Journal Logs of a Monster Hun...

By seronuru

376 3 2

There are many types of monsters in the world, the most common and realistic use of the word monster is to de... More

Log #1
Log #2
FLoatyyyyyyy experiencec
Log #3
Log 4#
Log #6
Log #10
Early Christmas Present


25 0 0
By seronuru

March 26, 2021

Hey folks, Anon here. Fully healed now after a few days. Now, let's cut to the chase and tell you how I got my supernatural abilities.

However, before I could tell you, you must know my tragic, devastating backstory to get some background. When my parents were alive and I was just a toddler, we lived in Ontario, Canada. I'm not quite sure the exact location on the map of where we are, but we lived in a region that has a lot of forests.

I'm not sure why, but my parents lived isolated, the closest town being 5 minutes away. I don't remember much, but it was a small house but it was enough for the three of us to live in. However when I turned three, my parents were killed by a Dogman in front of my own eyes.

As said previously, I don't know why, but instead of being scared or sad. I felt...nothing, but the therapist probably said it's my way to process trauma I don't really know. Anyways, I was helpless against the giant wolf creature, however I was saved by three Hunters before it could kill me.

Ever since then, instead of living in an orphanage as you may think, I was actually put in a Government facility. I found out there are many kids like me who lost their parents and survived after an encounter with a monster in the facility. The kid surviving after their parents died after a monster attack is more common than you think.

So there are two ways for you to become a Hunter. One way is that you've been selected by the Government due to your skills, you have to be extremely good at combat or be someone useful to help the other Hunters, most people that became Hunters this way were ex-military. The second option is you have to be 'adopted' by the Government.

What do I mean by that? Well, I said before that many kids become orphans after a monster attack, if the child is alive they would be placed in the care of the Government, they give the child the necessary needs such as food, clothes, toys and amongst other things. We even got education, however unlike normal schools they added a new subject which is Hunter class, it's a subject that involves monsters, the history of monsters, their weakness and why you should become a Hunter.

Then after you turn nine, they will ask you a question, a question I will never forget.

"Are you prey or Hunter?" They explained more of what they just said.

What they're trying to say is that if you choose to be prey, the Government will give you an easy life, they will help you make a career choice, pay for your needs, your college fees and pay a huge amount of money for keeping your mouth shut. The other option was obvious and I chose, surprise! The Hunter option. After choosing my option I was moved to a different facility, the new one was cleaner than the last one.

The new facility functions as the Hunter's boot camp basically, our instructors trained our bodies to the limits and gave us hell on earth, we also learned more information about monsters during classes. When I search up military boot camp training, theirs looks like a warm-up compared to ours. I swear that I was gonna die before I graduate from training.

During my time in Hunter's boot camp or more commonly known as Hunter's academy, in class we received an invitation. It was an invasion to take part in the 'Monster Hunter program'. It was a program designed to create the strongest Hunters.

We would train much harder and get extra lessons, so basically what I'm already doing in the academy, but on steroids. I don't know why I signed up, but I did it anyway. If I remember correctly there were about 80 kids with varying ages that signed up at the program.

If I thought I was gonna die, I thought I was in hell. One time we were forced to fight an actual monster, a Rake to be exact, it was my first fight with a monster and I'm not gonna lie it was really thrilling. Not to brag but I was one that did the final blow before the monster died, I was only eleven at the time.

We soon began fighting tougher monsters, however with the aid of a veteran Hunter. As you expect there are a lot of people who regret being here and even traumatized because of it. In just the first week there were 9 people that left the program, eventually in our final year there were only 25 of us remaining.

In our final year we face our greatest test yet. We would split into 5 groups with 5 people each for our test. The test was surviving a desolate place and infested with monsters without aid for 2 months.

Each group would be placed into a different place in order to avoid helping each other. Unfortunately for my group, we were placed in Antarctica, the coldest region we could be placed in. Thankfully we could bring our jackets as well as one item to bring along, the rest is what you find in the wilderness.

I brought a knife with me, I doubt I could make anything in the snowfield region. We were dropped off the helicopter with nothing but the items we brought and the jacket we wore. While I remember the whole thing, I vaguely remember the names of the other people I was with, probably because I just avoid them.

