Savvy? - Jack Sparrow X Reade...

By Miss_AHotchner

10.8K 238 31

Fanfiction about the first Pirates movie: The Curse of the Black Pearl. You are Will's sister, Y/N Turner. Yo... More

The Undead
Isla de Muerta


1.8K 41 4
By Miss_AHotchner

When I came home it was already getting lighter outside. The sun was rising again. I walked towards the blacksmith and I was really hoping that Will would be there, ofcourse he wasn't.

'Will, where are you?' I said to myself as I exited the workplace. I was starting to worry about where Will could be, even if he was still alive. Maybe he was murdered by one of the pirates yesterday. The image of the skeleton hand kept hunting me, although it didn't scare me as much as I thought it would.

By the time I got to the center of the town it was day again and I saw that the town was in pieces. There were bodies lying everywhere and a lot of people were crying and cleaning up the streets.

And that's when I saw him. My brother was laying on the ground, unconsious. I ran towards him and yelled: 'Will! Please tell me you're alive!' Will opened his eyes and looked at me. 'Thank goodness, Will. You scared me. For a second I thought you were dead.' Meanwhile a bunch of chickens was running around us. 'Ofcourse I'm not.' Will said. 'Will, I need to tell you something.' 'What is it?' He stood up. 'It's about Elizabeth. I was with her last night when the pirates attacked Port Royal. We tried to hide and they didn't find me, but they followed Elizabeth downstairs. I waited for the pirates to exit and when I made it downstairs, I couldn't find Elizabeth, Will, I'm so sorry.' I said and I realised how sad it made me that my best friend was probably taken by skeleton pirates. Maybe she was dead by now... I decided not to think about that. 'You mean that Elizabeth is probably on their ship?' Will said and he sounded very concerned. 'I think so.' I said.

Will looked towards the bay in front of us, which was filled with burning ships. 'We need to do something!' Before I could say anything about Jack Sparrow and how I thought he could help us, Will was running towards the building in the fort where Norrington and his men were. I ran after him.

'They've taken her. They've taken Elizabeth!' He said to Norrington and his men when he entered the fort. 'Mr. Murtogg, remove this man.' Norrington said without even looking up from his map. 'But it's true!' I said, standing next to my brother and backing him up. The right guard who I saw yesterday on the ship tried to grab Will and pull him away, apparently his name was Murtogg. 'We have to hunt them down. We must save her.' Will said desperately. I hadn't noticed Governor Swann until he said something. 'And where do you propose we start? If you have any information concerning my daughter, please share it.' The 'please' didn't sound very welcoming, but I could understand what Governor Swann was going through. Mr. Murtogg said something unexpected: 'That Jack Sparrow. He talked about the Black Pearl.' 'Mentioned it is more what he did.' The left guard was present too. 'Ask him where it is. Make a deal with him. He could lead us to it.' My brother really spoke my mind there. Although, I didn't think that Norrington appreciated his idea, because he sighed and answered with: 'No. The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell. Ergo, they are not his allies.' Will looked down at his feet, disappointed. 'Governor, we will establish their most likely course-' I startled when suddenly Will slammed an axe into the map on the table. 'That's not good enough!' He yelled at Commodore Norrington. 'Mr. Turner, you are not a military man, you are not a sailor.' Norrington walked towards Will and gazed upon him. 'You are a blacksmith, and this is not the moment for rash actions!' Norrington grabbed Will by his sleeve and walked to the side of the building. 'Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth.' Norrington said.

'Come on, Will. There's nothing here for us.' I said to my brother and he nodded. We walked outside the building on the streets again. 'It's hopeless.' Will said and looked at me sad. 'It's not hopeless. I know someone who can help us.' 'You mean Jack Sparrow?' 'Yes,' I said, 'Come on, let's go.' I grabbed his hand and took him to the building where Jack was held prisoner.

