Honey Lips | ✓

By MJRainLover23

742 88 770

Ivy Miller is a simple girl. She's not asking for much. Only for a peaceful, uncomplicated life. She grows bo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twelve

20 3 32
By MJRainLover23

“Surprise!” Ivy's hands flew to her mouth, the room lit up and five smiling faces greeted her. She glanced at Luke questioningly, he simply smiled and shrugged.

Before a word could be uttered by her, Ivy's mother pulled her into a tight hug. “Happy birthday my baby girl—my word! You two are soaked!”

Luke gave her mother a sheepish smile, which was uncharacteristic of him. He was never shy. Ivy narrowed her eyes, when had the two of them met?

She had no time to question as her mother gave Claire orders to get Luke dried up and Judith steered her eldest daughter to her room. Ivy caught her sister's eye, Catherine grinned wickedly at her, pointedly glancing between her and Luke.

Ivy's eyes narrowed on her best friend, the brunette shot her a wink in passing and handed a maroon towel to Luke. That was the last sight she managed to catch of the scene before she was ushered off into her bedroom because in her mother's words. “The birthday girl can't look like a drenched rat at her own birthday party.”

Minutes later Ivy emerged from her room, her wet hair thrown into a braid. She rubbed her jacket covered arms, chill still seeping through.

The time it took to get out of her wet clothing, her mind replayed the kiss. His lips on hers, his scent mixed with nature, surrounding her. His tongue ignited a fire on her skin, his eyes flashing before her each time she closed her own. Around him, everything else faded into nothingness.

She didn't feel the rain soaking them but she felt his arms snaked around her. She didn't hear the thunder rumbling, she heard her heart beating wildly. The mud beneath her feet went unnoticed, instead her focus laid with how her toes curled when his fingers traced her jaw.

One thought hit her like a train, it felt so right. Their hands were meant to be enclosed around each other. Their lips were meant to be locked. And their lives were meant to be shared. Fear spiked in her chest, was she ready for a relationship? Did he want a relationship?

By the way he was looking at her, she felt like the only girl in the world. Or rather, like the only girl he wanted in the world. However, men could easily be blinded by lust, it wouldn't be the first time she'd experience it.

Do you honestly think that? She didn't know, she didn't want to but she didn't know which answer she wanted. Saying it that was lust and forgetting it would be the easy thing to do, it would be the safe thing to do.

No. She thought, it might be safe but it didn't feel right. It didn't get her heart racing and her body buzzing with excitement.

Ivy reached the end of the hallway, the chatting voices of her closest companions right outside. Brass of the door handle cooled her fingertips, she smiled, she actually kissed Luke!

The door gave way, a colourful scene before her. The usually dull living room was decorated cheerfully. A few pendants were against the walls, a banner hung from the ceiling and wished Ivy a happy birthday.

Couches and chairs had been pushed against to the side, Ivy noted a chair that was stolen from her bedroom in between the rest, her mother must have taken it in order to have enough seating room. The floor was open, allowing enough space for all the guests.

No one had noticed Ivy yet and she appreciated that, her stomach rumbled softly at the platters of food placed on a table to the side. A certain cupcake with blue and purple icing and little decorations on top was calling her name.

Both Catherine and Claire were preoccupied with little Tyler, the boy flourishing under the spotlight of the two females.

Ivy took the chance to sneak inside the room and snatch the cupcake, it was almost too pretty to eat.  Almost, her lips curled delightedly and she took a bite.

Luke wasn't anywhere in the living room and it wouldn't be difficult to spot his tall frame. The door she had exited through stood open but no one came through, Ivy briefly wondered whether he just dropped her off at home and went on his way again.

Her chewing slowed. She swallowed, her spirits dampened. He wouldn't just kiss her and run off would he?

He was soaked in rain just like you, in case you already forgot. Of course! How could she be so silly? Did she honestly expect him to parade around with wet clothing? That kiss had messed with her head.

Thoughts drawn to the kiss yet again, she finished off the cupcake, fingers lingering on her lips for a second too long. Would things change between them? And if so, in a good or bad way? Oh god, she thought, she initiated the kiss!

He wasn't innocent though, had it not been for those damn eyes she wouldn't even have dreamt of it! Well, maybe she would have...

“Auntie Ivy!” A force knocked into her legs, she stumbled backwards barely able to catch herself from plummeting towards the ground.

