The Rebellion Of Raptors (Yug...

Thatboihee द्वारा

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Ren is an adopted sibling of Yuma taken in by his family. On a trip they were on they found him all alone. No... अधिक

The Beginning
Crash Bug
The Sparrow
Shark and Yuma's Rematch
The Number Hunter

A Fixed Bond

2.2K 31 29
Thatboihee द्वारा

It was a couple days after Yuma's And Shark's rematch and Yuma was having a duel with Bronk. He attempted to attack Bronk's monster, but he activated Rush Recklessly to give his monster the power to destroy Yuma's monster and win the duel.

Ren: And that's 20 today. 

Yuma got right back up and wanted another rematch, but Bronk just walked away. Me and Tori walked to him to see what was up since he looked like he had something on his mind.

Tori: Wait! Wait up! Bronk!

Ren: Ok Bronk what's wrong? 

Bronk: I didn't think Yuma was that kind of person. That duel.... he said he wouldn't use a Number... even if that's the case, that guy...

Ren: Yea, he did use a Number, but he was hesitating to use it. The only reason he did was because Shark wanted him to. 

Bronk: But still he broke a promise!

Ren: Alright Bronk, which one do you think is more important. A promise for some stupid bet, or trying to help someone and giving them what they want?

Bronk: But still.... you don't just broke a promise to a friend-

Ren: Well sometimes we all can't keep our promises alright!? Sometimes things come up! Sometimes you just can't be there to help, then next thing you know you're fighting the person you promised your best friend you would protect and just end up leaving Shark alone when you promised his sister you would be there for him!!!

Tori: Wait... Shark has a sister...?

Bronk: And you made promise to her...?

Ren: ....! ...I gotta go.....

I just hurried back home after I said that.... and that night.... I couldn't go to sleep, because one thing was on my mind.... and that was I failed Rio...

(Timeskip - Next Day)

It was near the end of school today, and I was packing my things up to leave. As I was, Yuma walked up to me.

Yuma: Hey Ren, do you mind if we talked for a bit?

I knew whatever he wanted to talk about was serious, since he called me by my name and didn't call me "Bro"

Ren: Yea, what's up man?

Yuma: Well, I heard from Tori, that yesterday you were talking about some kind of promise you couldn't keep... and it was to Shark's sister?

Ren: And let me guess.... you want to know what happened right?

Yuma: If you don't mind talking about it.

Ren: ...*Sigh*  I guess I could've told you this sooner. But before we talk about it, do you mind going somewhere there isn't as many people.

He agreed and we walked to the Library. We walked to a table and sat down.

Ren: Ok, so you remember how sometimes when you would go with mom and dad on trips and I would stay behind with sis and grandma.

Yuma: I do.

Ren: Well, one of those times I was walking around city, went to the duel park. That was where I met Shark, we dueled and I beat him there. When I did, he wanted a rematch to try and beat me. I gave him one and it kept going like that for a bit. After a while, we became friends, and when we did he introduced me to his little sister, Rio. Me and her got along great and became friends just as fast. Things were actually going great with all of us... but one day, a year and a half ago.... a big accident which caused a building to go up in flames... and Rio was in it..... she suffered bad injuries and had to be rushed to the hospital.... there I promised her I would always be there for Shark... before she went into a coma.... A little bit afterwards was when the nationals was about to happen. Me and Shark were planning on entering together to have a better chance to get help for Rio... but then mom and dad told me I was able to go on a trip with you 3. I was about to turn it down, but Shark told me I should go to spend time you guys and that he would be fine and would win the thing... I let him do it, but when I came back something happened that made him not be able to win, when I tried to talk to him about it, an argument happened and we started to fight... and I just left him alone.... and that's when I knew I failed my promise to her...

Yuma: How come you didn't tell us about this bro?

Ren: I... *Sigh*  I don't know really... I thought about it... but I just didn't for some reason...

Yuma: But what happened that Shark couldn't win it then?

Ren: I told you what you wanted, that wasn't a part of it. If you want to learn about that, go on a computer here and search up last year's nationals...I just need some time to myself, ok.

Yuma: Ok, so see you at home then.

Ren: Yea, text me when you're about to go home.

Yuma: I will, see you later bro.

Ren: See ya

I was walking back home since Yuma was most likely do that. While walking out of the school, I heard something.

??: Oi!!

I looked up, and saw one of the guys from the place Shark was at.

Ren: What do you want?

