Losing Her Mate (Book 2 of Th...

By sunflower8907

164K 5K 1.1K

******THIS IS A SEQUEL***** James has finally moved on from his horrible past and with the help of his mate A... More

Author's Note
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY
Author's Note


4.3K 132 60
By sunflower8907

Amber POV

James looks like shit.

He's sitting in a chair with his head back against the wall staring at me. He looks extremely worn and I can see dark circles starting to form around his eyes. There are various stains of brown, red, green, and yellow covering his face and body. His clothes are ripped in certain areas and to top it all off there's an rank awful smell coming from him enough to make my eyes water.

There's a hint of amusement shining in his emerald eyes but I don't find anything funny. I march over to him ready to tear him a new one. If he thinks he will be getting any sympathy because of his ghastly appearance he has another thing coming.

Imagine my surprise coming home to find the place deserted. A little unnerved I ask Dallas to check around the house as I contacted Jared. He informed me to what was going on all be it begrudgingly, not wanting to rat out James.

"Why the fuck wasn't I notified right away about this?" I say looking down at him. James straightens himself and all amusement leaves his eyes and he takes on a serious expression.

"I decided you shouldn't be told right away." he replies completely deadpan. A low growl starts in my throat at his passivity. I push my next words out through clenched teeth.

"I don't appreciate you disregarding my authority and acting as leader. You're not the Alpha here James I am" my words come out harshly and he leans back away from me. I must strike a nerve with him because his eyes narrows and his face grows defensive.

"I know that Amber I wasn't trying to go over your head. I would never do that. This is your pack. I honestly thought it wasn't something that needed your immediate attention. We handled it fine and now we can brief you." I can hear the sincerity in his voice but it does nothing to cool my temper.

"It wasn't your choice to make James." I yell my anger reaching a fevered pitch. Ferocious heat suddenly washes over me. I began to sweat and my breathing becomes minutely strained. What the heck is wrong with me? Damn pregnancy hormones have me all out of whack. I turn away from James to catch my breath once I feel alittle better I continue my raving.

"You know everyone around here is treating me like a second class member and I'm fucking sick of it. I'm the Alpha of Red Dawn I make the decisions I Deserve respect after all the things I've done to make this pack better. You and everyone else-" I am interrupted by a gently hand on my waist.

"Whoa calm down " James ,who is now standing, turns me around to look at him and I see nothing but genuineness written on his face.

"I'm truly sorry Amber. It was entirely my mistake. I didn't want to interrupt your day out with Dallas. If it bothers you that much I will never make another decision regarding a member or the pack in general without conferring with you first"

I become pacified by his presence and suddenly realize how utterly ridiculous I was just acting.

"No it was me overreacting I'm sorry. You and Jared are perfectly capable of handling anything that happens. Looking at your damage, I don't think I would have been much help in my pregnant condition anyway."

"Are you ok you're all red and sweaty" I involuntarily shiver as he brushes away a few strands that are stuck to my face and looks me over in concern.

"I don't want you stressing yourself out"

"I'm fine James it's just a little heat flash" I try to assure him but he looks doubtful. He grabs my hand and pulls me to a chair.

"Come sit" he lowers me down with care then rushes off to the water color on the other side of the room and fills up a paper cup. He comes back to me and hands it over.

"Thank you" I smile at his consideration.

"Anytime" he nods then occupies the chair next to me. He watches me down the contents of the cup in one gulp. I release a satisfied sigh feeling much better. I look over to James shyly.

"Ugh I was just a raging bitch wasn't I?" I groan closing my eyes in embarrassment.

"Yep you were" I hear him reply. My eyes snap open and I glare at his smirking face.

"Jerk" I scoff and give him an playful push.

"What ever happened to telling the pregnant woman pretty lies like 'You're not fat or
Of course you're not acting psychotic sweetie"

"No lies between us Amber not my words, actions, or my emotions." There's no hiding the intensity of his words. His eyes lock on to mind and the atmosphere changes and become more charged. In my perusal of the face my eyes flutter to a angry cut on his his cheek that I noticed earlier but dismissed in place of my anger. It's the only injury I can see on his disheveled body.

