Skylanders + Rabbids: Superch...

By Lendsey2004

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Kaos has created a new super weapon; the Sky Eater! It has the power to rip apart islands and even the Sky it... More

Chapter 2: The Cloudbreather's Crag
Chapter 3: The Cloud Kingdom
Chapter 4: The Land of the Undead
Chapter 5: BattleBrawl Island
Chapter 6: The Spell Punk Library
Chapter 7: Gladfly Glades
Chapter 8: Cap'n Cluck's Chicken HQ
Chapter 9: Monstrous Isles
Chapter 10: Ridepocalyse Demo Derby
Chapter 11: Vault of the Ancients
Chapter 12: The Bandit Train
Final Chapter: The Sky Eater

Chapter 1: The Rift to Skylands

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By Lendsey2004

Our story begins in Skylands, a magical world of wonder and adventure. Ruled by the greatest heroic emperor ever known.

(Y/n): Wait a minute, emperor?! Who in their right mind would be emperor of Skylands?


(Y/n): Why would you do this?!

Kaos: For centuries, meddling dogooder Portal Masters have been sending those stupid Skylanders to stop me and hold back the gloriously evil power of the darkness. But no more! Because all the portals are under the complete and utter control of... Dun dun DUN! Me, Kaos! And you may know this, reader that's reading this story from that Wattpad app on your desktop, iPhone, or iPad, I'm the bad guy.

(Y/n): We know that.

Kaos: And there's something else you should know. I've taken the opportunity to capture anyone in Skylands that remotely helped that stupid Beep-0 and Peach Rabbid.

(Y/n): Impossible!

Kaos: Now then, I shall end this story.

(Y/n): What?! Why?!

Kaos: So there'll be no one to help the Skylanders. So long, reader... FOREVER! Ha ha ha ha ha!

(Y/n): No way! Get back here! I might need to get Beep-0. He beat Kaos once and he can beat him again!

(Y/n) went to the Mushroom Kingdom to get Beep-0.

At the Mushroom Kingdom...

Beep-0: Such a nice day today!

(Y/n): Beep-0! Bad news! Kaos has taken over Skylands.

Beep-0: That shrimpo! Peach Rabbid, we'd better go and stop him.

Bowser: Guys! There are some weird engines that just crashed here.

Donkey Kong: Bowser's right! Come see!

Beep-0 and Co went to where the strange engines were.

Diddy Kong: Those are the ones.

Peach Rabbid: Bwah?

Beep-0: I'm getting a strange signal from somewhere.

???: Wait. Shh! I think I got something. Is someone there?

Beep-0: Uh, hello?

???: If you can hear this message, do you see two engines on the ground?

Bowser: Yeah.

Donkey Kong: I feel like maybe we should touch those.

Bowser, Donkey Kong, and Diddy Kong touched the engines giving them special powers.

Diddy Kong: I'm feeling some strange energy coursing through my body.

Donkey Kong: Me too!

Bowser: Me three!

Engine #1: No element detected. Prepare for reassignment. Donkey Kong... Designation, Life Element.

(Y/n): What the heck is going on?!

Engine #2: Bowser... Designation, Fire Element. Rift Engine engaged. Commence supercharging.

(Y/n): Oh my god! You guys look awesome!

Beep-0: Bowser, you have a hammer just like Mario.

Bowser: You can call me Hammer Slam Bowser!

Diddy Kong: DK, you okay, buddy?

Donkey Kong: I feel powerful! I shall call myself Turbo Charge Donkey Kong!

Peach Rabbid: Bwah!

Bowser: Something's happening with those engines!

The two engines transformed into two vehicles.

(Y/n): Look at those vehicles!

Diddy Kong: Sweet! That's the coolest vehicle ever!

Donkey Kong: Let's call it the Barrel Blaster!

Bowser: Mine can fly like my airships! I dub thee the Clown Cruiser!

Beep-0: So, what now?

???: You'll have to find a way to get to Skylands.

Beep-0: Let's use the Washing Time Machine!

Beep-0 and Co went in the Washing Time Machine taking them to Skylands.

???: I'll help guide you guys. But you must hurry.

Donkey Kong: We're in the gateway to dimensions unknown.

