I Now Pronounce You...Sisters?

By De2ire

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Sisterhood is a gift like no other, but sometimes we don't see that. "A sister is a gift to the heart, a frie... More

Sneak preview.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six

Chapter Four

91 7 8
By De2ire

I can garuntee you a lot of gramatical errors in this chapter. I honestly hate edititng and couldn't put of posting this chapter for another day, so if you see errors, feel free to point them out.

Vote, comment, enjoy!

Previously on Chapter Three:

“It’s a sad day for us Mi querida nieta.” Her breathing hitches, her arms folding tighter around me. “Someone has passed, leaving us alone.” My eyes grow wide in fear. No.

“Felicity. She lost her battle. Yesterday night, she passed on Arianna. She lost her battle.” She sobs louder as the information is processed in my brain.

“Felicity? As in mothers…”

“Yes nieta, your mother’s friend. Eleena will come back soon, but for now I must take care of you and Daniel.”

Chapter Four:

Coffee has the blandest taste I know. For years I’ve been told that one day that disastrous tasting liquid will acquire the title of my best friend during college. Guess I should get used to it from now.

The entire night I’ve stayed up, wandering about Felicity and how quick she’s disappeared. I may have not known her well, but the thought of Mom drowning in pain and sorrow stabs the very existence of my heart.

All I know is that she was a friend of Mom; one of the very few people Mom’s had to leave to raise me in Forktown. I also know that she hasn’t seen her best friend in over nine years. And now she’s gone.

It’s funny how someone simply vanishes from your life. Just like that. Vanishing into nothing, vanishing into a simple memory embedded to the back of your brain and then one day simply forgotten.

“Coffee?” I look up to gran, a sad smile attached to her lips.  Pushing my cup towards her I sigh inwardly as Dan enters the room, the purple bruise I’d given him slightly recognisable. The two of us haven’t spoken a single word to each other yet. Not that I care.

He seats himself beside me, whereas I scoot my stool slightly to the left. After giving me a weird look he grabs my cup of coffee. Grandma stares between the two of us but doesn’t interfere.

“You’re drinking my cup of coffee.” My dark eyes stare fiercely at him but no reaction leaves him.

“Give me it!”

“Arianna!” Grandma scolds.

“Give me back my coffee!” An amused expression covers every piece of deformed flesh on the face of that ugly so called step father of mine.

“Nope. It’s my coffee now, besides you owe me.” A gasp leaves the back of my throat as I shove his shoulder.

“How dare you!” My nostrils flare in the most unladylike behaviour possible.

“If I recall you punched me two nights ago, you weren’t the one that had to go to work looking like you lived in some abusive household!” My eyes widen at his words and the urge to punch him yet again bubbles within me.

“Oh yeah, well if I recall correctly you were being rude to me, besides what sort of a man are you if you can’t take a punch, huh?” Grandma gasps, an expression of utter disbelief masking her face. Shrugging my shoulders at her I turn to Dan, waiting for him to say something back. Instead he stands up, my coffee in hand and turns to grandma.

“I have no idea why Eleena would even consider being this girl’s adoptive mother, nor can I understand how you and Eleena are her…” he stops to point a stubby finger towards my head. “Relatives.” He finishes and leaves the house, slamming the front door shut.


An awkward silence envelopes grandma and I, she stares at me with an incredulous manner probably hoping I’d supply her with an explanation but I remain quite. Shaking her head she mutters something in Spanish and continues packing my lunch with an extra twenty dollars knowing that I’m bound to get hungry after eating all my food.

“I’m going to school now.” I announce loudly startling her a bit. She nods her head and passes my bag to me. With a grim smile I begin to leave not before grandma says something though.

“Treat him with more respect nieta, he is older than you.” A brow is raised at her words and I manage to contain my sarcastic laughter.   


“Your bruise is fading.” Mariam fiddles around with the collar of her top; the sequins attached to it seem to be having a negative effect as she itches away at her sore neck.

“Not really, it’s just a lot of concealer. A lot of it.” I get off the brick wall and walk towards the school entry. She looks at me for a moment, opens her mouth as if to say something but closes it shut.

“I’m going to go to class, I have health science first and the teacher already hates me. I’ll see you at lunch hopefully.” With a wave I walk off towards my locker only to remember that I forgot my combination yesterday. I really need to get that darn locker fixed.

I turn swiftly on my heel and head back towards Mariam, who plays with her dark hair attempting to pull it into a ponytail.

“Mariam! I need a favour!” her green eyes meet my dull brown ones expectantly.

“Can I dump my stuff in your locker?” I ask hurriedly.

“Don’t you have a locker?”

“I forgot the combination.” She smirks at me before writing down the details onto my palm.

