The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X...

By Author_J_

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Chat Noir X OC This story centers around Ophelia who has been gifted the Miraculous of the Lion. Hawkmoth has... More

My Beginning
New Friends
First Attack
Sick Day
Growing Trust
Special Night
Halfway There
Just Relax
Phase 2 Planning
Finally Done
My Mother
Closer To Chat
Sick Day
Nightly Talks
Scared Of The Dark
New Line
Into Motion
Pulling Through
Growing Pains
The Thought of Us
Finally, We Dance.
Return the Stolen
Just When I Thought..
Keep moving on..
im done
Too many thoughts
Its all back
Rewarded with it all
A Happy Ending

Mommy Issues..

249 12 0
By Author_J_

I woke up feeling freezing. I was alone still at the top of the tower. I was covered in snow and my ears hurt. It was very early and bright, so I went home.

I detranformed when I got home. I gave Duusu and Leon a lot of snacks and hot drinks then we all went and sat in the bath. They swam in the sink while I stayed in the tub curled up in a ball with my knees to my chest. There's so much on my mind. All I want to think about is how to find hawkmoths layer from the inside but my mom keeps coming to mind..

During this time, my mother messaged me. I don't know how she got my number.. She told me to be ready in 15 minutes. I had to race out of the bath. I didn't even have time to straighten my hair like she likes it! She said she'd ruin it all today!

I blow dried my hair and made it as straight as I could. I managed to put on makeup and a fitting outfit for the winter time before she got here. She told me to come downstairs now. I put a nice hat on my head to cover my miraculous and I wore duusus burette on my bra, on the inside. I feel horrible for disrespecting her miraculous like this but it can't be helped..

Someone was waiting outside in a black limo for me. It was one of Gabriel's limos. I-Inside was Gabriel, Adrien, and mom..

"Good morning, I'm very sorry for keeping everyone waiting" I apologized with a bow of my head before getting in. I had to sit next to Adrien, I'm glad for that but mother is-.. not.

"Don't worry, we weren't kept long. Besides, we were all surprised when Julia dropped in this morning, though it is good to see her." Gabriel explained nicely but mom hated that! Oh god..

"Yes, but it is still Christmas. I wish you could've spent the morning together instead of catering to me and my mother.." I explained which pissed off mom even more. I-i thought I said the right thing!

"Nonsense, you're a part of our family now. Adrien and I both would have asked you to join us for dinner, if not breakfast like we are now" Gabriel actually smiled and knew it pissed off mom.

"Thank you.." I smiled and looked down at my hands folded in my lap.

"I'm afraid some things need to be discussed now rather than later. You can always eat together another day.." mother spoke out which really scared me. I feel sick..

"Ophelia.." Adrien suddenly talked for the first time since we saw each other when I ran away from him. It scared me. Mother is watching me so intently. "Where did these scratches come from? You were home all yesterday.." Adrien asked as my mother's rage grew. I think Gabriel even caught on to it as well.

"A cat came to hide from the cold last night.. I guess I forgot I was left with a scratch.." I explained but in pieces. I didn't say it was the cat..

"How unfortunate, Ophelia. For a model's face to be harmed is almost a sin." Mother hummed as my stomach tightened. "That reminds me.. Your hairdresser and dermatologist will be seeing you today."

My eyes shot wide open when I heard that. I made sure my hair covered the expression though. "Hairdresser?" Gabriel asked. "The volume of the hair she has now is ideal in today's world and for her image as a model. It is to not be touched." He explained quite sternly. I slowly grabbed the fabric of my dress tighter and tighter..

"You'd be surprised by how many people look down upon hair like hers. Frizzy and untamed.. just like her father's. They never seemed to take care of themselves, it's no wonder he ended up gone so quickly.." She spoke those words as if it were nothing! In her eyes, they really were nothing.. she's horrible..

"I don't believe that to be true." Adrien spoke out of turn, "she's more than unique.. A girl like that is dangerous to every other in the running.." He spoke as I felt his gentle hand play with a strand of my hair. My heart was beating so painfully fast but I didn't know if it was fear or something else! Please don't touch me, please don't get any closer! You'll only get hurt, Adrien!

"I agree with you, son. I'll have Natalie sit in on the sessions to make sure everything stays on course. We couldn't possibly mess up her image now." Gabriel told my mother.

"Of course.." she answered with grit teeth. We were taken to the most popular restaurant in town. It was completely empty, just for this meeting. We all sat at a large square table. Adrien and I sat across from each other like mom and Gabriel did. Our parents began talking about smaller things first. About my achievements and failures.. Meanwhile, I wondered how Adrien was feeling. I haven't said a thing to him after he kissed me.. He doesn't seem bothered though..

