Hydra's Hound

Af ATfanficsstoriez

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The Hellhound of lore is captured by Hydra and paired with their Winter Soldier. Ash breaks free of their con... Mere

Authors note
Joining the team
Start of recognition
Ultron part 2
The truth
Theyre back
A new cap?
Super soldiers


674 19 7
Af ATfanficsstoriez

I was sitting beside Clint playing a video game, Clint said it was called Mario Kart. I was great at it, I was always in the top three, and when the whole team played I was usually first or second, depends if Nat would play

I'd just posted another photo on Instagram of Clint and I playing the game
When I was given my fancy Stark phone, Natasha made me an account, and it was fun to post silly things the team was doing
I liked the whole stories thing, I had a private story for just the team, and I'd post the cute photos of us all there and save them to a highlight.
So far I've got 189k following me, but they only follow me cause the team all tagged me.

"Don't break someone's heart, they only have one" Tony was giving Steve dating advice
"Break their bones they have two hundred and six" I called over my shoulder
"I forgot you were living here now" Sam spoke up
"Missed you too feather brain" I grinned at him
"Ouch" Natasha made a pained face at Sam

"How you been Samual?" I asked finishing my round before Clint who was currently shouting at Princess Peach for throwing a shell at him
"Good, my sister gave birth last month so was helping her and her husband out" sam smiled
"Cute" I smiled back
"Who is cute?" Thor asked joining
"Sam has a nephew" I answered starting the next round
"You didn't tell me you had a sister, or brother" Thor said sadly
"I did, you were just drunk" sam said and we all laughed

A few days later
I was sitting beside Natasha, she was showing me how to use a dating app. I wanted to try a date, see if I had any luck

Loki sighed "I think we should get a divorce" he said to me
"What are you doing?" I laughed
"Just practicing" he replied
"W-Why are you already planning your hypothetical divorce?" I chuckled
"I dont know, I'm 1505, I think I'm having a...quarter life crisis" he explained where this came from, and I was willing to roll with it
"You don't even have a girlfriend" I told him
"Hypocritically divorce me" he encouraged me so I went along with it
"Okay then, I'm hypothetically taking half your assets" I sat up
"Well you didn't sign the hypothetical prenup" Loki retorted "I-is it? It is called a prenup right?" He looked to Tony
"Yeah, and you did hypothetically sign one, so.." Tony nodded joining us
"Who the fuck is this guy?" I chuckled
"I'm his hypothetical lawyer in this divorce case" Tony answered
"Of course Tony had to join" Natasha said
"Then I'm taking the hypothetical kids" I puffed my chest
"Right? We can get those right?" I looked at Bucky
"Yes, we can definitely get hypothetical kids. Don't worry about it" Bucky nodded
"Who the fu k is this hypothetical nerd. Fucking, idiot, metal arm, wearing nerd" Loki said trying to not laugh
"Wow, that is a lot of hypothetical insults. I need to keep these on because I need continuity from the other hypothetical lawyer" Bucky laughed pouring himself more water
"This is my hypothetical lawyer. And we have been hypothetically sleeping together, so.." I grinned
"H-" Loki had to take a breath to stop laughing "how could you hypothetically do this to me?" He questioned
"Because you're hypothetically an alcoholic so" I finished

We all burst out laughing
"What did we miss?" Steve and Sam walked back in. They'd been gone to Central Park for a run
"A divorce" Natasha said and handed me my new phone back

"This guy...." I pointed at a guy I thought was alright
"What are you two doing?" Clint asked us
"Setting Ash up on Tinder" Natasha told him
"What's Tinder?" Bucky asked
"A dating app" Tony said sitting down
"You're dating?" Bucky asked me shocked
"I'm putting myself out there" I shrugged

"How's this one?" I asked walking out the bathroom to show her my dress
"Perfect. It's hot out too so you won't get too warm, and it's flirty enough" she nodded
I picked up a denim jacket and put on a pair of white converse
"So did you see Buckys face yesterday?" She asked while I tied the laces
"What?" I asked
"He was so jealous when you said you were dating" she explained
"Why would he be jealous?" I asked oblivious for once
"Oh my gods Ash. He likes you" she laughed
"No he doesn't. And besides, even if he did, it would be weird if we did date and anything would happen. I can't risk our frien-" she totally cut me off
"OH MY GOD! YOU LIKE HIM TOO!" She jumped up
"What! No! No no no, I don't!" I jumped up too
"Yes you do" she grinned
"I don't" I tried
"You so do" she said again
"I don't" I said
"You do" she smiled
"I do" I sighed and sat down