We walked downstairs and when we entered the prisoncells, Jack was laying on his back in his cell. 'Jack, we're here.' I said and Jack looked up. Will looked at me as if he were to ask a question, but he quickly turned his head towards Jack and walked towards the iron bars. 'You. Sparrow. You are familiar with that ship the Black Pearl?' He asked. 'I've heard of it. Did your sister tell you?' He said, looking at the ceiling of his cell. Will raised an eyebrow. 'Where does it make berth?' 'Where does it make berth?' Jack repeated the question out of surprise. 'Have you not heard the stories?' Jack sighed and layed his head down again, telling the story: 'Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta. It's an island that can not be found except by those who already know where it is.' He pointed with his finger in the air. 'The ship's real enough. Therefore its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?' Will said. 'Why ask me?' Sparrow said, looking a bit bored of us. 'Because you're a pirate.' Will asked. 'That's what I thought.' I said confidently. 'And you two want to turn pirates yourself. Is that it?' Will grabbed the iron bars with anger. I knew he hated pirates, though I wasn't so sure what I thought of them. The pirates from yesterday were really scary, but a pirate as Jack Sparrow I found rather amusing and exciting. 'Never!' Will said, answering the question that Jack asked us. I stayed quiet.

'They took Miss Swann.' Will said eventually. 'Oh! So it us that you found a girl. I see. Well, if you're intending to be brave all, hasten to her rescue and so win fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me.' Jack said and I rolled my eyes. 'You're so egoistic.' I said. 'No, I'm a pirate. That's just what they do.' Jack looked at me and winked. 'We could get you out of here, remember?' I said. 'Oh yes, my love, I do remember.' Jack's eyes went over my body. Will looked at me and if he could have a question mark above his head, he'd have one. 'But how are you gonna save me if the key's run off.' Jack was hinting on the dog with the keys that had disappeared. 'Will helped build these cells.' I said looking at my brother with a hopeful smile. 'True, these are half-pin barrel hinges.' Will looked around and grabbed a wooden bench from behind us. 'With the right leverage and the proper application of strength,' he placed the bench on the iron bars and applied pressure, 'the door will lift free.' Jack was staring at Will's movements a face full of uncertainty. 'What's your surname?' Jack asked. 'Will, Will Turner.' My brother said. 'That would be short for William, I imagine. Good, strong name.' He said, with a thoughtful look. 'No doubt named for your father, eh?' I narrowed my eyes. 'Yes...' Will answered. 'Uhuh.' Jack said with a smile. 'Well, Mr. and Miss. Turner, I've changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell, I swear, on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?' Will and I looked at eachother. 'Yes, agreed!' I said, before Will could answer and shook Jack's held out hand. 'Get me out!' Jack said and let go of my hand. His hand felt quite warm for in a cold cell.

Will applied more pressure on the bench and the door came loose from the hinches and fell on the ground. Jack was freed from his cell! Although it did make a lot of noise... 'Hurry, someone will have heard that.' I said. 'Not without my effects.' Sparrow said and grabbed his stuff from the wall next to us.

We ran unseen out of the fort, which was an absolute miracle, and made our way to the docks. We hid under a stone bridge. Jack looked out over the bay, analyzing the ships. 'We're gonna steal a ship?' Will said, unsurprised. Jack focussed his eyes on the big ship at the back of the bay. 'That ship!?' Will said. 'Commandeer. We're going to 'commandeer' thát ship. Nautical term.' Jack said and I couldn't help but let out a grin. This man was just so reckless. 'One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going. This girl. How far are you willing to go to save her?' I knew what Will was going to say. 'I'd die for her.' Will said with confidence. 'Oh, good. No worries then.' I couldn't think of the thought that we might die at that very moment. One wrong move and the guards would see us and I had no doubt that they would shoot immediately.

'Come on. I have an idea.' Jack said. 'Ohno... That's not good.' I said, because all the ideas Jack had so far were totally strange. We ran towards one of the little fishing boats on the beach. 'Go under it.' Jack said and so we did. We got under the boat and waited for the guards to exit and when they did Jack told us to lift the boat and walk towards the water. 'You're mad' I said, but surpringly Jack's plan worked. We walked towards the sea and slowly but steadily we were totally under the ocean, walking on the oceanfloor. Will agreed with me: 'This is either madness or brilliance.' He said and I nodded, altough no one could see that. 'It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.' Jack said.

