𝕾. 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖗𝖔 {𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞...

By IVBfanfics

207K 11.4K 4.3K

(Only certain parts of this follow the original storyline!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 3

10.7K 474 145
By IVBfanfics

Please remember to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, any and all support means so much<33

Y/N's POV-

My eyes fluttered open when I heard the sound of my phone 'dinging'.

I yawned as I sat up and grabbed ahold of my phone.

'Coming over.'

I placed my phone back down and looked out of the window before snapping my head back to the text message on my screen "WHAT" I exclaimed as I jumped out of bed and quickly put my uniform on before fixing my hair up.

I ran into my room and slung my bag over my shoulder while grabbing my phone.

My next destination was the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and quickly ate it before throwing away the core, just as the sound of knocking came from the door.

I walked over to the front door and opened it up to see Mikey and Draken "What are you guys doing here?" I asked and Mikey tilted his head to the side in confusion "I texted you" he said as he pointed to my phone and I facepalmed "I know that but why?" I asked again and Draken raised a brow "You have school, correct?" he questioned as he beckoned to my uniform and I nodded "We're walking with you" he said and I sighed before stepping out and closing the door.

"Ok let's go" I said and we began walking down the sidewalk.

Let's just say that......people stared.

"Why are you back in Japan?" Draken asked and I raised a brow "Because I moved back" I said sarcastically and his eyebrow twitched "You've become quite a smartass" he said and I hummed "And you guys became quite the characters yourselves" I said and he smirked "Problem?" He asked with amusement laced in his tone and I narrowed my eyes "Not one that I care about" I mused and he hummed as Mikey simply watched us.

'this is so weird.....I mean they used to get into a lot of fights but actual gangs?' I thought as I looked at the two boys again and quickly looked away.

We reached the school in no time and EVERYONE was staring at us.

"Woah she's friends with them!"

"She's pretty!"

I sighed "You guys attract a lot of looks, I'm going off ahead" I said as their eyes widened slightly and I walked by them to get inside of the school.

I went straight into my classroom and sat down behind Hinata "Hey Y/N!" She greeted and I smiled "Hi Hinata, how was the rest of the festival?" I asked and she smiled "It was great! Although Takemichi kind of ran off.....wasn't sure why but oh well" She said and I hummed "He seems interesting" I said and she chuckled "He is! Also I wanted to ask you something" She said as she turned to face me and I raised a brow "What?" I asked and she smiled "Do you know Mikey or something?" She questioned and I nodded slowly "Yeah....you were there wh-" she cut me off "No like before that....you guys just seemed close" she said and I raised a brow "We did?" I asked and she nodded quickly "He was holding your sleeve!" She said and I rubbed the back of my head "I'm positive that he only did that because he didn't want me to get lost again" I said and she pouted "Aw I thought it was really cute" she said and I simply ignored her words.

I didn't pay attention In class, which I probably should've.

It would've saved me a lot of trouble after school.

The final bell rang and Hinata excused herself so that she could find Takemichi, her boyfriend.

"Man...I was going to ask for her notes...." I whispered as someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to see a boy standing behind me with a small red hue on his face "Hi..." he drifted and I smiled "Hi" I greeted and he sent me a small smile "Uh...did you need the notes?" he asked and my eyes widened slightly "Oh yeah!" I said and he smiled "Ok just stop with me by my locker and I can lend them to you" he said and I nodded "Sounds good" I chirped as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"I can carry your bag" He said as he grabbed my bag and my eyes widened slightly "Oh thank you, I'm Y/N" I introduced and he smiled "I'm R/N" he said and I nodded my head as we walked down the hallways together "Was it really that obvious that I didn't have the notes?" I asked and he chuckled "A bit....I also heard you whisper it to yourself" he said and I rubbed the back of my head "That's a bit embarrassing" I said and he shook his head "Not at all, it's cute" he said and I felt my face heat up a bit "Oh" I mumbled and he looked over at me "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked and I thought I was about to explode "Uh no I don't" I said and he hummed in response.

We began nearing the lockers and I saw two familiar boys staring straight at us causing me to look away and begin whistling "Oh man....those guys are scary, I hear that they're in a gang" R/N whispered and I looked at him "Oh....yeah they are" I said and he looked over at me "You don't seem too shocked, especially since you're new here" he said and I shrugged "They aren't bothering anyone....well right now so...." I drifted and he chuckled "That's a good way to th- they're....staring right at me" he said and I rubbed the back of my head "Uh I'll pass on those notes" I said as we neared them and he nodded quickly as he handed me my bag back and I slung it over my shoulder.