"What do I do?" I asked her
"You make him jealous enough that he says something" she told me fixing my hair for me
"And what then?" I asked
"Well, just be flirty but normal, when he's jealous enough he'll tell you he likes you, then you can try going on a date" she smiled
"And that'll work?" I asked skeptically
"Worked for me on Bruce" she smiled
"You guys are cute though" I smiled back

"Where are you going?" Bucky walked over to me when I walked into the common room with Nat to say bye
"On a date" I smiled
"Do you like it?" I asked him and spun so my dress would spin with me
"It's Uh- yeah you look good" he nodded taking a gulp
"Cool, we'll I'll see you all later" I said and went to leave
"Well I've got my own date too" steve called to me
"Oh, do you wanna walk down with me then?" I asked him
"Yeah sure" he nodded and walked to my side
"Bye Bucky" I smiled at my friend, no, crush, no friend. Gahhhhh!
I just walked off with Steve

"So where's your date?" Steve asked as we waited in the lift
"Um we're going to the cinema to watch some superhero film, and after we're going to an Italian restaurant. You?" I said
"To the theatre and a French restaurant" he smiled at how similar our dates were
"That'll be nice." I smiled too

We stepped out the tower and onto the street where two cars were waiting
"Good luck" I hugged him and we went our separate ways for the evening

(Buckys pov)
I sat down as Ash and Steve left the room.
Damn she looked so good. I wish things were different, because then maybe I could tell her that I'm totally in love with her.
"What ya thinking about there Bucky" Natasha asked sitting beside me
"Uh, nothing" I sat up
"Don't try shiting me, I can tell you like her" she told me and my head snapped to her
"I don't, how shhh" I scolded her in case someone heard
She chuckled to herself "Bucky. I'm trying to help you out here. Do you want to tell her or not?" She asked
"I do, but it'll ruin everything" I sighed in defeat
"Bucky, she's literally going on a date because she's looking for a boyfriend. She's known you a long time, and she's always stuck by you. Don't you think that is the start to a good relationship?" Natasha asked

I had to think about it for a second. I have known Ash for nearly a hundred years, that's just a slow blink for her. But it's been my entire life so far. And she's always been with me.
Whenever I was hurt she'd stay with me and heal me when Hydra wouldn't. She began to sleep with me when I started to get nightmares. She stuck with me in Wakanda because she wanted me to get better too
She's hilarious and a genius. She's beautiful and strong. She's just incredible.

"Yeah, yeah it probably is a good start" I smiled
"So why don't you try to convince her of that?" She asked
"Because she deserves so much more" I whispered sadly
"James. You are a great guy, and I know she loves you as friends, and I know she finds you attractive, told me so a while ago. Besides the point, you just need to sweep her off her feet. But do it slowly" she advised me
I nodded understanding

(Ash's POV)
"You're back early?" Natasha asked confused
"Yeah date didn't go so well, he just wanted sex. Tried to do me in the cinema. Let's just say there's a guy with a black eye unconscious in the cinema" I grinned and sat beside Bucky
I flattened my dress over my thighs a bit better and leaned into the man
"That bad huh?" Bruce asked
"Oh well his loss. I'll try another date soon enough" I smiled at Nat

"How was the date?" I asked as Steve walked into the common room.
We'd all been watching a movie. Angels and demons. It was so stupid yet a good mystery
"Good, yeah it was fun" steve sat down beside Bucky and me
"Who is she?" Nat asked
"Ehhhh, don't wanna say" he gave a tight lipped smile
"Why not?" Tony asked
"Just" Steve shrugged
"Oh, it was a man" Loki said with a knowingly face
"God no. I mean gays is good, but no it was a woman. A very beautiful woman" Steve stuttered