It was difficult surviving in Antarctica without any assistance, we had to hunt for fish, penguins and polar bears. We also need wood for fire, we couldn't find one after 3 days of searching, but eventually we found an abandoned cabin enough to house three of us. At night we took turns sleeping inside of the cabin and keeping watch outside, thankfully there were multiple sticks in the cabin that we used to warm ourselves every time I went out and watched.

We were able to survive peacefully for about three weeks of the survival test, however one night while the others were sleeping and I was on guard duty, I had nothing else to do except stare at the flames that are keeping me warm. Then I heard a low growl and my head immediately turned to the direction where the growl came from. However it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything.

I was tempted to get up to check it out, but instead I continued to sit although I had my hand resting on my knife ready for anything that could jump in the darkness. Nothing came out and after being in full attention for about five minutes, I finally relaxed. It was probably a polar bear or a wolf that got scared off.

I didn't get much sleep and I began to doze off, however I got startled when the door of the cabin opened. It wasn't exactly how the conversation went, but this what some of my vague account and my version of the conversation:

"Jesus, you scared the hell out of me!" I said slightly, raising my voice.

He rubbed his tired eyes.

"Sorry, gotta go pee." He says before walking towards the darkness.

"Wait." He turned his head to look at me with a 'hmm'

"I heard some odd noises, be careful out there." I warned, but he just waved me off.

"Fuck off, Anon. I already apologized when I scared you right?" He said before entering the unseen darkness, where his foot crunching the snow could only be heard before fading into nothing.

I, on the other hand, said nothing. He probably won't listen to me no matter what I say in the half-asleep state he is in. I'm sure he's fine, I doubt a pack of wolves or a polar bear can take him down an almost graduate Hunter.

If he needs help I could keep an ear out for him. After a few minutes, I was about to doze off again, but one of my teammates came out and said that it was her turn to guard. Silently thanking her, I got up and headed towards the door, but before I could do so, she stopped me.

"Hey where is //////? I haven't seen him since I woke up."

"Oh, he said he wanted to pee. However It's been a few minutes and he hasn't gone back yet." I said and she nodded.

"I see, I'll keep an eye out for him." I gave a quick thanks before lying down in the warm cabin.

The next morning we found out... you know what to make it easier for the both of us to understand, I'll make an artificial name for all my teammates so don't get confused on who is who. These are just random names.

The guy that went out - Angelo

The woman that took my place in guard duty - Sarah

The other female teammate - Sidney

Got it? Anyways, the next morning we found out Angelo hasn't come back. Me and Sarah gave out our accounts about the night, however I left the part where I heard growls in my time outside.

We grabbed all the weapons we could bring and headed out to find Angelo, while the girls looked hopeful, I wasn't. I'm pretty sure he was killed by a cryptid, there is no way a polar bear or wolves would be able to take out even an inexperienced Hunter so quietly. I remember holding my spear shaped sharpened wood and looking in all my directions.

After nearly 4 hours of searching, we were about to give up and head back. However, we spotted a big cave. Immediately I knew that there was something off and eerie with that cave.

The other two both agreed to look for Angelo in the cave. I was hesitant, but eventually decided to come with them. The cave was actually a lot brighter than I expected to be, there were a few holes on the roof to give a bit of sunlight which made venturing in the caves easier.

The cave was also ginormous, I thought I would be cramped especially with 3 people, but it wasn't. You could put 30 people here and it still won't be cramped. Works easier for all of us.

We ventured into the cave trying to find the lost Hunter in training, as I was searching I heard a scream, it was loud enough to echo through the cave. I immediately head towards the scremned only to find Sarah putting both hands in her mouth while tears run across her cheeks and Sidney looks extremely pale. I turned to the direction of what they were looking at.

It was Angelo, his lifeless eyes staring at my alive ones. He was...the best way to describe it he was 'torned apart'. The half of his torso is gone, but not cleanly, but like someone grabbed him and forcibly ripped him apart from his bottom.

Both of his arms are missing too. I look at the bloodied up corpses, I remember feeling indifferent, while I feel bad I didn't feel sad or on the verge of throwing up. This was the second time I saw death up close, yet I still feel indifferent.

