The Ultimate Hero: Deku 10X

By SonicDeku97

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Hello this is a story of the anime series my hero academia and the cartoon series ben 10 and in this story it... More

Deku 10 part 1
Deku 10 part 2 origins and choosen
more power means more responsibilitys
starting line and unexpected visitor
A meeting with the staff of UA
dont get expelled on the first day
No new page just an UPDATE
aliens vs bakugo
Choosen leader
USJ Attack
Escape From The Warlord
Ochacos Goal
UA sports fest part 1 the race is on
UA sports fest part 2 Cavalry Battle
Sports Fest Fights part 1
Update 2
Sports Fest Fights part 2 Izuku vs monster
Sports Fest Fights part 3 Champion
Sports Fest Aftermath
Time to pick some Code Names
Internships Enter Biazzre Gran Torino
Hosu City Incident
Hosu Aftermath
Origins of One For All
Preparing For The Finals
Survival Battle
Parents Day
The Finals Exam
A Friendly Encounter
OVA 2 Training With The Dead
Date At The Circus
Class A day at the Pool
Save the World with Looove
Two Heroes: Welcome to I-island
Two Heroes: Party Crashers
Two Heroes: Final Boss
Two Heroes: After Party
Meet the Wild, Wild Pussycats
Story Time Around The Camp Fire
Friday The 13th
My Hero
Fight On Deku
The Ultimate Villain
Omnitrix VS All For One
Sayonara Symbol Of Peace Being New Start

bakugos starting line

624 14 5
By SonicDeku97

(The battle)

All might on the mic: THE HERO TEAM WIIIIIIIIINS

We see bakugo out cold but immediately wakes up as he hears the match was over

The boomer: huh no way

He gets up and moves to the hole in the wall then he sees midoriya passed out in urarakas arms

Bakugos growls in rage his head: no way i lost to him

He remembers of what he said to him

Past deku: someone i looked up to told me that i can be a hero and that's why im going to UA SO LIKE IT OR NOT YOU CANT STOP ME EVEN IF YOU TRIED

Bakugo was shocked from the memory

All might on the mic: the indoor combat training is over

Uraraka and iida are looking after the passed out midoriya

Urarakas worried and holds him close her head: he feels cold

The sleeping midoriya is breathing

Iida looks at her: he must be exhausted we should get him to recovery girl

Uraraka looks and nods: right

Bakugo in raged his head: i couldn't do a thing him i lost to him twice today why why is that i only lost to 2 of his freaks

(The monitor room)

The class watch in amazed for what just happened

Kaminari nervously grins: wow for a nice guy midoriya really loses his cool when it counts

Mina looks: yeh did you see his eyes when he was goo guy it was like he was a different person

Tokoyami: some heroes have a dark side even the most kind ones

Tsu looks her head: so wise

She looks at the screen: this class is too intense

(Back to the battle area)

The medic bots carry midoriya to the nurses office as all might, uraraka and lida watch them

All might looks at bakugos

The boomers head: my attacks deku countered everyone of them and he has a bunch of freaks that can handle me why why why

He falls to his knees with fear: he made a fool out of me and winning the stupid exercise

He still is remembering has he breaths with shock: does this mean if we really fought if we didn't hold anything back at all he would deku he would of killed me right away

With fear in his eyes as he's having a panic attack

All might places his hand on his shoulder: young bakugo cool your jets lets go review your work either you win or lose you can always learn from experience like this as long as your still opened to learning

Bakugo clams down

(To the rest of the class)

All might: well according to the results the mvps are young midoriya and young iida

It surprised and confused iida and almost everyone as they look at him

Tsu: but sir i get midoriya but why iida since the villains lost

All might: hmmmm good question why did i make midoriya and iida mvp who has a guess

The tall girl rises her hand: sir if i may

The pro gives the thumbs up: take it away

The tall girl: iida embraced this challenge he and midoriya did there roles ill explain bakugos judgement was clouded of a personal grudges against midoriya as he did he lunched a large attack but was stopped by midoriya when he turned into that gooey alien form almost sacrificing himself in the process it was a foolish move that could of hospitalized or killed both himself and everyone in that room as for midoriya he did most of the fighting for uraraka so she did find the weapon and he handled both bakugo and iida even tho he is clearly far more experienced then any of us in combat he did fail the assignment you gave him but he protected everyone from bakugos reckless stunt doing what any hero would do and as for uraraka she did cooperate pretty well with midoriya by searching for the weapon she did not do much other then cooperation and touching the weapon winning them the exercise iida was fully prepared for his opponents arrival but he stayed focused on the dummy weapon even tho he was out numbered in the end