A few minutes later we got to the ship and climbed on it from the back of the ship. When we entered it I saw a whole group of guards standing on the ship, while I thought it would be unmanned. Jack seemed to not care and yelled: 'Everyone, stay calm! We are taking over the ship!' My brother was clearly desperate, because he tried to back Jack up: 'Aye, Avast!' The guards and sailors laughed at us. The captain didn't care at all and was not impressed by us: 'This ship cannot be crewed by two men. You'll never make it out of the bay.' He said. 'Aye, but we have this beautiful lady too.' Jack said and pushed me in front om them. The sailormen and guards began to laugh and murmur behind their captain, probably about the things they'd do to me. Those men were disgusting. 'A woman is not going to help you, pirate.' The captain said. 'Son,' Jack said pushing me lightly beside him with his hand. 'I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.' His gun was under the captain's chin and Will held out his sword. 'Savvy?'

Jack forced the sailors and the guards to go on the lifeboats, including their captain and a few minutes later the ship was ours! But it didn't take long before the guards and sailors on the docks knew about us 'commandeering' The Dauntless. I was standing with Jack at the stiring wheel as Will ran up the stairs towards us. 'Here they come.' He said hinting at the upcoming ship. Jack had his gun ready for battle. He smiled at the ship and then te me. 'Let's show them what we've got.'

A few minutes later the other ship sailed next to us and the guards, including Commodore Norrington, entered our commandeered ship. Jack said to move to the back of the boat. He grabbed one of the ropes and swung to the now unmanned Interceptor. 'Search every cabin, every hold, down to the bilges.' I heard Norrington say as Jack signed to me to grab a rope and come over to the oher ship. Will entered short after me and he cut off the ropes from the guards towards the Dauntless, so they could not go back to us very quickly. Now the fast Interceptor was our ship. It took a minute for the guards and Commodore Norrington to realise we had taken it. But we heard it all too well when the realisation hit them. 'Sailors, back to the Interceptor! Now!' But it was already too late. Jack grabbed his hat and waved towards Norrington. 'Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way!' He yelled and laughed, his right hand on the stiring wheel. 'We'd have had a hard time by ourselves!' The guards took out their guns and fired at us and the ship. Will, Jack and I dodged the bullets.

So we sailed towards the horizon, followed by the Dauntless with Commodore Norrington and his crew. But they were far behind and could not match the speed of the Interceptor. I was just tidying up the deck when Will and Jack were having a conversation.

'When we were children living in England, our mother raised us by herself. After she died, we came out here, looking for our father.' Will said to Jack while he was sharpening his sword. 'Is that so?' Jack asked while tugging on some ropes. 'Our father, Bill Turner?' Jack went up the stairs towards the stiring wheel while Will followed him. 'In jail you seemed pretty curious about my name. I'm not a simpleton, Jack. You knew our father.' I gasped. He was right, it could be. Jack sighed and said: 'I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else just called him 'Bootstrap' or 'Bootstrap Bill'.' 'Wow, you really knew our father?' I asked and looked at the pirate. 'Yes, that's what I was telling you a second ago.' 'Bootstrap?' Will asked. Jack grabbed the stiring wheel with his hands. 'Good man. Good pirate.' Pirate? Our father was a pirate?! I couldn't believe what I was hearing with my own ears. We were pirates, or at least that's what Jack said. 'I swear, you two look just like him.' Jack said. 'Although, you're the pretty one.' He pointed at me. I gave him a stern look, he was the type of man you needed to play it slow with, otherwise he'd let you fall as a brick for the next woman he meets. Then Will opened his mouth to sayt something and I was afraid for what he was about to say: 'It's not true. He was a merchant sailor. A good, respectable man who obeyed the law.' Jack turned around and said to Will's face: 'He was a bloody pirate, a scallywag.' 'My father was not a pirate!' Will said and drew his sword. 'Will, don't do it. He's our only hope of finding Elizabeth.' I said. 'You should listen to Miss Turner, mate. She's right. Put it away, son. It's not worth you getting beat again.' 'You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight I'd kill you.' 'Will, don't be stupid.' I said, trying to calm him down. 'That's not incentive for me to fight fair, is it?' Jack said face to face with Will's sword. Jack turned around and I didn't know how he did what he did, but he did. He threw the helm over to the other side and one of the beams of the ship came from behind Will. Will got swept over to the other side of the boat grabbing onto the beam for dear life. My brother was now hanging above the bloody ocean. 'Jack... What do you think you're doing?!' I yelled running towards my brother. Jack ignored me as he drew his sword. 'Now as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention. The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can't. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that someday.' Will was still hanging onto the beam. 'The same thing goes for you, love.' Jack looked at me. 'Now, me, for example, I can let you drown, but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesies. Savvy? So...' He got back at the stiring wheel and threw it once again so that Will was thrown back on board. Jack held his sword against Will. 'Can you sail under the command of a pirate?' He threw his sword to turn it so the handle was facing will. 'Or can you not?' Will grabbed the sword and glanced me an unsure look.