Gang Member: Look, I get you don't like me, but I saw that you were talking to Shark like you knew him from before. So I don't think you'll let this happen. But later tonight our leaders Scorch and Chills are gonna steal a rare deck from a museum! And if they get caught they're gonna blame Shark for it!

Ren: What time are they gonna do that?

Gang Member: Later tonight, but ever since they gotten these cards they haven't been acting like themselves...

Ren: Do those cards have Numbers in their names?

Gang Member: Yea! They actually do. 

Ren: Alright. Most likely, your leaders wouldn't like it if you told them about their plans huh.

Gang Member: Yea... Shark actually was the one that told to leave while I can.... 

Ren: You should probably go do that. Leave town while you can so they won't find you, I'm gonna go help Shark.

I started to walk to the direction of the Museum to help out Shark... like I was supposed to when I promised Rio... 


I was running down the halls of the hospital when Shark told me what happened to Rio. I ran as fast as I could to the room Shark told me they were at. When I got there... I saw Rio all bandaged up...

Ren: Reginald what happened to her?!

Reginald: I don't know.... I was looking for her after she was gone for a bit.... and I saw her like this.... I called the hospital and tried to get here as fast as we could...

I started to breath heavy, and I was worried that I could lose one of my best friends... after I already lost someone else not too long ago.... and I felt something I wanted to tell her..... but she started to lift up one of her arms...

Rio: Hello.... is anyone... there...?

Ren/Reginald: Rio!!!

I grabbed on to her arm and gave it a gentle but firm grip to know someone's there for her.

Ren: We're here for you Rio!

Rio: Ren.... is that... you..?

Ren: Yea, it's me! Reginald's here too!

Reginald: Hang on Rio! I'm gonna get some doctors to help!!

He ran out the room to find a doctor to help her, meanwhile I kept holding her hand to have her know I was still there for her.

Rio: Ren... can you... promise me... something..?

Ren: Of course Rio. What do you want?

Rio: Please... promise me... you'll look out for Reginald... be there for him... when he needs you...

As she was talking... I felt tears coming down my face.

Rio: Please.... I want someone... to be there... for him... since I won't be able to...

Ren: Yea... I promise... I'll be there for him...

Rio: I know you... will...

Ren: Just hang on for me... ok.... I need to... tell you something though...

Rio: What... is it...?

Ren: I wanted to tell you this earlier... but I want to say this so you can know.... Rio.... I... I have...

Before I could continue.... I felt the grip she had weaken....

Ren: Rio...?

Rio: .....

Ren: Rio... please.... please don't do this to me... stay with me Rio.... please....

Rio: .....

Doctors came into the room and had me leave the room... sometime later they were able to stabilize her... but she would be in a coma...

(Back to Present)

Ren: And then, I just had to break that promise....


It was a little bit after the nationals happened, where Reginald apparently took a look at his opponents deck, and that caused him to be disqualified and banned from the nationals. I went to visit him to try and make him feel at least a little better.

Ren: Hey Reginald... how are you holding up?

Reginald: Hey Ren.... honestly... not too good right now...

Ren: I heard what happened, but I know you're not the kind of person to purposely try to do that. So what happened?

Reginald: Well, I was in the room getting myself prepared for the finals, and then my opponent left the room. When he did, he left his deck and it fell.... and... I couldn't help but just take a quick look at it... I just really wanted to win to help Rio... and it costed me the chance for it...

Ren: Damn.... do you know anything else we can do in the meantime? We can't just wait till next year because who knows what might happen in that year...

Reginald: *Sigh*  I don't know... but can you, just give me some time to myself.... I need to be alone...

I wanted to just stay there to comfort him more... but I just decided that he probably does need some time alone, so I left. After a couple weeks, I heard people talking about Reginald being a bully to a bunch of other students in school. That wasn't him at all, so I went to visit him to see what that all was about.

Ren: Ok Reginald, I heard a bunch of other students saying you were being a bit of a jerk. I know that's not who you are, so just tell me what's happening man?

Reginald: Look Ren, things being getting weird recently. I just was holding in some things, and I needed to let them out.

Ren: So you get mad at a bunch of other people that had nothing to do with what made you mad? 

Reginald: You know what, you're right. I shouldn't get mad at them... it's you who I should be mad at!

Ren: Me!?

Reginald: Yea! If you had been there for the tournament, we could've actually had a chance to help out Rio! But you decided to bail out and now we don't have anything to help her!

Ren: Don't you start getting mad at me! You're the one that said I should go! I was perfectly willing to stay behind and help in that tournament! 

