and head there once you're done" he says, cheeks a light pink before he steps away down the stairs.

I thank him and close the door once again before looking at the clothe in my hands. Well... here goes nothing I guess.

"I'm coming to rescue you baby! Your nakedness shall be covered with my clothes!" I hear from the corridor and I giggle, a shake of the head as proceed to wear the extra large sweater which ends up looking like an oversized dress on me.

I brush my wet hair and take a moment to make sure that I look alright before I step out of the bathroom to get to my room just as Jimin enters inside.

I wonder what he got me. Colorful? Jimin does have some pretty colors in his closet, he wears them all so well. Yoongi's filled with black clothes and the rare white t-shirts. Some colors I have a feeling he needs a special occasion to wear, but neutral colors suit him well so I'm not complaining.

I enter my room to see Jimin humming to himself as he organizes the clothes on the bed and I smile before wrapping myself around his waist from his back, which surprises him but he quickly relaxes when he sees my head from under his arm.

He chuckles and pulls me to the front so he can hug me while finishing to set the piles and then stares down at me with a pleased smile. "You're getting awfully cuddly, aren't you, baby?" he says and I blush when I realize that he's right. They're all so touchy with each other, me included that it just feels more normal than not to cuddle and hug with them.

"I'm not saying that as a bad thing, I really like to hug you and it makes me even happier when you're the one seeking them" he muses, lips going to press a kiss on my forehead gently. He steps back and looks me up and down with a grin.

"I have to say, if you decide to remain like that, we wouldn't complain" and with that, he exits the room. I run to the door. "You wouldn't complain but is it recommended?!" I ask before he can go to far. He stops and turns around, his eyes falling on me and turning a bright lime color. "Why don't you try to find out?".

Okay, no thank you. Nope. Not gonna do that. It's a trap.

I close the door and run to the bed to take a look at what he brought. Boxers, sweatpants, sweaters of every possible colors and t-shirts.

There's something missing. I mean, obviously this item would be missing but holy shit is it important. My bra. The one I was wearing today is disgusting and needs to be washed, it was all sweaty, which means, right now, I don't have one.

My eyes widen. I just hugged Jimin without wearing a bra. No, scratch that, I was very much naked under that sweater. Oh I'm getting brave, I'm getting freaking brave.

That's not good!

Okay, breathe, it's okay. Wear a t-shirt and then a sweater on top, it's fine. With that settled, I remove the wet sweater and proceed to get dressed with dry clothes, everything too big for my body but it smells like Jimin and it's an intoxicating smell.

Humming to myself, I put on the black sweatpants along with a black t-shit and a black sweater. Yoongi and Jungkook will be proud of me for that one and on a more serious note... the darker the color, the less they're going to see.

I test the boob protection and figure that this will be enough for now. When I step out of my room, it's to see Jimin starting the laundry machines. "I put the clothes you left in the bathroom in the washing machine baby, you'll be fine for tomorrow" he says without turning around and my breath gets stuck in my throat.

He knows. Of course he knows. Fuck.

I leave him behind and hurry down the stairs where I slip with a gasp. Faster than light itself, a pair of arms catch me before I make it to the floor and I look down to see Jungkook glaring at me. "What's that again? Is it your hobby to get hurt?" he asks loudly and I grin sheepishly.

"Oops?". He rolls his eyes and sets me down at the bottom of the stairs. "You're lucky we're fast" he grumbles and I remain where I am, not knowing what to say to that. He's right, what am I supposed to say?

"Taehyung-ah, it's your turn to take a shower, hurry up food is almost ready!" Jin says from the kitchen and Taehyung saunters over with a hum.

Seeing me near the stairs with Jungkook, his smiles widens into a boxy shape and he picks me up to twirl slowly before pecking my lips, then sets me back down and continues his stroll up the stairs as if nothing happened at all.

My wide eyes stare at Jungkook as he purses his lips at me. "You can't cuddle with Taehyung tonight, okay? You can't! The next thing we know, he's going to eat you up" he exclaims before pulling me with him to the living room where he sits down and proceeds to pull me into his lap before closing his arms around me.

"What are you talking about? Y/N might be the one eating him up for all we know, she was the one who kissed him first after all" Hoseok chirps and I try to resist the blushing fest that starts taking me over, which reveals a failure, obviously. Namjoon chuckles at that, eyes falling on me and wondering if that's how things are going to happen.

I push myself off Jungkook with a groan and stare at the three of them. "I'm going to the kitchen!" I claim before making way away from them.

I'll be safer with Jin.

Or that's what I think.

As soon as I step foot in the room, arms close around me, back pressed into a chest. Damn it.

I did it! I finally wrote it all! Dang, I even had time to go grocery shopping and get some necessities for my cat. Me is proud. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Love you all!

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