"So this girl you're dating, is she the same age as you?" I asked
"No" Steve said crossing his arms
"Oh. So she's older?" I asked
"No" he said and I gasped
"Younger?" I said
"Yes" he nodded
"How much younger?" I pried
"Doesn't matter" he sighed
"Yes it does?" I said rising my voice quickly
Everyone around us laughed
"Come on does she have nice boobs. That don't hang past her kneeeeess" I teased gaining more laughs
"Do her boobs hang low, do they wobble to and fro. Can ya tie em in a not, can ya tie em in a bow" I began to sing, everyone was in stitches laughing
I had to hold back my own laugh and keep singing
"Can you throw em over your shoulder, like a continental soldier. Do your tits-" I kept going
"Alright. Where do you hear a song like that?" Steve caved both irritated and disgusted
"I didn't hear it, I wrote it dumbass" I smirked
"Who's your girl?" Sam asked wiping a tear from his eye
"Sharon Carter" Steve smiled to himself
"Ew. Bitch, you chose a bitch" I said hiding my face in Buckys shoulder gaining a laugh from him


"Oh come on Loki, you have to agree at some point" I grinned sneakily
"No, it is simply not true" he held his ground
"I'm a sly Fox, and you're a dumb bunny" I nodded dumbly for him
"I'm not a dumb bunny" he refused to accept it
"And that's not wet cement" I whisper shouted pointing at his feet
He looked down and saw he has stepped into the new ramp for wheelchairs
"Ash!" Loki shouted at me mad
I just laughed to the right side of the builders tape
"Dumb bunny" I laughed
"I'm not a bunny. If anything I'm a snake" he stepped out the cement and sent a spell to Idc his now ruined trainers
"Snakes are sneaky though" I pouted and began to walk
"I am sneaky" he defended
"Uhuh" I laughed

We walked past a herd of teenage girls who all squealed and stared at us, more specifically, at Loki

"What in the realms was that?" The green god asked me
"That my old friend, was your fan girls" I said patting his shoulder
"How do I of all the team have fan girls?" He asked
"Let's see. You're tall, have somewhat attractive facial features, you have magic, you're a good fighter and on top of that you're a prince" I said sarcastically
"And that is reason to drool?" He asked
"On earth. Yes" I nodded
"Then why don't you have fan girls?" He asked "That would be because I'm usually a hound when we leave the tower. And most people don't know me as a human." I answered
"Surely you have fans Ash" he said
"Maybe, but I've never met one" I smiled

"LOKI!" I shouted jumping on his back as he walked back into the common room
"ASH!" He shouted back catching me just in time
"Onward mighty steed" I kicked his sides like a horse
"Get off of me Ash" he laughed spinning us around
"No" I laughed happily
"Bucky! Get her off" Loki shouted for our third
"Nah, I'm good" Bucky laughed
"Fuck you Barnes" Loki grumbled
"He loves you Bucky. Come on, you love me more" I laughed
"Nope" Loki dropped me on Buckys lap
I blushed and smiled at my friend
"Hey Doll, you good?" Bucky laughed
"How did the three most dangerous people become friends?" Clint asked Sam
"We're right here" Loki sat beside Bucky and I. Me still on Buckys lap, but his hands were wrapped around my middle, so I sat crisscross apple sauce on him.
"Well I was friends with the hound first. She bonded with the soldier. Do the maths yourself mortal" Loki answered

"Hey Soldier, Puppalino can you both come here!" Tony shouted from the conference room
"Have fun" Clint lifted his brow briefly and went back to his video game

I stood up first and waited for Bucky to follow.
The two of us walked down the hall to our destination
"Any clues?" Bucky asked me
"Not a single one. I can smell a new person though" I answered

Bucky opened the door for me and I walked in to see Stark, Steve and Fury
"Fury?" I asked
"Yea, now sit" he ordered from us
I glanced at Steve, he nodded so we sat down across from the director
"It's come to my attention that you both have been here, training and living. So I'm making you both official Avengers" fury got straight to the point
"I thought we already were?" I asked looking at the two avenger men
"Nope." Fury said sarcastically
"Now, if you're in, you will go on missions, train more, and be called into SHIELD if ne-" fury continued
"Shield? We destroyed SHIELD" I said
"Yes you did. We start again, all new agents" he nodded so I nodded and went quiet
"Can we still be partners?" Bucky asked
"No it's a team Barnes, but if you prefer you can do the same thing as Clint and Natasha, stick together during a fight. I understand that you work together well so I give that offer" Fury said
I looked to my partner and shrugged
'Better than nothing. Plus if we're Avengers we won't be seen as criminals' I sent
'Yea, but we'll have to fight again' he replied
'Obviously. But we aren't Hydra anymore. We're free' I smiled
He nodded to me so we turned to Fury
"We're in" we said together


