In Their Strong Arms

By Author_000

90.9K 1K 1.3K

on a earth that has furrys and human together,you would expect they be at each other's throat. But they are n... More

Dad's drinking again
please don't leave me
He's just a Child
Okay....I will
Mom......Who's That?
One Less Loose End
Something Is Coming
End Of The Line

Little Private

8.3K 96 163
By Author_000

3rd person Pov

Three days have passed since y/n had met the Akulova's. A lot of things has accord in their household, for example Dasha is more happy then usual and she had runout of bottles to store her milk, because y/n constantly drinking it. Nika on the other hand was teaching y/n how to swim, it's still a work in progress because Dasha doesn't want y/n too accidentally drown. Anna is using y/n as extras weight, like when she's doing push ups she tells y/n to lay on her back. She admits that is good to have a little brother. But don't say that to here face, she might just punch you too a coma. Sofiya is had taken pictures of y/n while he was acting cute, she's practically glued y/n to her self and won't let him get out of her sight. Anna and Sofiya decided to teach y/n their secret language, ever since y/n learned to talk it it made Nika lose her mind, but it made the entire family laugh at her funny outbursts. the last person in the family, Nataliya, she played with her grandson but, she felt that she had seen him before. She remembers a year ago before her retirement, she met a human during her last mission who had killed an entire village, which the inhabitants were  humans and furries that were living there since the beginning of time.  She could never forget the bodies of the people who were burned with white phosphorus. Apparently a group of human ultra nationalists were against the idea of humans and furries living together at peace, let alone marriage. She remembered that there was a human male who had lunched the white phosphorus, he was going leave the what ever had remained of the village, she tried too stop him but it was an ambush, the ultra nationals were waiting for them. Right before they attacked Nataliya took a good look at him, she promised her self if on day she found him, she would kill him.

Dasha Pov (8am)

I woke up an hour ago and was making some breakfast. At first I was going to make some eggs and toast and, maybe some oatmeal but I decided to make something else.

After I made the breakfast, I went and wake everyone up. Nika was already in the showers washing her self, and apparently her friend down stairs was also happy. I decided too tease her, and know exactly how.

Nika Pov

When Dasha woke up, I want to the shower, after last night when Nataliya decided it was a great idea to see who can drink the most vodka and falling with her face down and her fur ass all the way up. When we were taking her to her room she was licking all over my face and saying something about y/n looks like the monster in human skin. I didn't know what that meant but I know that she saw some bad stuff when she was a soldier and she was thinking that we were her friends. Anyway after I was in the shower and was cleaning my junk when I thought about Dasha when we first met and, it made me a little excited. I was in my own world when I heard a thump and look to see what it was. And lo and behold it was Dasha pressing her Ass neked on the shower window. My member suddenly spring too life and accidentally n knocked over a expensive shampoo bottle that belongs to Sofiya. She laughed and pulled up her boxers up and left still laughing I was really mad at her. Well let's see how she's going laugh when I make sure she that she won't walk tomorrow with this buddy down here.

3rd person Pov

After the incident at the showers, Dasha went and woke up every else at the house. All of them came to the kitchen where the breakfast was ready. All of them eat there breakfast until little y/n wanted some milk.

Y/n: may I have some milk?

Dasha: ahhhh... sweetie listen our cups aren't clean so you have too drink it from the source, are you okay with this?

Y/n nodded his head, to which Dasha picked him up and put him on her lap, She was wearing a t-shirt and she pulled it up to reveal her breasts. Everyone was shocked at this but little y/n was confused, he didn't know why everyone had weird faces. He knew that mommies can also make milk with love. Dasha put here hand on the back of y/n head and, slowly pulled him towards her breasts, y/n latched his lips on her nipples and slowly started suck the milk out of her. The sweet milk hit his mouth real quick and he continued.  Dasha loved this feeling she was experiencing she didn't want it too end. Nika on the other hand was feeling jealous, Anna was almost about too burst, Sofiya had a devilish grin on her face and as for Nataliya well....she was fighting her hangover.

Time Skip (1pm)

After the breakfast everyone was doing there own things, Nika, Dasha and Anna were training for a Bodybuilder match that was coming up, Sofiya was promoting them on her Instagram so that even if they lost some protein or fancy gym company would hire them. Nataliya was calling her friends too see if the monster that she was looking for was anywhere, she didn't found any link. And as for y/n he was watching TV   and it was show about a boy who had the power to turn into a ghost, and he was stopping evil ghosts. He was watching the it until he accidentally changed the channel to a news.

News anchor: well Tom, can you explain what had the police officers found this morning?

Tom: well Emily, as yourself have heard the officers found a body at the beech, and by her fur color the managed to find her identity.