'Tortuga?' my brother said.

'Tortuga.' said Jack and nodded.

And with that we got to work. We tried to roam the ship with just the three of us and I must say that it went very smoothly for what we had, a pirate, a blacksmith and his little sister. I didn't know much about ships, but I tried my best to help a hand.

After a day we reached Tortuga. I still didn't really know what it was, because no one had explained it to me yet, but I expected it to be no place for a lonely girl. I was so glad that Will was there with me.

I stepped off the boat with Jack and Will right behind me and we got on the docks of Tortuga. Jack stood beside me and whispered in my ear: 'This is a very dangerous place for pretty young ladies as yourself. You should stay close to me, so you'll be safe.' I looked at him, he smirked. Will apparently heard him and stepped between us. 'I think she's safer with me, Captain.' I grinned and saw Jack sigh. We walked along the docks to the main area of Tortuga. Everyone was shouting, yelling and taking things (and eachother) apart. Almost every woman that I saw was scarcely dressed and looking at my brother. I almost puked when one of them tried to seduce Will. He had looked at me as if he had just seen a ghost.

'This is really the home of many pirates and other filthy people, hé?' I whispered to my brother. 'I think so. Jack seems to feel at home, though.' Jack walked in front of us and he was talking about how he had missed Tortuga. 'More importantly, it is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep, the sweet, proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga, savvy?' Jack turned around with a big smile on his face. 'What do you think?' He said to us. Left from us sat a man trying to fit two whole pints at once in his mouth and he almost drowned himself in beer while doing it. I was disgusted. 'Delightful'. I said and gave Jack a forced smile. Will laughed at me. 'It'll linger.' Will said as a response at Jack's question. 'I'll tell you mate, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted.' Will looked to our right with a puzzeling face. I looked in the same direction and a woman approached Jack. Jack saw her and loudly said: 'Scarlett!' He walked towards the woman apparently named Scarlett. She had red hair and wore a red dress with a deep neckline. Then it happened, 'Scarlett' raised her hand and slapped Jack in the face. My hands went to my mouth to cover my laugh. I looked at Will and he began to laugh too. Jack said to us: 'Not sure I deserved that.' Not even a second later the next woman stood before Jack. 'Giselle!' He said. This woman was blonde. 'Who was she?' She asked with an angry face. 'What?' Jack said as if he didn't know anything about what had just happened. Right afther that, this 'Giselle' raised her hand too and did the exact same thing as the other woman had done. 'I may have deserved that.' Jack said. 'I'm sure you did. It seems like you don't really have particular type.' I said with an uncontrollable laughter. Jack rubbed his hand over his, now red, cheek. 'We need to go somewhere else.' Jack said, avoiding my gaze. 'Why? Otherwise you will get slapped once more?!' Will said and Jack gave him an angry face.

We walked over the square to the other side. We went inside an alley where a few pigs were sleeping. When I looked closer I saw that there was a man sleeping too. Jack grabbed one of the buckets from the side and threw, whatever was inside it, onto the sleeping man who woke up yelling: 'Curse you for breathing you slack-jawed idiot!' He pointed at Jack and then the realisation hit in. 'Mother's love, Jack!' He said surprised. 'Well, there's at least someone excited to see you.' I said and laughed. Jack looked at me with a death stare and he turned around to face the man. The man continued his surprise: 'You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleepin'. It's bad luck.' The man was spitting while he was talking. 'Ah, fortunately, I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a propoistion from the man who did the waking.' I rolled my eyes. 'Aye. That'll about do it.' The man said. Will took another bucket next to him and threw the liquid inside on the man. 'Blast! I'm already awake!' He yelled. 'That was for the smell.' Will said and I couldn't be any more agreeing with him, that man smelled awful, as if he had layed there for days...