Iida feels graceful from her explained words

The tall girl: the hero team won yes but both midoriya and iida respected the spirit of the trial and remembered that this was training not the real thing

Everyone looks at her with surprised faces

All mights trying to processe everything she just said his head: this girl really has a good eye

The pro: yes well you over looked a few things and young iida could of relaxed a little bit and midoriya could of used 1 of his aliens to fly up to the top floor and touch the weapon himself to end it right away but

He gave her the thumbs up: otherwise you nailed it

The tall girl: 1 should always start with the basics and devote themselves hardly to learning that's the only real way to become a top hero

Suddenly present mics voice: momo yaoyorozu 1 of 4 students that made it thanks to recommendations

Kaminari smiles: still that diamond guy was so cool what was he called again

All might: oh yeh

He looks at bakugos with his head down: young bakugo what did he call his first transformation

Everyone looks at him

Bakugo with his head still down: he was a diamond freak and nothing more

Leaving everyone annoyed as that doesn't help or he probably doesn't care

Uraraka then remembers: oh wait

(Urarakas flashback)

Uraraka is holding the sleeping midoriya

He opens his eyes a bit: uraraka

She looks at him: deku are you ok

Midoriya: im fine just tired

He gives her his aliens notebook: here just in case if they asked any questions

He passes out again

(Flashback end)

She holds the notebooks: he gave these to me for this situation i guess he somehow knew this would happen

She looks at bakugos: so what did he call himself

Bakugo: diamond something i don't know

She opens the book and flips through the pages: ok lets here diamond diamond diamond

Repeatedly she sees the name and picture: oh here he is diamondhead if i may

The symbol of peace gave her the thumps up: give it a read

She nods and looks at the page and coughs a bit: diamondhead a strong alien for close combat and offense his diamond hard skin is nearly indestructible he can make and manipulate diamonds in any shape or size that can be used for projectiles that don't go too far and can also be used for making protective shields but the diamonds he makes or come off him are weaker this strong alien is versatile but not too tough the only thing i know that could shatter him would be a force as strong as 1 of all mights punches i believe and the most effective is super sonic sounds since he is a living diamond and with the 2 shards sticking out the top of his back can absorb electricity and can shoot it out

Ps don't sell the diamonds that come off him they are not like any real diamonds i tried

Almost everyone and all might look at her amazed

Kirishima hyped as always: ok that is so manly he clearly is our strongest classmate with that guy

Kaminari looks: but wait he could be our strongest but don't forget he still has a bunch of other guys we haven't seen yet

All might points: he's right don't judge your classmate by his power but being the strongest as a hero shows that you can protect anyone with your last breath if necessary

Jiro smugs her head: kaminari right that will be the day

She looks at him

Sero: i kinda want to know more about his aliens what about that booger alien

Uraraka smiles and nods: on it

She flips throw the pages: lets see i think he called him goop

She finds the page: ok goop a green slime like alien that's good against physical attacks and like a certain slime villain i know he can nullify fire by absorbing and extinguishs them and he can use himself as capture weapon or shoot out sticky goo to trap his opponents and by focusing on my anger his gooey body will start steaming and turns into living acid the more mad he gets the faster it will melt anyone or anything it touches and sinse he is like all liquidity i figured that nothing that involves stabbing or burning or punches won't do much unless if its a lot of force i believe and according to pokemon that i heard from kaminari electric types beats water types also the gyro disk above him is what keeps him to together and allows me to control him i don't know how it works but target it but don't break it take it away and goop won't move at all

Sero confused: wait he was mad at bakugo during the exercise so how did he not melt him when he was beating the snot out him

The red and white haired: my guess is he was frustrated at bakugo but he did kept himself under control so he doesn't kill him on purpose

All might: yes thank you young todoroki and thank you young uraraka for most heroes anger is a powerful weapon but you can use that anger for power but always keep yourself under control so you don't go too far cuz we are trying to keep people safe not the opposite now ON WITH THE CLASS