Reginald: Oh so all I had to say was for you to go?! 

Ren: Hey I tried to tell you to let me stay! I'd try to reason with the both of us, we'd have practically doubled the chance to win! You were the one that was persistent that I just went! *Scoffs*  Honestly it's a good thing Rio doesn't have to see how you are now. Because she'd be really disappointed to see how you're acting. 

Reginald: Well this all wouldn't have happened if she was here huh smartass!?

Ren: Well maybe if she had a better brother, she wouldn't have been-

Before I could finish my sentence, he'd already punched me in my face. I was already furious before, so I just retaliated. That led to a big fight to me and him, which caused the end of our friendship.  


Ren: I shouldn't have gotten mad like that, but I can't change what happen. But I can change what will happen, I'll be there for him now Rio. 

I started to run to the Museum to get there faster.

Ren: I swear!

(3rd Person POV)

Scorch, Chills, and Shark all arrived at the Museum to get the deck. But then Ren appeared in front of it. 

Ren: Sorry, but I guess you guys didn't check the time for the Museum, it's closed for the night. But there's a theater a few blocks down, which by the way, movies are a lot more fun than museums

Chills: Hey, you're the kid that held down of our guys aren't you.

Then both of them had a Number symbol on them. 

Ren: If you guys want to go ahead, then we have duel for it.

Scorch: Duel you say? 

Chills: What are you planning?

Ren: Well, I heard you guys managed to get some Number cards. Well, let's just say I know a guy with a bunch more like those. If you guys beat me, I'll get all the Numbers he has, I win and you guys leave.

Scorch: Oh really? So this thing is called a Number? Well how do we know that you're telling the truth then?

Ren: Well, I don't have any actual proof, but it sounds like a pretty good gamble doesn't it? You win, I leave and you get a lot more Numbers to have.

Scorch and Chills looked at each other, and smirked.

Scorch: Alright kid, let's go!

Ren: Alright, and let's not waste time. Because I'll take you both on!

Shark: You're seriously thinking on taking them both on?

Ren: Yea, you of all people should know I can take multiple people on

Shark: (He's not wrong. I saw him take out 3 people in just one turn and with one monster.)  But why are you getting involved? I told you to leave me alone. 

Ren: No, you told Yuma that. You didn't tell me anything, so I can do what I want.

Shark: *Chuckles*  Still a smartass. Still though, why are you here.

Ren: Because I couldn't stand back anymore. I made a promise that I failed a while back, and even though it's already broken... I want to do what I can to fix it. So I'm not letting you go down this path anymore! I won't abandon you anymore!

Shark: ...

Chills: Talking time is over. If it's about Numbers it's a different story. 

Scorch: This isn't a 2 on 1, it'll be a 3 on 1.

Ren: Bring it. You can bring your entire gang and it wouldn't make a difference. 

But then, Shark started walk to Ren's side.

Shark: Sorry, but I'll be siding with Ren.

Scorch: What did you say?!

Chills: You! You're betraying us?!

Ren: You know I could take these 2 on myself right.

Shark: I know, but then I wouldn't have anything else to do. Besides, I'm sick of babysitting these 2. 

Chills: Interesting, so you challenging us to a Tag duel?

Scorch: What a bunch of idiots! 

They all pull out their duel disks and gazers out.

Ren/Shark/Scorch/Chills: DUEL!!

Ren - 4000 LP

Shark - 4000 LP

Scorch - 4000 LP

Chills - 4000 LP

Scorch: I'll take the first turn! Draw! I set a monster in Defense mode! Then I set 1 card face down, and end my turn.

Ren: My turn. Draw! I summon The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak! 

The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak:

☆: 3

800 ATK / 1000 DEF

Shark: (So, he still has them from him)

Scorch: Heh, what's that weak monster supposed to do with only 800 attack?

Ren got a bit mad of hearing him saying that about his monster.

Ren: Whenever I control another Phantom Knight monster, I can Special summon The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from my hand!

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots:

☆: 3

200 ATK / 1200 DEF

Chills: Two level 3's huh.

Ren: I overlay my level 3 Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak, and Silent Boots, to build the Overlay Network!

The two monsters turned into energy, and entered the galaxy like portal.

Ren: The souls of fallen knights on the battlefield, resurrect and become the light that cuts the darkness!

Ren: Xyz summon! Appear, Rank 3! The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword:

R☆: 3

OLU: 2

2000 ATK / 1000 DEF

Ren: I set 3 cards facedown, and end my turn.

