Can You See Me?[]BkDk[]

By Heartless_Yama

267K 7.7K 5.7K

⚠️KEEP IN MIND!! THIS WAS MY FIRST STORY!! IT'S BAD, AND CRINGE!!⚠️ ⚠ I am working on remaking this book, I w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40- Epilogue

Chapter 24

5.7K 177 179
By Heartless_Yama

Bakugo's POV

"So....your telling me that the pro hero that adopted you is dating a villain?" Monoma asked very slowly. I leaned back on the couch and laid my head in Dad's lap.

"Yup." I said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Cool." Shinso said.

"What!?" Kiri asked.

"I think it's cool. What did you make for supper Dabi?" Shinso said ignoring they're stares.

"I made rice balls with cheese and broccoli in the middle with a side of chicken." He said with a smile.

The shock didn't last long. After they had eaten slowly, still processing, they had loved the food and it all went down hill from there.

I watched as Monoma and Dad argued with each other over which video game was better. Monoma thinks it's Minecraft and Dad thinks it's Call Of Duty. Kiri and Sero were playing video games, Shinso was hanging with me, watching from a corner, and Kami was talking to Papa.

"If they're like this normally, imagine if they smoked weed or did crack?" Shinso asked laughing.

"I don't get how they be so... energetic." I said solemnly. He quieted down a bit as he sobered up.

"How are you doing? Like how are you actually feeling?" He asked me. I looked down at my lap.

"Honestly....shit. But it's getting better. Dad and Papa are really caring and I have you fuckers to keep me on my feet." I said sighing.

"We're all here for you. You need anything, come to us." He said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I mumbled looking away to hide my smile.

"Hey Kat? I was wondering if you could help me study for the upcoming math test? You don't have to I mean this is a sleepover and studying is boring!" Kami said quickly. I stood up.

"Come on you idiot." I said grabbing my backpack and heading for my room. He sighed in relief as he followed.

Luckily the others were all in the living room.

"Okay so what do you need help with?" I asked him.

"Well, I don't understand this." He said pointing to several questions. I sighed.

"If studying has never helped you before why would it help now?" I asked as we sat on my bed.

"Ughm... Aizawa noticed I was struggling and brought me to the doctors... Apparently I have ADHD and Dyslexia. He got me medicine and it's been so much more clear..." He said trailing off. I nodded.

"Let's get started."

An hour later we walked back into the living room to see everyone was watching a movie.

"Hey! Where have y'all been?" Kiri asked as we sat down on the couch.

"Studying." Kami answered snuggling into Shinso's chest.

"Boring." Kiri said going back to the movie.

After the dramatic love story was over I stood up.

"Where you going baby?" Papa asked.

"I have babysitting tomorrow at Ms. Marcentale's, so I'm going to bed." I said. Sero groaned.

"Where are we sleeping?" Kami asked.

"Well I was thinking you and Shinso could sleep in the guest room and Kiri and Sero could sleep in here?" I asked.

"Ah, no, no, no! Me and Shinso will sleep in here!" Kami said quickly with a smirk. Oh, I see what he's trying to do. It seemed that Kiri had also caught on.

"Ughm, no y'all can have the bed." He said chuckling nervously, trying to hide his blush. "Nah." I said as I shoved both of them into the room and shut he door.

Shinso smirked.

"Let's see if they'll finally make a move." He said as he sat down on the couch.

"Well, me and Dabi are heading to bed." Papa said as he walked into his room.

"Love you Kat!" He called shutting his door.

"Love you too." I mumbled. Kami sat next to Shinso laying his head on his shoulder. "Well, I'll be gone by 10 tomorrow so y'all probably won't be able to see me. Night." I said walking to my room and shutting the door.

I changed into some sweats and got in bed. I laid down and sat there. No sleep. I just laid there trying to clear my mind of everything that's been going on lately. Old hag? Gone. Old man? Gone. Auntie? Gone. The most important person in the world? Gone. I felt a tear slip down my cheek and onto my pillow.

"Damnit no!" I spat as I scrubbed my eyes.

I sighed as I got out of bed. I crept out of my room through the house of sleeping people and outside. I looked to the side of the house where a ladder sat. I walked over to it as the night breeze waved around quietly. I crawled up onto the roof and sat down near one of the indents, where no one could see me.

"What you doing?" I jumped with a grunt as I looked over to see Dad.

"Don't do that shit." I said sighing quietly.

He sat down next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I....I just feel like I'm loosing everyone just to get new and better people in return. I don't think I deserve it. It's my fault he's gone it's my fault the old hag didn't want me, it's my fault the old man didn't care to much, it's my fault Auntie died!" I said getting louder each time as I let my emotions pour out. I refused to let any tears slip.

He sighed as he pulled me into a hug.