Almost everyone: YEH

Bakugo trying to process everything that's going on

(A wicked soundtrack and 9 other matches later)

All might: and that's a wrap good work you really step up to the plate and we didn't have any major injuries expected for midoriya you should be proud excellent first day of training all of you

He gives them a thumbs up

Tsu: its nice to hear some nice words after our homeroom class

Everyone nods to agree with her: mr aizawa was kinda of a buzz kill

All might: im happy to bring such great positivity to my students that's all for now i should go check on young midoriya on his progress

He waves: now watch how real pro exits like you got somewhere to be

He takes off running leaving a burst of wind that breezes on the students

Kaminari smiles with hype: ok you guys midoriya is awesome and all but that is a hero

Ojiro sad: aw ill never be that fast

Mineta: super awesome

All might as he runs his head: young bakugo really is overflowing with pride his ego maybe justified but a school like UA is bound to shatter it as his teacher its my sworn duty to council him well but it will have to wait

As he is still running then he reaches an opened door then closes it before his time ran out as he catches his breath

The pro: i can't hold it any longer

He turns to his weaker self and catches his breath

Weak all mights head: i barely have time to teach a class shit

(Captain America: language)

(Nurses office)

Recovery girl steamed: its the 2ed day of school and he's already a regular patient why didn't you stop him

All might: your right recovery girl im sorry

The nurse looks at the resting midoriya: well its no good apologizing to me he's not hurt much and his left shoulder is now fine but he might feel the burn from it when he wakes up i already wrapped the bandages he is just exhausted what in the world happened in that match

All might looks at the sleeping midoriya: i don't know when he was that goop thing i saw his eyes turn red he must of used his other power in the wrong way but not too much otherwise he would of killed young bakugo

Recovery girl: so the power you both hold does have a dark side and instead of hurting him it exhaust him much faster even at a low percentage or something worst so you better make sure that he should never use it again he's already too powerful for his own good and everyone around him

All might scratches his head: i know im trying not to play favorites i wanted to consider his feelings though and he is only like this because of what happened in the exercise

He looks at her: oh yeh also can you please not talk so loudly about one for all where anyone around you could hear

He shows his quite finger

Recovery girl looks at her computer with sarcasm: yeh i know mr natural born hero mr symbol of peace

All might looks at his hands: there are several people that know about my injury and a very few i trust that know about one for all you our principle a close friend of mine in the police force young midoriya too and a guy named azmuth and no 1 else should know the truth about this power

The nurse: your the number 1 hero in the world all might does it really matter if you were born with your quirk or not to be the symbol of peace is it that important

All might concern: if they knew i was not the situation of this power could corrupted this is society this quirk those who wielded it are responsible for man kinds safety

Recovery girl smiles: well if that's the case its even more important for you to be a good guide for him this boy grow up without a family or a relative to begin with be the father that he never had in his life

All might looks at him: your right

Midoriyas dreams remembering what's he's done so far: i still a whole lot to learn to achieve my

(Moments later)

Midoriya wakes up and looks around where he is then looks at the clock

Midoriyas head: its the late afternoon

Suddenly recovery girl: rise and shine alien boy

Midoriya got surprised then he gets up only with a bandage wrap around his left shoulder and still in his custom walking down the hall

He remembers what recovery girl said: that's all for today's treatment come back for tomorrow

Midoriya breaths his head: i missed all of my afternoon classes

He looks out the halls windows: aizawas probably gonna choke me with his scarf

He finally reaches his class: dam my head hurts

He gets closer to the door and opens it

Kirishima sees him: ay its midoriya

Almost everyone smiles and moves to him

Kirishima: we don't know what you saying during that match but you got us all fired up

Sero: i can't believe you handled bakugo he's super strong

Mina: you did a great job countering him

Sato: you guys really did good so none of us held back in our turns

The france teen: im aoyama and you were far from elegant

Mina was hoping: and your goop alien guy was so cool

Kirishima: and so was diamondhead

Sero: and you still have a bunch more to show us before you ever get a new 1

Midoriya smiles: oh sure but maybe another time

Ayoama: more importantly-

Mina interrupts him: and the ways that you fight was so cool

A tall masked teen

Mezo shoji nice to met and you were incredible today

Midoriya smiles: um yeh thank you everyone

The bird teen annoyed watches: so noisy

Iida walks weird slowly to him: TOKOYAMI don't use that desk as a chair get off it this instant

