Ringo's sister

Von georgesrightthumb

13.1K 377 160

18+ The story of Ringo's little sister, and her relationships with the band members, and her life as the "5t... Mehr

The beginning
The party
Quality Time
First interview
you owe me an explanation
The Agreement
Murder plan
I love you
Seeing my future with you
Doctor Robert
I feel fine
A hard day's night
O Christmas tree
I do
Mr and Mrs Harrison
Magical Mystery Tour
You're different
Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey
Cold Turkey
2 dogs and 7 cats
18th May 1970
My sweet lord
My little Jojo
All hunky dory
When everything goes crazy
Thank you darling
Wanna bet?
Freddie Mercury
This is important mummy
Des O'Connor tonight
John woke up
1st August 1978 (part one)
1st August 1978 (part two)
My friend called Olivia
It should have been John
It's not even
Love of my life
Lost weekend
Can I dance with you?
authors note

Mick Jagger

141 8 0
Von georgesrightthumb


I wake up and sneak out of bed without waking George. He was a pretty deep sleeper so I was alright. I grab a pair of shoes and head downstairs.

I spend a few minutes looking through the keys to pick what car to choose, I decided on the Rolls-Royce.

I head outside, quickly closing the creaky door which made more noise than usual, and head down the path to the car. I get in and check to see if I have everything before I leave.

I arrive at the Starkey household at around 4:45 in the morning, and I know that Richie would be passed out in bed along with Maureen.

I walk around the house and into the back garden and pick up some small stones to throw at the window. "Oi, Zak!" I whisper shout. I see a lamp turn on and a tired Zak approach and open the window. "What." He says grumpily. He really does take after his father. "Come on, we are sneaking out remember?" I whisper shout once again. I see him begin to smile and disappear for a few minutes before he returns fully dressed and with his backpack.

"So where are we going Leelee?" Zak asks me as I turn out onto a main road. "Scotland, so it's gonna be a long drive I'm afraid, hense why I woke you up so early."

"Why are we going to Scotland?" He asks as he looks out the window. "To get Heather and Mary, and then we are all going out." I smile. Zak looks at me and smiles. "Why couldn't Bella come?" He asks.

"Dunno to be honest, George could get suspicious, he doesn't know I'm doing this." I laugh.

We stay quiet for about 10 minutes and I see Zak looking out the window looking deep in thought. "What's up buddy? You look like John when he tried to choose between different Curry's."

"Nothing." He says bluntly.

"Come on Zak. You can tell me anything." I look at him when I pull up to some traffic lights.

"Mum and dad had an argument last night." He finally speaks up.

"An argument? About what?" I ask. I have never known Richie to argue except for that one time I slept with John. "I dunno, just stupid stuff about how dad is a bad husband." He mumbles. I suddenly realise this isn't a first. "How long has this been happening."

"A few months now." He says. I can tell that it's getting to him. "Well let's forget about it today and just have fun yeah?" I smile. He smiles back.

Quite a few hours later we finally arrive at the familiar muddy Scottish farm. We both put on our wellies and walk up to the house. "You can do the honours." I say. "Nah I'm scared." Zak laughs. "Scared? Why? It's Paul!..... Actually yeah, scary." I laugh as I knock on the door. The door is pulled open and stood there is none other than Mick Jagger. "Elsie Starkey! As I live and breathe! Sneaking one of the starkeys out again?" He says. I blush. "Maybe Micheal." I smile knowing saying his full name like that annoys him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Mick as I take off my boots and Zak follows closely behind. "I don't know, just thought I'd pop over. Hey you should come to the studio some time for a jam session." He smiles. "So this jam session would be you lot with your guitars an' all that and me with my flute?" I laugh.

"Yes exactly that." He pats my shoulder. "Elsie!" I hear Heather shout as she runs towards me. "Hello love!" I say as I wrap my arms around her. "All ready for today?" I ask. "Yeah! I'm bringing my dolly with me so she can join in on the adventure!" She squeals.

"Thanks for taking the girls out Ell." Linda says as she passes me Stella. "No problem, always love a day out with the girls."

"And Mick I hope?" Mick smiles like a child. "You want to come?" I ask tilting my head. Mick nods aggressively. We are all about to leave when the phone rings. Paul picks up and after a few seconds he laughs and holds the phone out to me. "Good luck." He salutes as I take the phone from him.

"Hello darling brother."

"What are you doing with me son?"

"Relax, I'm taking him out for the day with Paul's girls, and now Mick Jagger is joing us."

"Ye could've asked for permission."

"He needs it. He told me about what's going on between you and Mo. It's affecting him and most likely affecting Lee and Jason."

"I know. Which is what I have been meaning to ask. Is it alright if me and Lee stay with you for a bit?"