'Seriously? Explosive ducks?' I asked Bucky while Steve explained the plan of attack
'Seems like it' Bucky chuckled

I huffed and continued to listen to the plan

As the ramp lowered I stepped out with Bucky still holding me.
'Okay you can put me down now. I do have legs' I barked at the man
"Then why did you sit on me as a pup" he chuckled and put me on the ground
I rolled my shoulders and stood tall as my normal size
"Fuck why didn't anyone say you got this big?" Clint stood beside me
'Just because you were the only one to not know, doesn't mean it's their fault Clint' I sent him gaining a shrug

"Avengers. Attack" Steve said and we all ran off to do our part
I ran around the city making the ducks fly, then Tony and Sam would shoot them making them explode
"Solaris. There are people in the building by the lake, get them out" Steve ordered
So I let Bucky on my back and jumped into a shadow and into the building

"Hey guys, we're avengers. We're gonna get you outta here. Okay, so just grab hold of a piece of Solaris's fur and we'll be safe" Bucky explained to them all
Then all the people gathered around and held my fur tightly
Bucky put three kids on my back, and patted my head 'come back for me' he said and I nodded
I slipped into his shadow and I disappeared with the group of civilians

I barked and shook my body and they all let go. They all thanked me and I bowed my head, I then sprinted out the underground and onto the street, and up the building to Bucky

I found him fighting off five of the ducks. These had teeth
I growled and jumped over my Bucky and caught two of the ducks in my mouth and bit down hard snapping all their bones
Bucky shot one, which I then stepped on killing it entirely and I bit another while he stabbed one
"What the hell are these things?" Bucky asked me and his comm
"Carnivore ducks" Tony answered "They we're trying to make a new winter hound apparently"

'You okay?' I walked to Bucky and saw him pulling his sleeve off the duck shaped bite make on his arm
"Totally. Just got bitten by a duck " he laughed
I barked at him in amusement and lowered down to let him on my back

"Stark any clue where these things are coming from?" Steve asked
"A tunnel under the city line, Solaris can you get here and blow it to hell?" Tony asked
I barked twice, which he heard knowing it meant yes

I jumped from shadow to shadow, I'd dropped Bucky off with Steve and travelled the city limit to get to Iron man

"Faster than I thought" Tony joked as I arrived
'Just blow it up?' I asked
"Yup" he nodded and flew off

I walked into the tunnel and saw the evil ducks
Fudge you all and say hi to daddy for me I thought as I turned to my hell form to create enough fire
I grew in size again, and the red hot flames licked the sides of the walls. I let the fire drop to the ground and roof making an explosion of fire and rubble

I turned into my golden size and began to run and dodge the falling debris to get out. It was too bright in here for a shadow to exist now
I saw the end of the tunnel and I leaped forward, but rocks caved me in

'Eh, guys I'm stuck under. There's no shadows for me to get out, and the only way out is blocked by rocks' I sent to everyone
'Ash! What? Can't you just create a shadow?' Bucky asked.
'No, the fire is too bright. I'd be fine in the fire it can't hurt me. But the rocks falling from above me can' I sent as I dug away the boulders
"We're on our way Ash" Steve said in my comm

I kept digging waiting to be rescued. But I wasn't paying enough attention to see the huge boulder fall above me and hit me

'Maybe hurry that rescue, I just got....buried by a Boulder' I sent as everything was spinning
I'm in my hell form still yes, but being pinned by a huge piece of rock will have an impact on me

A few hours later I woke up in my bed.
I sat up with a groan, my body still not fully healed
"Next time make the building explode when you aren't in it Ash" Bucky wrapped me in a hug
I happily closed my eyes as my head rested on his shoulder "sure thing Buck" I mumbled into his neck


"Nat, this dress is too tight. Besides, I won't even be a girl, there's too many people for me just yet" I squirmed around in front of the mirror
"Just sit still Ash so I can do your hair. Girl or hound you still need to be able to look good if you shift" she kept pulling my hair into her special design she was creating on my head
"Plus Tony will probably have a group photo. Especially since your ribs healed, that dress is just perfect now" Pepper added from her seat by the other mirror in my room
I huffed and sat still

"Finished" Nat put the hairbrush down
"Thank god" I sighed in relief at being able to move again
I looked myself in the mirror. I did look good, I'll give Nat and Pepper that, they made me look really hot.
I looked at the two behind me, they were just as beautiful.