Suddenly, I felt a gentle tap on the top of my foot. I raised my head and had first met adriens eyes. He was trying not to let our parents see we were trying to communicate to each other, so as soon as we connected eyes, he looked away and kept eating but showed me an obvious smile. I feel bad for him.. For having to be with me.. I was going to tap his foot back.. Until Gabriel shouted out something that made me choke.

"My son and your daughter are the perfect pair. I hope for them to marry one day, I already think of her as if she were my own flesh and blood." Gabriel's words almost made me pass out right then and there. No, it wasn't the marriage thing.. It was that he said it to my mother.

"Is that so?.. I'm afraid Ophelia still has a good man waiting for her back home. He's been waiting for so long" she said out of nowhere.

"Mother?.." I whispered in absolute confusion and fear. Out of nowhere, a heel stabbed the top of my foot. The heel of her dress shoes pierced my skin and caused it to bleed. I want to cry..

"Fortunately, her place is with my son. They've gotten quite close since they've met" Gabriel went on carelessly while the heel of my mother's shoe dug deeper. I lowered my head and tried my very hardest not to show the pain I was in.

"Im sorry, but Adrien just isn't enough for my daughter. They're little fake relationship is fine for now so long as it attracts the public's eye but she will be coming home soon enough." Mother explained as she lifted her heel out of my foot.. then stomped down again.

"Mn!.." I hummed from the pain and hunched over. "P-Please excuse me.." I asked as mother took her heel away so I could get up.

"Adrien, please make sure she's alright" Gabriel asked quickly as I pushed in my chair.

"Yes, father-" he began as he quickly stood but mother pushed him to sit again.

"I will attend to my daughter." Mother said as she took my arm and made me walk close by her side while she dug her nails into my skin through the thin fabric of my dress. Once we were hidden by the door of the bathroom, she took me by the neck, "How dare you embarrass me like that! You must really hate that boy to keep pushing your relationship!" She shouted at me without care.

"N-No mother!" I cried as she gripped my throat tighter.

"Then knock it off!" She screamed and pushed me against the wall. I hit my head pretty hard against the body length mirror, it even shattered.. "Get yourself together or I'll drag you on a plane back home within the next hour.." she told me as she left the bathroom where I was standing a mess.

You'd think she'd be more subtle with her abuse right?.. No.. I wasn't bleeding but my head won't stop pounding now. I want to cry but I can't..

"Ophelia! What happened? We heard glass shatter-" Natalie ran into the bathroom with adrien behind her and then mom behind him too.. she glared at me before walking away.

"I-Im sorry, I got dizzy and fell against the mirror" I apologized with a smile while Adrien walked past Natalie to me.. then he hugged me.

"Are you okay?.." He whispered to me and held me tight.

"Y-Yeah.." I whispered and felt so sad.. Why is he holding me like this when I hurt him so badly?.. "I'm sorry about the kiss.. I was just surprised.." I muttered and couldn't bare to let myself hold him. I cant have his comfort. I don't want him hurt.

"No, I understand.." he spoke only so I could hear him. "Natalie, I'll bring her back." Adrien told her. She nodded then left. "It's her fault, isn't it?.. She doesn't want you anywhere near me.." He asked and seemed so sad.

"We-.. We need to go back.." I told him with my head lowered so he wouldn't see me so sad. So he wouldn't see the truth in my eyes.

"Ophelia-.." he called as I stepped away.

"Let's go.." I muttered and walked out the door first. I walked with a little limp but tried to hide it. I kept my head down and my expression blank.

"Are you feeling better, Ophelia? What was wrong?" Gabriel asked only after Adrien pulled my chair out for me to sit then pushed it in too.

"I just got a little dizzy.. I think the cold air might be making me a little sick" I explained a lie.

"She has always been a sickly child. That's only more of a reason she shouldn't be with your son. She's too much to handle. When she's sick, she can't move and even when she's not, she's always in pain for one reason or another." Mother rolled her eyes at this.

"Is there a reason for her pain?" Gabriel asked and grew more interested. He leaned a little closer and listened harder. I guess I haven't told anyone this part..

"She fakes pain to get attention though some have called it fibromyalgia..." mother explained as I looked down at my glass. The ice is melting fast.. I wish I could put some on my foot or head. I'm getting a migraine.

"It's a disease of the immune system." Natalie spoke out of turn but no one minded. My eyes widened a bit when she said that. Does she have it too? "It's caused by antibodies that increase the activity of pain-sensing nerves throughout the body." She went on to explain the basics. But still.. She understands.

"The doctors told me when she was little that it was neurological." Mother spoke with anger in her tone.

"Recent studies from the past 5 years have shown it stems from the central nervous system. It's certainly not a fake disease and shouldn't be taken lightly. Why haven't you said anything to us yet, Ophelia?" Natalie asked as she looked at me with sadness.. I'd assume she'd be mad.

"I didn't think it was important, I'm sorry.." I answered quietly.