Chills: My turn, draw! I activate Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards! *Draws 2*  Now I summon Pomdador Blizzardon.

Pomdador Bilzzardon:

☆: 4

1400 ATK

Chills: Then I set 3 cards facedown and end my turn! Against our invincible tag duel.

Scorch: We'll make you regret you ever challenged us. 

Shark just looked at them, unfazed with what they said.

Shark: My turn. Draw! I summon Big Jaws!

Big Jaws:

☆: 3

1800 ATK

Shark: Next I Special summon Shark Stickers!

Shark Stickers:

☆: 3

200 ATK

Shark: Since I control a fish monster, I can Special summon this card from my hand. I overlay my Level 3 Big Jaws and Shark Stickers, to build the Overlay Network! Xyz Summon! Appear, Submersible Carrier Aero Shark!

Submersible Carrier Aero Shark:

R☆: 3

OLU: 2

1900 ATK

Shark: Now I activate it's effect! Once per turn by detaching one overlay unit, I can inflict damage to my opponent 400 points for every card in my hand! There are 4 cards in my hand, so I'll inflict 1600 points of damage to Scorch! 

One overlay unit went to the part that holds both sharks together, and shot missiles at Scorch.

Scorch - 4000 < 2400 LP 

The smoke cleared, and it showed Scorch with a smirk on his face.

Scorch: I was hoping you'd do that.

Chills: Trap activate! Blizzard Egg Level 5! With this card, when a player takes effect damage, they can Special summon one Level 5 monster from their hand! However, if they can't, they take 500 points of damage!

Ren: (If he doesn't have one, he'll be down to 1900 lifepoints before any of us had a chance to attack)

Scorch: I'll Special summon level 5 Botan Lavasaurus!

Botan Lavasurus:

☆: 5

2100 ATK

Scorch: Now I'll activate my trap! Flame Egg level 5! When a player takes effect damage, an ally can Special summon one level 5 monster from their hand! However, if they can't, they take 500 points of damage. 

Ren: They're doing the same move.

Chills: I Special summon the level 5 monster, Mince Icebergdon in defense mode!

Mince Icebergdon:

☆: 5

2100 DEF

Ren: (There's no way they both managed to get the cards they needed to help each other like that. Something's up.)

Scorch: Trap activate! Staredown level 5! For every level 5 monster on the field, you take 500 points of damage! Since there's 2, you'll be taking 1000 points of damage! 

Both of the monster's eyes became red and sent a shockwave to Shark.

Shark - 4000 < 3000 LP

Scorch: Not such a big deal now are you?

Shark: I set 2 cards facedown, and end my turn. 

While that was happening, Yuma, Tori, and Bronk all arrived to where they were at. 

Scorch: My turn, draw! I flip summon Punch Flamesaursus!

Punch Flamesaursus:

☆: 4

1800 ATK

Bronk: A tag duel?

Yuma: And it looks like bro and Shark are teaming up.

Then Astral started to float towards Ren.

Ren: Astral? When'd you get here?

Astral: I just arrived right now, along with Yuma, Bronk, and Tori. 

He looked behind and saw them.

Astral: It took them a bit to convince Bronk to come along, but they managed to do it.

Ren: But how did you know where I was?

Astral: Somehow I was able to feel your presence here. I'm not sure how or why, but I just had a strong feeling you were here, and it appeared it was right.

Ren: That's... something we should talk about later...

Astral: It probably would be good if we did have a talk about that. But for now let's focus on the duel. Your opponents have Number cards I assume.

Ren: Yea, and I think one might be coming soon.

Scorch: I activate Flamesaursus flip effect! This monster's level is increased by 1!

Punch Flamesaursus:

☆: 4 < 5

Scorch: I overlay my level 5 Flamesaursus, and Lavasaurus to build the Overlay Network! Xyz summon! Appear, Number 61! Volcasaurus!  

Number 61: Volcasaurus: 

R☆: 5

OLU: 2

2500 ATK / 1000 DEF

Ren: There's the Number card.

Chills: We did it big bro!

Scorch: This game is ours now. Now let's show them our true terror! I activate Volcasaurus' special ability! By detaching one Overlay Unit, I can destroy one of my opponent's monster, and inflict it's attack to that player! I'll destroy Aero Shark! Mag Max!

Volcasaurus ate one of it's Overlay Units, and was about to shoot off it's lave to Aero Shark.

Volcansaurus: OLU 2 < 1

Ren: Trap activate, Phantom Knights' Wing! I target a monster on the field, and it gains 500 attack points! And the first time it would be destroyed by battle or card effect this turn, it's not destroyed!  

