Harry Potter Oneshot(s)

By LexiBell_King

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Not sure if I'm going to make a collection. I mean let me know in the comments if I should. *~* So this turne... More

Blarry (1) - Soul Music
Blarry (1) - Music Playlist
Blarry (2) - Bite Me Part 1 🔥
Blarry (2) - Bite Me Part 2 🔥
Blarry (2) - Bite Me Part 3 🔥
Blarry (3) - Real world AU
Drarry (1) - You're Mine 🔥
Drarry (2) - Morse Code Part 1
Drarry (2) - Morse Code Part 2
Drarry (3) - Growing Addiction 🔥
Harco (1) - Valentine's Gift
Harco (2) - My Pet
Dramione (2) - Living Death
Dramione (3) - Changing Sides
Blamione (1) - Hate You
Tomdarry - Connected by Fate Part 1
Tomdarry - Connected by Fate part 2
Volderon?(Voldemort/Tom × Ron) - Unlikely Connections
TomRiddlexOC - Don't Leave Me
DracoxOC (1) - She's A Snape
HarryxOC - Forget Me Not
Y/N - Reparo
The Alternative Choice - Part 1.5
Drarry (4) 🔥
Harco(3) - Save a Life
Blamione (2) - 8th Year Party 🔥
Blamione (3) - Mistletoe Mistake
Fremione (1)
Fremione (2) - Just Because

Dramione (1) - That Night

758 19 9
By LexiBell_King

So this was on my mind and it didn't exactly fit in anything I'm currently working on. So I figured I'd make it a cute little fluff piece.

Hope you enjoy it.☺️


Hermione woke up feeling well rested and warm. She hadn't felt this way since the war. Her dreams always plagued with nightmares. Always waking up in a cold sweat. But last night...

Last night...

Hermione tried to move her arm but found it pinned down. She tried to stretch her legs but they were kept in place. Her heart was starting to race as she realised she wasn't in the Gryffindor girls dorm. It was dark and...

"If you don't stop moving I'm going to be forced to tickle you." The groggy voice came from behind her.

Hermione wanted to turn around. She wanted to see who was holding her in place. It was clearly a guy. His voice was deep and husky as he spoke. His arms were slightly muscular. Hermione shifted trying to turn around.

"Geez. Just go back to sleep will you." The voice groaned.

Hermione continued to turn so that she could face the person. Somehow she knew who it was. Even before seeing his face. Even before looking into his eyes. Hermione knew because as she woke up more she remembered more.

"Did we... Ammm... You..."

"No Granger. I wouldn't do that to you." Hermione was cut off.

"M... Draco are..."

Draco sighed and opened his eyes. "You were drinking and crying over the Weasel. Almost completely out of it. So when he tried to force himself on you I stepped in. I brought you here and you basically stripped in front of me and climbed into my bed. I had to fish out one of my hoodies and put it on you. We didn't do anything else."

Hermione's face turned red from embarrassment. "Th... Thank you... Draco."

"Don't mention it. It was worth seeing that idiots face." Draco tightened his grip. "Can I go back to sleep now?"

Hermione nodded her head and then nuzzled into Draco's chest. Her arms were pressed between his chest and her's. She didn't want to be too bold and have Draco chase her away. This was the first time in months she had slept so peacefully and she knew it wasn't because she was drinking.

Hermione soon fell asleep herself. Draco's hold on her was warm and comforting. She'd never taken note before, but he was surprisingly bigger than her. Her mind drifted as she thought about how he protected her.

"Hey. Hermione wake up."

Hermione felt light fingers brush her cheek. The warmth from earlier was gone. She groaned and reached forward. Her movement was unobstructed.

"Hermione. Come on."

Hermione sighed unhappy. She thought she had just dreamt what happened with Draco. Maybe she wasn't...

"Come on sleepyhead. I can't leave you here without food."

Hermione opened her eyes ready to complain. Ready to hit Ron away if it was him trying to wake her. Somehow she didn't feel the need to be defensive. Her eyes met shiny silver eyes and a smirking face.

"Mal... Draco?" Hermione questioned.

"Come on it's lunch time already. You need to eat." Draco said as he stood up.

"I don't want to go." Hermione grumbled.