???: It's working, Hugo!

Hugo: Don't get too excited, Cali. The entire portal network is very unstable and very dangerous thanks to Kaos. Luckily, I rigged my tracking device to stabilize it.

Donkey Kong: Cool.

???: If it's stability you need, I can do it!

Hugo: No, wait! Flynn! I lost them! I'm trying to relocate your signal.

Diddy Kong: What is this Skylands place anyway?

Beep-0: You'll see, Diddy Kong.

Hugo: There. Back on track and headed for Skylands.

Bowser: Well, that's a relief.

Flynn: OH! Now I get it! Lemme try again!

Hugo: No, don't!

Peach Rabbid: Bwah!

Beep-0: The portal's collapsing!

Donkey Kong: We better hurry!

Beep-0: We'll just need a visual uplink for the final approach.

Hugo: Way ahead of you! Visual uplink connected!


Hugo: Wow! That actually worked!

Flynn: Let me check. Wowsers! Hey, Beep-0 and Peach Rabbid! Y'know, if your friends here need pointers driving those things, I'm that guy.

Cali: You may wanna hurry this up, Flynn.

Flynn: Relax, Cali. I'm just giving Beep-0 and Peach Rabbid some facetime with yours truly...

Cali: A guard's coming!

Troll: 🤨 Meh!

Cali: 😌 That was close.

Beep-0: Where are you guys now?

Hugo: We're being held on a transport ship heading for who knows where.

Flynn: Well, they got great guacamole there.

Hugo: I'll try to match the destination coordinates of the vehicles to our holding cell.

Cali: Hugo, they're coming back!

Hugo: You guys are the only ones that can save us!

Skylands in Chains

???: Greetings, prisoners! This is your captain speaking. On behalf of our supreme and glorious emperor, Lord Kaos, welcome aboard! I'm sure you'll find your stay here MOST UNPLEASANT!

Beep-0: We're here!

Diddy Kong: Those poor people. We gotta save them!

Bowser: I guess.

Hugo: It's Beep-0 and Co! We're saved!

Diddy Kong: I'll get you outta there.

Diddy Kong released Cali, Flynn, and Hugo from the cell.

Hugo: Thanks for saving us!

Beep-0: This is Bowser, he's the King of the Koopas. And these are Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong.

Donkey Kong: Pleasure to meet you guys!

Beep-0: I detected other prisoners on this ship.

Bowser: It pains me to say this, but we should probably free them.

Flynn: Yeah, cause that's what heroes like us do. BOOM!

Beep-0: There must be a main flagship controlling the fleet.

Cali: If we can reach it, maybe we can override the controls and save everyone.

Flynn: That sounds totally awesome. Let's totally do that!

Donkey Kong: Let's look around and get our bearings.

Bowser: I'll bust this door open.

Bowser whacked the door with his hammer.

Diddy Kong: That did the trick!

Cali: What's happening?

Flynn: Well, Cali, I'd say that weird metal thingy is gobbling up the sky.

Beep-0: How did it come to this?

Hugo: I sure wish Master Eon was here.

Donkey Kong: What's this?

Hugo: Oh! Master Eon left this with me. He said it was for you, Beep-0.

Beep-0: Wow!

Eon: Greetings, Beep-0. If you are seeing this, I've been taken captive and my worst fears have been confirmed. All thanks to Kaos, the darkness has returned and Skylands faces its greatest threat. Kaos has used the power of the darkness to build the evil monstrosity of destruction known as: The Sky Eater!

Bowser: That's even eviler than what I do!

Eon: To combat this, we've assembled a special team of Skylanders to pilot an unstoppable fleet of supercharged vehicles powered up by the legendary Rift Engine.

Diddy Kong: That explains the cool car me and DK have and the plane Bowser has.

Eon: There are three types of vehicles: Land Vehicles, Sea Vehicles, and Sky Vehicles.

Donkey Kong: The Barrel Blaster is a Land Vehicle.

Bowser: And my Clown Cruiser is a Sky Vehicle.

Eon: You must use these superchargers to stop Kaos and the darkness before it is too late. Good luck, Beep-0 and Co.