"Bye" I said and he waved before walking past them and to his locker.

"Uh Takemichi is with Hinata, you guys are too late" I said as I stopped in front of them and Mikey grabbed the sleeve of my uniform "We're here for you" Draken said as they pulled me outside and my eyes widened slightly 'why me....' I mentally groaned as they pulled me along with everyone watching.

"Where are we going?" I asked and Mikey smiled "To get a kids meal" he said and I raised a brow 'is he serious.....?' I wondered as I decided to stay quiet while Mikey practically dragged me.

We walked into a small restaurant and took a seat at one of the booths.

"2 Kids meals" Draken said to the waiter and he nodded as I leaned back in the booth besides Mikey "So who was that boy?" Draken asked and I raised a brow "What boy?" I asked and he rolled his eyes "The one you were just walking with in the halls" he clarified and I shrugged "Just some kid in my class" I said and he hummed while I looked out of the window.

Plates were set down in front of me and Mikey "Oh you didn't have to get me any-" I was cut off "Where's the flags?" Mikey asked and I raised a brow at him as the waiter began sweating "What the hell is this? It's not a kids meal without the flag! She didn't get one either" he said as he pointed to the plates and I facepalmed "Uh I'm not too worried about m-" I was cut off again as Draken pulled out two flags from his jacket and stuck them in the food.

'Are they serious....? where the fuck did he get flags from?'

"AH COOL" Mikey said as the waiter quickly scurried away and Draken leaned back in his booth as Mikey began eating and I sighed before eating as well.

I finished mine and leaned my back against the booth "You're coming with us after this" Draken said and I sweat dropped "Aren't you going to ask if I'm busy or something?" I asked and he shrugged "Are you busy?" he asked and I crossed my arms "Yes I am" I said and he hummed "Then reschedule" he said and I sweat dropped as I felt something fall into my lap.

Or someone.

I looked down and I felt my face heat up as Mikey's sleeping face was laying right above my skirt 'perv!' I thought as Draken chuckled "Ah what are you laughing for?" I questioned sharply and he continued laughing "I swear he's full of surprises" he said and I raised a brow "What does that mean?" I asked and he shrugged as I began shaking Mikey "That won't work, he's an even heavier sleeper if he knows his surroundings before falling asleep" he said and I facepalmed "Then lift him up, he's heavy!" I said and he looked out of the window "I suppose" he said as he stood up and placed Mikey on his back.

"Let's go" he said and I stood up before following after him.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he glanced down at me "We've got some business to handle with some guys" he said and my eyes widened "Then why do I need to go?" I asked and he chuckled "Scared?" he asked and I clenched my jaw "Hell yeah I am" I said and his eyes widened slightly "Mhm it's nothing violent, so you don't have to worry" he said and I sighed "Then why?" I asked and he sighed "Well it might be a little violent, just trying to get the word across with some guy" he said and I looked down "And I have to be there.....why?" I asked and he shrugged a bit "Mikey wanted you to come" he said and I raised a brow at the sleeping boy but I kept quiet.

We continued walking for a while until we reached a warehouse.

"Mhm Ken-Chin.....where are we?" Mikey asked and Draken rolled his eyes "The warehouse that some guys are supposed to be meeting us at" he said and I raised a brow "There's no one here" I mumbled and Draken put Mikey down.

"There they come" Draken said as a whole bunch of guys in uniforms came in and smiled at Draken and Mikey "Who's the girl?" One of them asked and Draken stood in front of me "She's of no relevance to you, anyways what's been going on?" he asked and Mikey pushed me behind him as well.

'Shit....what am I getting myself into....I just want to go home' I looked around to see a man standing on the sidelines and it looked like he had something in his pocket....something shiny?

"N/N, Stand by the exit" Mikey said with a small smile as he pointed over to the opening behind us and I nodded as I walked over and stood by the opened wall.

I tuned them out and went on my phone as I read through some messages from Hinata telling me that she was sorry that she didn't walk home with me.

I didn't mind much but it probably would've saved me the hassle of right now.

