Branded For Duty

By Chicagox

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All those years ago, those dreadful long years, during a certain detectives time in the rangers, he was accom... More



865 24 1
By Chicagox

*one month later*

"You following me?" Jay walked over and leant in the window of ellas car when no one was around to see.

"Well, that's what happens when you keep lying to your partner" she raised her eyebrows.

"I lied to you?" He raised his eyebrows back.

"Mmhmm" she nodded.

"Last week you said she was an unwitting. So I did my due diligence" she sighed.

"Oh, you did?" He questioned.

"Mmhmm. I know who she is. The question is does she know who you are?" She tilted her head.

"No she doesn't, but it's okay" he sighed.

She shot him a disapproving look.

"I know what I'm doing" he retorted.

"Jay..." she began but he cut her off.

"El, I really don't think it's that big of a deal. I'm just helping out a family who got screwed" he huffed.

"If she finds out who you are, we're all screwed" Ella shook her head. 

"You've got to walk away from this one" she added.

Jay shot her a small smile.

"Okay..." he nodded.

"Hang on" Ella sighed and pulled her phone out.

"Voight, there's been a body in englewood. He wants us on scene" she looked up at him.

"Okay" he tapped her car door then ran over to his own truck.


"You and Ella hit the streets, find security video" hank nodded at Kim.

"Adam, find out who this Jose is" he pointed to Adam.

"Alright, let's try and figure out why someone would do this to a kid like that" he sighed.

"Alright, it's all yours" the officer nodded.

"El..." jay pulled ella aside.

She looked up and nodded in confusion.

"I've got to take off for a few minutes" jay sighed.

"What do you mean? We've got work to do..." she shook her head.

"Yeah, it won't take long. Let's not talk about it here" he shot her pleading eyes.

"Okay, do what you gotta do" she waved him off. He smiled thankfully before running off.


"Hey sarge, no luck on the videos" Ella sighed and walked over to her boss.

"Huh. Where's Halstead going?" He nodded towards the door.

"Uh, he's just gotta take care of something, it's personal" she shrugged.

"Something you wanna tell me?" Hank folded his arms.

"Jays going through a few things" she sighed.

"Um, he's working it out" she nodded when she saw the doubt on his face.

"Something you don't wanna tell me?" Hank retorted.

"Yeah. But it's not my place, so..." she shrugged.

"Ella, I respect what you're trying to do here, but if there's something I need to know..." he started but she cut him off.

"There isn't. Not yet, anyway" she shook her head.

"Okay. I take your word for it" he nodded and left it at that.


Ella pulled her phone out and paced the break room floor, jays been off the radar for a while now and the only person she's told is mouse, she has no idea where he's gone.

"Jay, third message. I was annoyed after the first two, now I'm getting worried. Call me as soon as you can" she sighed down the phone.

"Hey, have you guys heard from jay?" Kevin tapped the door.

"No" she shook her head and joined the team in the bullpen.

"We were supposed to get beers last night, but he never texted me back" Adam shook his head.

"Hey, is Halstead on a UC run?" Trudy strolled out from the top of the stairs.

"Not that I know about" Hank shook his head.

"States attorneys all over me. He's supposed to be in court right now" trudy sighed.

"Ella, you know anything?" Hank looked over at Ella.

"No, I called him a few times, but..." she let out a shaky breath.

"I did too, no answer" mouse agreed.

"So I ran the GPS on his truck, it's parked on a street in englewood" he added.

"How longs it been there?" Ella looked over at him.

"All night. I ran the in-service calls to that block. There were two calls of suspicious persons at a house on that street" mouse sighed.

"Thanks trudy" hank nodded and waved her off.

"Yeah" trudy walked away.

"Check it out" hank waved Adam, Kim and Ella off.


"Looks clear" Adam shrugged and he opened jays truck door.

"Check the glove box" Ella shook her head, she knows that jay keeps his things in there.

