My Friend Made Me Do It

By queenruthie111

122 15 6

Ruby adopts a girl who is possessed by the spirit of someone she once knew and all that spirit wants is reven... More

A dream friend
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

37 2 1
By queenruthie111

    When they arrived at school, Camilla jumped out of the car and admired the magnificent three-story building painted with peach and white the colour of their school uniform.

She also saw a sign board with the name of the school on it 'Wisdom Academy'.

After Ruby did all the necessary things Camilla was taken to her class and strangely everyone in the class liked her instantly, she even became the teachers favourite student.

Everyone liked her except the bullies Sarah, Emma and Bella.

For some unknown reason they didn't like her and their goal was to make her life hell in the school.

Her teacher miss Jane asked her to introduce herself and she introduced herself as Camilla Evans.

Sarah mocked her telling her that her hair looked funny which made miss Jane angry. Miss Jane asked her to apologize immediately but Camilla said with a smile

"its okay Aunty"

then she looked at Sarah and said to her

"thanks! yours also look the same. Oh! and your shirt what's up with it? I think you need a new one"

with that she sat next to Ashley.

The whole class laughed

"Camilla is a savage"

one of the students laughed making Bella and Emma laugh. They apologized after realizing Sarah saw them laughing. Miss Jane also laughed and advised Sarah not to insult people she didn't know.

Ashley was so surprised and warned Camilla to watch her back because Sarah was surely going to get her revenge.

Soon the break bell rang and all the students went out to take a break from learning.

Camilla rushed to the restroom and was followed by Sarah, Bella and Emma

"no one can save you now"

Sarah said making Camilla turn around

"what do you want?"

Camilla asked

"to give you the beating of your life"

Bella replied

"honey the three of you came to receive the beating of your lives? How sweet"

Camilla replied with a smirk.

Sarah tried to punch Camilla but Camilla stopped her and gave a her a very hot slap that made her fall to the ground

"what! you will pay for slapping Sarah"

Emma shouted angrily making Camilla laugh

"oh please don't cry I just punished the child don't mess with fire little girls"

Camilla mocked and left the three of them.

Bella and Emma we're afraid to attack Camilla because she just defeated Sarah who was stronger than the both of them combined.

"Are you okay?"

Emma asked trying to help Sarah up

"what kind of stupid question is that? Are you blind can't you see that I'm hurt? You both are losers. My head hurts and the pain is terrible"

Sarah cried

"we are sorry don't tell me you expected us to beat her up after she brought you down with just a slap. My mom has never even given me that kind of slap and I'm sure yours hasn't either. You just gave her your face to slap for nothing"

Bella replied

"you're so stupid Bella, Bella you are foolish, you have no shame "

Sarah shouted making Bella angry

"oh really? Well it is better than being brought down with just a slap, a resounding one at that. I'm sure you're hearing sounds already"

Bella shouted back before leaving.

"please don't mind her, I'm sorry"

Emma said calmly

"its fine I don't blame her. My head hurts I'm still hearing different sounds"

Sarah cried

"I'm sorry but you can't go home now because people will be curious as to why you are leaving early and might find out what happened. I'm sure you don't want that because they'll laugh at you"

Emma warned

"that's true I'll just manage"

Sarah replied then followed Emma back to the class and after school they all went home.

  Since the encounter in the restroom Camilla has been confused she couldn't understand what happened: the courage, the slap everything was so confusing it wasn't her doing those things its like someone took over her but who could she tell? no one would understand not even Ashley or her foster mom Ruby.

She fell asleep and Joe appeared to her again

"hi little lady how have you been?"

Joe asked

"I've been confused"

Camilla replied

"why what happened?"

"well I beat up a girl in my school and I also stood up to some bullies"

Camilla revealed

"that's great why are you confused?"

Joe asked

"well it wasn't me doing it, it was as if something took over me"

Camilla answered

"my love you are stronger than you think or know, you're more powerful than an ordinary girl my love always remember that"

Joe said with a sincere look in his eyes

"I can imagine mom telling you that you are crazy right now"

Camilla said then laughed

"yeah we are both crazy for revenge"

Joe replied and also laughed

"what do you mean? you are so funny"

Camilla continued laughing thinking it was a joke

"yeah I love making you laugh. I have an unfinished business to attend to. See you later"

Joe said and disappeared. Immidatly after he vanished it started raining heavily.
  Meanwhile Sarah was also asleep but was having a very bad dream. She woke up in fear and was panting when suddenly she heard a creepy laughter.

She turned around to see a creepy boy who had dark eyes, orange long hair and a pale skin with blood stains on his dress looking at her. He was holding a knife sitting beside Sarah's bed laughing, blood dripping out of his mouth.

In fear Sarah screamed but no one heard her 

"aww don't scream nobody can hear you, mommy and daddy are asleep"

The creepy boys said

"w-wh-who are y-y-you?"

Sarah stuttered with tears as her whole body shook, her heart beating so loud enough for the creepy stranger to hear

"who am I? I'm nobody and I'd love to play with you tonight"

the creepy boys said before licking the knife he was holding.

He moved closer to Sarah staring at like a maniac

"p-please don't hurt me"

Sarah cried and fell on the floor hugging her pillow tightly as if it would save her from the creepy looking stranger

"give me one reason why I shouldn't hurt you? you bully"

the creepy stranger demanded

"what have I done?"

she asked still in tears

"well for starters you want to stress my Camilla, you want to stress her you tried to beat her"

the boy replied with a dangerously calm smile sending shivers down her spine

"please I'm sorry I-I won't do it again please forgive me, do-don't take my life"

Sarah begged

"honey it's too late I'm going to make your life hell, I'm going to make you suffer slowly and then finally I'll kill you. You have no idea the things I've prepared to do to you"

the creepy boy said then brought out a pistol and raised it up to strike her but she screamed so hard that she almost lost her voice waking her mom and dad up.

