PRINCESS - in search of lovab...

By hiddenpearl21

79.1K 7.8K 9K

She is too stubborn too achieve anything but failed miserably to achieve love in her life. Her family and the... More

Author note
1. +2 college party
2. Possessiveness + Angry
3. Crush or Love
4. Make yourself optionless
5. Dreadful past in childhood
6. Punishment
7. File a case against you
8. They already apart once
9. Anamika
10. Nisha
11. My naughty doll
12. Glimpse of her
13. Am I unlucky girl
14. Diseased father
15. Exams
16. Grand pa
17. Her happiness
18. Interaction
let me know
19. Is girl is a toy..??
20. Angry siya
21. Tablet and injection
22. Wild cat vs Pet dog
23. Her scoldings
24. My slapping queen
25. Friends
26. Secret friends
27. Scary past
28. My snappy girl
29. Sweet chicken uncle
something to say..
30. Who is HE..??
31. A new me
32. Lie or love.
33. I wish
34. Fresher's party 1
35. Fresher's party 2
36. My cherry girl
37. Got selected
38. Periods
39. Who..??
40. Cuddler
41. Are you the one
42. Manipulate
43. Thoughts and opinion
44. Puzzled one
45. My stubborn beauty
46. He is dead
47. How long
48. Flimy Funda
49. In the vast of fear
50. Sports Fest
51. Play time
52. Mom love
53. Adorable family
54. Escaping from his eyes
55. Caging eachother
56. Fear and Insecurities
57. What now..
58. I love my hubby
59. Birthday
60. Message
61. Voice of night
62. Her uncontrolled anger
63. Consoling her
64. Her little world
65. Rumours in college
Clear view about characters
66. 199251
67. Success party
68. My favourite dessert
69. Best day
70. Messed life
71. Back to Back
72. Staying with us
73. Got slapped
need help
74. Puzzle and wish
75. Traditional day
76. Catch me
77. Home or house
78. Prank
79. Failure
80. Defeat
81. Topper
82. Fear
83. Absence of U
84. In every breath of mine
85. Her anger his sorry
86. A ghost
87. What happened
88. Haunts me to END
89. finding solace
90. Dead soul
91. Trust
92. I'm bound to you forever
93. Sharing and bonding
94. Teaching a perfect lesson
95. How can I say
Important note
96. We are of five not four
97. Knowing her family
98. Is it start or end..
99. Her birthday
100. A bit more closure
101. Wished for a day long
102. Stuck
103. Scared to miss him
104. Dead
105. Who is culprit..??
106. Doubting
107. Guardians
108. Responsibilities
author note
109. sound cruel
110. True colors
111. Catch me
113. Imaginary beauty world
114. Date
115. Pocket heart
116. SAV
117. Unknown message
118. Believed you
119. Painful memories
120. Opinion changes
121. Pencil sketch
122. Can you turn the page
123. Angry naveen
124. Court
125. Dressed in blood
Author note
126. Mail
127. Naming myself as failure
128. Is everything fine.
129. Accused
130. Diginity at stake
131. Provoking
132. Because of you
133. Manipulating
134. A thief
135. Every journey opens
136. Blessed in the storm
137. Proposal
138. Fly like an EAGLE
139. Because I don't trust you
140. To know who is behind
141. Forever together
142. Everything seems blurred
143. Just like a snake
144. Bond of blood
145. Desire of soul
146. Lost
147. Your Princess My queen
New story

112. Only I know

234 39 48
By hiddenpearl21

Sorry, for the late..:(

Author POV

The steps became heavy, dragging themselves with a gulp that he stood infront of the door.

The wooden door looked so strong and hard just like the fact that the truth he came to know.

The name on the door is the one whom he hates once but now the regret can be seen in his eyes.

He just want to elope in this thin air but he knows if not today tomorrow the meet will be that he breathed heavily making himself strong.

He don't have enough dare to face the man inside the door but he need to.. to know the reason, to know the actual person more than that he wants to repent his deeds by lowering his head.

The person inside the cabin is looking at him keenly in laptop that he switched on after he got the info from his PA that finally he came to meet means he knows the truth. He knows what exactly the person is feeling now but he can't do anything.

Today or other day he need to know the truth and he surely knows that regrets his deeds afterall he is friend son praneet. The pain md the shame for his acts is clear in his actions and eyes.

Praneet took a breath and knocked the door that he heard a strong voice "come in" which echoed like his heart beat.

"Take your seat" abhi gestured him

Praneet unknowingly licked his lips, he is so nervous that he can seen on his face. He don't know how to start and what to say where abhi is observing his every move and offered him a water which he gulped in a go.

"Thank you sir" Praneet said where abhi leaned back

"Who killed my parents sir..??" Praneet finally asked

"I won't say.. " , the pause abhi gave make Praneet vigorous and looked at him in disbelief.

"Because you can't believe so find out on your own like the way you find out the truth now" abhi completed his sentence

"But I left with clues then how can I know" Praneet asked impatiently.

"Then how did you came to know the truth Mr. Gupta" abhi asked while raising his eye brow.

Abhi knows that he stood at starting and he don't know how to start but at the same time he can't say who did because he know how danger the life will be of them may be theirs too.

Abhi even knows how depth the pain is which is going through by Praneet and he even knows that if he comes to know the truth he can't handle himself.

"Sir, I stood at start and I don't know where to start and how. Please let me know who it was" Praneet requested.

"I can't say who it was but I will help you in everything to let you know the truth and where you stood had a clue and go with the flow and I will help where you want Mr. Gupta" abhi said at the same time his cabin knocked and entered his PA to remind the meeting where abhi nodded his head and his assistant left them alone.