"He left his badge and gun" Adam shook his head.

"So he went undercover" Ella nodded to herself and ran up the steps of the house.

"Adam" she nodded for backup as Kim took the back of the house.

"Ready?" He nodded.

"Chicago PD!" Ella yelled and kicked the door down.

The entered the house cautiously as ellas nerves sky rocketed, she knows this house, and she has a funny feeling that all is not well.

"Anyone inside?" Kim called out.

"Jay! Call out!" Adam yelled as Ella wandered into the kitchen.

"Hold" she put her hand up.

"Move" she nodded.

"Living rooms clear!" Kim called out.

"Got blood!" Ella yelled.

"Stairs" Adam nodded.

"Cover me" he whispered to Kim.

"Clear" he sighed.

"Adam, opening up" Kim walked around the back again.

"Copy that" he shook himself off.  But Ella was already ahead of them both.

"More blood" she spoke shakily.

"Jesus" Adam shook his head.

Ella was drawn to the pictures on the refrigerator door, her heart sunk.

"What? You recognise them?" Kim nodded.

"There's a shell casing" Ella avoided the question and pointed to the floor before leaving the house to call it in.


"Do we have a name?" Hank shook his head.

"Angela nelson. She lives here with her son" Ella nodded.

"She's got one prior for possession" Kevin checked the database.

"She on jays books as a CI?" Hank looked at Ella.

"No" she shook her head.

"Hey, neighbour over there saw two Latino men casing the house the other night. Later on he thought he heard gunshots but he wasn't sure" Vanessa ran over and notified them on her newest lead.

"Alright, jay is missing. I want every agency on alert" he nodded. 

"Sarge we can't do that" Ella shook her head.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Hank looked at her in disbelief.

"Angela nelson, the woman who lives in that house, she was married to Marcus west" she sighed as the pair moved away from the unit.

"Marcus west, the addict who got killed in county?" Hank furrowed his brows.

"Yeah. I think jay still blames himself for that. He's been seeing her. Not romantically. He's been spending time with her and her son Bobby trying to help them out. So Jay went to see Angela yesterday" she folded her arms nervously.

"You know why he came here?" Hank nodded understandably.

"No. He's been playing everything real close to the vest, hasn't said a word. But she did send him a text message yesterday before he took off saying, "Jim, I need your help. Please come over" so..." she sighed sadly. 

"Alright, I'll talk to the others" he nodded and walked away. 

Ella took a deep breath, this cannot be happening right now, she cannot lose one of her best friends to an undercover good deed gone wrong.


"I'm gonna ask you again. Where's the heroin you and your girl stole from me, Jim?" A man scoffed and slapped jay across the face.

"I told you man, I got no idea. I got, no idea" jay hung his head low after the hit.

"If I were you, I'd come up with it" he huffed and punched jay square in the nose.

"Stop it!" Angela screamed.

"Please..." she begged.

"Maybe she's right man..." a second boy shrugged. 

"Shut up!" The main dealer yelled.

"Angela... Do you wanna die down here?" The man crouched down in front of her.

"No..." she whimpered.

"Then tell me where you got our stuff, huh? Carlos has it, right? Where is he hiding it?" The man yelled.

Jay shook his head, how did this go so wrong?


"Carlos Diaz, Chicago PD! Put your hands where we can see them!" Kevin yelled and busy the door down as the team made their way through the tatty looking drug house.

"He's cold, been here for a while. Let's call it in" hank shook his head. 


"Alright, so tell me what happened" hank folded his arms now that everyone was back in the bullpen, apart from the still missing Halstead of course.

"Carlos Diaz. Overdose" Kim shook her head.

"M.E said he's been dead for at least half a day" Ella nodded.

"Ah, bingo. Got it!" Mouse called out.

"That's the bag we saw get tossed into Angela's car" he pointed out from his screen.

"Alright, so Carlos stole the drugs, started using, wound up dead?" Vanessa shrugged.