"Richie. Of course you two can. Bella would love the company of both you and Lee."

"Thank you so much. Would tonight be okay?"

"Yes! Just call George to let him know and set up for you two."

"Thanks, have fun with Zak, and behave yerselves, Zak is in charge of both Mick and you, I know what ye like." He laughs.

"Everything alright? That was a long call." Paul asks me.

"Yeah all good!" I say as I pick up Stella to leave.

"So how's everyone then?" I ask Mick as I put the key in the ignition. "Oh you know, Keith, Charlie and everyone." He chuckles. "Where are we going?" Heather asks. "Honestly? I don't know." I laugh.

We drive for a while until we stop next to a park that had a fair. "What about that?" Mick asks. "yeah!" The kids all say and Stella just puts her toy in her mouth.

We park the car and head to the fair. It was great fun, I got to catch up with Mick and the kids had a great time. Mick even won me a teddy bear on one of the games. "For your daughter, tell her it's from uncle Mick who she hasn't met yet." He glared at me. "okay okay, you win, you can meet her next week. How does that sound?" I say. "splendid." Mick smiles and then turns around to chase Zak.


We ended up spending all day at the fair and soon it was getting dark.

"Shit shit shit!" I shout as the try to turn on the car, which doesn't work. "Leelee don't swear." Zak orders. "Sorry love." I rest my head on the steering wheel. "How about we just find a hotel ey? I can call someone to fix it." Mick offers and places his hand on my back. "Okay." I sigh. We all get out and walk to the nearest hotel.

"Uhhh do you have any rooms that all of us can fit in?" Mick asks the receptionist while she looks at us. Two adults and four kids. "Yes, here's the key." She placed it on the desk. I reluctantly let Mick pay and we all head up to the room.

"I'll put the kids to bed, would ye mind calling Rich and Paul to let them know the kids won't be home tonight?" I say. I put the kids to bed telling them all a bedtime story. I told them about my 20th birthday at the pool party which made them all laugh.

"Hi I'm back-" I suddenly stop to finally realise that there is only one double bed. "Yeah, she thought we were a couple. She's obviously not a fan ahaha." Mick laughs nervously while he gets into his PJ's. I quickly walk over to the mini bar and grab one of those small bottles of alcohol, not even reading what it is. "Woah, you okay? You're only sharing a bed with me." He says as he walks over to me attempting to take the alcohol off me. "Sorry....I'm just stressed. This is my first night away from Bella where I'm conscious and aware of reality."

"It's okay Elsie. I called George for ya, he's just glad you're safe. Come on, I'll drink with you." Mick reassures me.

A few drinks in and we both begin to feel tipsy. The kids were in a separate room, and we seem to not be disturbing them with our laughs. "Hey how are you all with the whole Brian thing?" I ask. "It's still hard even though it has been a few years, but we are getting by. How are you with your whole Brian thing?" He asks in return. "I still miss him. We weren't even that close but I miss him the most out of everyone. I just know he would have adored Arabella." I say as I down another mini bottle of alcohol.

Another quite a few drinks later we were both flat out drunk. "Elsie you're so pretty." Mick slurred. "Ahaha you're funny Michael."

"Don't ca-call me Micheal." He laughs and holds up his finger as if to tell me off. "I-i'm sorry mickkkkk." I say to mock him and I give him the biggest smile. "Can I kiss you?" Mick suddenly says which catches me off guard. "Ye what ye prick?" I clenched my fist and swing it around his face, making him fall off the bed and onto the floor. "Oh shit I'm so sorry! I'm guessing no one told ye what I'm like drunk. I just punch." I say as I help him back up. "Yeah now I do." He laughs as he rubs his cheek. I move his hand and put my own on his cheek feeling the heat that my fist just gave it. Mick just stares at me in the eyes.

"I'll get some i-" I begin to say before Mick pulls me into a kiss. I don't know how to respond for a few seconds, and then my legs begin to melt and I allow it to happen. After another few seconds reality hits me and I pull away. "No. I'm married. You're married! I can't do this to George! You can't do this to Bianca! We are just drunk. Shit shit shit." I say as I rub my face and pace around the room. Mick just stands there trying to register what just happened. "I need to call George. I need to tell him." I pick up the phone and begin to dial the number. "Elsie I'm so sorry, I'm such a shithead." He looks down to his feet. "It's fine we are just drunk. I need water."

"I'll get it." Mick leaves the room to get water.

"Hello, Harrison household. George speaking."

"George." I say slurring.

"Elsie. Are you drunk? Where are the kids? Where's Mick? Is he drunk too?"

"Yes, they are sleeping, he's gone to get water and yes."

"Elsie why are you calling? It's the middle of the night. You're lucky I even answered."

