Chapter 4: The Land of the Undead

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Moneybone: Well, hello. Y'know, I've spoken with thousands of kings and tyrants, and there's one thing they have in common: worry. Well, worry no longer! My name is Count Moneybone. I'm here to help. Traditional dungeons and detention centers fuster anger and resentment among detainees. Not those people only, but also the who's who of Skylands will hop in for an invigorating stay in one of our luxury Traptainium penthouse suites. My accommodations are quite lush. Come to the Dimensional Dungeon of De-habilitation, and look at things from a new perspective!

Flynn: Call me crazy, but I don't think this Moneybone fella is on the up and up.

Beep-0: What'd ya expect?

Diddy Kong: This doesn't look like the brochure.

Cali: Let's focus on freeing Master Eon from that Traptainium prison.

Bowser: That gate seems flimsy. We'll have to blow it up with explosives!

Not as Advertised

Beep-0 and Co blew up the gate.

Softpaw: Special Agent 321, Designation Softpaw at your service and reporting for duty! Operation Little Lost Sheep is underway! I have spent months infiltrating this detention center to determine the best way to safely extract Master Eon from Moneybone's clutches!

Bowser: We can do this!

Beep-0: These Perspective Gates will change our gravitational orientation. We'll get past Moneybone's defenses.

Softpaw: Good luck, Skylanders! See you on the other side. SOFTPAW, GOING DARK!

Diddy Kong: I'm feeling lightheaded somehow. Probably due to the gravity.

Softpaw: Rendezvous ACHIEVED! Glad to see you made it, Skylanders. This path leads to the detention center proper.

Donkey Kong: Me and Diddy will get there!

???: And me!

Beep-0: Another Fire Supercharger! This time it's Eruptor!

Eruptor: Also known as Lava Lance Eruptor! Along with my Land Vehicle!

Eruptor: Also known as Lava Lance Eruptor! Along with my Land Vehicle!

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Eruptor: It's called the Burn-Cycle!

Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Eruptor went to the detention center.

Eruptor: Let's not get spotted by those spotlights. They'll open fire if we're spotted.

Softpaw: Excellent work, Skylanders. You have infiltrated the dark and crusty underbelly of Moneybone's detention center.

Beep-0: More spotlights! Let's be extremely careful while we're extracting Master Eon.

Upside Downstairs Over-there-s

Donkey Kong: Let's get very sneaky!

Gaven: Thank goodness you're here, Skylanders! We've managed to commandeer a bunch of transport ships to get the prisoners out of here. But it was a trap!

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