Suddenly I heard something from directly beside me and I turned only to have my mouth covered as my back collided with someone else's "We need you for insurance" a man whispered and my eyes widened 'Mikey....turn around please' I thought as he chuckled lightly "Make any noise and I'll slit your throat" he said and my eyes widened slightly as I felt a sharp object on my neck and he began walking backwards.

I saw a white van and he tossed me inside before slamming the door shut "MIKEY! DRAKEN! HELP ME" I yelled out but the van began moving already.

"Shit" I muttered as I pulled out my phone "What an idiot" I mumbled as I sent my location to Mikey and Hinata.

Hinata replied quickly with a '?' and I sent a quick 'help' before putting my phone into my pocket just in case they decided to break it.

"Did none of them see me....?" I wondered out loud as I looked around the dark van and I took out my phone to use the flashlight "Glass...." I mumbled as I saw a glass shard on the floor and I grabbed it quickly before ripping the bottom of my uniform and tying it around the unsharpened part. I put my phone away and held the makeshift knife in my hand.

Mikey's POV-

"What's the meaning of this meeting?" I asked and the guys hummed "Well we're trying to take you down but we're not stupid" A man in the front that I hadn't recognized said "So you called us here with no plan to beat us?" Ken-Chin said with a smirk as he cracked his knuckles and the man in front chuckled "Well you brought the perfect plan along" he said and my eyes widened as I turned around to see that N/N was no longer standing there.

"The hell...." I muttered as I turned back to the guys "Where is she?" I questioned sharply and the men laughed "She must mean quite a lot to you so I wouldn't do anything too hasty or she'll end up 6 feet under" he said and I clenched my jaw "I'll kill all of you" I stated and he smirked "Is that before or after she dies?" He asked as he raised his hand up and his men spread out "Of course, the guys will probably have some fun with her before they kill her.....just so you know" he said and I scowled as Ken-Chin stepped in front of me "Go" he said and I nodded as I ran out of the garage and turned to see a truck racing away.

"Shit...." I muttered as I began running until I came across a bike hooked up and I kicked the chain off before hopping on and speeding after the truck.

"I swear....I'll kill them all N/N"

Y/N's POV-

The truck stopped moving and I felt my heart pounding outside of my chest.

"Man....what if I don't make it out of this" I whispered to myself as tears began forming in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away 'don't be such a fucking crybaby....just fight' I straightened up as I heard movement from outside.

The door slid open and the man from before smirked widely at me "Let's have some fun first and then we'll have to kill you, bosses orders" He said and I lunged at him causing his eyes to widen as I put the shard up to his throat and kicked him between his legs causing his eyes to widen as he groaned and I saw others staring at me with slightly widened eyes.

"You'd better let him go or things won't work out well for you" One of the other men said and I pressed the shard closer to his throat "Don't fuck with me, I'll end all of you" I snapped and they chuckled "One small girl against several men....don't make me laugh" they all began laughing and I glared at them "I bet she wouldn't even k-" They were cut off as I kicked the man to the ground and shoved the shard into his arm causing him to scream loudly as the guys stared in shock.

"Oh you bitch, you'll pay for that" One of them said as they rolled up their sleeves "She's got spirit, this should be fun" Another one said as he licked his lips and I nearly threw up "Disgusting" I whispered as I picked the guy up with the shard still at his throat "Call them off" I said and he scoffed "Go to hell" he said and I looked down at him "Guess I'll see you there" I muttered as I shoved the shard back into his arm and he screamed once more as I tossed him forward causing him to fall on one of the other members.

"Shit" The guy on the ground cursed as he pushed the bloodied male on the ground and stood up in front of me "You're so dead" he said as he sent a punch straight towards me but I swiped the knife up causing his arm to slice open as he grabbed his hand and held it to his chest "WHY DIDN'T THAT FUCKING DUMBASS CHECK HER FOR FUCKING WEAPONS" He screamed as the rest of them began charging towards me but I hopped back onto the van "Idiots" I whispered as one of them came on but I kicked him straight in the face only for him to grab my leg and he pulled me towards him causing me to slam down onto the ground.

"ow" I winced as he let go of my leg and crawled on top of me before covering my mouth with his hand "You're do-" he was cut off as I bit his hand so hard that blood started spewing out and he screamed as he punched me straight in the cheek as tears formed in my eyes 'shit....that actually really hurt' I thought as he looked down at his hand "Oh I'm going to enjoy killing you" he snapped as other members began hopping onto the van.