"I assume there's no cure to the disease?" Gabriel asked. Mother didn't speak.

"No, sir. I manage with pain relievers although I don't like taking them everyday so I just don't.." I explained to everyone.

"You mask it well if that's so.." Adrien spoke. I raised my head to see his little smile.

"It's not real, that's why she's always fine. You've been playing this game since you were a child, don't you think you've had enough yet?" Mother asked me as I pushed my feet to go under my chair just in case. "There's nothing wrong with you!" She almost shouted this.

"Ophelia, have you had a recent check up to manage your pain a different way lately?" Natalie asked despite mother's anger.

"No ma'am. Not since I got cleared to come to France. I'm afraid the worst thing I have to deal with are allergies" I gave a little smile as I looked around me at the 3 worried faces rather than my mother's anger.

Suddenly mother stood up. "Gabriel, if you'd like to discuss when Ophelia comes back home, I suggest we do this privately." Mother told him. I stared in fear. I don't want to go..

"I'm sorry, but Ophelia is already home. She's a grown woman now, as a parent myself, it's hard to let go but-" Gabriel tried to be a nice but..

"That is enough!" Mother screamed and stomped her foot. I straightened in my seat and looked down at my hands in my lap, "Ophelia is coming home to New York by the end of the night and that is final! She is my daughter!"

Adrien stood from his chair and his hands pushed him up off the table. Everyone watched, even I was looking for something in his eyes which glared bullets through my mother. Suddenly his head turned to me, he carried a gentle smile before his body turned to me and he offered me his hand. I slowly took it and stood as he guided me. "Ophelia won't be tied down any longer.. She's not yours anymore.." He spoke to my mother with his eyes on mine. Slowly, he met my mother's gaze and grew a meaner glare, "She's mine."

A weight.. Something was lifted off my chest at this moment. I'm scared.. I don't want something bad to happen.. Could he really help me get away?.. how would this affect him?..

Through the glass windows, outside were the press trying to look in. I only noticed when there was a flash. But still.. Every part of me was trapped in his green eyes.

"What?" Mother asked in a rather snobby voice.

"I believe you've heard what my son said. You can't have her anymore." Gabriel said with a sigh as he stood, "Ophelia, Adrien, it's time we go home." He told us.

"Don't you walk away from me! She's my child, you bratty boy!" Mother screamed at the very top of her lungs. The bodyguard kept mom away as we left. As for the people outside, they stayed back to watch my mom.

"Come on, I might have gotten you something.." Adrien whispered to me and nodded to the limo with a smile. I squeezed his hand a little tighter as I listened to mom scream and the press take photos.. But I smiled.

"You're a brave one for standing up to that lady.." I couldn't hold back my smile. I'm trembling but I'm so happy. "And you really shouldn't have gotten me anything, not after this whole thing I caused" I rolled my eyes as we got in the limo together.

"This event wasn't your doing, Ophelia. At least now your mother might stay quiet" Gabriel explained to me as the car began to drive away.

"I doubt it but that'd be nice.. I'm sorry for everything. It's not fair to anyone what I've put you all through.." I spoke quietly. I knew all of this would happen yet I let myself go anyway..

"The only thing I'm angry about is how you've left out a very important detail regarding your health." Gabriel told me with crossed arms and was sort of glaring at me.

"Yeah, you didn't even tell me," Adrien added with a little glare.

"Ah, I'm sorry" I rubbed the back of my head with an awkward laugh before I stopped.. Im.. bleeding.. I felt the blood then saw it after I took my hand away.

"Ophelia, you're bleeding" Gabriel said in almost a panic when he saw it.

"It's from the mirror isn't it?" Adrien asked and started looking for a cut on the back of my head without a second thought.

"Yeah.." I answered quietly.

"It's not just the mirror either.. Did she step on your foot too?.." Adrien asked without looking at my feet. He knew? Gabriel finally noticed it as well and was growing more angry.

"What a horrible mother.." Gabriel muttered before taking out his phone, "I'll have a doctor come by to check on your wounds. For now, you'll stay with us at the estate so we can watch over you till your mother flies home." Gabriel spoke.

But the kwamis! How do I hide them there? Maybe they trust me enough now though.. Pity.. I can use their pity to my advantage. Hawkmoth won't ever suspect me and it'll give me easier access to look around!

"Thank you, that means a lot to me.." I gave a smile to him as Adrien finally quit messing with my hair to find the cut.

"Did she find you last night?" Adrien asked as if he already knew.

"No, no, she-.. she didn't.. She doesn't know my new address" I gave a little smile I tried so hard to fake perfectly. Adrien seemed sad though still..

We got to the estate quickly. Adrien took me to his room so I could sit down and relax until a doctor came by to visit. He let me change, unfortunately all there was to use was his clothes.. But bigger pajamas were nice.. And I really like the way he smells..

