Obsessive~ Stiles Stilinski ¹

Door k-stilinski-

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"I don't care how many people you have killed, you are the love of my life, you understand me?" ━━━━━━ by k.s... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
End of Season 1
Season 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
I'm not gonna do it, I'm just thinking about it...

Chapter 33

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Door k-stilinski-

Sage wanted to be there for her bestfriend she really did, but only one thought and feeling consumed her...rage, rage at the Argents for taking her love away from her. The blonde had drowned out the sounds around her as she wandered off the field, the sheriff didn't miss the look on the girls face and he just hoped that she found his son soon.

The vampire's face scrunched up as she smelled the smell of blood, not only blood. Stiles' blood. Sage had lost all thoughts as she rushed into the woods, maybe if she had thought it through she would have realised it was a trap.

The blonde had screamed out in pain when she realised she was shot, she looked down and a wooden stake was embedded in her stomach, however, the pain had been replaced with white-hot anger once she saw five of Gerad's hunters closing in on her.

Sage let out a dark chuckle as she eyed the five of them, "I guess you didn't do your homework, a vampire like me cant be killed by an ordinary stake fellas." She said pulling it out of her, the hunters watched her in anticipation but one of them made the biggest mistake that cost his life.

Sage smirked darkly as she watched him raise his gun to her but the blonde had thrown her hand back letting go of the stake with full force and before he knew what hit him, the stake had impaled him in the head.

The blonde watched with an expression of faux concern as the man fell to his knees, "So, you have two choices. Each will end in your death but depending on what you choose I might make it quick and painless." She started off, the hunters tried not to show their fear but she could smell it and it fueled her.

"You can either tell me where Gerad is and I will just rip your hearts out, quick and painless. Or you don't tell me, I give you a five-second head start and I hunt you down and give you a slow and agonizing death." She said smiling sweetly at them, she was hoping to God that they picked the latter because the vampire had so much anger to get out.

Her eyes lit up in excitement once she heard the sound of a gun go off, the whisper of the bullet just missed her and she didn't miss the smell of vervain. Sage didn't miss a beat as she sped over to him, she so wanted to drink him dry but she wasn't stupid. Hunters were 100% on vervain which was a bummer for her but it didn't take the fun out of killing. She didn't even remember grabbing the hunters throat but she could hear his screams as she continued to crush it, and not even a second later his head and rolled off his shoulders.

The blonde had dismissed the body as she went off to search for the rest of the hunters. Minutes went by as she left body parts behind her and all that was left was one hunter. She could hear how fast his heart was beating, she could hear how he fumbled around with his gun, trying to reload it, but it didn't matter. His eyes had widened in fear from hearing her boots crunch against the forest leaves, the man began crying out for mercy once he saw the vampire, she was covered in blood but he knew none of it belonged to her.

"Pl-please, Ge--Gerad is at the Argent house--"

"I know where he is, it's not that hard to decipher. What I want to know if that's where he keeps his hostages?"

"I-I uh I don't know- I swear." The man stammered out to her, Sage let out a disappointed sigh when she heard the elevation of his heartbeat. Yeah, the man was scared for his life so his heart was beating erratically already but Sage could still tell that the man was lying.

"You know what, to be honest, it won't be that hard for me to find out." She whispered as she tilted his chin up, the vampire had felt Stiles calling out to her through their bond so she quickly disposed of the hunter in front of her. She was getting bored with all the crying and pleading so she quickly used her nails and pulled out his throat, Sage had walked away from the man who was choking on his own blood.


Stiles laid on his bed with a heavy look on his face as he tried to not grimace at the pain on his face. He hated how he couldn't fight back tonight, sometimes he wished he would have taken Peter's offer. The human had walked all the way back home after Gerad let him go, he had no idea why he had but he wasn't complaining, Stiles had managed to tell his dad how he got jumped by a couple of kids from the opposing team- lying to him once again.

The Stilinski boy heard a knock on his door, assuming it was his dad again probably just checking up on him, "Dad please go away." He huffed out but the knocking just seemed to continue, he sighed with irritation as he got up, he pulled the door wide open but his mouth hung as she saw who was behind the door.