"What happen here?" I subconsciously reach up to inspect the wound.

"What do you mean?" he asks voice gruff with unabashed
emotions. I do my best to ignore it.

"There's a cut on your face"

"Oh yeah that's nothing just a scratch during a scuffle with another raging woman" he shrugs nonchalantly.

My fingers tenderly prod at the cut covered in dried blood. I can tell that it's mostly healed. It's not bleeding and has sealed shut leaving a light pink colored line. I'd give it another hour and it will be completely gone.

A small moan catches my attention. James has closed his eyes and parted his mouth.

"You really shouldn't touch me Amber" his deep voice caresses over me.

"Why not?" I ask challenging. My fingers drift across his face no long inspecting injuries just loving the feel of his soft skin and sensual tingles. I become consumed in the sensations. My finger trails down to touch his plump lips and his eyes spring open. They've taken on a wistful look as he gazes at me. The raw lust is enough to make me feel drunk off of it and cause the room spin.

His tonuge darts out ever so slightly to lick at my finger and I shudder . He then traps the finger between his lips gently sucking on it. The visual and feeling is so very erotic.

A breathy moan escapes my mouth and my nether regions begin to sing. His eyes are calling out to me for more. I can read them very clearly. They're saying that as long as he lives he will never want anything as much as he wants to take me right here right now.

A throat clears insistently breaking our moment and causing us to jump away guiltily. We both look to the noise and notice a very angry looking Dallas standing in the doorway to the waiting room.

"Dallas uh hey" I stammer feeling my face heat up and turning 50 shades of red at having been caught red handed about to jump my mates bones by my....What is Dallas to me? a Boyfriend maybe. I don't really know. I put that away in my mind to ponder later.

"We were just discussing the importance of notifying the people in charge when there's a problem in Red Dawn right James?" I turn back to James and the look on his face can only be described as murderous as he glares at Dallas. His eyes are clouded with a dangerous gleam and I can practically feel the intent rolling off of him.

Okay I need to diffuse this.

I get up from my chair using my hands to support my back to lift my now huge belly. I hurry over to Dallas and grab on to his right arm hoping maybe if I'm near Dallas that it will dissuade any attack from James or his wolf.

Unfortunately Dallas must take this as a show of solidarity to our relationship because he reaches an arm around me and placing a palm possessively on my stomach giving James a gloating sneer.

James eyes drops to where Dallas's hand is and his face falls. The misery and dejection I see is unbearable and makes me look away. Not exactly my intentions but it worked and truthfully it's probably for the best.

James clears his throat and takes a deep breath to compose himself.

"Yeah that's what we were doing." he says answering my previous question the words coming out flat.

"Sure you were" Dallas replies sarcastically as he tightens his grip around me.

"Anyway I'm sure you two can handle things from here. I'll just go." James states getting up to make his exit.

Dallas says "Yes" at the same time I yell out "No don't leave."

They both look to me confused by my outburst. I know its silly but I just don't want James to leave yet. It's been a while since we've talk and I just realized how much I've been craving his company.

"What I mean is that I would appreciate your input here." I say attempting to save face at my desperation.

"I don't really have any expertise with this type of thing Amber"

"No but neither do Dallas and I besides you always have excellent suggestions."

His eyes lower to the arm wrapped around me and I see a subtle grimace cross his lips. Before he can object again I gently shrug out of the embrace much to Dallas's annoyance. Our PDA is surely making James uncomfortable, its even making me feel alittle awkward.

"Alright but I don't have any advice but the obvious." James takes his seat again. I take a seat as well across from him and Dallas reluctantly follows me.

James starts by briefing us on the totality of what has been going on the last 2 hours. His words are mostly for Dallas's benefit, Jared had already given me the run down after I got home. Once he is finished Dallas sits back and runs his hands over his face.