She looked down at the five year old boy and smiled, her presence in the room had officially been announced but she was unable to be mad at the adorable child.

Tyler released her legs and gave her a toothy grin. “Happy older age day!”

Ivy caught Claire's amused eyes, she said nothing but shook her head to herself. Bending down to Tyler's level, she smiled and booped his nose making him scrunch his face. “Thank you!”

The little boy nodded, threw his arms around her neck in a quick hug and ran off again.

More people greeted Ivy and wished her happy birthday. Arthur gave her a curt nod, Claire hugged her and nearly squeezed the air out of her. Judith gave her a typical motherly hug and kiss on the cheek.

Catherine gave her a wicked smile. “Happy birthday dork.”

“Thank you, punk,” Ivy ruffled her younger sister's hair much to her dismay. Catherine could only hold her glare for a few seconds then her face broke out into a smile. “I'm not gonna hug you though.”

Ivy made a face. “I wouldn't dream of it.”

Gifts were exchanged, rain outside had shown no signs of letting up. A feeling washed over Ivy's soul, a feeling of peace and comfort, her jacket had long warmed her up by now.

She settled on the floor, her legs drawn beneath her. Gifts were handed to her individually, she opened each with care, being sure to put a convincing smile on for the show. Her friends and family watched with excitement as she opened their gifts, she knew she couldn't let her inner turmoil ruin their happiness and mistake it for her disliking what they got her.

A gardening book — typical of her mother — and a boardgame, a necklace, a bracelet and a notebook from Catherine, an adorable birthday card drawn by Tyler and even oven mutts from Arthur were all in the mix.

She thanked them heartedly and directed her mind towards cake and snacks instead of the missing presence in the room. Ivy dared not to ask either her mother nor Claire where Luke had gone. Too humiliated and too scared of what their questions might be. Most of all, too scared of what her answers might be.

Hours later their living room was empty, Claire and Arthur had taken their young son home and Catherine retreated to her room to do homework. Judith was cleaning up the snacks when Ivy found her.

“Mom?” Her voice carried around the room, echoing. She couldn't help herself, curiosity was going to doom her one day but she had to know. “Have you...met Luke before?”

“Oh yes,” Judith laughed to herself, a joke Ivy wasn't getting. She walked around her daughter toward the kitchen. “We ran into each other the other day at the grocery store. Charming young man he is.”

Ivy simply stared. For one moment, then two and she shook herself out of the trance. Her eyebrows returned to its normal place and she breathed in deeply, relieved.

“So you knew he was going to bring me back and had no...problem with that?” Ivy rolled her sleeves down to cover her hands, a habit she had picked up as a teenager.

“Of course not, why would I?”

The question was rhetorical, or at least Ivy thought it was. She leaned against the counter separating her and her mother, her hands clasped together. In order to appear she glanced over her shoulder. “Do you know where he went?”

Judith poked her head into a cabinet. “He didn't want to intrude on the private gathering, he went home.”

“Oh, alright.” Ivy didn't like the disappointed that laced her tone. She got up from the bar stool and insisted on helping her mother clean up all while changing the topic to random things such as town gossip.

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━

Tap. Tap. Tap

Ivy stirred in bed, she tore her gaze from the ceiling to her window, unable to place where the sound was coming from.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

It was coming from the window. She swung her legs over the bed, planting her feet on the cold tile. Her mind searching for possible suspects, she stalked closer to the window.

Hope flared, her fingers touched the curtains, ready to pull them apart and reveal the person behind the glass. Was it Luke?

Curtains parted, the clouds had dissipated leaving behind twinkling stars and moonlight casting a soft glow on everything it touched. His dark hair outlined by the glow, his white t-shirt making him look ethereal, like an angel.

Ivy smiled, the open window instantly made goosebumps rise on her unprotected arms, she found herself not caring. Too caught up in the excitement his mere presence was giving her.

“What are you doing here?” Her smile was unable to fall, she even felt giddy. A few giggles spilled from her mouth with no reason at all, she covered her mouth with her hand as though she was trying to muffle it.

“I wanted to see you again,” He shifted slightly, his arms hanging over the window sill. Luckily for him Ivy had no plants right outside her window otherwise she wouldn't have let him hear the end of it for killing her poor plants.

