Guardians of the galaxy: A Gi...

By MrsSkyJ2000

12.9K 263 22

This is a story about a beautiful rebellious outlaw, she finds herself going through space with 'the guardian... More

The Diamond Widow
On Milano
I dont know what to title this. Lol
Getting together
Final battle
Something new
A side quest
A side quest ( 2 )
Tne end of the quests
Not a 'the end'

Escaping prison

1.3K 29 9
By MrsSkyJ2000

POV Rocket

Me, Quill, Gamora and Groot got our lunch. I look over to one of the towers "if we are gonna get out of here and to do that, I'm gonna need a few things."
I started walking towards a table "guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one."
-"leave it to me" Gamora says

I look over, seeing a man with a prosthetic leg 'I got a good joke' "that dude, there. I need his prosthetic leg."
-"his leg?" Peter asked
"Yeah. Dis knows I don't need the rest of him. Look at him, he's useless"
-"alright" Peter sighs
"And finally, on the wall back there is a black panel. Blocky yellow light"

3rd View POV

"Do you see it?" Rocket ask, Peter turn to see it, everyone sat down while Groot stayed standing.

"Theirs a quarnyx batter behind it. Purplish box, green wires. To get into that watchtower, I definitely need it"

Groot started to walk over to the tower, while the others stayed sitting at a table.
-"How are we supposed to do that?"

"Well, supposably these bald-bodies find you attractive." Rocket talks to Gamora "So maybe you can work out some sort of trade."
Gamora looks at Rocket, like he has 3 faces "You must be joking." "No, I really hear they find you attractive."

"Look, it‟s 20 feet up in the air, and it‟s in the middle of the most heavily
-guarded part of the prison. It's impossible to get to get up their without to be seen"

In the background Groot went up to look at black panel.

"I got one plan, and that plan requires a frickin‟ quarnyx battery, so figure it out!" Rocket yelled at Peter, Groot threw the metal block to the side of him hitting a prisoner.


On Drax's shoulder, I see Groot grab a battery making the alarms go off. Everyone started to run around, Groot stood their as machine weapons surrounded him, I get a bit worried.

"Prisioner, drop the device and retreat to your cell or we will open fire" a guard says, controlling the drones.

"I....AM. GROOOOT!!!" "Fire!!!"

"You idiot!" Rocket says climbing on Groot's body "How am I supposed to fight these things without my stuff?"

"The animal is in control. Fire on my command!" The guards say, putting their guns up at him.
I nod to Drax. I jump off his shoulder and ran towards a guard, I jump in the air, kicking one of the guards while Drax took care of the other one. Doing a round house kick, the guard flew back, Drax take the guard's gun "creepy little beast" getting Rockets attention, he turns to him and Drax throws it to Rocket.

Rocket smirks "Oh yeah~" making me blush a bit, how he said that with a dominate voice. I jump on Drax shoulder "Rocket!" I look up to see Gomara, throwing him a device "move to the watch tower!" He yells, Drax grabs my body.

"Drax what are you doing?" "Making sure you get up their" he throws me towards the watchtower, I grab onto a pole and started to climb.

I look down to see a Peter about to get shot by a weapon machine. Drax jumped up destroying the weapon machine "You! Man who has lain with an A‟askavariian!" "It was one time, man." Peter groan, making me laugh as we continue to climb.

arriving in the watchtower, I see a guard. He press the intercom button "we need all available guards in full combat gear" he slowly turns around, seeing us. Groot grabs him and throws him out of the watchtower.

"Spare me your foul gaze, woman." Drax says to Gamora, she looks over to me. Looking me up and down
"Why are they here?" She ask "especially this one?" She directs to Drax

"We promised him he could stay by your side until he kills your boss. I always keep my promises, when they're to muscle -bound whack-
jobs who will kill me if I don't. Plus, that's his plus one" "looks to me, she's just his special cargo" I snap my neck to Gamora.