"What happen to make her go so crazy. I mean she was a little overtly slutty and it was a bit concerning sometimes but this violence is new and excessive" he asks shaking his head in disgust.

James and I share a brief glance knowing exactly what caused Brittany to lash out. James quickly jumps to change the subject.

"It doesn't matter what caused it. We may never know. All we do know is that her actions are not normal. She needs help mentally like from a psychologist. Do we even have anyone here that can help her?"

"We don't really have anyone here qualified to do that. I never thought it would be necessary to hire someone like that. Wolves usually comfort and help our own through troubles" I answer regretfully. As Alpha I should have seen a problem like this potential arising. Sometimes us werewolves get so caught up in our superiority and strength over humans we forget that we are vulnerable too especially to our emotions.

"Brittany is beyond pack comforting she almost killed herself. I agree with James that she needs a specialist one that deals with wolves. She's way too unpredictable to have a human look at her." Dallas adds.

"We can't afford it. We are on a tight budget for at least a couple more months until one of the packs investment turn a profit." I say solemnly. I spent a good chunk of our money on the special cosmetic surgery for Dallas. We are so far in the red I can barely afford food and pack salaries.

We lapse into a silence each of us trying to think of a viable solution. I won't accept the idea of chaining or caging her like an animal but we can't just ignore her or things will only get worse.

"Okay I guess I will just have to look after her then." James finally announces nodding his head determinedly looking between Dallas and I for objections.

"What! Hell No, James she's not your responsibility." I am absolutely against this idea. James is always trying to be the hero instead of looking out for himself. It's one of the things I love yet hate about him. He doesn't need another burden on his plate.

"No she's not but she listens to me. If I can keep her occupied and check in on her often we can possibly get her through the pregnancy"

"Then what?" Dallas raises an eyebrow incredulously. " You're going to babysit her for the rest of her life waiting for her to harm the baby again"

"I have no clue what will happen afterwards. Maybe some miracle will happen and she will change her mind about all this and take care of this new responsibility"

"You can't make her want to be a mother James. I feel like she's already made her choice not to be."

James gives a sad sigh and looks down at his hand "I know that I'm just really hoping she changes her mind you know".

I'm about to respond when Doc picks that moment to enter the room and all conversation stops. We stand up to greet him as he walks over.

"Good you're all here" he clasps his hands and stops in front of our group.

"How is she Doc?" I ask skipping pleasantries.

"She's fine Alpha. Well she will be after she heals."

"And the baby?" James ask moving up next to me.

"A extremely lucky perfectly healthy baby boy. He was never disturbed"

"Then what about all of the blood?"

"The tool she used must have entered at an angle making it miss the baby by inches. Unfortunately she did however rip through the walls of her uterus and punctured her bladder which she will need surgery to mend. We are reading her for it now. Its nothing major she should be fine in a week"

We all release sighs of relief at his words.That's at least one tragedy adverted.

"That's great news!" I smile placing my hands on top of my baby receiving comforting vibes through or bond. All this talk of babies being hurt and dying had me feeling alittle uneasy considering my impending birth is coming up soon.

"There is something I wanted to discuss with you Alpha" the docter's face becomes serious. "I really hate discussing this without the mother present but I want to ask for permission to induce Brittany's labor."

"I didn't think that was an option that could be beneficial to everyone"James says getting excited.

"Whoa wait a minute is inducing labor safe? I've heard stories to the contrary" I ask skeptically.

"Typically I advise people that's it's better for the baby's health to wait for natural birth but in this case it might be safer to remove the baby from her before she does irreparable harm to him. The baby will only be a few weeks premature it's already done most of it's growing."

"I don't know about this Doc. It doesn't sit well to do this without talking to Brittany first. It feels like we will be taking away her rights."

"What about the baby's rights?" James countered. "This isn't a pro choice/pro life matter the baby is practically here. If we induce now we can maybe find a nice mated couple that wouldn't mind raising him and giving him a chance. I don't believe Brittany would mind as long as he is kept away from her and we eventually get her psychological help."