"It's not your fault your mother was abusive, it's not your fault your father didn't care enough, it's not your fault that an accident happened. Y'know I didn't have a good family either." He said.

"I had three other siblings. Two brothers and one sister. My father was abusive and I rarely ever got to see my little brother after he was born. My father wanted the perfect child with the perfect quirk to become the perfect hero." He said scowling.

"There's a dumbass in my class that has a sucky father. He shows his dislike for him in any way he can. I heard he had a missing brother...." I said as something came to mind. "His name is Touya." I said looking at Dad as froze up.

"Shoto?" He whispered.

"Yeah, dumbass. He's probably really fucking sad that his brother disappeared." I said teasing him as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"What's he like?" He asked after a minute.

"Well....he's got a really good quirk, he's quiet, he's obsessed with Soba, takes a liking to Sonic rip-off, and I sent him to recovery girls office recently." I said. He chuckled.

"He seems nice." He said. "Meh." I didn't really care.

"Come on let's get to bed." He said pulling me up. I slept with Dad and Papa that night.


I walked out of my room in a pair of jeans and a maroon hoodie. I put on my shoes at the door then headed for the kitchen. As I walked in to grab a snack for breakfast Shinso was already at the counter drinking coffee and Kiri had just walked in. His face was almost as red as his hair. I smirked.

"Soooo, what happened last night?" I asked mischievously.

"S-shut up! Don't you have babysitting?" He said changing the subject. I looked at my watch to see it read 10:19.

"Oh shit I'm gonna be late. No breakfast for me." I said.

I turned around grabbed my house keys off the counter and ran out the door listening to them laugh behind me. I checked the address again and began walking. It wasn't to far. About 20 minutes later I knocked on the door of a white house. It was a tidy clean place. The door opened to reveal Ms. Marcentale in a light blue flowy dress. It was nice and she wore sandals.

"Ah, hello Katsuki! She's just finishing up breakfast, please come inside." She said as she moved aside. I walked in and she closed the door behind me. I walked behind her as she led me to the kitchen. Camilee sat eating a pancake on a barstool at the counter. She wore her hair in a ponytail and she had on a pair of shorts and a hoodie. She looked over and then jumped up when she saw me.

"Kat!" She said hugging my leg.

I picked her up to where she had her legs around my waist.

"Hey Cam." I said as she giggled. Her lavender eyes were soft and happy.

"Well, I'll be back at 5. Be good." Ms. Marcentale said sternly looking at Cam. She nodded.

"What do you want to do?" I asked as the door shut.

"TV?" She asked. I smiled and grabbed her hand. She played with the hem of her light gray hoodie as I turned on a cartoon. She watched it happily as I headed to the kitchen. I picked up her empty plate and walked over to the sink. I turned on some warm water and grabbed the sponge. I rinsed the plate and scrubbed it. I rinsed it off again and placed it in the rack next to the sink.

I headed back to the living room where Cam sat bouncing in anticipation to see who would win in the battle on the TV. I sat next to her and she crawled into my lap. I smiled as I watched the show with her.

"Spiderman is the best!" She said.

"I like Ironman." I told her. She nodded thoughtfully.

"Can we go to the park?" She asked abruptly.

"Sure." I said picking her up then placing her down on her feet. I turned the TV off and made sure all the lights were off.

"Ok, let's go." I said as I grabbed her hand and we walked out the door. I locked the door then we were on our way. I held her tiny hand as we made our way to the park.

"Do you want to swing?" I asked as we entered the park. She nodded and I walked over to the big swings. I picked her up and she giggled.

I placed her on the swing and pushed her. She laughed.

"Higher!" She yelled. I pushed her harder. There weren't many people here since it was early. I stopped pushing her when she was high enough.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom. Stay here okay?" I told her. She nodded with a giggle. I walked over to the public restrooms. I opened the door to the men's restroom, at least it's clean.

I walked out after washing my hands. I looked back over only to see Cam on the ground crying with a group of older kids teasing her. I ran over angrily. She was just a kid, god!

"Hey!" I said as I placed my hand on the shoulder of one of the boys.

"What!?" He spat as he turned around. He froze when he saw me. "A-aren't you the one from the sports festival?" H asked nervously.

"Yeah. Now why don't y'all scurry along and leave her alone." I said quietly.

"Why should we old man!?" One of the girls asked. I lifted my hand as it warmed up and it sparked. She faltered and ran. The rest of them ran off. I turned back to Cam. She was looking up at me in awe. I picked her up and smoothed out her hair. I wiped her cheeks.

"Y'know... Spiderman's pretty cool but your my new favorite hero!" She said. I looked at her as her eyes gleamed.

She looked like Deku as a kid, talking about he best person in the world. I smiled.

"Thanks Star." I said.

"Star?" She asked as I carried her to the playground where a couple other kids ran around. "It's your new nickname. Your so bright and happy." I explained as I set her down. She smiled at me as she ran off to play with the other kids.