Bowser: No prob! We use our vehicles and stop Kaos and the darkness from conquering all of Skylands.

Hugo: But how are WE gonna stop Kaos and the darkness without Master Eon?

Flynn: No worries. That Sky Eater will probably eat us all first.

Hugo: What?!

Bowser: Flynn!

Flynn: Just saying. Look at it.

Diddy Kong: We'll figure this out together! For now, we should get that flagship and save the prisoners. Ain't that right, Flynn?

Flynn: That's a whole lot better than being eaten, yet I'm pretty sure I'm delicious. Count me in. BOOM!

Motley Meadows

???: That spirit is blue star hot!

Beep-0: You're the Fire Supercharger, Spitfire.

Diddy Kong: What's that over there?

Hugo: That's Motley Meadows getting torn apart!

Beep-0: Those people are in trouble!

Fender: You wanna give a lad a hand over here?!

Socket: Uh, we can't hold on forever!

Donkey Kong: We need to save them!

Cali: This is a Land Vehicle Dock.

Donkey Kong: Me and Diddy will handle this!

Spitfire: I have a Land Vehicle too!

Beep-0: You do?

Spitfire: Yeah!

Peach Rabbid: Bwah!

Spitfire: I call the Hot Streak!

Bowser: We'll meet up with you after you save those people.

Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Spitfire went to save the three people.

Diddy Kong: We gotcha!

Spitfire: Incoming!

Beep-0: That's an Iron Equalizer. It's like a tank.

Spitfire: Attack!

Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Spitfire attacked the Iron Equalizer.

Hugo: Things are getting pretty unstable here.

Donkey Kong: We better head back to the fleet, fast!

Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Spitfire went to the fleet.

A Fuel's Errand

Bowser: Hey guys!

Fender: You guys go find Cali, Flynn, and Hugo.

James Prong: You fellas managed to escape too, eh? Name's Prong. James Prong. I was going to try to slow the ship down by clogging up that fuel pump, but I'm having second thoughts about swimming in orange liquid.

Donkey Kong: I see. Maybe we could disable the fuel pump.

Bowser: We would need a boat!

James Prong: This is a Sea Vehicle Dock. It requires a Sea Vehicle.

Spitfire: We only have Land and Sea Vehicles.

???: I got this!

Beep-0: The Water Supercharger, Dive-Clops!

Dive-Clops: I'll use my Sea Vehicle!

Dive-Clops: Here it is! The Dive Bomber!

Beep-0: I'll sploing you to us once you're done.

Dive-Clops went to destroy the catalytic cyclotron.

Dive-Clops: The catalytic cyclotron has been destroyed.

James Prong: You should probably get out of here before they send guards to investigate.

Beep-0: Dive-Clops, dive in the outtake valve.

Dive-Clops escaped through the outtake valve.

Beep-0: Good job, Dive-Clops!

???: Why are the escape pods activating?! Scramble the fighters! It's time we send our uninvited guests a special message.

Peach Rabbid: Bwah?

Spitfire: They know what we're doing! Let's get outta here!

The Great Breakout

Flynn: Ahoy there, guys! I knew you could do it.

Bowser: What's going on with the escape pods?

Cali: Moneybone's fighter ships are going after the escape pods.

Beep-0: This is a Sky Vehicle Dock. We need a Sky Vehicle to save the prisoners.

Bowser: I'll have to do it.

Dive-Clops: Good luck, Bowser!

Bowser went to save the escape pods.

Bowser: The escape pods are safe.

Flynn: Uh, Bowser. I want to remind you that WE'RE UNDER ATTACK HERE!

Spitfire: Help us! Save Sharpfin's Ship!

Bowser: An item box?

Bowser grabbed the item box.

Bowser: Shields?

Beep-0: Do a barrel roll!

Dive-Clops: What?

Beep-0: I couldn't resist.

Spitfire: Close call there.

Hugo: Uh oh!

Flynn: Hugo! Every time you say "uh oh" something bad happens.

Bowser: I gotta destroy the cannon ship!

Bowser destroyed the Cannon Ship of Doom.

Bowser: Take that!

Cali: The last of the prisoners are being held on the flagship at the head of the fleet.