“The same thing every year, Ari. Honestly, I think I’m the older one between us now.” She jokes lightly.

“But you’re not; you’re a junior whereas I am a senior!” I announce with much emphasis on the words. The two of us share a laugh after she lists down every reason why someone might consider her as the proper adult and I the messed up high schooler.

She shoos me off after the final bell rings and I head to my classroom, bracing myself the doom of Mr Harold’s very presence. Oh the horror!

I stare at the paper before me. I’ve been staring at it for quiet the while now, not understanding the point of this class. On either side of me, Bex and Zach write away on their papers, seeming to be eagerly interested. Ahead of me however seats Claire and Chris muttering away, both of their cheeks colouring.

“Miss Del Gado it would be much appreciated if you could concentrate on your work more rather than look around the classroom wastefully!” Mr Harold bellows, I stare distastefully at him, his overly large pot belly protruding from his shirt giving of the impression that his blouses button will burst any second now. I’m not sure what it is with teachers and tanning but Mr Harold obviously didn’t think twice before steeping out in the sun during the past summer holiday break. The ridiculous tan line around his eyes does not compliment his orange skin which in my opinion could have been the result of a really bad sunburn followed by cheap tanning lotion.

“Ari, get some work done, you know this ugly old hag will get you in enough trouble to get you out of this school.” Zach scolds in a hushed whisper.

“But I’m hungry. Plus I don’t get this load of crap.” I whine back, extending every word to its limit.

“You were eating when I drove you to school. How could you possibly be hungry again, it’s only first period!”

“I’m a very hungry person.”

“Or maybe you’re pregnant, go get yourself checked.” He laughs a little before his expression turns stern. I watch him, confused as to what he may be thinking and what image he has in his head about me.

“You’re not pregnant are you?” My eyes widen as I stare at him bewildered. Before I know it, I erupt in hysterical laughter.

“Why? Is my fake boyfriend jealous?” he chuckles lightly an expression of relief evident on his face. But his slightly coloured cheeks don’t allow my laughter to die down however.

I slam my fist onto the table clutching my stomach with full force. Beneath me my chair begins to wobble as I giggle hysterically.  I lean towards Zach holding onto his arm for support, my chair tipping in the opposite direction that I lean towards.

I attempt to calm down my breathing but the chair underneath me does the unpredictable; it tips me off. Right to the ground I fall, face first, palms following right behind. A warm flush colour my cheeks and I know I’ll be in extremely big trouble.

Bex sighs and turns to me, handing me an extra hand up, ahead Claire and Chris turn around along with the rest of the class to see what the commotion is all about. I stand meekly at the back of the class, all eyes glued on me. Mr Harold snaps his ruler in half, whereas I send him an awkward smile.

“Miss Del Gado! Get out of my classroom!”

Oh shit.


I’ve never been too fond of the school’s cafeteria or their lunch menu. Decent food only surfaces to exist when the school is being visited by official special guests. So standing in the line right now, I have no desire to eat any of the food offered. But I’m hungry, so I’ll eat.

I opt for a chicken salad sub, but regret it right away. The so called lettuce seems droopy and out of life. Once reaching the lunch table my friends sit at, I grimace at the food before me.

“What are you eating?” My eyes look up to Claire sitting in some poor guys lap. His face isn’t familiar and I wander what pain he’s suffering with all her weight on his lap.

“Food. But now I’m starting to doubt that.” My voice trails as I inspect this so called sandwich.

The empty seat beside me is soon taken by Ivan who gives me a quick nod before engaging with Christopher in a heated argument against Bex. Ivan and I haven’t been close, the only reason we even sit on the same table is due to his close knit friendship with Chris and his family ties with Bex. It’s not to say that I’ve never befriended him, I’ve always known him from years of being in the same track team. Though were both competitors, it hasn’t driven us away from each other, quiet admittedly it’s what’s keeping us friends.

Bex sends me a small nudge and tilts her head towards Mariam’s direction. She walks past our table with a few friends but not before se waves towards us a smug smile attached to her lips. Everyone waves back to her except Claire who stares disapprovingly at her.

Discreetly I pass Claire a scowl but not before Mariam catches the glare Claire sends her way.

And with a faltered smile she walks off with her friends who stare dreamingly at the boys on my table. Juniors.

I turn back to Claire but instantly cringe at the sight before me, her new friend might as well be playing tonsil hockey with her. Bex lets out an extremely irritating giggle once taking a peek at the face I pull at Claire and her…friend.

“So we have any plans this weekend?” Ivan’s girlfriend whom I didn’t even realise joined us chirps. Claire breaks out of her extremely heated make out session to answer Natalie.

“Umm, from what I know, Brianna’s boyfriend is holding a party on Friday night. I know I’ll be there, not sure about everyone else though.” She looks towards the rest of the table and addresses us. “You guys hitting the party?”