"Probably not used to this good of quality" Kevin sighed.

"Alright, run those brick for latent prints and test that gun" hank nodded.

Ella was full of nerves and mouse could see it.

"He's gonna be okay, we'll find him" he smiled.  Ella smiled back, but this was starting to get tricky. 

"See if the markings match the bullets that popped our John Doe at the stash house. Listen, we keep digging into Carlos. The fact he's dead changes nothing. 'Cause whoever Carlos and Angela ripped off, that's who has Jay" hank added before disappearing down the bullpen stairs.


"Maybe I should tell them the truth. About what we did, about Carlos..." Angela sighed. 

"No, the only reason we're still alive is because they think we know where the drugs are, okay? Stick to the story, stay strong" jay shook his head.

"That's what Marcus used to say" she laughed a little.  Jay looked up at the sound of his name.

"He gets laid off, stay strong. When we ain't got no money for groceries, stay strong. Joke is... Marcus was the one who was weak. Couldn't stay off those drugs. Maybe if I was stronger, we could've gotten him straight. Then none of this would've happened" she shook her head and let out a desperate sigh.

"No, don't do that. Marcus dying is not on you. You didn't kill him. We can't think about Marcus or the past right now. You've gotta... you've gotta just stay focused. Okay? Not if we want to survive" he shook his head sadly.


"I should've said something the second I knew Jay was hanging out with Angela" Ella leant her head on Hanks car window.

"He was trying to help a mom and her kid down on their luck, nothing wrong with that" hank shook his head.

"The only problem is being decent and being a good cop. It's not always a perfect marriage" he added.  Ella looked at him sadly.

"Yeah. Sometimes you just gotta swallow your pain and guilt then move on" she sighed.  Hank looked at her sadly knowing she was talking about what she went through in the military, but right now he knew she was worried for jay.


"Hey, come on now. You can't just leave like that" Kevin huffed.

"Excuse me?" The dealer scoffed.

"I need you to tell me that my people are good" Kevin shook his head.

Ella shifted uncomfortably in her seat, all she wanted was to get jay back.

"You don't tell me what to do" the man scoffed.

"If you don't give me proof that they're good, then there's no deal" Kevin shrugged.

"Put him on the phone" the man scoffed down the cellphone after a few seconds of thought.


"Talk" the man held the phone to jays ear.

"You got jim" jay huffed.

"Jim, what the hell did I tell you about grabbing things that's not yours?" Kevin lied.

"I messed up, man" jay groaned.

"I'm sorry" he added.

"Damn right you did, but we're gonna get the drugs back, then we're gonna get you back" Kevin retorted.

"You hang tight!" Kevin yelled as the man ended the call.


"This is it. It's all there. It's all you, man. Okay? Now it's your turn" Kevin put his hands out when the guys hopped out of the van with nothing in their hands.

"We're good" Kevin calmed himself.

"Gun!" Ella spoke through her ear piece.

"Silva! Freeze" Vanessa leapt out.

The Kent bolted and ran, it all happened so fast, but things didn't take long before it calmed down again.

"Got one offender down, silvas fleeing on foot" Kevin spoke into his radio.

"He's headed right for you Sarge" Adam added.

Ella chased after him, there no chance in hell that silvas getting away with this.

"No no no no no no, jay and Angela are not in the car!" Kevin yelled.

"Get your hands up! Where is he?" Ella pushed him to the ground whilst hank watched happily.

"Where is he?!" She yelled

"Go to hell" silva spat at her.

"He's a cop, one of us. If anything happens to him, that's capital murder. So where is he?!" She yelled and drug her boots into his thigh.

"Sarge..." Adam looked over his shoulder to see a few builders recording them.

"Ella, not here" hank shook his head. Ella looked up and groaned before kicking him one last time and walking away slightly.

"You better pray he's still alive, now hands behind your back" she snapped and harshly cuffed silva up.