Beep-0: Once we get there, we can override it and get outta here!

Bowser went to the flagship.

Spitfire: C'mon, let's get out of here!

Beep-0 and Co flew on the flagship.


Kaos: Ha ha ha ha ha! Yes! Fear me! Bow before my Doomstation of Ultimate Doomstruction! It's a good day, Glumshanks.

Glumshanks: Uh, sure, Lord Kaos. The station is powered by the magic consumed, but are you sure it's supposed to rip big holes in the sky?

Kaos: Nonsense! Course I'm sure.

Glumshanks: It's not just the hole, sir. Some of the other trolls have been complaining.

Kaos: About me?! What did they say? Don't answer that. Prepare to eject Barracks B and C!

Glumshanks: They weren't talking about you, they meant the thing.

Kaos: Don't be ridiculous, Glumshanks. It's only the darkness.

Glumshanks: It's gotten bigger. And it's watching me.

Kaos: You're just imagining things. Get me Moneybone!

Glumshanks: Moneybone on Line 1 for you, sir.

Moneybone: Find out where they took my ship before Kaos... Huh? Ah, Lord Kaos!

Kaos: You're late with your 30 minute status update on my favorite prisoner. Is he suffering?

Moneybone: Yes. Yes he is! Your rebellious enemy Eon is languishing in his cell. Nothing will stand in the way of our total victory!

Kaos: Technically it's MY total victory.

Moneybone: Sure. I'm such a bonehead.

Kaos: That's what I thought. Carry on, Moneybone. That's how you handle your minions, Glumshanks. All of Skylands will fear and obey me soon enough. And it will start the reign of Emperor Kaos! Ha ha ha ha ha!

With Beep-0 and Co...

Beep-0: There it is! The Skylander Academy!

Bowser: Skylander Academy?

Buzz: It used to stand for training, excellence, and Super Ninja Commando skills. In dark times such as this, it's now a symbol of hope. We must protect the Core of Light safe at all cost.

Beep-0: Skylander Academy, oh how much I've missed you.

Donkey Kong: It doesn't look like much. But it's the last hope for Skylands.

Skylander Academy

???: It sure is.

Beep-0: The Life Supercharger, Stealth Elf.

Stealth Elf: I'm better known as Super Shot Stealth Elf.

Mags: Hot-buttered toast! If you ain't a sight for sore eyes, Beep-0 and Peach Rabbid.

Beep-0: These are our friends: Bowser, Donkey Kong, and Diddy Kong.

Diddy Kong: Nice to meet you!

Beep-0: That's Mags, legendary inventor of 87,000,000 unique items.

Mags: And yes, 87,000,000 is an actual number.

Persephone: Hello extremely once again, Beep-0 and Peach Rabbid! So happy to dance with you, even in this great turmoil and danger.

Beep-0: That's Persephone. She can convert gold into magical upgrades for all Skylanders to make their powers even stronger.

Sharpfin: Me and my crew can upgrade your Vehicles. My name's Sharpfin, newly appointed head Mechanic of the Academy and part time...

Diddy Kong: Let's just say soldier of Fortune.

Beep-0: All Supercharger Vehicles are powered by Rift Engines.

Sharpfin: I can upgrade your Vehicles with the help of Fender, Socket, and Clyde, the best Pit Crew in all Skylands.

Bowser: This Skylander Academy is awesome!

Cali: Well, we still don't know how to find Master Eon.

Beep-0: I researched this magical dragon at the Cloudscraper Mountains that can locate anything and anyone.

Hugo: All from one personal item.

Donkey Kong: Oh, there you guys are! I found something really cool!

Flynn: What is it?

Donkey Kong: This!

Bowser: A sock?

Hugo: It's the Sock of Eon!

Flynn: Well, you guys ready to head to the Cloudscraper Mountains to find this sniffy dragon?

Spitfire: Let's go!

Stealth Elf: I'll go get my vehicle!

Stealth Elf: I call it the Stealth Stinger!

Spitfire: Let's get going!

Beep-0 and Co went to the Cloudscraper Mountains.

To be continued...

Next time Beep-0 and Co will search for the dragon at the Cloudscraper Mountains to find Eon. See ya soon folks!

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