I am yours. You are mine. (pu...

By puppyshipper

3K 87 11

Friendship has always been the thing that kept Joey going as a kid, but now, at age 19 he has to come to term... More

Chapter 1. When The Normal Turns Into Chaos.
Chapter 2. Stranger Danger
Chapter 3. Sleeping Through It All.
Chapter 4. Sensations.
Chapter 6. Love+Hate=Pain.
Chapter 7. Deafeat.
Chapter 8. Confusion.
Chapter 9. Fighting.

Chapter 5. It's Not Over Yet

292 8 1
By puppyshipper

Two days passed since that awful incident happened, and Joey was now finally allowed to leave the hospital. Seto had already payed for the hospital visit and had even hired a taxi for Joey once he would leave the hospital, so he got home very fast and very comfortable. Once he finally got home, he instantly laid down on his bed, which broke It immediately.

"Ugh!... so much for that bed... rest in piece old bud."

Joey said out and patted the bed, but kept on laying down on it since he was still very much tired from what had happened to him. He closed his eyes to relax. It's been rough on him, all these emotions from when he was kidnapped and now this new feeling with Kaiba in his mind.. what did it all mean? He had been thinking about it ever since Mokuba pointed it out to him, but every time Joey thought about it, he always got an headache from it since he couldn't figure it out and stopped.

"Man... I still haven't told Kaiba thanks. I should go and thank him for saving me tomorrow... but I don't wanna see him."

He mumbled and soon after heard the door knock. He slowly got up which was still hard for him to do since his rib and arm was still broken.


He opened the door and was shocked to see none other than Louis, his manager standing there by the door.

"Hello, Joey"

"Hey, boss! Come in!"

Joey said cheerfully, which Louis reacted with an annoyed groan.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!"

"Hahaha! Sorry! I'm sorry! It won't happen again! Promise!"

"Hm.. right."

"Please, come in Louis! I just got home from the hospital so I don't have much to offer other than tea..."

Louis walked in and looked around his apartment.

"No, no it's fine. I don't really drink tea. I brought some pastries from work. Let's share them"

Louis said with a smile and than took out all the different sweets he had brought with him from work. He sat down by the kotatsu and kept on looking around, which Joey now noticed him doing.

"What's up?"

Joey asked and looked at Louis who looked quite uncomfortable and uneasy for some reason.

"If you're worried about this place collapsing any minute now, then don't! It's safe and is still good to live in even if there would be a big earthquake happening!"

"No, that's not it. I have wondering eyes so don't mind me. They kind of do their own thing without me being able to control it sometimes!"

Joey just scratched the back of his head and nodded.

"Right... Well! Here's the tea! Let's dig in!"

Joey said with a cheerful tone to his voice and instantly started to eat. Hospital food wasn't the best, so he was starving for something like this!

"I heard what happened to you from Mr Kaiba. I'm sorry you had to go through that..."

"Na. It's ok! You don't have to be sorry! It's not like it's your fault or anything!"

Joey laughed after saying it, but Louis didn't. Instead, he looked at Joey with wide eyes. As if he was in shock but also angry at the same time.

"Of corse it's not my fault. Why would I be involved in an organization like that! Are you saying that because I'm from France like they are?!"

Joey stopped laughing and looked at Louis with a raised eyebrow. He had never seen that look on his manager before. It was quiet surprising and weird.

"I.... I didn't mean anything by saying that. It was just a joke... I didn't even know they spoke French. Most of the time I was there they had me drugged, so I barely remember anything."

"Their faces? What about their faces?"

Louis asked upfront witch made Joey quite uncomfortable.

"I... never saw their faces. I only know their body build but I don't think I ever saw their faces..."

Louis relaxed a little after hearing Joey say that. He then smiled again towards Joey and continued to eat his sweets.

"Better to just forget all about those men then. Leave them in the past and don't ever think about this again. Live your life to the fullest! You don't need them as a constant reminder in your head of what happened to you. Besides, nothing bad really happened. They didn't rape you like they had planned to do, right? So it should be all good now."

Joey did not react well to that statement... for him it was more than 'just' to leave it all behind. Joey was a strong guy. He was going to get over it eventually, but now it was such a fresh thing for him that he couldn't just forget about it, but there was another thing too that made Joey uncomfortable, and it was the fact that Louis knew about the kidnappers and that they had planned to rape Joey. Joey hadn't told anyone this yet. He didn't even tell the police who questioned him yesterday.


Joey was cut off as he was just about to ask him how he knew about those things, since they weren't even written down on a police report.

"You know what they say about visitation to sick people. Keep it short."

Louis smiled and then stood up. He had come over to ask Joey a few questions and he was very satisfied with the answers he got, so he decided to leave.

"..... yeah. Alright. See ya at work..."

Joey felt uneasy and suspicious. He couldn't quite figure it all out yet, but he felt like Louis had something to do with all that had happened to him. He stood up right after Louis and took a deep breath to question him about it.

"Before you go, Louis... can I ask you something too?"

"... of corse you can Joey. Go ahead."