I raised the shard and sliced the man above me in his chest as he fell over and the rest of the guys looked at each other "This punk is costing us" One of them muttered as they cracked their knuckles "She's a pain in the ass, grab the shard from her" One said as they charged at me and I tried to swing the shard but one of them stepped down on my arm causing me to scream in pain as the shard fell from my hand "She's not so strong without that damn weapon" The man standing on my arm said and I felt my eyes beginning to blur but not because of the tears....I was seriously going to pass out.

"Get the bat" He said and my eyes widened slightly as one of them chuckled before grabbing a bat and tossing it to the guy "Night Night" he said as he raised it above his hand and I clenched my eyes shut tightly as I heard a grunt and I opened my eyes to see the guy falling to the ground with a thud.

"Shit it's Mikey!" One of them said as I looked over to see Mikey lowering his foot as he stared down at me with wide eyes 'I probably looked a mess' I thought as he clenched his fists before dealing with the other guys easily.

'Well....if he's there then....can I sleep now?' I wondered as my eyes began lowering and I tried my hardest to stay awake but it didn't seem like that was going to happen.

Mikey finished the last one off and kneeled besides me "Are you ok N/N, what did they do?" He asked quickly and I smirked a bit "I didn't....go down without a fight" I mumbled as I pointed to the bloodied shard on the ground and his eyes widened slightly as he looked down at my hand "That looks bad, don't close your eyes" he said but I couldn't help it.

I passed out.

I felt my consciousness coming back to me but I decided to keep my eyes closed for a moment when I heard the sound of people talking near me.

"She'll be just fine, she has some bad bruising on her right forearm so we've wrapped it....she got hit in the face pretty hard and there's small bruising on her left cheek but other than that....she's ok" I heard someone say and I was assuming that it was a doctor based off of the fact that I could hear a heart monitor.

"Ok" Mikey's voice rang out as the sound of someone leaving was heard and the door opened before closing.

I opened my eyes and looked over to see Mikey looking out of the window "Mikey?" I questioned and he turned to me "You're awake" he said and I sat up as he walked over and sat down beside me "Need anything?" he asked and I looked around "Uh water" I said and he nodded as he got up and left the room.

'What happened after I passed out?' I wondered as the door opened again but this time, Draken entered the room with a cup "Here" he said as he handed it to me and I took the cup of water "Thank you" I said as I began drinking from it "Uh sorry" he said and I raised a brow "For?" I asked and he placed his hands inside of his pockets "For bringing you along or mainly for not paying more attention" he said and I shrugged my shoulders "What's done is done" I said and he hummed "You sent a lot of those guys to the hospital, you're pretty strong" he said and I sighed "Wasn't strong enough to stop all of them" I said and he sat down in the chair beside the bed.

"How exactly did you get so strong?" he asked and I raised a brow "What do you mean?" I asked and he crossed his arms "You used to be so weak but now....you can hold your own a bit" he said and I shrugged "I took martial arts in school, when I was in America" I said and he hummed "I see" he said as it went silent for a moment.

"Mikey feels bad" He said and I raised a brow "Why?" I asked and he looked down at my clothes "He thought something more happened because of the huge tear in your clothes" he said and my eyes widened slightly "Oh...I tore it to make a knife" I said and he raised a brow "Clever" he said and I shrugged "I was short on material so I had to think of something" I said and he looked out the window "You also managed to share your location with Hinata and Mikey, that was smart" he said and I nodded "I'm not the type to wait around for shit to get really bad" I said and he chuckled lightly "That's good, make sure that you keep your location shared with Mikey from now on" he said and I raised a brow "You think something like this is going to happen again?" I asked and he stood up "Probably" he said as he walked over to the door "Mikey should be back soon, then you'll be discharged" he said and I nodded as he left the room.

"Damn...how'd I get roped up in a gang" I mumbled as I looked around and spotted my phone on the table so I grabbed it and saw that only three hours had passed since I had gotten out of school.

"Crazy..." I mumbled as I saw a bunch of messages from Hinata and I quickly texted her and told her that I was fine.

I sighed and sat down while patiently waiting to be discharged.

A/N- Please leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, any and all support means a lot<33

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