Lydie Rogers

By agirlwholikesmarvel1

4.5K 151 91

Lydie Rogers. 16 years old, top of her class at Midtown Tech, certified genius, master of most martial arts... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

937 19 14
By agirlwholikesmarvel1

"Мама! I'll be fine." I tell my mother as I grab my backpack and head to the front door.

She doesn't seem convinced, "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off on my way to HQ?" Ah yes, Shield HQ. The place where both my parents go to almost die everyday. Sure, Мама goes on less solo missions since James and Sarah were born but she still goes on missions, and she still gets kidnapped every other week.

I sigh loudly and turn around to look at her, "Я буду в порядке, мама. Питер приближается, чтобы забрать меня по пути к башне." (I'll be fine, mom. Peter's swinging by to pick me up on his way to the tower) Мама bites her lip and finally nods, I kiss her cheek and run out the door after ruffling seven year old Jamie's hair and giving my four year old sister, Sarah, a high five.

"Папа will pick you up after school!" Мама yells as I run out the door, I wave my hand so she knows I heard as the door slams behind me.

Peter pulls up to the curb and I hop in, "Hey, Peter." Pete graduated from MIT 4 years ago and has been working at the tower as an executive director of the labs and head intern ever since. He's barely ever at his apartment so he almost always only has a rotten apple and a hunk of cheese in his fridge, also his car is a piece of crap that almost gives out whenever you try to turn on the engine. He refuses to take any money from Uncle Tony or anyone ever.

"Hey, Lydie." He pulls away from the curb and drives towards the school. We make small talk the whole ride before he drops me off at the front of Midtown and heads towards Stark Tower.

A couple freshman recognize Peter as Spider-man, as his identity was revealed a few years ago, and me as my parents daughter. I walk right by them, they'll get used to seeing me around at some point. After all, it's still only September.

I walk up the front steps of the school as my best friend, Jazlynn, ends up at my side. We walk side by side to our lockers while talking about Mr Arthro's physics quiz first period. "Jazz, physics is your best subject, you'll be fine." I assure her as I gab my notebook out of my locker.

She scoffs before she answers, "Says the genius with access to all of Tony Stark's technology." I roll my eyes and slam my locker close, the first bell rings and we head to class.

The queen bee of the school, the tall, blond cheerleader with the perfect body, and the worst personality in the world, Ashely Goodwin, purposely knocks into my shoulder shoving me into the lockers as her dumb, tall, rich, blond, football playing boyfriend Jackson Marley smirks with his hand on Ashley's ass. Gross.

"Ignore them," Jazz says while she wraps an arm around my shoulders and lets her hand dangle, "We both know you could take both of them with your eyes closed."

I smirk and brush some hair out of my face. "Правда," (True) Jazlynn rolls her eyes at me as we step into the classroom.

"You really have to stop speaking Russian at random points in conversations, no one understands you." We take our seats at the long table in the middle of the classroom and lean our bags against our chairs.

"Ivan does," I point out as I pop a piece of gum into my mouth.

"That's because they're an exchange student from Russia." Jazzy points out, I smirk and chuckle lightly as Mr Artho walks into the room.

"Good morning, class." When no one responds and continues looking at their phones or chatting with each other he glares at us before quickly moving on. "We'll do attendance quickly and then we'll get on with the quiz." There's a bunch of groans from around the room, I rest my chin in my hand as I wait for the papers to be passed out.

After finishing the 6 question quiz in just 15 minutes, I quickly look it over and hand it in. I receive several glares from my classmates as I walk back to my desk, they all receive one back that would make Мама proud. I may only be 5'1 but everyone in this school knows not to mess with me, except Ashley. She just doesn't care.

The rest of the day goes off without of hitch, I ace my Spanish quiz, finish my group project in history class, and edit my paper chemistry paper. Jazz's girlfriend Miranda joins us after our last class of the day, we walk towards the front of the school as the day is over and we don't want to hang out at the library. The crowd starts the thin out as kids go separate ways, I say goodbye to Jazz and Miranda and walk towards the pick up/drop off area at the front of the school.

"Come to my house tonight?" Jazz asks as I turn around and walk backwards.

I shake my head disappointed, "Can't bro, it's tower night." Tower night is once a month when all the available Avengers and their families stay at the tower for the night, we work on projects together, spar, eat a lot of food, watch movies, play games. It's chaotic, but it's a way for everyone to catch up and stay close.