"Sorry I'm bothering you so much. Me and my mom are a handful, huh?" I gave an awkward laugh as I sat on his couch in his pajamas that barely fit me. Some spots were too small, like the chest and hips, but I still felt more than comfy.

"A little bit.." He chuckled as he set down a tray of drinks. Hot cups of tea. I gently picked one of the nice mugs up and brought it to my lips. This is a new flavor but it's sweet.. This room is growing warmer as well, meanwhile the snow fell outside the windows. I gently brought my unhurt foot on top of my couch cushion and brought that knee to my chest. I kept my hurt one flat on the floor where an ice pack sat on it.

"Thanks for standing up for me.. Although that last line was a little cheesy, even for you" I smiled as I glanced over to his eyes.

"I didn't lie," he chuckled, "I'm not letting you go. Especially not to someone like her.." he was a bit more serious. I think my heart skipped a beat at this moment and my face fell flat with shock and a blush. He didn't.. lie?.. He really wants this, like actually wants this.. He wants me..

"She always used to get her way. I-Im just scared, y'know?.." I looked away and tried to hide between my legs. I lowered my head and set it on my knee.

"You shouldn't.." He said as my eyes glanced at him. He almost turned towards me, giving me his full attention. "Not when there's so many people protecting you. Not when I'm here sitting next to you." He was serious as he spoke. It makes me so nervous. I can't say I've ever really felt like this before. I've never allowed myself this pleasure but he says mom is gone and I'm safe..

"It doesn't seem to matter who's next to me though.. She's just mean, that's all she is.." muttered as I gently set my mug on the table and put my foot on the floor again.

"Then let us in." He said as he stood up. I watched in anticipation as he came and stood right in front of me, then he took a knee and looked up to my eyes, "let me in.." he asked as my chest burned and fluttered.

"Adrien.." I muttered and leaned a little closer.. Until I saw something horrible. It was truly my worst fear that came to life.

"Ophelia, my dear daughter, I thought I told you not to be with this boy?" Mother asked in her usual tone.. but she's akumatized.

"M-Mother?.." I whispered as tears welled up in my eyes. I'm not sad she's akumatized, I'm scared. Scared of what she'll do.

"You've been a naughty girl leaving mommy all alone. You've disobeyed me again and again. How many times have I told you not to get close to anyone? No one loves you, dear" she told me as I stared in fear. It's the same words as always they just scared me even more. "Let's go back home now.." She asked softly. Her hum was hypnotizing.. That was her power. It was easy for her to control my mind. I stood up on my own, despite Adrien's plees to get me back. When I reached my mother, she took me away.

She had the power to fly somehow. She moved things with her mind I guess. She's controlling just as she always was.. Once we were at the top of a building somewhere far off, I got to receive my punishment. At least it wasn't Adrien.

"How dare you disrespect me!" She kicked me around so easily, "You hurt the entire world! You've ended your own life!" She screamed and screamed.. "And now I will claim it, like it always has been!" She shouted as she raised some sort of weapon over her head. I was staring death in the face.. But she stopped. I could see how hawkmoth communicated with her. While she was frozen, I was saved.

"Ophilia, don't tell me that's your mother again.." I was in Chat Noir's arms flying far, far away while Ladybug took care of my mother.

"She was going to kill me.." I whispered and was still in too much of a shock to think of anything else. "Was that her plan even before this?.. What's-.. wrong with me?.." I asked myself as chat set me down safely and stayed close in front of me.

"No, no that's not true. There's nothing wrong with you Ophilia, it's her" chat told me while my mind raced.

"This is why I don't get close to people.. This is why I need to be alone! What if he's hurt now too? H-How am I supposed to fix that? I-I already hurt everyone at breakfast this morning but now sh-she'll-.. she'll really hurt him.." This realization made me cry. I almost allowed myself to let go at that last second. Now I see I can never do that..

"Adrien is fine, everyone is okay but you, Ophelia. Calm down.." He promised and tried to help me calm myself.

"I'll never let this happen again.." I whispered in tears and tried to wipe them, "I'll end it, whatever we ended up being.." I told him.

"No, Ophelia, you don't have to do anything-" Chat tried but his words didn't help.

"We're done.. That's it.. Done before it even started.. You should go stop my mom, chat.." I muttered as I slowly got to my feet. I need to fight her too.

"Ophelia, he doesn't want to lose you. He fought with you, didn't he?" Chat asked desperately trying to help me.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I told you last night, I don't get what I want.. I'll go hide somewhere safe. Finish the fight.." I muttered and walked to the door on the roof.

He didn't fight me anymore, he had to take care of my mother coming this way. "Ophelia, you don't have to end it.." Leon muttered to me.

"You might've even kissed if you had a second longer.." Duusu mumbled sadly.

"We're nothing.. Leon, let's roar."

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