I watched as she played. The sky was mostly covered up by gray clouds. I don't think it was going to rain but it was the weather I liked, dark and windy. She played tag with another kid as the parents watched. She was everywhere. She looked at me and smiled. A white mist enveloped her and I watched confused. The mist disappeared and reappeared in front of me. It cleared and she stood in front of me smiling. One of her eyes was white with a purple lined star in the middle.

"That's a pretty cool quirk!" One of the kids said. The parents seemed impressed as she ran back to the playground. I watched her and played a little for another hour and a half.

"I'm hungry!" She whined from my back.

"You want to go get something for lunch?" I asked her. She nodded.

"McDonald's!" She yelled. I chuckled. We walked to a very familiar McDonald's. "Are we going in?" She asked as I stared at it. Not this one! It's the same one as last time.

I sighed as we walked in. She wanted a happy meal with chicken nuggets. I got her food and I got spicy chicken tenders. We sat at one of the tables and she ate happily as she talked to me. I chuckled as she talked about Spiderman. I looked around and my eyes landed on a head of spiky blonde hair and another with brown hair. I froze.

"Camilee are you done?" I asked stiffly. She looked up noticing something was wrong since I had said her full name.

She scanned the room very carefully for a 7 year old. Her purple eyes seemed to focus on the source of the problem. I looked over again only to see that she was looking at me. She stood up and walked over. Cam crawled into my lap.

"Where the FUCK have you been brat!?" The old hag asked loudly, making people look over annoyed. They're expressions changed when they recognized me as the one from the bathroom incident. Some of he mother's tensed up as if ready to fight.

"I'm not your son anymore, you don't have to know where I am." I said standing up with Cam. Cam glared at her along with some of the mother's. She lifted her hand to smack me. I squeezed my eyes closed as I cuddled Cam into my chest and waited for impact. It never came. I opened my eyes to see a tall figure in a black hoodie holding her wrist in midair.

"How dare you!? He is my son!" She yelled.

"No he is my son." He said. Walking in front of me. Must be Dad.

"Now if you don't leave, " he said threateningly "I may dispose of your body." He whispered. Her eyes widened. She glared at me but left with the old man.

"Thanks Dad." I muttered as people started to get loud. He lifted his face slightly so no one can see but me. He winked then walked out. I sighed.

"I don't like her." Cam said. Her eyes gleamed with something evil. I chuckled as I shoved a fry into her mouth.

I sat Cam down on her bed.

"You're Mom should be here soon." I said as she closed her eyes. She was a bit late. I watched as she drifted off to sleep. We had a big day but she was happy. I heard the door open so I got up. I walked out o see Ms. Marcentale.

"How was it?" She asked.

"She's sleeping." I said softly. Her eyes widened.

"Wow, she usually never sleeps." She said placing her purse down. She dug around for a minute then pulled out some money.

"Here, have 100$. Your the best!" She said smiling. I grabbed the money from her outstretched hand.

"Thanks. I would love to do it again! I had fun and she's really sweet. We went to the park, I dealt with a couple of bullies and we had some trouble at McDonald's." I said looking down.

"What happened sweet heart?" She said in a worried motherly voice that I had never heard from the old hag.

"I had an abusive mother and we ran into her...she tried to hit me but my dad had coincidentally been there." I told her.

"Thank you for keeping her safe, I hope she was good. You can come over whenever and I'll call you when I need you." She said with a smile. I nodded.

"Bye." I said walking to the door.

"Good bye Katsuki, thank you!" She said. I nodded and walked out.

I took my phone out and opened my gallery as I headed back for the house. The sun was setting and I had to get back soon. The idiots are probably going to bed in an hour. My gallery now had pictures of Deku and Cam. I sighed as I shoved it back into my pocket along with the money.

A half hour later I walked in the door and took off my shoes.

"How much money did you get? 20$?" Sero said jokingly.

"No actually." I said. Dad looked over at me and smirked.

"Thanks." I said. I looked back to the idiots awaiting my answer.

"I got....100$" I said.

"Bullshit!" Monoma said spitting his water out. I nodded.

"Damn you must be good with kids." Dad said.

"She was good. I had to deal with some....stuff, she's got a cool quirk." I told them heading to my room, exhausted.

I changed and got into bed. I heard my door open.

"I brought you dinner. Dabi told me what happened. He had to hold me for an hour so I didn't fly around searching for her to rip her throat out." Papa said with a chuckle. I sat up. He closed the door and climbed into bed with a bowl carefully. He sat next to me. I took the bowl and ate while he talked about his day at work.

He took my bowl to the kitchen once I was done and came back, once again shutting the door. He sat my head in his lap. "Love you." I said as I drifted off. The last thing I heard before falling asleep was "Love you too."

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