Jazzy nods her head in understanding as she grabs Miranda's hand and walks towards her apartment.

I spot a small crowd and automatically know why, I walk towards the group, pushing my way past kids to get to who I assume is my Папа waiting for me.

"Excuse me," I step past a freshman as they glare at me before going back to gawking at my father. A senior attempts to shove me back, I step on their toes in response. Finally I make it to the front, Папа took his motorcycle, the one he uses for missions sometimes, he stands beside the bike in full Captain America gear with the helmet resting on the handlebars and mine tucked under his arm. I roll my eyes at his outfit, knowing full well he didn't have any missions today.

When he sees me in the crowd, he throws the black helmet in my direction. "Hey, honey. How was school?" I give everyone around us a glare and they back off, heading towards their homes, after school job, and activities.

"It was fine, boring." I reply as I walk closer to the motorbike. Папа nods and pulls me in by the side, he kisses my hair before sitting at the front and putting his helmet on.

I know for a fact he only wears it when I'm on with him, he wants to set a good example or something. I put my helmet on and snap the buckles of my backpack across my chest so it doesn't fly off in the wind, I get on the back if the bike and hold onto Папа as he pulls off of school propriety and heads towards the tower.

Weaving through traffic, we get a few horns honked at us before we pull off the highway and speed to the tower. Papa pulls into the parking garage and parks in his spot, I hop off the back and we walk into the tower. Friday recognizes us and opens the private elevator, "Fri, can you take me to the level 55 intern labs please?"

"Of course, Lydie." Friday's magnificent Irish accent replies with a small bit of enthusiasm.

Папа looks down at me, clearly thinking we would head up to the common room together. I quickly explain that I left a prototype there and that I need to get it before one of the interns messes with it. He nods as the elevator dings open to reveal the chaos of floor 55.

"See you up there, baby." Папа says as I walk out.

"Bye, Папа!" I turn to the glass door and slam my hand onto the scanner, the screen flashes green and I fling open the door. I run past a couple of the interns that worked through the day, "Sorry," I mumble as I run into a kid from my school, Adam. He smiles down at me and winks, I look away as I feel myself blush. I spot where I was working a couple days ago, where I left my project. It's gone. Why is it gone? It could explode at any moment if it was handled incorrectly. Why the hell did somebody move it?

"Дерьмо. Питер убьет меня. Где это, черт возьми?" (Shit. Peter's gonna kill me. Where the hell is it?) I mumble as I open the drawers of the desk and the cupboards in the surrounding area.

I hear a chuckle from behind me, "Uh oh. She's mad. She only speaks Russian when she's mad." I turn around and am faced with the 6 foot frame of the olive skinned black haired 16 year old standing in front of me.

"Адам, клянусь богом. Куда ты его положил?" (Adam, I swear to god. Where did you put it?) I grumble, not even realizing I'm still speaking in Russian.

He smirks, "News flash, babe. I don't speak Russian." He just had to piss me off today.

"Listen, asshat. Today is a very important day. And that day only stays important if I can present my project. And that project, is very dangerous. There's a reason it was sitting on my desk and no one else's." I get up in his face, I may be short, but I can be terrifying.

Adam takes a step toward me but I hold my ground. "If it was so important and oh so dangerous, then why keep it in an intern lab?"

I stare into his deep brown eyes, "Это не было бы опасно, если бы его никто не сдвинул!" (It wouldn't have been dangerous if nobody moved it!) I yell at him, the other interns have started to gather around.

"I don't know what you're saying!" He yells back, right in my face.

I take a step back as I continue to glare at him, "Тебе так повезло, что сейчас ночь в башне." (You are so lucky it's tower night) Adam rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed that I keep speaking in a language he doesn't understand. "Just tell me where my PPEB's are, Burke." The full name, Photon Plasma Energy Blasters, started getting to be too much of a mouthful, so I shortened it to PPEB.

"On my desk, sweetheart," He just had to call me that, didn't he?

I punch him in the throat. "Don't call me that." I smirk victoriously as he grabs at his larynx and leans forwards, gasping for air. I grab my project and head to the elevators.


Well, that was the first part of Lydie's story, also sorry if your name is Ashley I needed a stereotypical popular girl and this is what I came up with, may or may not be based off of a bitch from my school... who's name happens to be Ashley. Anyways, let me know what you think so far.

Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you have an amazing day


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