I went to shift but Nat grabbed my hand.
"No no no no no. Not yet. Bucky wanted to see you in a dress, something about not believing it" she said
"Alright I won't shift. Why would he even want to see me in a dress?" I asked
"You live in jeans, or as a dog Ash" Pepper laughed
"Fair point" I looked in the mirror again

Nerves now in me. I don't want to disappoint him if he thinks I'm ugly or something
I want him to like me.

"Smile" pepper called as she took a mirror picture of the three of us and sent us the other ones she took so we could post some too

I took a deep breath, and looked at myself. I looked hot as hell, which was quite suiting
That made me confident so I stood taller and joined the other two women as we left to go to the few floors below to Tony's 'we all won another mission' party

"Be confident. You look stunning, and he's bound to be drooling" Nat encouraged me
"And if not, there's plenty of men here" pepper wiggled her brow at me
"Shush" I chuckled

The elevator opened and Nat and Pep walked out first. I took a deep breath and strutted out, just like how Nat showed me to walk in these ridiculous heels
'I need a drink'
I walked over to the bar, carefully passing people, and I hadn't realised but I'd been spotted the second I stepped out the lift. By one Bucky Barnes

I sat on the bar stool and waited for my drink to be made

Buckys POV
I was sitting at the table bored out of my mind when I saw the ladies walk in. My eyes widened on Ash, she looked gorgeous.
The dress she was wearing was tight on her perfect body yet her sleeves were poofed up. Her hair looked so soft, and I briefly saw her makeup, it made her eyes pop and enhanced the lips I was desperate to taste
She was as breath taking as always.

"Just go ask her Buck" Steve patted my back
"I can't" I sighed
"Why not? That's your girl, and you weren't he only one checking her out" Steve pointed at three guys who were checking Ash out as she sat at the bar
"Im playing the long game" i looked at my oldest friend
"That's smart. But sometimes you need to take a risk" he patted my back and went to play pool with Sam
I looked at the girl who had a special hold on my heart as she sipped at her cocktail and spun on her seat. Her eyes landed on me, a smile breaking out on her face, in turn making me smile.

'I can do this. Yup, just walk over there and ask for a date. Not that hard it's just Ash.' I talked myself up as I walked over

Ash's POV
"Hi Buck" I grinned as Bucky finally walked over
"Hey doll" he sat beside me
"You look amazing Ash, did you know theres like four guys checking you out?" He asked me
"Four?" I repeated the number confused. I only saw three
"Yeah" he nodded and drunk his beer
"I only saw three. Who's the fourth?" I asked
"Me" he said
My breath caught in my throat for the tiniest second before I was fully confident
"You? And why were you checking me out James?" I stood and stepped closer to his barstool
"Like I said, you looks gorgeous" he said smoothly
I stepped closer so I was right in front of his face. My heart was racing in my chest, we were so close now and I wanted to kiss him so bad. His eyes flickered from mine to my lips and back to my eyes.
"Do I?" I asked
"You always look beautiful Ash" he whispered
I could hear his heart was racing just as fast as mine
"Thanks. Good to know cause that ginger over there has been checking me out for a few minutes, you just confirmed that it was me he was looking at" I smirked playing with him

Okay maybe I was having fun flirting with Bucky

I put a hand on his chest and leaned up to his ear "Bye handsome" I whispered and left, taking my cocktail with me, but my hand slowly lifted off his chest.