The guys all nod their heads, leaving only me and Bex not answering the question.

“Bex? You coming or…” It’s quite obvious from her question that Natalie hasn’t been dating Ivan for too long, had she known Bex long enough she’d know by now that Bex never attends parties. Back in the freshmen days, Bex’s parents were responsible enough to classify their only daughter as a maniac, chuck in a party, lots of guys and gallons of alcohol and you’re asking for trouble if you send her there.

“How about you Arianna? You gonna come or what?” Natalie fingers her platinum blonde hair. I grunt in response.

“Brianna isn’t really Ari’s thing.” Zach winks in my direction before being distracted by Christopher. I roll my eyes at him and smile towards Natalie who sends me a hopeful smile.

“I honestly don’t know, Natalie. It’s probably better if I don’t go.” She opens her mouth but is cut off by my phone, ringing. She smiles and gesture for me to answer.

“Arianna Del Gado! Donde en nombre de Dios has sido? He llamado su teléfono pero usted no contesta!”

“Hi, Mom. I have no idea what you just said by the way. Was it Italian?” The audible sigh from mom allows me to realise that this isn’t a time to joke around with her.

“Sorry.” I attempt in what may seem like a whole hearted apology while exiting the cafeteria.

“It’s fine, I just wanted to see how you were. Plus I got three very interesting phone calls regarding your behaviour today. Care to take a guess as to whom it was with?” a hint of playfulness plays at her voice, masking the pain that overflows my ears from her tired voice.

“Let me see…” I tap at my chin, even though knowingly she can’t see me. “Was it nieta?”

“Yes Ari, the first call was from your grandmother. Who else called me?”

“Hmm…” I take in her small giggle before continuing. “How about Mr Harold, I know I ticked him off real bad today.”

“Mhmm, yes he did call today, although someone else did call before him, someone that lives with us, care to take a guess?” Moms tone begins to grow a serious edge to it as I fail at steering away from the topic.

“Nope, no one comes to mind.”

“No one at all?”


“Daniel, you idiot. Now I know, that you know exactly what I’m talking about and I’m downright disappointed in you, I raised you better than that. Besides that’s hardly any fair to him don’t you think? We’ll deal with your punishment when I get back hopefully. Now what is this I hear about a disruptive outburst during class?” she questions, her amusement forever gone.

I remain quiet and soon begin to whistle. She sighs in return and remains quiet for a while. I turn back to look at my friends who sit at the table chatting away and laughing, oblivious to what’s really happening inside of my home.

“Hey, Mom, umm…” I begin. “How are you, I mean, how are you dealing with what’s just happened?”

My feet absently minding kick away at the rubble outside, the weather’s still pretty hot but it’s expected since we just finished summer. Seating myself onto a bench outside, I hum lightly as I wait for mom to say something on the other end of the phone.

“Good luck on Friday.” She sighs, ignoring my question completely. Friday?

What’s on Friday?” I’m not one to remember certain dates, nor am I the type to remember an event.

“Your try outs, silly.”

“T-try out’s? You’re not coming? Mom!”

“I can’t, honey; I won’t be back till Sunday morning, hopefully, if not Monday morning. You’re going to do fin-”

“No, no I’m not going to do fine. Mom you’re always at my try outs. Please.” a deep sigh leaves her, my eyes sting as tears begin to form. sobs.

“You always get in sweetie, you’ll do fine trust me. I wish I can be there for you but I can’t there’s a lot of legal issues that need taking care of here. I’ll talk to you when you’re feeling better. Bye.”

The line clicks shut.

How is it that a tradition that started ten years ago is ruined within the time span of five minutes? Every year since we first moved to Forktown Mom has been at every track try out. It was her idea that I try out for a team to get things off my chest and make our transition to Forktown that much easier. But now on my last year of schooling I have to go through this try out without the support of my own mother.

My fingers pat my cheeks dry and soon my palms rub at my sore eyes. It’s bad enough that mum and I have to be separated for a few days but now this?

Not caring as to who may see me at my dreadful state I get up and storm my way back into the cafeteria and make a grab for my back pack ignoring my friends quizzical glances as I march away and make a run for the schools track field.

Reaching the schools sporting grounds I make a dash for the change rooms, dumping my bag and changing into my gym shorts.

The cool wind making contact with my bare skin is a first for me and I cringe in embarrassment but that is soon forgotten as I break out into a sprint and run for the hours to come. Lap after lap after lap I run.

I run until the only thought left in my head is about running. Running till I can’t stand straight anymore.

It wasn't the worlds funniest chapter, I know. 

But do tell me what you thought of this chapter overall. Hopefully I'll upload in the next few hours or so (:

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