A pair of spirit wings appeared on Aero Shark, and blocked the lava about to destroy it.

Submersible Carrier Aero Shark: 1900 < 2400 ATK

Scorch: *Growls*  You may have saved Shark's monster, but don't think you'll be safe! Because I can detach another Overlay Unit, to destroy your Break Sword!

Volcansaurus did the exact same thing, and was about to go to Break Sword.

Volcansaurus: OLU 1 < 0

Ren: Continuous trap activate, Phantom Knights' Sword! I can target another monster on the field, and have it gain 800 attack points! 

A new sword appeared in the hands of Phantom Knight Break Sword.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword: 2000 < 2800 ATK

Ren: And now I activate it's second effect! When the targeted monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect, I can destroy this card instead! 

Break Sword used it's new sword and swung it through the lava, causing it to melt and be destroyed.  

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword: 2800 < 2000 ATK

Scorch: Tch, you might have saved both monsters from Volcasuarus' effect, but I can still destroy them in battle! Go Volcasuarus! Attack his Break Sword!

Volcansuarus charged up, and shot flames at Ren's Break Sword.

Yuma: Bro!

Tori/Bronk: Ren!

Shark: Trap, activate! Zeus' Breath! This card can negate one monster's attack! 

A large figured that resembled Zeus, appeared and launch winds at the flames to stop it.

Scorch: Tch, so you set that kind of card huh. I set 3 cards face down, and end my turn.

Ren: Heh, thought you would've saved that kind of card for your monster.

Shark: I just don't like being in people's debt for long. So I decided to pay it off as fast as I can.

Ren: Sure, keep telling yourself that. My turn, draw! I summon Raidraptor - Necro Vulture.

Raidraptor - Necro Vulture

☆: 4

1000 ATK

Ren: Now I activate the spell, Card of Demise! This card lets me draw until I have 5 cards in my hand, but in 5 turns, I have to discard my entire hand.

Since Ren's hand was at 0, he was able to draw 5 cards.

Ren: Now I activate Raidraptor - Stangle Lanius' effect! If I control a dark monster, I can Special summon it to the field! 

Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius:

☆: 4

1600 ATK

Ren: I overlay my level 4 Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius, and Necro Vulture, to build the Ovelay Network! Xyz summon! Appear, Rank 4, Raidraptor - Force Strix!

Raidraptor - Force Strix:

R☆: 4

OLU: 2

2000 DEF

Chills: Not so fast! When you Xyz summon a monster, I can activate my Continuous trap, Avalanche! So now your Xyz monster can't attack, and if you want to use it's ability, you take 500 points of damage!

Ren: Counter trap, activate! Raptor's Gust! When I control a Raidraptor card, I can negate the activation of a Spell or Trap card!

A strong wind force came out of the card, and destroyed Chills' trap.

Chills: Tch, little brat.

Ren: Now I activate Force Strix's special ability! By using one Overlay Unit, I can add a level 4 Winged - Beast monster from my deck to my hand.

Raidraptor - Force Strix: OLU 2 < 1

Ren: I add Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius to my hand. Now I activate the Spell, Rank Up Magic Raid Force! 

Shark: *Smiles*  There's your trump card.

Yuma: Ah yea! There's bro's Rank Up card! 

Ren: By using this card, I can make 1 Raidraptor Xyz monster I control, rank up to another Raidraptor Xyz monster that's 1 rank higher!

Chills: What?!

Scorch: Ranking up an Xyz monster?

Force Strix turned into energy and went into the Xyz portal.

Ren: Unseen brave falcon, spread your ferocious wings and reveal to us your hidden powers now!

Ren: Rank Up! Xyz Evolution! Come forth! Rank 5! Raidraptor - Stranger Falcon!

Raidraptor - Stranger Falcon:

R☆: 5

OLU: 2

2000 ATK and DEF

Yuma: Alright! That's his Rank Up monster!

Scorch: What the hell is this?

Chills: I don't know. I've never heard of a Rank Up before.

Ren: Well after this duel, you'll never forget it. I activate Stranger's Falcon's special ability! Once per turn, by detaching one Overlay Unit, I can target one monster on the field, destroy it and the owner takes damage equal to it's attack! So I'll destroy your Volcasaurus!

Raidraptor - Stranger Falcon: OLU 2 < 1

The cannons on Stranger Falcon charged up, and fired at Volcansuarus.