As I walked away, I made sure to not fall, cause that would be embarrassing otherwise. I made my way to a laughing Nat, Hill and Pepper
"Hey girlies" I greeted them
"Damn Ash, you'd make me go lesbian" hill said
"Thank you very much" I grinned
"Good job. That was very hot. You should've seen his face when you left, he was like an adorable puppy" Nat hugged me so I could see Bucky who was watching us with Steve
"Wrapped around your little finger" pepper added making me laugh

"Was it too much?" I asked worriedly
"No it was perfect" Maria nodded
"Keep it up and he'll be sneaking into your room at night" pepper clinged her glass with Nat
I didn't, my cheeks turning red
"Hes snuck into your room before?" She asked shocked
"Um, maybe" I looked away at Loki and Thor who were chugging beer
"How many times?" Natasha asked excitedly
"Well let's just say we've always done it" I said sucking my lips in
"Hold on. You're telling us, that you and Mr.hunky Soldier over there sleep together every night and you guys have always?" Maria summarized
"Pretty much" I said and threw my cocktail back
"Damn girl. How the hell are you both not married yet?" She chuckled and went to get another drink
I smiled shyly
"That's a good question" pepper asked
"We didn't have a lot of time for romance at Hydra. And the whole thing is only surfacing now that we're free. Properly free" I answered
"Well you better jump on it, cause that girl is" pepper pointed at a blonde talking to Bucky
I couldn't help but growl. One, that's my best friend. Two, hes mine. And three thats one ugly ass bitch

I wanted to go talk to Bucky the next hour but that blonde wouldn't leave him alone. So I stood beside Steve.
Bucky and miss girly came over and while Bucky spoke with Sam, she turned to me
"Don't be bitter. Cause I'm fitter" she said and latched onto Buckys metal arm
"Why hasn't it hit her?" I looked at Steve and he shrugged
"He doesn't wanna bang you, somebody hang you" I said to the girl gaining an angry huff

She kept holding Buckys metal arm, and I knew he didn't like when people did that. He didn't still trust himself.
The only people I've ever known him to let touch his metal arm were me, Steve, and Shuri

"Go get him tiger" Steve pushed me forward playfully
"Steve" I muttered at him angrily as I stumbled into Bucky who caught me as always.
"Miss me?" I tried to joke
"Just can't help falling for me huh Ash?" He stood me up
"You know it" I held his real hand and looked at the blonde beside him
"Right. Ash this is Bella, she's one of the assistants for Pepper. Bella, this is my best friend Ash" he introduced us and my heart sunk at the words, best friend
"Hi nice to meet you'' I politely held a hand out
She took mine and shook with a fake smile on her face "Pleasure is all mine" she said in a high pitch voice
I cringed and smiled
"So assistant, that must be fun" I asked
"Yeah I get a lot of amazing job offers but I always decline because I'm just so close to miss Potts we're like sisters" she said and I nodded raising my brows slightly not once having heard her name
"What do you do?" She asked

Oh the perfect opportunity to flaunt has arrived

"I don't have a job. But I have a choice of four, artist, physicist, historian or avenger" I nodded modestly
"Don't forget the being a royal countess" Natasha walked passed adding in
"Can't forget that" I smiled sarcastically waiting for this chick to run
Bella's strong facade cracked for a second but she put it back up
"Did I mention I'm a Hellhound?" I asked and flashed my eyes red
Her eyes widened and she made an excuse to leave

I exhaled deeply and waved at her as she left
"Thanks, she was annoying the shit out of me" Bucky hugged me warmly
"That's what best friends are for" I said emphasizing the same thing he'd called me

The two of us continued to walk around having a few drinks and laughing away.
"Buck, has anyone ever told you that you've got great hair?" I asked slightly tipsy as I brushed my fingers through the mans hair. We were sitting alone at the sofa waiting for everyone else to join us. The party had ended a few minutes ago
"You'd be the first" he said happily through closed eyes
"Anyone ever tell you your hot?" He asked
"Yeah. I glow on fire if you didn't realise" I joked knowing what he meant
"No I meant beautiful, your hot as in beautiful" he corrected
"Oh. Then you'd be the first Buck. Thank you" I pecked his forehead sweetly