Jiro: dude you need to chill

Iida confused: huh

Ojiro points: your carrying a lot of tension


Tokoyami: also noisy

Almost everyone: hahaha

Midoriyas head: iida never relaxes does he

Kaminari and uraraka walk through the other door with lots of books in there hands

He looks at her: so anyway you wanna grab a bite sometimes what kind of stuff do you like

Uraraka thinks: something sweet DEKU

She sees him and runs to him leaving a denki who feels like he lost a score

Midoriya gives a smile: oh hey uraraka how did we do

Uraraka: that's not important are you ok

She sees the bandage on his shoulder

Midoriya: oh yeh i just have a bit of a headache from that blast and my shoulder burns a little but ill be fine

Uraraka was relieved: oh ok then here

She gives him his notebook back

Midoriya takes it: oh thank you for looking after this

Mina puts her arm around her: she really was worried about you yeh know she came too check on you after every class period

Uraraka embarrassed: MINA

Midoriya blushes a little: oh thank you uraraka your so caring sorry for making you worry

Kirishima: when uraraka still had your book she read us some more about some of your aliens ones that we never seen some that are cool and awesome and 1 of them called ghostfreak we got a little creeped out by what he can do

Midoriya worried: oh yeh not all of my aliens would be a crowd favorites anyways

He gets mad at them with his hands on his hips: and also not cool going through all my cards you guys i like the save them for surprises

Uraraka felt dumb: oh sorry we didn't know

Kirishima: hey hero info is your hobby right how about some of us tell you about our stuff to make you feel better

Midoriya breath: no it's fine i already got data on almost everybody in our class so its cool

Everyone in the room got creeped out by what he said

Midoriya looks around and sees his ex friend has already left: hey uraraka where's bakugo

(Minutes later)

We see midoriya running through the halls after when what she said then he remembers what he wanted to say to him then he is outside of the building then he sees him then he runs to him

The watch wielder: BAKUGO

He got closer him: BAKUGO WAIT

Bakugo stops and slowly glares at him over his shoulder: what

Midoriya catching his breath: oh good i caught up to you so i can tell you the truth

Bakugo got curious to listen

Midoriya looks at his watch: when i first got this thing i did wanted to show you but i didn't because i have reasons when i became a vigilante for 4 years i choose to keep it a secret until i got into UA because my secret would come out at some point even if i didn't come here i was trying to protect everyone from this secret because of how powerful it is

Bakugo gets more curious

Midoriya: and im sure that yesterday when i took my final throw with the ball i was pretty sure that you noticed it the power you saw yesterday was way different from what you seen so far

Bakugo annoyed and rages at him: JUST GET TO THE DAM POINT ALREADY

Midoriya glares: im getting there the power you saw yesterday i obviously was not born with it was given to me by someone on the day of the entrance exam

Bakugo shocked

Midoriya looks down: and i know its hard believe but its true cuz if i was lying i wouldn't be able to do this

He aims his right hand to the sky then he charges one for all into his middle finger then bakugo watches him then he flicks his finger then a strong gust of wind was shoot to the sky and bakugo was shocked as he watches as he felt it then looks at him and sees that his middle finger looks messed up as midoriya felt the pain

Midoriya shows his finger: i just got this power and im trying my best to master it and its a lot more difficult then trying to master a new alien but that's why i came to this school just to get better so i can reach my goals

Bakugo glares

Midoriya looks down: im trying my hardest to master it because he choose me because i was worthy and he's running out of time as we speak

Bakugo confused: who the hell are you talking about

Midoriyas: im sorry but this is all i can tell you but im only telling all this because i think you deserve to know what's going on and because i trust you

He glares at him: or can i

Bakugo concerned: yeh i get it these dumb powers you have either found or were given to you but i don't care about any of that

Midoriya got confused

Bakugo: you already made a fool out of me in that dam exercise so and now you came to rub it