"... Did you have something to do with all that happened to me? The kidnappers, the way things ended up? Any of it?"

Joey asked upfront. Louis just smiled and even laughed a little at Joey's question.

"Of corse I didn't have anything to do with it. I'm sorry if I asked you all those questions, I was just curious... but I really have to go now. I leave the rest of the sweets with you. Bye for now!"

And with that, Louis left. He closed the door after himself and grit his teeth in anger after he started to walk away from the building Joey was living in.

"I shouldn't have come over... you're usually an idiot Joey, but today, you just had to be the smart one this time."

He muttered to himself in French so that no one else would understand him. He took up his phone and give someone a call.

"I need you to get something done for me."

"You got it boss! Whatever you need!"

"I need you to kill Joey for me. Could you do that?"

"No worries. I'll get it done tonight!"

"No. I'll look very suspicious if you do it today. Wait a little... let a day or two pass before you get the job done."

"Alright boss. Will do!"

And with that, Louis ended the call.

"I really didn't want to have to do this. You started to grow on me Joey Wheeler... but you just had to butt in and interfere in my plan."

Joey was still standing by the door. He did want to believe in what Louis said about not being involved in any of what had happened, but Joey just couldn't ignore that gut feeling he had about Louis. He sighed out deeply and knew he had to talk to Kaiba about this. He had too, or else Mokuba could get in trouble for real this time. Joey turned around to go and lay down on his broken bed to take a nap, but then heard the door knock again. He groaned but got up to open the door anyways and standing there was a postman holding a package for Joey. He signed his signature on a piece of paper the postman had in his hand and then got the package.

"I haven't ordered anything..."

Joey muttered and opened the package anyways. Inside was a letter with another box under it.

"Here's a little gift for you so that I don't have to walk over to you every time I want to tell you something"

The letter said. Joey dig trough the peanut packaging  and took up the box that had a completely new and unused iphone inside. Joey did not expect this at all and was in complete shock. He carefully hold it in his and and looked at it. He had never held in such an expensive thing before so he was scared that he was going to break it.


Joey almost dropped the phone as the phone started to ring. He answered once he held a tight grip on it.

"Uh... Hello?"

"Joey! What do you think of your new phone?? Pretty neat huh?"

"Mokuba... hi. Yeah! It's pretty, but.. I can't take this... it's too expensive of a gift to just give someone."

"Don't worry about it Joey! Big bro wanted me to give it to you so that I wouldn't have to sneak out of the mansion and make a mess again..."

Mokuba said and then giggled. Joey sighed out and scratched the back of his head. He didn't like to owe someone something, and that's kind of what he felt whenever someone gifted him something.

"Mokuba... it's really sweet of you. Really... but I can't just-"

"Shhhhh I don't wanna hear it! Please Joey. Just take it as a thank you... it's the least I could do for you!"

".... Alright. But if I find out your big brother didn't approve of this, I'm giving it back immediately!"

"Alright Joey! Alright! Geez! I didn't think you could ever sound like my big bro, but you sound exactly like him right now!"

They both laughed.

"Oh! That's right! I almost forgot why I called you! Joey. You're now officially invited for a 5 star dinner in the Kaiba mansion tomorrow! Please come! I know you're not working tomorrow so you're free the whole day!"

Joey had almost forgotten about that promise he give Mokuba about the dinner plans they had. Joey knew he had to keep his promise, but the idea of seeing Seto again so soon was... kind of not what he wanted to do tomorrow, but he had no excuse of not to go since Mokuba had been a little creep and stalked him.

"Fine... I'll be there! I did promise so imma be there no matter what."

Joey could hear Mokuba dropping the phone and cheering out loudly from the other end of the phone. 

"WOOHOO!! See you then!!! Bye Joey!!!"

"Bye little bud!"

And with that, they ended the call.
Joey laughed as he checked out his now dark screen. Mokuba was really something. He felt like he was a big brother to him, and a friend. He adored Mokuba and would do anything for him, just the way he would do for his sister, but for Seto on the other hand... it was a completely different feeling he had for him. The thought of seeing him made his heart beat faster and harder like he was about to die. It made his cheeks all red and made his stomach fill with butterflies. He felt so lost again and soon enough got another headache.

"I'm just not going to think about him. Nope. I'm just gunna fall asleep..."

Joey mumbled out, and soon enough, had fallen asleep. Just like he said he would, but once he did fall asleep, he dreamed of him... of Seto Kaiba. He dreamed about the day he got saved and was in Seto's arms. He felt the warmness spread across his body, and before he knew it. He woke up. He groaned as this was the second time he had dreamed about Seto Freaking Kaiba.

"...I'll just google what it means to dream about someone."

Joey took up his phone and started to google- and the first result that came up was "Dreaming about someone could simply be a manifestation of your infatuation or attraction towards them"

"...attraction? like in a romantic way?! No way in hell man! Who would ever fall in love with Seto Kaiba. Not me... not ever."

Side note:
(Thank you for reading! Please, don't forget to vote it up!)

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