"Excuse me Fiona from Shrek 1, 2 and fucking 3, I'm not his special cargo. You might wanna get yourself checked before I check you" I say,

"Enough you two. Here you go." Patrick gives a prosthetic leg to Rocket
"Oh I was just kidding about that leg. I just need these two things."
"No, I thought it‟d be funny. Was it funny?" Rocket ask, looking around. I nod, giggling a bit
"Wait, what did he look like hopping around?"
"I had to transfer him 30,000 units" Peter says, a bit annoyed. Both me and Rocket started laughing,

"How are we going to leave?"
"Well, he‟s got a plan. Right? Or is that another thing you made up?" Patrick ask Rocket  "I have a plan! I have a plan!" He yells, I sighed.

"Cease your yammering and relieve us from this irksome confinement." "Yeah, I'll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one."

Looking offended, Drax snaps his head at Peter "Do not ever call me a thesaurus" "It's just a metaphor, dude."

"His people are completely literal" I said "yeah, metaphors are gonna go over his head." Rocket finishes, honestly I didn't want to say that because it'll sound rude. I glared at Rocket

"Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it."

"I'm gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy." Gamora shakes her head out of belief as the prison guards surround the watchtower carrying large weapons

"Those are some big guns." I said, jumping beside Rocket

Head Riot Guard: "On my command! Number one!" one of the guards shoots his weapon which hits one of the watchtower glass windows

"Rodent, we are ready for your plan." Gamora says, I felt Rocket get angry
"Hold on!" He growled

Head Riot Guard: "Number two!"another guard shoots his weapon which hits the other side of the watchtower

"I recognize this animal." Drax said "We'd roast them over a flame pit as children. Their flesh was quite delicious." I look up at him with disgust
"Not helping!" I said "hey cat... can you help me?" Rocket asked

"sure" both neck to neck, on the computer. Typing fast 'we need to turn off the artificial gravity'

Head Riot Guard: "Number three!"another shoots their weapon which hits another glass window of the watchtower leaving a massive crack "All fire on my command!"

Rocket and I works as fast as we can to save everyone in the watchtower "Three! Two! One!" just then Rocket rigs to turn off the gravity making everyone in the prison start floating.

I sigh out of the relief, putting my hand (paw) on my chest.

"You turned off the artificial gravity, everywhere but in here." Gamora says, I switch some switches and played around "Rocket, get us out of here"

" I told you I had a plan." Rocket disconnects the watchtower from its base, then uses the security droids to attach to the base of it and uses the droids jets to fly the watchtower out of the prison "thanks" Rocket whispers to me, I smile and nod to him.

"That was a pretty good plan." Peter says, we get out of the watchtower, the others go grab their personal stuff and Peter looks for his spaceship "Yeah! There it is. Get my ship. It's the Milano, the orange and blue one over in the corner." Peter says,

I see my clothes neatly folded next to Rocket "They crumpled my pants up into a ball. That's rude! They folded yours." I giggle, walking out to get dress.

I walk in wearing

With my choker ( from the 1st chapter )
And my holster. Rocket looks over, looking me up and down,

"Just keep the Milano close by. Go. Go" Peter runs off, I jump on Drax shoulder. We head to his ship and I sigh "Well, how's he gonna get to us?" I asked "He declined to share that information with me." Gamora says

"Well, screw this, then! I ain't waiting around for some humie with a death wish. You got the orb, right?" Rocket asked

"Yes" Gamora said, looking in the bag I suspect Peter gave her and it wasn't their.

"Shit" I growled, my ears going down.

"If we don't leave now, we will be blown to bits." Rocket screams

"No! We're not leaving without the orb" Gamora says back.

Drax and I notices Peter flying towards us

"Behold." Drax say as we help Peter board onto the Milano "This one shows spirit. He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan." to Peter "Companion, what were you retrieving?" Peter gives Drax the Walkman, making my face drop  "You're an imbecile." I say, jumping off Drax shoulder and walking away as we started flying off in the Milano.

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