Midoriya: what no that's not-

Bakugo gets frustrated: JUST SHUT UP i lost and to make things worse to you and you got first place in the exam and that stupid test yesterday and now today and when i saw that ice guy i realized i couldn't beat him in a head to head fight

He remembers what yaoyorozu said then and grabs his face: CRAP I EVEN AGREED WHAT THAT GIRL SAID MY ATTACK WAS SO STUPID DAM IT DAM IT DAM IT

Midoriya glares: yeh so what this only the 2ed day

Bakugo looks at him with confusion

Midoriya: remember bakugo this is the same school that we both dreamed to came too

He turns and looks at the building behind him: we both came here to learn you made 1 mistake so what and of course you saw somebody else that could beat you because you never met anyone who is stronger then you or me its a big a world out there and who knows there could even be somebody out there more powerful then me or even all might

He turns to him: we both came here to get better you want to get better so people can know you

Bakugo surprised

Midoriya: while i want to get better with this borrowed power

He shows him his fist with the messed up finger: because it was trusted to me


Midoriya glares: nothing

Bakugo shocked

The watch wielder: i want nothing or anything to do with you except for you to understand and your trust that's all i want from you

Bakugo surprised

Midoriya puts his hand over the watch: but if i can't trust you ill turn into an alien that will wipe your memory like as if you never met me until the start of UA would you like that

Bakugo was getting scared for his life and glares his head: even if i never met him until UA ill still lose to him and if a power like that can be stolen then i better keep my mouth shut

He turns to schools gate behind him: yeh yeh whatever chosen 1 ill keep your stupid secrets but even with all the luck that gave you all these stupid powers ill still be number 1 but once you master the 1 that was given to you

He glares over his shoulder: i want to be the 1 that fights you first you understand

Midoriya smiles: yeh ill try that's all i want-

Suddenly a buff all might: THERE YOU ARE

He passes midoriya which spooked him a bit: BAKUGO I FOUND YOU

He puts his hands in both his shoulders: just so you know pride is an important attribute to have while you currently have power to become a pro hero there's still plenty you have to learn

Bakugo: let me go all might right now

The pro looks at him confused: huh

Bakugo glares at him: save your speeches ill become more famous then you without your help

All might: huh right

Bakugo slowly walks: i don't know what it is you see in deku but ill beat both of you someday

He walks away

All mights head: i guess he's already over it man being a teacher is hard

(At least your the coolest one ever)

In the building mina, uraraka and tsu all look through the window and saw everything that happened

Mina: huh i wonder what that was all about

Uraraka: the fated battle between rivals

Tsu: whatever midoriya said it look liked bakugo really wanted to punch him

Uraraka: childhood friends turned enemy's

Mina looks at them: yeh but did you see what midoriya did with his finger

Tsu: yeh maybe its his other quirk we know nothing about

Midoriyas has both his hands in his pockets his head: bakugos fuse has been lit there's a fire under him but that does not change a thing on what i need to do ill keep trying to master one for all either all of it or at least a percentage as me or my aliens

All might looks at him: young midoriya what were you doing here before i arrived here so heroically

Midoriya concerned and watches bakugo leave: what i should of done a long time ago

All might confused: what do you mean

Midoriyas looks at the watch: i know bakugo better then anyone and he knows me as well so i told him a little about the omnitrix so he would understand

All might: oh well ok i guess anything else

Midoriya: yeh

He shows all might his right hand then he sees his middle finger bruised up

All might figured it out: you used one for all in front of him didn't you and told him about it too

Midoriya looking down in shame: yeh because like i said i know him better then anyone and yesterday you saw me use humungosaur in the ball throw test with principal nezu right

All might was surprised in his head: he saw us too

Midoriya: when i used one for all as humungosaur i knew he would noticed bakugo maybe a selfish idiot but he's not dumb so i had no choice but to tell him just a little bit about one for all i didn't tell him the name of it or who i got it from just how i got both the watch and one for all

All might understands his meaning

Midoriya: if you're a ashamed of me i understand

He turns and bows to him then walks to the school building: now if you excuse me i need to go change out of my costume im sweating like a pig

All might: wait midoriya

He stops in his tracks

All might: listen im not disappointed you had a fair reason to explain to your friend because he was confused and ill let this slide for now i did trust your opinion with azmuth but the less people that know about this power the better so power hungry villains won't come after you