"Thank you sir" Praneet stood and gave a hand for shake where they shook their hands and when abhi took a step to move aside

"I'm sorry ma.. sir, I hurt your family without knowing the truth. I'm sorry sir" Praneet said while lowering his head.

"You are just like Aarav to me Praneet " abhi smiles seeing the hesitation in his eyes and patted his shoulder that bring tears in Praneet eyes.

Praneet looked at abhi that abhi hugged him like a son where Praneet embrace and seeked his father love from abhi.

"I'm sorry mamu" Praneet finally called

"It took so much time to call me mamu" abhi teased to ease the situation while wrapping his arms around him

Abhi and Praneet father Phani gupta are friends where Phani consider anitha as sister from start that their kids call abhi as mamu when they are kids.

But after Praneet parents death and being abhi at different place made them separate and unknowingly or knowingly Praneet thought that abhi is the reason and started hating abhi and thought to take revenge against them.

"I will change the company name too mamu as per dad wish only" Praneet said and left the cabin where abhi had a smile that finally his family at peace but little did he know that something is up to come sooner or later.

At other side, siya looked at her mom with her glossy eyes that every word is echoing loud around her.

"What for you are here now, leave" kusuma shouted at siya that siya flinched at her behaviour

Siya wants to cry her heart out but just like life stuck with fate and time the tears stuck in her eyes making her heart heavy that it screaming in pain.

Siya remind herself what happened on that day which caused her more pain thinking about the arun behaviour and her mom and the words what sid said to her.

She never thought once that her mom will say those words as always she suports and encourage her.

Even when siya is stubborn she curse for sometime but never said like this thaat now it caused more pain that as siya loves her mother alot

She looked at her teddy nisha and smiled thinking about the life and hugged it closley to her heart.

The few drops escaped from her eyes which siya wiped it quickly and switch off the light where she she usually get peace when she disturbed alot.

But today her condition is different that she want to shout at someone or blame at someone and ask how you are going to heal may be that is the only solution that coming in her mind.

She snuggled more into her teddy feeling warmth but she feels wet and looked at nisha.

Siya started to murmur slowly

"Don't cry nisha, it just a part of life there is something else more" siya wipped the tears of her teddy but it her tears which wet her teddy nisha.

"Ohh baby, you look so scared and broken that you are crying liking this.

Stupid girl, you know what for test you in every stage in every situation so be strong and fight.

If you win he will reward your life with happiness but you need to follow so many phases in that this is one phase." Siya caressed the teddy and made her teddy to smile with her fingers on lips.

"What happen why you are looking at me like that" siya asked her teddy which making siya anger

"You know what you are so lucky that you won't have anything that you won't react at all.

See I'm wiping your tears but you are not but people think you are selfish but they don't know you are better than them no no best.

They don't know you can't wipe my tears but it's okay I will only wipe my tears..(siya wiped her tears)

I know you want say smile just like me bit you can't but it's okay I will smile (siya smiled looking at the doll)

I know you want to hug and comfort me but it's okay I will (siya hugged her teddy nisha)

You know what I can do anything and think anything but still it hurts to accept that

you are dumb that you can't confort with your words

you are deaf that you can't hear me

you are blind that you can't see me

you are handicap that you can't hug me back

you are heartless that you can't feel my pain

Yet I feel comfort in you may be because you can't respond even though it hurts alot.

May be if you have everything like everyone may be you will be like all, may be you won't with me like this.

Is that true you leave me.. will you leave me.. please don't leave me.. I can't live without you.. please don't leave me..

That her eye lids felt heavy that she slowly drifted into sleep.

At other side, sid looking at the stars which are shinning like there is no tomorrow.

Just a mere thought killed him, he knows something is wrong that too after the call from varun (arun friend) but he knows at the same time it's something big but he don't know what that now he is not getting sleep and started looking at the sky from window wishing everything to be fine specially siya in his heart that he is wide awake while night praying the sun to show some mercy and come fast.

Soon sun blushes all over sky seeing the longing eyes of sid but it know it's not love but something else and soon the sun embarassed of his late that it hide behind the cloud making the temperature cool but the sun knows the heaviness in their heart won't let them feel this breeze that slowly it started to shine brightly showing the heaviness of their heart.

Sid quickly got ready and left the home by sending a quick text to everyone for get together, the thought which got him in the morning to make siya smile and forget everything around the world.

Sid stood parked his car little far from siya place and waiting impatiently for siya.

He was glad that today they had a college even it's sunday that he thanked stars for it.

He holds his phone and waiting for siya to call or message but to his fate siya didn't do anything.

Soon the tirn starts to turn, that when siya came out by lowering her head she is walking without looking anywhere.

Sid understood the depth of her pain which shrink his heart in pain.

Siya crossed him, sid thought to call but looking at her empty hands sid followed her slowly and called her after far away from her place.

Siya looked at sid and gave him smile which didn't reach her eyes and stood silently

"Come lets go" sid said taking her back.

"No, I mean had important class" siya stammered

Sid looked at puzzled as her bag weighs nothing and looked at siya " where"

Siya understood his question that he caught her that she is not going to college yet replied the same "" where sid raised his eyebrow in questioning manner.

Sid understood looking at her that kusuma abort the baby but still he feel some gloominess that he didn't get.

"Let's go doll" with that sid moved to the car with no option left siya sat in car.


Hello my lovely readers ❤️ ❤️

Welcome back..

How was the chap..??






Do let me know your opinion through comments..

Stay safe stay healthy
Will meet you soon..
Till then..
Keep smiling..
Take care..

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