"If I may add" the doctor interrupts "she woke up a while back in a complete frenzy yelling that she wanted "it" gone and then started viciously beating her stomach with her fist. We had to restrain her and give her something strong to put her back to sleep, so in my opinion she will be for this procedure."

Everyone looks to me for the final decision. This is another instance when I don't like being Alpha. On one hand I don't feel that anyone should be able to make choices on other people's live unless in battle where intentions are clear to everyone. On the other hand Brittany has lost her fucking mind. She is not in the right frame of mind to make a rational decision. James is also right saying the baby is already here. If we let nature take it's course we will be leaving him with an unstable Brittany and if she kills him the blood would be on my hands. Even if we monitor her untill she receives help, all it would take is for us to turn our backs on her for a minute and she could smother him or worse. I look around at the men waiting on me and I steady myslef to give them my answer

"Induce her pregnancy and set up a nursery for the child. If there is any equipment or supplies you need let me know and I will work the budget to get it to you. Meanwhile we will spread the word looking for parents."

James gives me a beautiful appreciative grin and I feel my wolf preen under his approval.

"Ok then I will start the proceedings. Was there anything else you needed?"

"No Gage thank you" he gives me a bow and turns to take his leave. My shoulders slump and I exhale as lethargy sets in. I turn to the guys.

"Well that's settled" I look between the two. When I stop on James I notice that his eyes are squeezed shut and his mouth is set in a scowl.

"James what's wrong?"

He grabs his head but opens his eyes one at a time, they're shining with laughter. He gives a dazzling adorably crooked smile.

"No worries, I just have a very frantic Renee yelling in my head. I forgot to check in with her. If you'll excuse me I have making up to do" he chuckles then without another word or backwards glance he walks pass me and out the door.

I feel forgotten watching his form retreat and it causes a anguish to spread within me. It wasn't that long ago that those particular smiles was just for me and what the hell did he mean by making it up to her.

"I don't like their little relationship" Dallas's bitter voice cuts through my forming plot involving stalking James and Renee from bushes to see just what they're really up to.

"Maybe you're jealous?" I snap. Why are all the men in my life lusting over her? I'm a good catch too dammit.

"Why would I be jealous?" He seems genuinely confused.

"Oh cut the crap Dallas I know she's your mate. Just tell the truth" Honestly I don't think I will even be all that upset although my morale may plummet. I just need to know to move on.

Dallas face goes as white as a sheet and he looks ill. His mouth opens and closes without a peep. A array of emotions flicker through his eyes terror, regret, sadness, and ultimately annoyance. His face changes and he collects himself narrowing his eyes at me accusingly.

"Amber I've loved you since before I really knew what love was and that's the TRUTH. Now that I have you I'm not going to throw our family away on some mystical fate shot in the dark. It's my choice who I want and I choose you and our son especially over a rogue who has ties to our biggest enemy." his words calm me and a little of my self esteem slithers back. He seem straightforward but his negative reaction to their relationship is still suspicious.

"So why the dislike?"

"These are trying times. How can we really trust her. You can't tell me that this all doesn't seem awfully convenient how she was abandoned on our territory. She may not be who says she is."

He makes a very valid point. I'd be lying if the thought of espionage hadn't crossed my mind but I dismissed it. I didn't detect any deception and James must must feel the same way, but maybe putting feelings over suspicions isn't a smart move.

"Look maybe I'm wrong about her just forget what I said. It's been a long day and I don't know about you but I'm done with the drama." He reaches out to me and pulls me into a hug "Besides I promised you a soothing bathe, dinner in bed and if you're good an extra special surprise dessert." he leans down and kisses my cheek.

"Mmm I like surprises" I reply seductively to his teasing.

"I'm sure you'll love this one. I guarantee it will have you begging for more" he smirks cockily wiggling his eyebrows

"That does sound nice let's go". I give him a smile and he leads me out of the room by my hand.

I erase all issues from my mind. I'll deal with them at a later time. Right now I just want to get pampered and have my dessert.

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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