Bucky sat up as Steve, Sam and Sharon walked to us
"Hi bucky" she said biting her lip and sitting on Steve's lap
"Hi to you too" I smiled sarcastically at her
"Doll calm down" Bucky pulled me to his side to let Sam sit
"She's drunk right?" Sam asked Bucky regarding me
"Yeah a bit" Bucky nodded
"Who's she?" Sharon asked Steve
I didn't say anything just glared
"Are you like the cleaning lady or something?" She laughed
I had to control myself, can't set the tower on fire
I took a drink from Buckys beer and smirked
"Oh shit" Sam shuffled further from me
"Oh this is gonna be fun" Steve said too
"Ash please don't" Bucky said
"Hey I asked you a question. Who are you?" Sharon asked again
"A fucking god" I smirked and twirled a flame around my fingers a dangerous look in my eyes
"Are you kidding me or something?" Sharon asked unamused
"No she is not. She is the goddess of hell to be exact " Loki sat down too

"I gotta go" Sharon got up
"Don't try to disrespect me little lady" I smirked knowing she was going to go try bad mouth me. I've been alive far too long to not understand humans. I can tell when a supposedly good person that everyone loves, is really bad
"Or what?" She asked a hand on her hip
"Sharon don't." Bucky warned
"Oh come on Bucky. We both know she's all bark and no bite" Sharon shrugged
"But Sharon... I've got friends on the other side" I said my head tilted creepily

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony asked
"Didn't I give you a demonstration Howard?" I asked him instead
"OH" he realised and grinned too
"Sharon?" I asked her
"No. I don't trust you" she said
"Sit down at the table. Put your mind at ease" I coaxed her and she sat across from me
"Bucky what is she doing?" Steve asked his friend
"You'll see" Bucky sighed and leaned back on the sofa
"To do anything I please" I said to Sharon
"What?" Bruce whispered
"I can read your future. I can change it 'round some too" I explained
"Pretty useless if you ask me" Sharon said unimpressed but I kept grinning
"Doesn't seem useless to me" Natasha smiled
"I look deep into your heart and soul. You do have a soul dont you Sharon?" I paused leaning forward
"More than you" she sneered at me
"Well I have more than the devil" I grinned
"To make your wildest dreams comes true" I leaned back into buckys arm that was draped on the back of the sofa

I used my heel to dig into the ground, creating my all famous hell hole.
"What the hell is that?" Sharon jumped back from the hole if created by her feet
"A hell hole" I smiled innocently
"Let's see. Which Carter would be fun." I stopped again and scratched my chin thinking back a few years
"Joshua Carter" I whispered to the hole and slowly a misty body appeared of the deceased
"FUCK!" Sharon screamed and ran out
"Thanks Joshua, see ya!" I waved to the ghost as the hole closed up

"Remind me to never get on your bad side" Sam laughed breathily
"Awww don't worry. I won't send you to hell" I patted his thigh and leaned back into buckys arm
"Why don't you like Sharon?" Natasha asked
"I see more than you do Tasha. I've been alive long enough to tell a rotten egg in disguise" I replied
"How is Sharon a rotten egg? She's so nice" Sam asked
"She might be" was all I said
"She is though" Clint gave
I just raised my brows not answering

"By the way Ash. I love your dress, suits you" Sam smiled kindly at me
"Awww, thanks Sammy. Nat chose it for m-" I replied
"I think it would look even better on Buckys floor" Sam stopped me
I blushed and chuckled
"Did you just flirt for me?" Bucky asked an arm still around my shoulders
"Somebody had to" Sam told him and took a drink of his beer


"I'm sorry you want me to do what?" I asked sitting up
"Go to school" Steve nodded with Tony
"No" I said
"Why not?" The blonde asked
"Let's see. 1. I'm not a kid who needs an education because I'm smarter than all of you 2. I don't want to go nor do I need to go. 3. I've done school so I'm not going back" I stated my points
"Just please?" Tony asked
"Tony. No, if you want me to go so bad, why don't you do it yourself ?" I held firm
"Because I already did it and finished University" the billionaire said proud of himself
"So did I! I'm literally a qualified physicist, a qualified historian, and have a major in art" I retorted
"Renaissance art" Bucky corrected me
"Shut up Buck" I elbowed him gaining a laugh
"I'm not going" I said