"This is a monster's doing." I suddenly spoke aloud.

"H-huh?" Sarah said between sobs.

"I doubt a pack of wolves or anything else could do this to Angelo, the most likely case is that we are dealing with a monster." I explained.

I turned to Sidney who grimly nodded.

"He is right, there is no way any animal could do this to him."

"T-then what should we do? I d-don't want to die." Sarah sobbed.

We stood there in silence, the only sound that could be heard was Sarah's quiet sobs. I gripped my wooden spear harder and I began to plan what our next move could be.

"We have no choice. We have to kill it." Sidney gravely said, crossing her arms.

She says it with confidence, but I could tell that she was scared. Her shaking was unmistakable and her eyes occasionally looked at the entrance of the cave.

"Why!? A-are you insane!?" Sarah screamed, her voice echoed in the cave.

"We have no choice, it probably knows that there are more humans aside from Angelo. The reason it probably still hasn't kill us is to fuck with us!" Sidney sighs before speaking again.

"We're gonna have to leave the cabin in a week in order to go to our destination. We have to prepare and gather up supplies for the journey. I doubt we'll do anything when the fucker is trying to rip us apart."

She's right. A bit of context, before we were dropped off, we were told we had to go to the location where they could pick us up. They showed us a map of where they're gonna drop us and the location we need to go to when the 2 months are over and they can pick us up.

We couldn't bring the map, but instead memorize it. We estimated it'll take us a week to get there from our cabin and so we need tons of supplies for our journey. Thankfully we'll know we're in the right spot if we could spot a black flag sticking out.

Back to the situation at hand, it will be almost impossible to collect supplies when there's a monster hunting us. We had no choice, but to kill it. So we hatched a plan, since this place was most likely it's habitat, it's only natural they'll come back here.

So we hide, covering ourselves in snow to blend in and under the cover of big snowy blocks, separately from each other. While we were hiding while waiting for the monster to come, I formed theories on what kind of monster we were facing and what kind of class the monster was in.

E and D rank monsters are out of the question, they're too weak to fight the even weakest and inexperienced hunters. C rank maybe, but they didn't make a noise when they attacked Angelo, I'm pretty sure even if they ambushed him it would make noise. They had to be strong enough to kill him instantly, but quiet enough not for me to hear it, but then again the wind was loud last night so there may be sounds I didn't hear.

I continued the theories for what felt like a couple of hours before we heard a loud thumping and my mind was hushed about the theories and instead focused on listening to the sound. I was tempted to peek my head out, but instead I was still as a statue. Eventually the creature came to view, thankfully I was in an angle where I could see it, built it cant see me.

It was really big, what I noticed first is its white fur covering the whole body and its shape looks humanoid, but looks similar to a gorilla. I also noticed it was dragging something, it was a bloodied polar bear. It took a few moments before finally recognizing the monster I'm seeing.

Coincidently, it is the brethren of a monster I just fought a few days ago. It was a Yeti, an A-Class monster. It was a bit taller and muscular than a Sasquatch and a bit stronger too.

However what makes a Yeti more dangerous is their aggression. I stared at the monster in a mix of fear and excitement, as I waited for the signal for me to strike the beast. It sniffs the air, probably because it smelt us, but before it could fully realize that we were here...

"NOW!" Sidney shouted in her hiding spot causing the Yeti to look in her direction, now the Yeti is distracted.

I got out of my hiding spot and with all might stabbed my spear at the nape of the Yeti. It landed and it in turn roared in pain, I kept pushing the spear deeper, but it's thick muscles slowed me down. The Yeti in a quick motion turned to me and used its powerful arms to swing at my abdomen and send me crashing the wall.

I didn't have my supernatural durability at the time and so I felt one of my ribs cracked and blood poured out my head. I was disoriented, silently thanking for not losing consciousness. However the monster approached me, I saw its red eyes full of rage, before it could fully reach me a voice called out.

"Hey you, ugly motherfucker!!" Sidney shouted at the beast and it immediately looked at her.