They ran to her room immediately

"Sarah what is it?"

Sarah's dad asked while shaking her but she kept on screaming

"it's okay my baby its alright"

Sarah's mom said in an attempt to calm her down, giving her a tight hug.

Sarah opened her eyes to see her mom and dad but the creepy stranger was gone

"mo-mom he tried to kill me"

Sarah said still shivering

"it's okay honey it was just a bad dream"

Sarah's mom assured

"mom I don't want to sleep in this room, he'll come for me"

"its okay you can sleep in our room"

Sarah's dad said, then they all stood up to leave.

As they were leaving Sarah saw the creepy stranger sitting on her bed with a note

"I'll be back for you this was so fun"

then he gave her an evil smile.

She rushed out of the room trying to forget about the boy

"he was here because of Camilla, Camilla sent him, is she a witch?"

she asked herself.

    Next day at school she told Bella and Emma everything that happened and also told them Camilla was behind it but Bella laughed and said she was probably going crazy.

"I'm not crazy I know what I saw that boy tried to kill me and he said he came because of Camilla"

Sarah said trying to convince them

"then that means Camilla must be a witch"

Emma shouted

"bring your voice down that's what I'm thinking too"

Emma came up with a prank to pay Camilla back but Bella disagreed

"you are crazier than I thought. How can you think of pranking someone who sent a creepy dude to kill Sarah? You even think she's a witch and you want to prank her, do you know if she is watching us now?"

Bella asked

"don't be afraid we'll just put dog feces in her locker"

"I'm not part of this please I don't want any trouble"

Bella replied then left them.

"I hate to say this but Bella is right. Who knows what she'll do to us if we play that prank on her? She's a witch"

Sarah said

"whatever I just think someone has to teach her a lesson. See you tomorrow"

Emma replied with an eye roll then packed her bag and went home.

  When Emma got home she became really hungry so she went to the kitchen to see if her mom cooked anything

"mom what are you preparing for lunch?"

she asked

"honey just sit and wait I'll bring you food"

her mom replied

"okay mom hurry up. By the way where is Dad?"

Emma asked

"he went out but he will be back soon"

her mom replied.

Emma then went to wait for her mom in the dining room. Few minutes later her mom came in with the food

"mom what is this?"

Emma asked before taking a bite from the funny looking food


her mom replied

"but it tastes so disgusting sorry mom but its the truth"

"oh honey please manage it. I'll prepare a better one next time"

her mom begged.

When Emma finished eating her mom started laughing

"mom why are you ...... Oh my God! "

Emma shouted as she turned back to see that the woman wasn't her mom.

She had white eyes, messy hair and bloods stains on her hands, her skin was also so pale. She was a ghost!

"hope you enjoyed it?"

the woman asked as the room became glacial

"p-please don't hurt me, who are you why are you here?"

Emma asked begging with tears in her eyes

"I was talking about the cake because I mixed it with dog feces"

The woman said then started laughing as she watched an irritated Emma throw up

"what! w-why are you...."

"stop asking. You want to prank my Camilla, make her cry and you think I'll let that happen? Never!"

The lady said angrily

"p-please don't hurt me I'm sorry"

Emma begged as adrenalin hit her when she realized that the woman could kill her

"I shouldn't kill you?"

the lady asked

" yes p-please forgive me"

Emma replied.

The lady sat down and chuckled

"you are so funny. Killing you will be boring so I won't kill you instead I'll hunt you forever. If I kill you I won't find any toy to play with. Oh one more thing before I forget, I'm watching you"

the lady warned then disappeared.

Emma started screaming and running like a crazy person until she ran into her dad

"who is after you?"

he asked

"I-I-I saw a gh-ghost"

Emma replied making him laugh

"oh my! you have started your pranks again"

"no its not a ......."

she stopped when she heard a voice speaking to her

"if you don't shut your mouth I promise you that you'll end up if a psychiatric hospital you better agree with him"

the voice commanded.

Emma was confused for a second but listened to the voice and agreed with her dad.

They both laughed and went home but she was definitely going to tell her friends about it.

That night she couldn't sleep she kept having nightmares she became really scared so she went to sleep in her parent's room.

   Meanwhile Camilla wished Joe would visit her as she went to sleep and that dream came through.

"hi my Love"

he greeted with a warm smile

"you should explain yourself right now"

Camilla demanded folding her arms and looking at Joe like an angry mother waiting for her child to explain why he is home so late

"clam down little lady, what should I explain"

"firstly I'm not little lady I'm 16 and calling me that is so annoying. Secondly where have you been?"

Camilla asked

"I've been everywhere"

Joe replied

"you should explain the meaning of everywhere"

Camilla demanded

"Its nothing. How about Ruby? "

"well she's fine but still treating me like trash as usual. I don't know what I've done to her"

Camila answered

"I'm so sorry. I'll take care of her for you "

Joe mumbled

"did you say something?"

"oh, no I didn't. Bye I'll see you some other time just prepare for your camp trip"

"wait what! I didn't even tell you about it how to do..... "

but before Camilla could finish her statement Joe disappeared and she woke up

"isn't that weird?"

she asked herself then got up to do her normal morning routine.

Wow is Camila really a witch?
who exactly is Joe?
Do you think Sarah and Emma got what they deserved?
If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to leave a vote I'd really appreciate it and thank you so much for reading
Till next time

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