I sighed as I got off of Buckys motorbike.
"Please take me home" I begged him
"Choice wasn't mine. It's Fury's. He sent you on the mission because you are the only one of the team that can make themselves look younger. Literally" he chuckled as I stood at his side my hands on his thigh to make sure he wouldn't leave
"Buuuuccccxkkkkk" I groaned
"Asshhhhhh" he playfully groaned back
"Can't we just send a camera to keep the kid safe?" I asked
"They tried, he found it and destroyed it. So people contact" Bucky smiled
"I hate you, you know that right. Bloody making me do high school again. I didn't even need it in the first place" I huffed looking over my shoulder at the horrible building that would be a new prison for me
"Love you too. Now go before someone spots us together and your cover is blown" he pushed my hands off his leg
"Bucky I'm serious. Just take me home" I begged now
"You are adorable. Better luck next time doll" he laughed and turned on his bike
"You are gonna regret this Barnes" I said coldly
"I bet I am" he said loudly over his bikes engine
"I'll see you later Ash" he said and sped off leaving me alone

I could always just jump in a shadow to go home. Go to my island, I've not been in a spin

Stupid fury and wanting me to find new super recruits. Can't they just spy on them? Nooo can't possibly do that
I whined in my head as I walked into the building full of cheerful kids

'They're all so young' I thought as I walked down the halls

Just find the principals office. Hey let's ask that kid. I walked to a scruffy brunette kid, and I tapped his shoulder
"Hi, I'm Aaaaaaa-Ember Kingston" I held out a hand using my last adopted name
"I'm Peter Parker. Are you new?" Peter asked
"Um yeah, and I can't find the office, could you show me the way?" I asked
"Sure" he nodded and closed his locker

We began to walk around the school to the office
"So you look 18, why are you transferring for your final year?" Peter asked me curiously
"Um....my... parents had a new job here. And uh, w-we Uh, had to move....." I made up on the spot
"Oh well sad that you had to move, but Midtown is a great school. Minus flash, but otherwise it's great" he beamed at me
I just nodded
"What's your parents job?" Peter asked
"Oh theyre.......scientists. They work at Stark Industries" I nodded proud of that
"Sick" he smiled

"Well this is the office. It was nice meeting you Ember" he smiled
"You too Peter." I smiled back

I got my time table, and locker number. All my classes were the brainiac classes, great Tony at least didn't put me with the stupid kids

Turns out I had every class alone, I didn't even try make friends. At lunch I found Peter who welcomed me to sit with him and his friends, Ned and the only girl in their trio, MJ. She was quiet and weird, so I already liked her.

Lunch had been fun.
"Hey new girl. I'm Gillian O' Brein, and this is Leah Olsen . We're the queen bees. You are pretty enough to join us, you do not want to get in the wrong group" Gillian walked up to me the second I walked in to eat
"I'm A- I'm Ember Kingston. Thanks for the invite" I smiled awkwardly
I'm so getting this kids parents sued for something
"Who's she?" I asked pointing at MJ
"Nobody important" Gillian fake giggled
"Nobody important?" I repeated
Okay, so not standing for this
"Blimey that's amazing." I said, MJ stopped to listen to me
"Did you know in 900 years in time and space I've never meet anyone who wasn't important before" I smiled at her gaining one in return

I turned back to the so called Queen Bees

"Look girls, you seem lovely, in all the horrible ways. So how about this. I go with....." I looked to MJ
"MJ" MJ told me and I nodded
"I go with MJ, and we can sit over with those two boys, and have some fun. And you two, well you can go back to sucking someone's dick go maybe climb to the possible lowest 'ranking' in the world when you leave. Guess what's it's called? It's called stupid, unintelligent and boring" I smirked and left with MJ

"Thanks, nobody's done anything like that before. Especially not to the queens" MJ explained as we walked
"Well somebody should. They're jerks" I smiled at my possible friend
Bucky will be proud

"I made a friend" I skipped over the motorbike and it's rider I cared for so much
"So you enjoyed school then?" Bucky smiled
"Oh no. It was horrible and boring, and the teachers are all wrong in history and physics. Honestly, none of them were right" I exclaimed
"But I did make a friend. Her names MJ, she seems nice. I also did kinda start a feud with the high school Queen Bees, so now I'm hated by the popular kids but all the nerds love me" I laughed getting on behind Bucky
"Only you could have such a weird day doll" he shook his head

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