Bullied By Him

By BabyGirl1297

5.8K 172 19

(AN: Edited Chapters.) Hi Im June Somers! well this is my story about how ive been bullied, fallen in love, a... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Happy Valentines Day
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Hey Guys!
Where Are Yall From?
Equality Is Not A Sin
Shes Kinda Hot
OMG Guys!
Sounds Good Feels Good
Good Girl Next Door

Ch. 9

245 9 1
By BabyGirl1297


I woke up to Luke's phone going off. But no Luke. His phone wouldn't stop so I leaned over looking at the screen. "Stacy" popped up.

I hit ignore and tried sleeping but thoughts were running through my head. Why is she calling?


I looked back at the screen. I swiped open his phone and there was texts between them. Recent fucking texts.

Luke: Stacy it was a stupid mistake. I shouldn't have done that. Especially to June.

Stacy: So? Does she knows what we did?

Luke: no and don't you dare say anything Stacy I mean it.

Stacy: If you don't tell her I will. I'll keep our little secret if you just meet me at my house. (;

That was the last text she just sent. What did they do that I can't find out. I felt sick with all the possibilities that could've happened.

Suddenly the door opened and in comes Luke. "Hey you're finally up!" He said smiling. I stayed quiet. I couldn't think straight.

"June are you Ok?" He placed his hand on my thigh which caused me to jump back a bit as reality pulls me back in.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you Ok babe?"

Suddenly I felt queasy. "Um Ya" I lied.

Either he doesn't want to push it or he just can't tell I'm lying because he just shrugged it off. Maybe he just doesn't care! My thoughts taunted.

His phone started ringing and Stacy's name flashed across the screen. Luke must have thought I didn't see it when he quickly answered it.

"Oh Hey dad, Ya hold on." He said quickly. "Baby my dad needs me to go to the store for him" he said nervously.

"Sure you want me to go with you?" I ask to see what he says.

"W-What? No I can do this on my own, you go ahead and rest." he said nervously.

I shrugged but I'm filled with anger and sadness. He lied.

He got up and left. I decided to follow him. He started walking the opposite way from the shops.

I stayed a good distance away. He arrived at this house as I hid behind a tree. Stacy came out and hugged him.

He pulled away and went in. My stomach dropped. I looked around till I spotted a tree beside the house.

I decided to climb it. The room I saw looked like Stacy's personality threw up in it. The walls were pink and there were thongs all over the bed and condoms on her night stand.

They came into the room and Thank God the leaves shielded me. My heart suddenly sank as they started making out and he pushed her against the wall his hands roaming her body.

I accidentally let out a squeak and they looked in my direction. "Babe it's probably just a stupid animal " Stacy said.

Luke kept staring over here but when he finally stopped I dropped down from the tree quietly.

I ran to the house and cried so hard. I had packed up all my belongings and left the house. I didn't leave a note or anything.

I can't believe he did this to me.

I arrived at Michael's house. I knocked tiredly. After about 2 minutes he opened the door. "June?" He asked confused.

I Didn't say anything I just hugged him. He hugged back tightly. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked sweetly.

"Luke is cheating on me with Stacy!" I cried.

He pulled me inside and up to his room. "Here you can sleep here you seem tired and when you wake up I'll be down stairs and then you can come find me." He said sweetly.

I just nod tiredly as I lay down. "Mikey if Luke comes here don't let him know I'm here."

He nodded and left.

An hour goes by and as I started falling asleep I could faintly hear that familiar voice. But sleep had taken over and I was consumed by lala land.


I had made a mistake. I cheated on June. Ugh I'm such a fuck up. I thought as I walked in. The house seemed too quiet. I crept up the stairs in case she's sleeping.

I open the door slowly but June wasn't in bed. The closet door was open and none of her stuff was in there. Panic has set in. I searched the entire house and found no trace of June or even a note.

I rushed over to each boys house but nothing. I finally got to Michael's and walked in to see him sitting on his couch.

"Michael why haven't you been answering my calls or texts? Have you seen June?" I ask worried.

"Oh um sorry dude my phone's on the charger in the kitchen and no mate I haven't seen her." He said nervously. Why is he nervous?!

"I know you're lying you fucker! Where is she?!" I raised my voice.

He flinched and kept shaking his head "mate just calm down". Out of the corner of my eye I saw June's suitcase. She's here?

I ran up the stairs to find her sleeping in Michael's bed. Anger boiled in me. When I walked over to her I saw her tear stained cheeks. I calmed down a bit.

Suddenly Michael comes in and pulls me into the hall. "Dude Why the hell didn't you tell me she was here? And Why was she crying?" I whispered.

"Luke she came here crying because she said you cheated on her with Stacy" he said quietly.

My heart just dropped. I ran my hand through my hair nervously.

Just then her voice broke the silence. "Luke what are you doing here?" She asked sadly.

"June I'm so sor-"

"Save it Luke I knew I was just the pathetic suicidal freak that nobody cared for. That nobody wanted. I just wish you were different but I should've known better. I just wish I known sooner not to trust you." she sobbed.

"And you," she pointed at michael "I thought I could trust you to do a simple task as to not let him know I was here!" She cried.

"June I tried he ran in here I tried to stop him." Michael now sobbing.

"Fuck you both." She spat. She grabbed her phone and left leaving her stuff here.

I just stood there as Michael ran towards her begging her to stay.

Jealousy ran through my body. Why the fuck Does he care so much. He's trying to steal her away from you. But then again she hates you and doesn't want to be with you anymore. My thoughts taunted. Maybe she Does belong with Michael instead of me.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a car screech and June scream. I ran outside to find Michael in the middle of the road and June crying.

It was like a movie scene when everything slowed down and with the ambulance coming down the street. June crying became silent. They lifted my lifeless friend into the ambulance.

Then time seemed to go back to normal and junes crying became audible.

My Best friend just got hit by a car. I grabbed his car keys and grabbed June. We sped towards the hospital.

*an hour Later*

We were sitting in the familiar waiting room. This time instead of June being in the hospital bed it was Mikey. The rest of the boys along with June sat beside me waiting.

June no longer was crying but she hadn't spoken to anyone and she's been staring at the floor.

The boys were all worried as we sit patiently. My body felt numb and I couldn't cry.

"Family of Michael Clifford?" We all got up and went to the doctor.

"Well he is severely injured. He is breathing on his own and he has a broken arm and 2 broken ribs. He has woken up. So only 2 at a time Please."


We all looked at each other and calum and I decided to go in first. When we got there I broke into tears. "Michael I'm so sorry it's all my fault" I cried.

"June it's not you're fault. I was the one that went after you when you left" he said quietly. I ran to him and hugged him. But I felt something I didn't think I would feel other than with Luke.

I felt a small spark from his touch. He kissed my cheek and I felt a bit of butterflies in my stomach.

Fuck. I think I'm starting to like Michael....

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