The four of us walked towards a tavern to drink and eat something. I stayed close to the man, because in the dark spots on the side of the square I saw a couple eyes following me and almost undressing me with their eyes. 'I would like to go away from here as fast as possible.' I whispered to Will. 'Just stay next to me, nothing will happen.' He said, assuring.

We entered the tavern and looked for a table. We sat down and Jack went to get us some drinks. It was really loud in the building. People were fighting, talking, dancing, singing and shouting all at once. 'Will, keep a sharp eye for me, will you?' Jack said and pointed at one of the pillars next to the table. 'Oh and you, my lady, stay with your brother, for safety.' He patted my shoulder and turned around to talk with the man. I still didn't know the name of this man. 'What do you think they're talking about?' I asked my brother. 'I don't know, but Jack does seem to have a plan.' We both turned our heads to look at the men. We were just out of the hearing zone, so we could hear nothing of the conversation. A drunk lady came up to us and flattered herself against Will. Will tried to move, but he was a bit clumsy and the woman was too drunk and was laughing really loudly. 'Get away from my brother!' I said in her face and I should not have done that. The woman got angry and threw her whole pint of beer in my face. Will gasped. 'Oh no.' He said and I rubbed the stining beer out of my eyes. When I opened my eyes, the woman was gone and it is for the better she was.

At the sound of two mugs clinging, we turned around and saw the man and Jack drink their beer. 'Seems like he got himself a deal.' Will said. 'And it better be a good one.'

The rest of the evening was a little chaotic. We stayed at the tavern for a while, but after an hour Will and I decided to go back to the Interceptor so we could sleep. We all had a different room on the boat, so that was really fortunate, although I wondered how long it would stay that way, because Jack drank a lot in the tavern and kept on spluttering about a crew for the ship.

Around 4 o'clock I woke up and I was feeling a bit seasick, so I thought it would be a good idea to go upstairs on the deck so I could get a bit of fresh air. With the idea that everyone was asleep, I went upstairs in my night gown. I stood against the railing, looked up and saw the stars. The sky was so bright that I could see thousands, maybe even millions of them. You could say what you want about Tortuga, but looking around like this with the moon shining on the market place and the mountains behind it, it was really something. I could finally see why Jack liked it so much. Speaking of the devil...

'What a lovely surprise.' I heard behind me. I sighed, rolled my eyes and turned around to find Jack entering the ship from the docks. He had red cheeks and he was holding a bottle. 'Well, hello captain.' I said and crossed my arms. 'What are you doing here alone, on my ship?' He said and walked towards me, while taking a sip from his bottle. 'I was just getting some fresh air. It's a bit musty downstairs.' 'Well if you want to, you can sleep in the captain's cabbin tonight?' He walked closer towards me and his eyes went up and down my body. I just realised I was in my nightgown and my cheeks flushed red. 'I don't think that's a good idea. My brother will kill you, you know that. And besides, I don't even want to.' I tried to sound selfassured, but Jack got really close and he was looking at my lips. I looked at his and he bit his lower lip. He was so close that I could smell the alcohol from his mouth. 'You've had a bit too much rum, haven't you, captain?' He looked at me and smirked. When he smirked up close, he was even more attractive. 'You want some, love?' He said and put the bottle against my lips. I raised my hand and rejected. 'No, thank you. I think it's time for you to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.' If I could get him into his cabbin, maybe he fall sleep. I walked backwards towards the captain's cabbin door while facing Jack as he followed me. 'Well, I like where this is going...' He said and his finger touched his lips, trying to be seductive. 'Follow me, Jack.' I said as my back touched the door. My heart was racing in my chest, because this could go terribly wrong. My hand reached behind me and found the doorknob. I turned it and the door went open with a click. 'I like it when you call me Jack, or captain, or both.' 'Maybe you should finish your bottle before we...' I said and Jack nodded. I have never seen an man empty a bottle so fast. I entered the cabbin and shut the door behind me. I looked around, saw his bed and went to sit on it. The door went open again and Jack entered the cabbin too. 'Well, well, well. Look at this.' He said, drunk walking towards me. I hoped my plan worked. 'Let's get started, then, shall we?' He dropped his bottle and it fell on the ground. His hands were going to cup my face and his lips were far too close to mine and right when he was going to try to kiss me, he collapsed on top of me, sleeping. I tilted his body and moved myself away from under him. I was really glad my plan worked and I was hoping that he wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, although I was almost certain, because the amount that man had drunk would sent anyone straight to their grave. I decided not to be in the cabbin for too long, in case he woke up, so I exited the cabbin and went back to my own bed to go back to sleep.