Chills: I activate my Quickplay spell, My Body as a Shield! When you activate an effect that would destroy a monster, I can pay 1500 lifepoints to negate it!

The shot was redirect from Volcaurus to Chills.

Chills - 4000 < 2500 LP

Ren: What the hell was that?

Scorch: I am responsible for offense, while Chills specializes in defense.

Chills: That's the way we battle.

Ren: Damn it, I switch Break Sword to defense mode.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword: 2000 ATK < 1000 DEF

Ren: I set 2 cards facedown and end my turn.

Chills: My turn, draw! I activate the spell, The Alert of Ice Cave! This card can increase a defense position monster level by 1! I increase Resent Blizzardon's level up to 5!

Resent Blizzardon: LV 4 < 5

Chills: Now I overlay Mince Icebergdon and Resent Blizzardon, to build the Overlay Network! 

The two monsters turned into energy and entered the portal for the Overlay Network.

Chills: Xyz summon! Come forth, Number 19, Feezadon!!

Number 19: Freezadon:

R☆: 5

OLU: 2

2000 ATK / 2500 DEF

Ren: Just great... the second one showed up.

Chills: I activate Freezadon's ability! By detaching one Overlay Unit, it can bring back all Overlay Units for my partner's Xyz monster!

Freezadon: OLU 2 < 1  

Freezadon shot a ice beam at Volcasaurus bringing back it's Overlay Units

Volcasaurus: OLU 0 < 2

Yuma: So that means it can use it's ability again! 

Chills: I set 3 cards and end my turn! 

Shark: My turn, draw! I activate the Spell Xyz gift! If there's 2 or more Xyz monsters on the field, I can draw 2 cards! *Draws 2*  Now I activate Aero Shark's ability! By using one Overlay Unit, I can inflict 400 points of damage to an opponent for every card in my hand! There's 4 so I can inflict 1600 points of damage! So I think I'll go for Scorch again!

An Overlay Unit went into Aero Shark and again shot missiles at Scorch.

Submersible Carrier Aero Shark: OLU 1 < 0

Chills: Trap activate! Memory Loss! When an attack position monster activate it's effect, this card negate it's effect and switches it to defense mode!

Blue orbs went inside of Aero Shark's head, and made it avoid hitting Scorch.

Aero Shark: 1900 ATK < 1000 DEF

Shark: Tch, luck break then. I summon Needle Sunfish! 

Needle Sunfish:

☆: 3

1500 ATK / 100 DEF

Shark: Then I active, Surface! I target one level 3 or lower Fish, Sea Serpent, or Aqua monster in my Graveyard, and summon it in defense mode! Come Big Jaws! 

Big Jaws:

☆: 3

300 DEF

Ren: So you're gonna bring him out.

Shark: I Overlay my Level 3 Big Jaws and Needle Sunfish, to build the Overlay Network! Xyz Summon! Come forth, Black Ray Lancer!

Black Ray Lancer:

R☆: 3


2100 ATK / 600 DEF

Yuma: Black Ray Lancer!

Shark: I activate Black Ray Lancer's ability! By using one Overlay Unit, I can negate Volcasaurs' ability till the End phase!

Black Ray Lancer: OLU 2 < 1

An Overlay Unit went into it's chest and it sent purple shockwaves to Volcasaurs, causing purple lighting to cover it as it was weakened. 

Scorch: What?!

Ren: Now the Number can be destroyed!

Scorch: But Volcasaurus still has higher Attack points! 

Shark: How naïve Scorch! I activate the effect of Needle Sunfish! When it's sent to the Graveyard, one monster on the field loses 500 Attack points! 

Needle Sunfish was shown in the Graveyard, shooting it's needles shot at Volcasuarus making it weaker even more.

Volcasuaurs: 2500 ATK < 2000 ATK

Shark: I attack Volcasuaurs with Black Ray Lancer! Go, Black Spear! 

Chills: Trap active! Compensation Exchange! While this card negates the attack, the player receives damage equal to Volcasaurs' attack!

Chills - 2500 < 500 

Ren: Damn it, we couldn't get rid of the Number.

Scorch: Trap Activate! The Scorching Depths! When my partner receives damage, I can check my opponents hand! And if there's a monster card, it's sent back to the deck! *Looks at Ren*  Let me confirm your hand! 

Ren: Great, just when I searched it out from my deck.

Ren's hand was shown, showing Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius and Monster Reborn.

Shark: (Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius and Monster Reborn...)