Her stomach growled and Draco chuckled. He walked away disappearing from her field of view. The door opened and closed. She didn't want to face Ron - that womanizing cheat. She was still heart broken. She heard a door open and close again. Draco moved back into her field of view.

"Here. I'm not sure if you and Pansy are the same size but she said you can borrow this. You can even keep the hoodie you're wearing now." Draco said as he offered Hermione his hand.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Hermione asked as she sat up.

"I should have been nice to you from the beginning. I'm just trying to make up for my mistakes." Draco shrugged.

There was more to it than that, but he didn't want Hermione to feel weird. She seemed so embarrassed earlier when he told her what happened. If she didn't remember the kiss they shared then he wasn't going to remind her. For all he knew it meant nothing to her.

Draco was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realise Hermione had already changed. Hermione wrapped her arms around Draco's torso which brought him back to reality. He didn't embrace her back - to shocked to move.

"Thank you, Draco." Hermione mumbled.

"It's not a problem. Shall we go?" Draco asked.

Hermione nodded and let him lead her out of the Slytherin common room. Draco instinctively wrapped his hand around hers. He was surprised when Hermione didn't pull away. Hermione had no need to pull away from Draco.

"Malfoy! Where is she?"

"Not interested in talking to you, Weasel." Draco bit back.

Ron noticed Hermione trying to hide behind Draco. "What are you doing with this grit Mione?"

"Don't 'Mione' me. You cheated on me and had Harry cover up for you. I can be with whomever I want. We are over." Hermione huffed and crossed her arms.

"I don't think we're over. At least last night it didn't..."

"Oh shut up Weasel. She said it's over." Draco sneered.

Draco pulled Hermione into the Great Hall. There where whispers and staring as Draco lead her to the Slytherin table. Hermione didn't protest since it would put a hold on having to deal with her broken heart. Harry stared at Hermione with shock. Hermione had kept her head down because she had started crying.

Draco, to everyone's surprise, put an arm around Hermione and whispered something in her ear. Hermione rested her head on his shoulder. She picked at her food until the end of lunch only eating a tiny bit.


"Feeling better?"

"Draco. I remember everything that happened."

Draco swallowed hard. "Really? What exactly do you remember, Hermione?"

It had been about 2 weeks since Hermione had woke6 up in Draco's arms. Since that night she hadn't had a single good night's rest. She hadn't told Draco that though. Mostly using Ron and their break up as an excuse. Her memory of that night had returned completely.

Hermione turned to Draco. She was trying to see if he was annoyed. They had been walking through the corridors with nothing better to do. Most of the students were gone since it was a Hogsmeade weekend.

"I remember that I kissed you. You didn't push me away. I remember why I had undressed in front of you." Hermione said.

"What I said was the truth. I couldn't do that to you. Even if you were willing." Draco responded.

"I know. That's why I ended up climbing into your bed. But you left. Where did you go?" Hermione asked.

Draco turned red. "Well... I mean I am still a guy. I still get affected by a beautiful naked female."

Hermione smiled. "I'm not that beautiful."

"Yes Granger. You are beautiful. Extremely beautiful. You deserve so much better than that Weasel." Draco shrugged.

"I lied to you. I haven't been sleeping well because I have nightmares." Hermione looked down.

"You slept fine the other night." Draco frowned.

"Yes I did. It's the first night I slept peacefully. The only night." Hermione shrugged.

Draco grabbed Hermione's hand and lead her to the Slytherin common room. He sat down on one of the sofas and pulled Hermione down onto of him. He made sure she was comfortable as he leaned back and his arms held her in place. He didn't care that his house mates were looking at them confused. His mind was set on one thing only.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked.

"Just go to sleep." Draco huffed.

Hermione smiled and snuggled close to Draco. She closed her eyes as his arms tightened a bit. Before she knew it she was asleep. Warm and comforted by the ice prince himself. The irony had made Hermione smile before her mind completely shut off.

Draco soon fell asleep as well. Truth be told he hadn't been sleeping well either. He was always a light sleeper, but since having Hermione sleeping next to him he hadn't been able to sleep comfortably. Her absence made him feel cold and alone. He was constantly trying to find her in his half conscious state, always being disappointed when she wasn't there.