The next day it was time to meet our new crew. I didn't know if Jack remembered anything from the other night, but I decided not to ask him, because that could potentially bring things back that were gone and I don't want that. Will would kill me if he found out. I was also wondering why I did what I did. I wasn't really that brave normally, I had always been curious, but that was about it.

We met the man from the other day on the docks. He finally introduced himself as Mr. Gibbs. 'Feast your eyes, Captain. All of them, faithful hands before the mast. Every man worth his salt and crazy to boot.' Gibbs said. There was a line of men on the docks, but they looked more like leftovers. Will and I looked at eachother with an unsure gaze. 'So this is your able-bodied crew?' Nor Jack, nor Gibbs answered his question and we walked further down the line of men. 'You, sailor!' Jack said to one of them, an old man with a parrot on his shoulder. Gibbs answered: 'Cotton, sir.' 'Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?' The old man looked at Gibbs. 'Mr. Cotton!' Jack yelled in his face. 'Answer, man!' 'He's a mute, sir.' Gibbs said. 'Poor devil had his tongue cut out. So he trained the parrot to talk for him. No one's yet figured how.' The old man showed the inside of his mouth and my internal organs were rotated in my stomach. A gaping hole was inside of the old man's throat. 'Mr. Cotton's parrot, same question.' Remarkebly, the parrot answered: 'Ah! Wind in your sails! Wind in your sails!' Will and I looked at eachother surprised and impressed. 'Mostly, we figure that means 'yes'.' said Gibbs. 'Of course it does. Satisfied?' That question was directed to me and Will and Will was definitely not feeling it. 'Well, you've proved they're mad.'

'And what's the benefit for us?' One of the crew members on the end of the line said. I was a bit thrown off, because I could have sworn that sounded like a woman. Jack frowned and walked slowly towards the crew member. He, or she, had a large hat on so we could not see a face. Jack grabbed the hat slowly and threw it off. He smiled: 'Anamaria!' She raised her hand and I got flashbacks of last night. She slapped him even harder than the other women did. 'I suppose you didn't deserve that one, either.' I said and laughed. 'No, that one I deserved.' Jack said and I raised my brows. 'Really?' I asked. 'You stole my boat!' Anamaria said angrily. 'Actually-' Jack couldn't finish his sentence, because once again her hand hit his face. I was really entertained at that moment. 'Borrowed without permission. But with every intention of bringing it back to you.' 'But you didn't!' 'You'll get another one!' Jack said, trying to sound optimistic. She raised her hand and I thought she was going to slap him again, but instead she pointed at Jack's face. 'I will.' she said. 'A better one!' my brother said, I sighed, why must he always intervene? Just let Sparrow handle his own problems. 'A better one!' Jack repeated. 'That one!' Will said and pointed. 'What one?' Everyone looked at the Interceptor. 'Will, you can't-' I tried to say something to him but he shut me up. 'No, she's right, that one?!' Jack said. Everyone turned their heads to Jack. It was silent for a second. 'Aye, that one!' Jack said, faking happiness. 'Aye!' Anamaria yelled and the rest of the crew replied. They walked towards the end of the docks.

'No, no, no. It's frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard, sir.' Gibbs said. 'Well, we got here alive while having Y/N on the ship and besides, it'll be far worse not to have her.'

And with that, we left Tortuga.

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