"You've got no right to say that you're sorry. You've got no right to help me or Bobby. I don't need your pity or your money. You can't just hand out a few hundred dollars and pretend that this didn't happen. That you're cleansed of your sins. Wonder what our boys here would think if they knew you were a cop?" Angela snapped after hearing jays truth.

"Angela..." he shook his head.

"Yeah?" She scoffed.

"If I tell them who you really are, I bet they'll let me go" she laughed.

"No, they'll kill us both" he shook his head.

"They will kill you" he added.

Both of them heard the door opened again.

"Angela, be smart" he shook his head.

"You deserve to die" she whispered.

"You don't..." he sighed.

"So keep your mouth shut, for you. For Bobby" he huffed. Her face dropped at the sound of her sons name...


"He was supposed to be here half an hour ago! Yeah. Okay..." Ella yelled down the phone. 

She threw the coffee mug she was holding against the sink and watched it completely shatter into pieces.

"You alright?" Mouse frowned, this was the most worried he's ever seen her.

"Yeah" she turned around to face him.

"What's going on?" He shook his head.

"The lockup keepers are taking a long time to bring up that silva kid" she sighed.

"The honour student?" He nodded.

"Yeah. We're gonna use him as leverage. Against the old man" she sighed.

"That's a good idea" he smiled.

"I've got to do something" she let out a broken huff.

He placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Hey. We're gonna find him, you know that right? We're gonna find him" he smiled. 

She nodded and bit her tears back before she could crumble to the floor, she needs jay back now.


"Kick one of those pipes over to me. Do it. Angela..." he frowned.

She looked at him in betrayal and shook her head.

"Angela" he huffed

"Angela, kick me one of those pipes" he begged.

She ignored him once again.

"Angela come on" he huffed angrily almost.

"We've got to work together if we want to get out of here. You've got to kick one over. Come on" he frowned.

"Please. It's the only way, c'mon" he sighed.

She finally caved in and kicked him one over without saying a word.


"Look at that. That could be a way in" Ella looked up at the wall where there was a small hole.

"Not for me, but I could help you up" Kevin sighed.

"Ready?" He nodded

"Yeah" she took a deep breath.

"Okay" he nodded before giving her a boost.

He handed her things over and off she went, all lone, without backup. She was praying that jay was still alive.

"Crawfords inside Sarge" Kevin spoke through his radio.

"Alone?" Hank shook his head in shock.

"We had to, Sarge. It's the only way" Kevin sighed.

"Alright, Ella, you got your ears on?" Hank sighed through the radio.

"Ella?" He yelled when the static noise appeared. The walls are too thick for her to receive signal.

"Alright, we got entry on the west side. We are moving in. Do you copy, Ella?" He added once Adam had managed to pry the door open.

"I think she shut down Sarge, on my way" Kevin sighed through the radio and began running around the building.


"Jay! Jay, are you okay? Jay!" Ella ran over to her partner and grabbed his arm to see him hunched over a freshly killed man.

He looked at her in shock and confusion for a second before shaking his head.

"Hey, are you okay?" She furrowed her brows.

"I've gotta help Angela... she's downstairs" he got up.

Ella stood up in shock, is he being serious right now. She watched as he stumbled his way down the steps before crouching down to the dead man next to her.

"5021 Henry, we've got an offender down and an officer injured. Roll two ambulances to 3900..." she called it in.


"Angela. Angela, it's okay. You're safe. It's over" jay put his hand out.

He let out a sigh of relief when Angela lowered the gun. But before he could catch his breath back she fired one round into his shoulder. She watched helplessly as jay fell to the floor, gasping and wheezing for air.


Ella shot up at the loud bang which just rang through the whole warehouse.

"Ella? What was that?" Hank ran over to her as she stood up.

She ignored Hank and ran downstairs to see Jay laying on the floor.

Everything was a blur, but this has just gotten a lot worse...

*a long one lol :)*

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