Midoriya without looking: yeh thank you sir for understanding but bakugo is not a friend to me at all

All might got worried

Midoriya looks over his shoulder: he never was from the start

All mights head: i never thought that he be so cold did i perhaps pick the wrong choice

Suddenly: HEY DEKU

They see uraraka with his backpack running to them

Midoriya smiles: oh hey uraraka

Uraraka: come on lets go before we miss the train

Midoriya confused: but i have to change out of my costume before i leave

Uraraka: oh don't worry mr aizawa told us to tell you that you can wear it as long as you bring it back tomorrow

She shows his costumes case with the number 10 on it

Midoriya surprised: huh really

All might: why of course it is after all its be best for you too be going now before you run out of time

He was coughing a bit and uraraka looks at him all confused and midoriya realizes what he means

He grins and grabs urarakas hand: huh he's right we better get going

He runs off with her

Uraraka was more confused and blushes: huh wait deku we still have time what's the rush

Midoriya: trust me the sooner the better

All might watches them his head: even if i did made the wrong choice he still has a heart of a hero and someone to be there for him

Midoriya and uraraka as they run

Midoriya remembers something and looks at her: oh yeh uraraka i forgot to ask

She looks at him confused

Midoriya: when i was goop and you were holding my symbol what did you want to say to me

Uraraka blushes as she remembers and freaks out as she places her other hand on her faces making herself flout

Uraraka: um i don't remember it was probably nothing important

Midoriya confused: um ok

While she flouts making it easier for midoriya to runs faster

(Moments later on the train)

Everyone in the kart were staring at midoriya who is annoyed by it

The watch wielders head: kinda saw this coming

Uraraka covers her mouth: hmhmhm

Then a man sees the symbol on the back of his custom: hey young man

He pokes him

Midoriya looks: huh yeh

The man: that symbol on your back it looks like the 1 those alien heroes wear on them are you a UA student

Everyone in the train car looks at him and whispers to each other and midoriya was getting overwhelmed by all the attention

Midoriyas head: what do i do i don't want the world to know the truth yet

Uraraka looks at him and understands the situation: yeh were freshmen students and classmates in UA

Midoriya looks at her and freaks out his head: WHAT ARE YOU DOING

The man: oh really

Uraraka looks: huh yeh and his hero costume is actually inspired by those awesome alien heroes because he is a fan

The whole kart got surprised by what she said

A woman: then what's with the number 10 on it

Uraraka: its his lucky number

Midoriya who was confused for what's happening but greatful for her then everyone got to understand

The man: then why are you wearing it outside of the school isn't that not allowed

Midoriya looks at his friend and back to him: i didn't want to miss the train so i got permission as long as i bring it back

The man: oh ok sorry to bother you future heroes

Everyone did the same as both the watch wielder and gravity user look at each other in embarrassed

Then both: huh yeh thank you all

(Moments later)

They both got off to there stop and as they get off and start walking

Uraraka starts walking backwards in front of him and gives a big cocky grin: you owe me 1 big time

Midoriya surprised and grins: i could of handled it myself but thanks and i guess i could cook you up something good

That got urarakas attention: you can cook

Midoriya: yeh a little im not too big on cooking i just picked it up when i moved out of the orphanage

Uraraka got sad from hearing that: oh

(Izukus apartment)

Izuku opens the door and they were in and uraraka was looking around

Midoriya: and here we are go ahead make yourself at home i just need a quick shower im sweating like a pig

Uraraka looks at him: but wait what about your shoulder its still wrapped up and your finger

Midoriya looks at it: oh i somehow forgot about it but don't worry i can just turn into 1 of my healing aliens

He was about activate the watch then suddenly uraraka grabs his hand

He looks at her: no let me

(A few minutes later)

Uraraka unwrapped the bandage around the shoulder she also grabbed a healing ointment from her apartment which is down the hall from his then when she was finished she also bandaged his middle finger

She smiles: well how is it

Midoriya who is only wearing a tank top moves his shoulder a bit and moves his bandage finger a bit: it doesn't hurt anymore thanks

He looks at her then they both blush

Midoriya: i should get started on dinner

He stands up then activates his watch then a green flash comes out

The alien: DITTO

He clones up 4

The leader ditto: alright boys lets get cooking

(5 minutes of cooking and 5 minutes of eating later im not lazy you are)