As soon as the snowy Sasquatch looked at her she threw a spear that landed on the monster's right eye. The Yeti roared in pain, the roar was so loud that it almost ruptured my eardrums. It recovered the pain and charged at Sidney who barely rolled aside when the massive hulking monster charged at her.

She didn't have a weapon to defend herself, the weapon was embedded too deep into the monster's eye. Sarah came out of hiding, with tears in her eyes and with a loud battle cry tried to stab the monster in the stomach. However before the attack could land, the monster grabbed the spear, halting it from piecing its skin.

The beast growled at her as she stood there frozen. It brought its arms upwards ready to smash her. Seeing this, I forced my body to move, getting up and dashing at the monster.

Using my knife, I stabbed its heel and I removed my knife and stabbed it again over and over at a rapid pace. Sidney, while without her weapon, decided to help climbing at the back of the monster to wrestle with it. She attempts to choke the monster or at least distract it.

The Yeti's attention was now with Sidney and I. I continued to stab at the heel eventually stopping and backing away to regain my stamina. Its giant arms trying to reach Sidney but was constantly distracted as Sarah using her spear stabs the monster in the abdomen.

The beast finally had enough and using its body slammed its back on the snowy walls. Sidney gasped in pain and immediately lost consciousness. It then turned to Sarah and landed a punch in her face which sent her flying and crashing to the wall.

It then turned to me, it growled at me and in response I growled back to glaring at the beast before me, I quickly grabbed my spear that was on the ground and readied myself. It grabbed Sarah's spear and charged at me and I charged at it too. It was moving sluggish probably because of the injury I caused in his heel, but I wasn't so hot either I just now broke my rib.

But even then, we ignored the pain charged at each other. When we were just a few feet away, I threw my spear, but it saw this coming and swiped my spear away and continued charging at me. It now thinks I'm weaponless, but I then revealed my knife that was under my sleeve and hit threw it, directly hitting its eye.

Both eyes are now gone and in pain dropped Sarah's spear and roared in pain. Since it couldn't see anymore it wildly swing its fist in all directions hoping one of the hits would land on me. I barely dodged its attacks.

Grabbing Sarah's spear, I stabbed the other heel causing the monster to kneel. When the beast dropped to its knees, I knew it was time to finish this. I jumped in the air and with a roar stabbed my spear into the nape of the Yeti.

My previous attempt softened and weakened the muscles of the monster which finally allowed my spear to go through the nape and into the throat. In a desperate attempt to get me off, it tried to weakly grab, but it was futile as I continued to pour my last bit of straight into pushing my spear deeper. It almost took a minute before its arms went limp and its breathing stopped.

I got off the beast and leaned at the wall to catch my breath. As I was regaining my energy, Sidney was now conscious and approached me.

"Nice. One." She said between breaths.

I gave a thumbs up. We sat there in silence for a few moments, until Sidney's eyes went wide.

"Wait where's Sarah!?" I didn't say anything and just pointed at the direction she was in.

Sidney grunted as she forced her aching body to go towards her teammate. I rested my head on the wall and closed my eyes. Then I heard Sidney throwing up and immediately knew what that meant.

It was to be expected, she did take a punch in the head from an A-Class muscle bound monster after all. A few moments later, I heard snow crunching. I opened my eyes a little and saw Sidney who was paler, her eyes red and puffy.

It was her eyes that got my attention though. While I forgot about her real name, I could never forget those empty eyes of hers. She almost looks like a walking corpse.

She walks to me and said:

"Let's go." Sidney said simply.

I nodded my head weakly, I retrieved my knife and spear and we exited the cave together. We headed back into the cabin. We lived the rest of the week in silence, only talking if we needed something.

After the week finished, we packed up our food and necessary stuff for our long journey. We finally left the cabin and into the destination to wait for the Hunters to pick us up. I'll spare you the details of our journey, it was mostly uneventful.

We eventually reached our destination when we found the flag. We spent our remaining time in silence, she makes the fire and cooks the food, while I hunt. Although I noticed her behavior was strange, I ignored and chalked it up to trauma.

However one night, I was laying down trying to sleep only to find I couldn't. But I still closed my eyes. The final test is almost over, I just need to wait for two more days until they come.