George sounded pissed off.

"I'm so sorry!" I begin to cry.

"What happened?"

"Please don't hate me i love you so much." I can barely get words out and begin hyperventilating.

"Elsie breathe. Come on. Breathe with me." He takes in a deep breathe and I copy him.

"Now what's happened?"

"I kissed Mick." I begin to feel myself hyperventilate again.


"It was only like a minute ago love. I pulled away, freaked out and then called you. But he asked to kiss me and I punched him, but we did it anyway." I'm crying even louder now. "I can't do this George. Please. I just want to be with you." I cry.

"Okay okay okay. Where are you. I'll come and pick you up."

"What about Bella? And heather, Mary and Stella? And Zak?"

"Ringo is here. I'll call Paul to come down too. And Zak can stay with us for the night. We have plenty of rooms."

"Okay." I gave him the address and hung up. I am so glad George was so understanding. Mick returned with two glasses of water. "Okay? I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. It meant nothing." He tries to explain. "It's fine. George is on his way to pick me up. I just need him right now. I miss home so much." I sigh shakily.

Paul arrives first and goes in to wake up the girls. "Paul I'm so sorry." I say tears still leaving my eyes. "It's alright Elsie. Thanks for wearing my girls out. They will be sleeping for days. Especially Stella, Linda and I can finally get some sleep." Paul smiles as he rubs my shoulder.

Paul leaves and Mick joins him, leaving Zak and I alone. I wait for what seems like years. I curl up on the bed and cry. I have ruined my relationship. Everything. I don't even hear George open the door. "Elsie?" I hear him say. He walks in to see me curled up crying on the bed. "Oh Ells-bells...." The fact he used my nickname reassured me so much, as it means he isn't pissed off. I feel the bed dip as he sits down. "Come on love. Let's go home." I feel him touch me and I flinch. Suddenly I turn around and fall into his arms.

"I'm so sorry!" I cry into his chest. "Stop saying sorry dear." He says rubbing my arm. "Sorry."

"Stop!" He laughs. I laugh. "I keep saying it sorry."

"You said it again!" We both laugh. "I can't help it!" I say sitting up. "I know you can't. The amount of times I have heard you say sorry to a door or one of the bushes outside." He smiles.

We stare at each other for a while and we lean in to kiss.

After a few minutes of making out George pulls away. "We should get Zak and leave. You have the number for the car repair?" He asks. I nod and we both get up and wake up Zak.

We all get into the car and George holds my hand and begins to drive.

*George's POV*

It was a long journey home, and both Elsie and Zak fell asleep for the whole journey. The both looked adorable asleep. You can tell they were related. I still had no idea what to think about what had happened tonight, but all I know for sure is that both Elsie and Mick were truly sorry. I hadn't seen her cry like that before and it broke my heart. I loved her so much, I would never leave her.

We finally arrived home and Zak instantly woke up. "Aren't I going home?" He asks. "Nah you're staying here tonight. It's too late. You head in and go to bed, I need to get Elsie in and into bed." Zak gets out and heads inside. I take off my seatbelt and look at Elsie.

She looked so peaceful. Her lips were slightly parted as she let out small snores. The Starkey snores as me, John and Paul call it. She's just the same as Ringo. I really didn't want to wake her up.

I got out of the car and walked around to her side. I opened the door and unclipped her seatbelt. I slipped my arms under her and picked her up. She instinctively wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled sleepily. I smiled to myself as I shut the front door behind me.

"You're still up?" I whisper as I see Ringo sat in the living room. "Yeah, couldn't sleep. Is she okay?" He asks. "Yeah, she's just exhausted. She's had a busy day."

"At least you get to practice for when Bells grows up." Ringo smiles. "Yeah, well goodnight lad." I say to him as I smile. I walk up the stairs still carrying Elsie, and her arms still wrapped around my neck.

Once we arrived at our bedroom, I lay her down on her bed. Luckily she was already in her pjamas from when she was at the hotel. I grabbed a few blankets and Ted, her teddy bear, as it was a bit chilly in the room and I could see her shivering. I pulled the duvet over her and wrapped her in the blankets. She snuggled with Ted like a little child. Bella is so much like her, it's adorable.

I got into my own pjamas and snuggled next to her, wrapping my arm around her tightly mainly for warmth.

"I love you Ells-bells." I whisper into her ear through the mass of blankets. "Mmm." Was all she could respond in her sleepy state.


My sweet lord that was a long chapter I'm so sorry! I got carried away cause I'm going through a phase of loving Mick Jagger.

Also at the time of writing this Charlie Watts died yesterday so rest in peace Charlie. Peace and love to ye. ☮️❤️❤️

All the best

Rhi x


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