Scorch: (Monster Reborn huh? There's nothing good in his graveyard to bring back) Alright, return the Monster card back to your deck!

Ren put Vanishing Lanius back into his deck and it shuffled itself. 

Shark: I set 1 card facedown and end my turn.

Scorch: My turn, draw! You know, *Points at Ren*  you've been having it easy so far this duel. So how about I change that! I activate the effect of Vocasaurus!  To destroy 1 of your monsters and have you take damage equal to it's attack!

Ren: Before you do that, I activate the Trap Raidraptor - Readiness! This turn, Raidraptor monsters I control can't be destroyed by battle! 

Scorch: It doesn't matter, since I'll be using an effect to do it! Take this! Mag Max!

Volcasaurus' overlay unit went into it's chest, as it shot lava at Stranger Falcon.

Volcasaurus: OLU 2 < 1

Yuma: Bro!

Ren: Now I activate Raidraptor - Readiness from my graveyard! If I have a Raidraptor monster in my grave, I can banish this card, and for the rest of this turn, I take no damage! 

The lava destroyed Stranger Falcon, but Ren didn't take any damage.

Scorch: Tch, fine! Since I can't deal damage to you, I'll go after Shark! I use another Overlay Unit to destroy Black Ray Lancer! 

Volcasaurus did the same thing and aimed for Black Ray Lancer.

Volcasaurus: OLU 1 < 0

Ren: Trap activate! Damage Diet! For the rest of this, effect damage is halved!

Black Ray Lancer was destroyed, but Shark only took half the damage.

Shark - 3000 < 1950 LP

Shark: I target Volcasarus and activate the Trap, Icy Crevasse! When a monster I control is destroyed by a card effect, it can destroy one of my opponents monster and inflict it's attack to it's owner! 

Cracks in the floor appeared, and a hole under Volcasaurus about to destroy it.

Chills: Trap activate! Force Change! I switch the trap target to Freezadon!

Volcasaurs stopped sinking into the ground, instead Freezadon fell into the hole, sending it down, and sending Chills flying back

Chills: Ahhh!

Scorch: Chills!

Chills - 500 < 0 LP

Yuma: Alright! They took one down, just one more to go! 

Scorch: How dare you do that to my little brother.... Don't even think for a minute you'll go back alive! Battle! I attack your Aero Shark!

Volcasaurs shot another lava beam at Shark's monster. 

Shark: Trap activate! Final Offering! This card ends the battle phase, and gives one card from my hand to an opponent. Ren!

Shark threw a card at Ren, he caught it and saw the card was Armored Xyz.

Scorch: Useless struggle! I activate the Continuous Spell, Twin Volcano! During my Standby Phase, this card inflicts 500 points of damage to my opponents! Then if I send this card to the graveyard, it can inflict 500 more points of damage!

Astral: Even if those effects do go off, you'll both survive since you have more lifepoints then the card can inflict to you 2.

Ren: Right, but still. I'd rather not take chances.

He looked at his hand, only have Monster Reborn and Armored Xyz.

Ren: My turn, draw! 

He looked at the card he drew, and smiled a bit.

Ren: Alright, I activate Monster Reborn! With it, I bring back Raidraptor -Strangle Lanius from my graveyard!

A portal appeared and Strangle Lanius flew out of it.

Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius: 1600 ATK

Ren: Now I summon Raidraptor - Tribute Lanius!

Raidraptor - Tribute Lanius: 1800 ATK

Ren: Now I activate Tribute Lanius' effect! On the turn it's summoned I can send a Raidraptor card from my deck to the graveyard! So I send Mimicry Lanius to the grave!

Scorch: *Chuckles*  What a dumb kid. Why would you send your own card to the graveyard.

Ren: Because now I can activate it's effect! When Mimicry Lanius is sent to the graveyard, I can banish it to add a Raidraptor card from my deck! So I add Raidraptor - Singing Lanius, which I'll Special summon to the field!

Raidraptor - Singing Lanius:

☆: 4

100 ATK and DEF

Ren: I can Special summon it when I control an Xyz monster. Now I overlay my 3 Level 4 Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius, Tribute Lanius, and Singing Lanius, to the build the Overlay Network!

All 3 monsters turned into energy, and entered the galaxy like portal.

Ren: Hidden falcon, raise your claws sharpened from adversity, and spread your wings of rebellion!  Xyz Summon! Come Forth! Rank 4! Raidraptor - Rise Falcon!

R☆: 4

OLU: 3

100 ATK

Scorch: *Laughs*  All that work only for a monster with 100 attack points?! Wow, I must've seriously overestimated you kid!