Honestly it was reliving it was extremely boring spending my time in the middle of nowhere, where it was cold and all I did was hunt. Perhaps it was that excitement that caused me to stay awake. I heard rustling. I opened my eyes just barely enough to see Sidney getting up from her spot and grabbing her spear.

I was tempted to get up and ask what she was doing, but I stayed quiet and pretended to be asleep. She quietly walked towards me, each step she took made my heart pound. I was confused, why would go up to me with a weapon?

Suddenly I realized what she might do, but I still didn't move a muscle. Sidney was now next to me. She raised her spear using the pointed part to bring it downwards.

However I rolled out in time as I evaded her attack. I vaguely remember saying:

"What the fuck Sidney!?" I screamed at her.

I grabbed my own spear to protect myself. She looks at me with dead eyes.

"I have to do it. I have to kill you." She responded, her voice quivering.

"But why?"

"We don't have enough food to last, I must kill you, I have to survive. I don't want to die." Sidney says as tears leak out of her eyes.

I on the other hand was confused, we had enough food to last about 3 weeks and even if we run out, I will continue hunting for some more. Besides, the test is almost over in just a couple of days. I then realize why.

Not only was she traumatized by the deaths over her teammates, but the isolation too. I might have been there, but I never talked to her and now she's lost her mind. Thinking that only one of us is going to survive this.

I don't have anything to restrain her and even if I had one, since she's a trained Hunter, she could escape and make an attempt on life again. The only way for me to stop her is to end her pain.

"I want to survive." Sidney sobbed.

I closed my eyes, this is the only way.

"I do too." Was all I said before rushing at her with my spear.

I thrust my spear at her, but she managed to evade it and made a thrust of her own. I barely dodged by ducking. I countered by swinging a spear at her and she too does the same.

We struggled to gain dominance in one of the other, before realizing this was futile and we jumped away from each other. Unlike the many monsters I faced back then, Sidney was a skilled human, but that also means one hit is over. I charged at her with my spear once more and she did the same, we used our spears like swords.

A loud thud every time both of our spears make contact with another. I backed off to give a room of breather, we're obviously pretty even and so need a plan to surprise her. Then an idea formed and it transformed to a plan.

"Get ready, this will be my final attack." I said to her gravely.

In response she put on a stance, ready to defend any attack that comes from me. I held my spear tightly, I rushed at her, while she stood stationary ready to defend. However I then threw my spear to the sky, her eyes followed the spear briefly.

That was enough time to distract her. In a quick motion, I unsheathe my knife and before she could defend, sliced her throat. The battle was over.

Sidney dropped her spear and clasped her hands on her throat in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. Sidney dropped to the ground, choking on her blood. She looked at me and reached her hands towards me.

"I-I d-d-don't want to d-die." Was her last words before she fell limp.

This was my first time killing a human, not a monster, human and yet I still barely felt anything. In the test, all things are legal including murder, so I'm not gonna be punished for killing another Hunter in training. So after the test was finally over, I explained to the instructors what had happened during the final test.

You guys might think that I'm a sociopath or a psychopath, but I was just trying to survive. What did you want me to do? Let her kill me?

I found out it wasn't just my team that got slaughtered, but others as well. There were 16 people remaining in the program. Usually after the test we become full fledged Hunters, but it was different in this program.

The 16 Hunters remaining have to go to the 'Evolution process'. Basically they perform surgery as well as injecting you with a serum. The serum was basically the Super Soldier serum in Captain America. However it had the chance that it could kill you and so only 9 people survived the first Monster Hunter Program.

They do a program every 5 years to make more stronger Hunters. I soon found out why they trained us more harshly, it's because the stronger you are, the more chances of you surviving the serum. Thanks to the serum I became stronger, faster and have senses beyond what a normal human can do.

But, yes that is it. That's how I got my powers in origin. However just thinking of these past memories gives me headaches, it's a time I really don't like to dwell on often. While I feel indifferent, I could never forget my first kill.

My life has been full of death whether it's by my hand or monsters and I doubt that won't change anytime soon. However this is for now folks. I'll see you guys in the next log.

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