At this point Dasha and Nika entered the room and saw y/n watching the news, when they find out what the news was showing, Dasha was about change the channel until she heard something that she couldn't believe.

Tom: the victims name was Mary Watterson, a adult dancers that was working at the same Strippe club that the gang Mix Blood were murdered. Police have found evidence that shows, Jack Mitchell the second hand of Tony Paterson had killed her. Police suspect that jack Mitchell killed his gang members too steal their money and resources for him self, it also is rumored that Saint Mary was a his partner. The hunt for Jack Mitchell has begun, back to you Emily.

They couldn't believe what were they hearing, Jack killed Mary and his gang to steal all their money and killed Mary too cover his escape?! They knew that jack was cold but This is unbelievable!!!

Nika quickly changed the channel to cartoons so y/n wouldn't hear any more. Y/n turned his head towards them.

Y/n: hey, why did you change the channel? I was watching the news?

Nika: honey your way too young too hear this stuff!!!

Y/n: but.....but...

Dasha: no more butts mister, and go to Anna and Sofiya!!!

Y/n sighed but did what he was told to do, he got off the couch and went towards Anna and Sofiya who were by the swim pool. Nika and Dasha were in shock, they remembered seeing both Jack and Mary day ago.

Y/n Pov

I was mad at Dasha and Nika, I was watching the Tv and its not like someone is after me. I arrived to Anna taking pictures of Sofiya in a very weird clothes.

Anna: Sofiya bend down show me your Ass, your fans are going to pay double just to see you in this skimpy clothes!

When she bent down she saw my face, her muzzle went red and she jumped and yelped.

Sofiya: ohhh y/n!!! Why didn't you said anything!?!?!

Y/n: I'm sorry......

Sofiya: it's Okay, I shouldn't have yelled at you....

After a couple of hours pass and Anna takes more pictures of Sofiya, I was getting mor tried and wanted too sleep. But then Sofiya picked me up and carried me towards Anna, both of were hugging me and kissing me all over my face and calling me the cutest thing 8n the world. Sofiya took the phone from Anna and decided to take a picture of three of us. I was in the middle, Sofiya to my left and Anna to my right, both of them were kissing me on the cheek while looking at the camera. Sofiya took the picture and handed me to Anna which she took me inside.

3rd person Pov

It was about dinner time, and everyone was at the table. All of them were sitting at table but they haven't had any thing, they wanted too ask y/n something important. That wanted to know if he wanted them to be there family. At first y/n didn't know what were they saying, the tired too explain but y/n told them that he already saw them as his family. The Akulova's were so happy to hear that that they jumped from their sites towards y/n. All of them were in a big family hug. Before going into bed Sofiya posted her picture of y/n  and Anna and her self to Instagram with the caption saying meet my human brother......

Without knowing the consequences

Uncle Mark Pov

3 days, 3 Fucking days of psychological torture, and still this God dammit donkey hasn't said anything about where y/n is. I was starting too loss my patience. I got out of the basement to get some fresh air. I was thinking of using physical methods when my phone range I put it out of my pocket see it's bain.

Bain: hey man, how it's going with the zebra?

Mark: if he doesn't start talking I'm going make sure he won't have any stripes!!!!

Bain: whoa whoa whoa calm down, I got some news for you

Mark: well, what it's, don't keep me in the dark man!!

Bain: I found your nephew. Does sound good or not?

Mark: I knew that I can count on you, so who is it?

Bain: I'll send you a file containing everything you need to know. I got other stuff to do too. And if I ware you I would cut any loss ends. You know who I'm I talking about right? If you want I can handle your brother.

Mark: thanks, if you and your gang needed a good sniper don't be shy, Bye.

Bain: bye, and don't worry I'll make sure it looks like an accident.

I hung up my phone, apparently lady luck was towering me the dice and it was on seven. It only leaves the fellow in the basement, I couldn't leave him the first thing he would do is go to the cops or someone higher so that's out of the question. Well it's settled, this reminds of time I worked for makarov. Poor guy lost his mind when bunch of fur kidnapped his daughter and took her to a village. Apparently it was some old village that embodied peace between furries and humans It was bullshit, after I found the village and told makarov where it is he sent an army after her. Long story short it got really messy and I had too use some white Billy. But we got her out and everyone else was dead. Makarov was happy and he was going too pay triple for my payment but I know his a with a lot of friends. I told him it was free and if he ever needed help with her again give me a call. Suffice to say I got a free pass in Eastern Europe. Ahhh I talk a lot, gotta finish this guy and be done with it. And don't worry little private. Uncle Mark is coming for the rescue. I went towards the basement door but before I opened it. I said something that I learned from makarov.

remember, no witnesses

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