Happiness bloomed in her chest, she lowered her head and hoped the darkness hid her red cheeks well enough. Even on her birthday where she was already twenty three, she felt like a lovesick teenager.

Neither spoke for several minutes. Questions burned in her tongue, begging to be released. She tentatively rubbed the back of her neck, her eyes running over his features appreciatively. “My mom said you met before.”

Luke chuckled softly, the air shifted, toying slightly with his hair. Ivy recalled how it curled around her fingers. “Oh yes, ran into her at the dairy section. She's a lovely woman.”

His eyes caught hers. “I can see where you got it from.”

Ivy shook her head, as though she was shaking off the compliment. From the start of her life, she could never accept one and was quite certain that she would never learn to do so either. “She uh— she also said that you didn't want to intrude on the party? You could, I mean you could've come in, I wouldn't have minded.”

“Nah,” He dismissed casually. “I stole most of your day, thought that you would enjoy some alone time with your family. Plus, I don't think me smelling like a wet dog would've been appreciated.”

A loud laugh escaped her. Her hand flew to her mouth, she had no idea of the time but knew that it wasn't time to laugh loudly unless she wanted to wake her family.

Certain that no one was checking up on her and her strange sounds, she turned back to Luke, waving a finger in the air. “Next time you're not escaping so easily mister.”

Wrinkles formed around his eyes. “I'm definitely looking forward to it.”

“You didn't have to come to my window, you could've just texted me to meet you out front,” She would've invited him into her room, had the window been big enough for him to fit through.

“Where's the fun in that?” His smirk turned sheepish, eyes on the velvet carpet in the centre of Ivy's room. “And, I've always wanted to do the 'tap on your window at night' thing with a girl. Never did though, until now that is.”

Her insides were melting, she was convinced of it. A tear fell on her cheek, then another she cursed herself, since when was she all mushy? Clearing her throat, she hoped her voice was unaffected. “I'm glad that I could help with that fantasy.”

“There's something I wanna show you,” He disappeared, Ivy remained where she was. Moonlight that was obscured by his body now fell at her feet. Luke popped his head back through the window. “You coming?”

She shook out of her trance, she didn't know what he wanted to show it or if that involved going somewhere but she didn't grab a pair of shoes on her way out, fearful of the ruckus it would make on the tiled floors. The bedroom door opened without creaking, she tiptoed through the dark house, stifling a giggle when she heard snores coming from her sister's room.

Luke was right in front of the door when she opened it, his hands behind his back. Upon seeing her, he smiled and handed her the item in his possession.

Having no choice but to take it, her fingers grasped the smooth surface. Her eyebrows lifted, unsure of what to do with the instrument she trailed off slowly. “A guitar?”

“Not just any guitar,” He gestured for her to take a closer look. Ivy shifted the guitar in her arms, squinting slightly in the dark. When it hit her, she gasped.

“The Ibanez? My favourite, but why—”

He softly interrupted her by he placing a hand on her shoulder gently. “It's yours. Taking you to the falls, that was just a bonus. This is my actual present. Happy birthday Ivy.”

Tears welled up in her eyes, her bottom lips wobbling. Her gaze was switched between the guitar and Luke, her throat tightened, preventing her from speaking for what felt like several minutes.

Millions of words bounced around her head, all wanting to be said, each fighting for dominance. Ivy shook her head, partly in disbelief and partly with joy. A smile twisted her lips, she hasty wiped her tears away. “Really?"

“Of course,” He whispered but the hushed words still carried through the dark night.

More tears fell, a soft laugh stuck in her throat. Disbelief slowly gave into joy, she carefully placed the guitar to the side and threw her arms around Luke's neck.

She whispered the words 'thank you' over and over again. He spun her around, lifting her feet off the ground. Her eyes closed on its own accord, she was on cloud nine.

“Ivy?” Her feet on the ground again, her world still spinning slightly but her attention was on how her name rolled off his tongue and the shiver of pleasure it gave her.

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Their faces were close to each other, foreheads nearly touching. Luke swallowed, his eyes pierced straight through her soul.

“Will you be mine?”

A choked gasp escaped from her before she could stop it. Her smile so wide that her cheeks were starting to hurt. All worries left her, all thoughts gone, she didn't feel the need to overanalyse anything and she was going to follow her heart.


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