Uraraka felt like heaven: oh wow that was good

Midoriya takes a sip of water: well im glad you liked it its not as much as lunch rushes cooking but i could still make it good

Uraraka looks: hey deku can i ask you something

Midoriya picks up the used plates and looks at her: yeh what is it

Uraraka: you used to be vigilante right

Midoriya: yeh but since i've got into UA i don't that anymore unless if its necessary

He washes the plates and turns confused at her: why you asking me this

He goes into the kitchen sink to watch the dishes

Uraraka looks down: do remember we met before like way before the exam

Midoriya surprised and looks at her: huh yeh actually i've been thinking the same thing ever since the exam but i don't always remember the people i saved in the past

He scratches his head

Uraraka: you were xlr8 and saved me from a few of thugs

Midoriya shocked and smacks his right fist onto his left palm: oh yeh now i remember

(3 years ago)

We see 11 year old uraraka walking home from a store as she holds shopping bags then suddenly a thug grabs her dropping the bags

Uraraka scared: AH SOMEBODY HELP

The thug that dragged her into the ally way and pins her to the wall and 2 others appeared

Thug 1: no use trying to call for help cooperate with us and we won't hurt you too much

Uraraka: i don't want any trouble i don't have any money right now

Thug 2: oh no worries sweetie it's not money we want

They all grin evily

Thug 3: hehe

Uraraka crys and closes her eyes in fear and prays her head: someone please help

Suddenly: LET HER GO

They turn and see

The thugs look at him for a moment then they start laughing

Thug 1: pfff HAHAHA

Thug 2: too early for halloween pal HAHAHA

Xlr8 glares: i wasn't asking

His face mask closes

Uraraka eyes leaked tears as she looks at him then he zips to thug 1 kicking him off her then zips to thug 3 that was freaking out and uses his quirk that turns his hands into swords and tries to cut him down but xlr8 kicks him the face away then zips again behind thug 2 as he sees him

Xlr8 opens his mask showing a glares: trick or treat

He grins

The thug passes out from the pressure

Xlr8 looks at her: you ok

She wipes the tears of her face and looks at him: yes thank you so much

She get on her feet: who are you

In a flash xlr8 gathers up her shopping items and gives them to her as she takes then he ties up the 3 stooges

He looks at her: xlr8

He was about to run off but she grabs his arm

He looks at her: what are you-

She leans closer and kisses his cheek with her eyes closed

Uraraka smiles at him and steps back: justs thanking my hero

Xlr8 blushes and smiles nervously: oh haha your very welcome

He closes his mask then runs off

Uraraka smiles: i hope i could see him again someday

(Back to now)

Midoriya grins and looks away: hahaha yeh now i remember

Uraraka blushes and glares at him

Midoriya realizes and thinks fast: im talking about the save and the shopping bags i swear

Uraraka smiles and gets up: well i better get going thanks for the food

She grabs her bag she dropped by the door

Midoriya: yeh no problem do want me walk you down

Uraraka: my door is just down the hall no biggie

Midoriya looks down and scratches his head: oh right

Suddenly uraraka kisses him on the same cheek 3 years ago

He gets back and was surprised and turns red as four arms

Uraraka closes her eyes: see you tomorrow hero

She walks out the door with a confused midoriya and was smiling like a normal person would


We see uraraka walking down the hall

Suddenly from izukus appointment: YAAAAAAAHOO

She hears it and smiles: hmhmhm

Narrater deku: everyday my time at UA was getting better and better until

(In space)

A familiar ship appears passing by mars

In the ships cockpit: so after all these year's i finally found it

He looks at images from earth of all the alien heroes: the omnitrix being used for pointless heroics and the 1 who wields it will soon be hanged on my trophy wall WHAHAHA

With rage

(The end)

(After credits scene somewhere)

Narrater deku: none of us where prepared for what was about to come all might warned us about cunning villains and a few days later we learned first hand on how they actually be

A man in a bar: do you see this junk it says he's a teacher now

He shows a news paper with a picture of all might: hey what do you think what will happen when the mighty symbol of peace

Was i finally killed by the villains hahaha


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