Yuma: I don't get it. Why would he summon Rise Falcon? Sure it can gain attacks of his opponents Special summon monsters, but the only monsters it can gain attacks from are Aero Shark and Volcasaurs.

Bronk: Yea, even with those two it would only add up to 4000 attack points, so Scorch would be left with 400 lifepoints, and Volcasaurs wouldn't be destroyed since Rise Falcon isn't a number.

Tori: And Ren already used his Rank Up card so he can't do that with his monster.

Ren: Wow guys, not even giving me a chance to show what I'm gonna do huh...

Shark: *Chuckles*  Can't entirely blame them, from where they're standing, I don't blame them honestly.

Ren: Yea, but you're not from where they're standing, you know what I'm gonna do since you literally gave me the card to do it.

Shark: Eh, still doesn't change much.

Ren: It changes a lot actually!

Shark: *Chuckles*  Wow, you're still easy to annoy huh.

Ren: *Inhales and exhales*  You're lucky we're not dueling each other, otherwise I would've had Rise Falcon tear you a new one.

Shark: Sure you would. Anyways, just do what you're gonna do since we can win already.

Scorch: You have a lot of confidence if you think he can win with a monster with only 100 Attack points.

Ren: But it won't stay that way for long.

Scorch: Huh?

Ren: I activate the the spell, Armored Xyz! With this, I can target an Xyz monster in my graveyard, and equip to a monster on the field! So I equip Stranger Falcon to Rise Falcon!

Pieces of Stranger Falcon's armor started to appear and put themselves on Rise Falcon.

Raidraptor - Rise Falcon: 100 ATK < 2000 ATK

Scorch: Hmph, so what if it gained a little more attack. A Number can only be destroyed by another Number. So if you attack your monster will be destroyed while my monster will be safe.

Ren: But it's Attack points aren't staying that way for long. I activate Rise Falcon's ability! By using 1 Overlay Unit, it can gain the attack points of all Special summoned monsters my opponents' control!

Scorch: What?!

Raidraptor - Rise Falcon: OLU 3 < 2

An Overlay Unit went to Aero Shark and Volcasaurus, and energy beams shot back to Rise Falcon. As it grew a large flame of itself surrounded itself

2000 + 2000 + 1900 = 5900 ATK

Scorch: 5900 Attack points?!

Ren: Battle! Go Raidraptor - Rise Falcon! Attack Volcasaurus! Brave Claw Revolution!

Rise Falcon flew up to the sky, and came right back down, slashing threw Volcasaurus, and launching both Chills and Scorch flying back.

Chills/ Scorch: AHHH!

Scorch - 2400 < 0 LP

Yuma/Bronk/Tori: They won!!

Astral absorbed the Number from both Scorch and Chills. After he was done absorbing the Numbers, he had a shocked look on his face from the memory he gained. Then Scorch and Chills started to get up.

Scorch: What happened?

Chills: Why would we steal cards?

They both looked up, and saw Shark staring at them.

Chills: Shark!

Scorch: Run!!

Then they both ran away scared.

Ren: ...I don't know if I should be confused, or laugh about that.

But then he looked at Bronk behind him.

Ren: Hey, Bronk. About what happened, earlier, I just want to say I'm sorry for going on an outburst.

Bronk: Hey, it's fine. I kidna deserved it since you were right that it was better to try and help someone then keep a little bet.

Ren: *Smiles*  Thanks.

He looked at Shark, and saw him walking away.

Ren: Shark!

He ran to catch up to him.

Ren: Listen, I know this is way overdue, but, what I said back then. I just want you to know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being there when I should've been, and acting the way I did. You don't have to forgive me, I just wanted you to know that, I'm sorry.... Reginald. 

Shark: ....*Sigh*  Well, I guess I can forgive you... under 1 condition.

Ren: What's that?

Shark: You have to forgive me too. I shouldn't have blamed you like I did. I told you to leave with your parents, when you wanted to stay to help me. I was just mad at myself for failing to win and help Rio, that I guess I just wanted to blame something, and I blamed you... even though it wasn't fair of me. So I'll forgive you, if you forgive me.

Ren: *Smiles*  That's an easy condition to meet. Oh yea, I should give you back your Armored Xyz huh.

Shark: Keep it. It might help you when you need it.

Ren: Heh, alright then. I'll see you around, Reginald.

Shark: Yea, you too Ren.

They shared a fist bump, before leaving for their own ways.

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