Par MayowaDacosta

55 9 8

A teenage girl who loves to dance lives a simple life but her life takes a turn in the blink of an eye. Now s... Plus

The first encounter (Chapter 2)

Like father, like daughter. (Chapter 1)

36 7 8
Par MayowaDacosta

"Dance is for everyone" so they say, but I personally used to call them liars. How can dance be for everyone? I remember when I was younger, my childish self always seeking for the approval of those around me. During those times, I explored dancing, I tried the popular dances that were in vogue then but I just couldn't get it right. It was frustrating hearing "Eniola, you are a terrible dancer" how can i try so hard at something and yet fail repeatedly at it?

I made my decision right there in high school, I was in year 2 then, "dance is not meant for you Eniola, try something else" and nothing else was able to convince me otherwise. Until my dad took special interest in me after my mum travelled, I knew he just wanted to keep me close because I reminded him of mum but I did love being with him and seeing him dance. Dad was an excellent dancer and a very patient teacher.

I never showed him I had interest in dance but as I continued following him to his dance rehearsals, it was like a part of me yearned for this art form called dance, I just could not explain it but I wanted to dance. So I walked up to my dad one day, head bowed, "daddy, will you please teach me to dance like you?" I could tell a part of him was deeply moved as he said "sure honey, why not, I believe you will be a fantastic dancer" and that was it. My dance journey began.

I was going to give up many times, I could not carry my body weight, I could not keep up with fast paced dance routines, I could not show the right expression, I could barely get anything right and it hurt.
My dad would slowly take his time to break down the dance techniques just so I could follow, but even that got me upset the more because everyone else was catching up so fast except me.

I only persevered because I hated giving up and I loved dancing. Year after year, I became better at it, I still struggled with a few dance styles but I finally found my dance voice and it was unique to me. No other dancer in the dance training school could move like me, that was my superpower and I loved it. I loved how my dad would also look at me with admiration, also trying his best to sound firm so I don't think training is over.

By the age of 16 years, I had greatly improved and was known majorly for my intense facial expressions whilst performing. I had hated dancing because I was terrible at certain dance styles but discovering my unique dance voice was a blessing to me. I dance just like my dad, although he is a much better dancer and teacher than I, learning from him each day made me realize I could not have asked for a better dance teacher. My dad was popularly known as Mr Olu, a versatile dancer and dance teacher.

It was a Thursday. The room was hot despite the doors and windows being wide open, it was hard to figure out if it was as a result of the hot weather in Lagos State, Nigeria or it was just the intensity of the dance rehearsal. I began thinking to myself "who even made me start dancing? I could just have gone into mechanical engineering", and you cannot blame me, these rehearsals do get so intense that you begin to wonder if you are truly enjoying what you love doing.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my dad call "Eniola!" get your mind in here, he said, I need you to execute these steps excellently and employ the right emotions, it is a look of intense desperation, do you understand? I replied "Yes daddy I understand" I started to dance and I could feel the eyes of every other student fixed on me, I carefully executed each dance step, showing the desperate emotion that accompanies the dance piece. "Bravo! That is exactly what I want to see, your pointed toes were wrongly placed at the last count though, correct it next time" my dance teacher said.

I smiled as I tried catching my breath while listening to the corrections my dad made. I sometimes feel like he drills me harder than the other students because I am his child. My mother travelled out of the country to complete a training about 3 years ago, since then, dad made me his primary focus. I love my dad really, he invests so much of his time, knowledge and resources in me. I sometimes hide my smile and pleasure when people see us dance and say that we dance exactly the same, i consider it a great honour for anyone to think I dance like this great dance legend.

As a 16 year old, my life was quite simple as I personally disliked any form of drama and stress, asides dancing of course. I went to school during the week, ensured I did my assignments correctly while on Sundays I go to church. I was born into a Christian home so it was only normal for me to follow in that path, although I had very little intimacy with Jesus Christ the son of God, I did know mum and dad believe so much in Him and so did I.
Little did I know that my drama free life was about taking a huge turn and my little intimacy with Jesus Christ was about entering a new dimension.

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