In an attempt for house unity McGonagall had allowed all returning 8th year students as much free reign as possible. They were allowed to enter any common room and sit at any table. Which naturally meant they had the passwords for all the houses.

Draco jerked awake almost letting go of Hermione. He was surprised by how heavy she slept - she only shifted to get comfortable again. Draco pulled her close as he blinked away his sleep. He looked up at the intruders.

"Keep it down, Weasel." Draco grumbled.

"LIKE HELL I WILL!" Ron yelled.

Hermione shifted and groaned. Draco glared at Ron.

"Ron. Let me handle this."

"Handle what exactly, Potter?" Draco grunted.

"What is happening with you and Hermione?" Harry asked.

"She was tired. So I told her to go to sleep." Draco deadpanned.

Harry frowned. "That's not what I meant Malfoy."

Hermione shifted. None of them knew that she had actually woken up. Draco was about to say something but was caught off guard. Hermione's hand pushed his face in the direction of hers and she kissed him. Draco smirked and kissed her back. His arms instinctively pulling her closer. It took a few minutes before Hermione pulled away breathing heavily.

"Does that answer your question Harry?" Hermione asked.

"No actually. Now I'm confused." Harry frowned.

"Agh just go away okay. You defended Ron when he cheated on me so neither of you have a say in who I want to be with anymore. In case you don't understand that. I am choosing Draco over Ron." Hermione turned to Draco, her cheeks a little red. "I mean if he will have me."

"Definitely." Draco smiled and kissed Hermione on the forehead.

Ron was looking at them like a fish out of water. Harry grabbed Ron'sccollar and dragged him away. Hermione nuzzled the crook of Draco's neck. She made herself comfortable again and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Hermione woke up feeling well rested and warm. She hadn't felt this way since the war. Her dreams always plagued with nightmares. Always waking up in a cold sweat. Until she had gotten drunk and ended up in the same bed as Draco Malfoy.

She laid there with a smile on her face as she remembered that morning. She tried to move her arm, but it was pinned down by one more muscular. She tried to move her legs but they too were pinned down. She was trapped.

"Are we doing this again?" The groggy voice asked.

Hermione's smile grew. She stayed still for a moment or two. Then she shifted to turn around.

"Hermione." The sleepy voice whiled. "Why are you doing this to me again."

"Am I not allowed to face my husband now?" Hermione asked.

"I'm tired. Go back to sleep."

"I don't want to Draco." Hermione shrugged.

Draco opened his eyes. "Why do you have to torture me like this?"

Hermione smiled. "Because I love you."

Draco chuckled. He pulled Hermione tight against him. Hermione smiled and traced circles on his chest. Her arms were trapped between them, but she didn't mind it. His skin littered with goosebumps as she trailed her fingers across his chest. Draco hummed and his eyes closed again. Hermione reached up and kissed Draco. Draco smiled and kissed her back.

"Go to sleep." Draco mumbled.

"I can't." Hermione said.

Draco finally gave in. He shifted to the edge of the bed and pulled on his pants. He walked around and leaned over Hermione giving her a gentle kiss.

"Egg and bacon?" Draco asked.

"That would be nice." Hermione smiled.

Draco shook his head as he left Hermione in the room. Hermione got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. The cold air sent shivers down her spine and gave her goosebumps. She took a hot shower and sighed contently as she shrugged on one of Draco's hoodies. That was all she planned on wearing for the day. A light laugh made her spin around.

"Is that your look for today?" Draco asked.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Hermione smirked.

Draco shrugged. "As long as you don't leave the house I don't mind that outfit."

"I wasn't planning on leaving the house." Hermione shrugged.

Draco put the tray down. He took Hermione's hand and spun her around. Then he pulled her into him and kissed her. Hermione smiled as she kissed him back. Pulling away in favour of her growling stomach. As Hermione sat and ate Draco picked up their scattered clothes.

"Are you happy?" Hermione suddenly asked.

"Where did that come from?" Draco frowned.

"I mean... I caused you so much trouble." Hermione shrugged.

"And you were worth every second of it."

Hermione smiled at Draco. His sliver eyes glinted in the light from the windows. Draco stole a piece of beacon from Hermione even though she tried to swat his hand away.

"I love you Hermione. I'd do it all again if it meant I'd get you." Draco smiled and kissed her forehead.

(2215 Words)

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