"Sage- what—"

"Did Gerad do this?" She asked anger evident in her tone, she already knew the answer to her question but it didn't make it any easier, she had gently grabbed his face in her hands, her fingers brushing over the bruises.

"I'm going to kill him."

"Sage, babe, I'm fine. Don't kill anyone." The boy said to her gently as he pulled her into his room.

"Yeah, it's a little late for that." Stiles furrowed his eyebrows at the girl in confusion until his gaze fell on her appearance, the blonde had managed to throw on a jacket but once he pulled it from her body he saw how blood stained her brown outfit.

"What in the world happened to you?"

"I was looking for you and some hunters ambushed me so I killed them." She replied with shrugged shoulders, "Some jogger is going to get the shock of their life when they find scattered body parts in the woods." Stiles gaped at the girl in horror, he was never scared of her not even one little bit but he was scared that this would somehow come back to her.

"Wait, did my dad see you?"

Sage nodded her head as she sat on his bed with him, "Yeah but I covered up so he wouldn't see the blood." She assured him as she eyed his face, she wanted to offer him her blood but she knew the boy would decline. If his dad already saw how quickly he healed he would start asking questions.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." The blonde said softly, Stiles stared at the girl in confusion not really understanding what she was apologising for.

"Sage, none of this is your fault."

"I could have gotten down to the field faster- maybe then he wouldn't have taken you-- I could have done more--"

"Sage no, listen. None of this is your fault do you understand me?" He told the blonde gently but firmly as he took her face in his hands, Sage couldn't help but let a few tears fall. She hadn't cried in ages.

"I've just— I've lost a lot of people in my life. I can't lose you too." She whispered out, the boy smiled at her before pulling her into a gentle kiss, Sage had responded immediately making sure he didn't hurt the human. Kissing Stiles always felt like home to her, the two often shared different kisses, some full of lust, other of passion but this one was filled with an endless amount of love.

The couple had pulled away from each other after a moment, Sage wanted to say it right there and then but something had caught her eye. Stiles's once busted up lip was completely healed.

"Oh my God." She gasped as she ran her fingers over his lip gently, the human had stared at her in confusion until he realised what she was getting at. But the two didn't have any time to dwell on it because the Stilinski boys phone kept going off.

Sage pulled away from him to see his phone lit up with messages, "You have 17 missed messages from Scott."

"I know." He said making her look at him confused.

"You're ignoring him?" She asked and he shook his head, "No. No, not really... just don't really feel like talking right now." He said making her raise her eyebrows, she would have thought he would have jumped in to help his bestfriend but she understood, and it wasn't like she was being a great best friend either. Lydia was devastated, she could tell from the bond and she knew the girl was crying out her heart from the loss of her first love.

She knew what that was like.

Sage glanced around the room until her gaze fell upon women's jewellery. "Why do you have women's jewellery?" She asked with a small smirk as she examined them, bracelets, necklaces and earrings.

The boy shifted uncomfortably as he scratched the back of his neck, he was supposed to keep all that a secret. "Oh, uh, nothing, it's just some stuff I bought, you know, for your birthday." He paused, looking at her wide-eyed. "Wait, is it your actual birthday or—?"

She let out a little giggle, "It's my actual birthday, the day I was born not the day that I turned." He nodded softly at that, her birthday was a week before they were due to start junior year and he knew he would have to make it special. It would be their first birthday celebration as boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Did you really buy all this stuff for me?"

He nodded at her soft smile, "Yeah, I didn't know what to get you so I just got a bunch of stuff. I was going to return anything you didn't want." The blonde nodded until her eyes locked on a wide box.

"A flat-screen TV." She deadpanned, Stiles laughed softly telling her he was 100% going to return that. The boys phone had gone off again, the blonde had picked it up and her eyes widened from the message.

"I think you should take a look at this." It was from Scott telling him how Lydia was the key to saving Jackson. Sage planned on swapping her top for one of his shirts but she realised that tonight might get messy so she opted out.

"I need to go find Lyds." She hated the idea of putting Lydia in this but she already knew of the supernatural and Lydia would kick up the biggest fuss if she knew she could save Jackson and didn't get the chance to. All she could do was make sure she was kept out of harm's way.

"See that's the problem." Stiles spoke up causing the girl to stop in her tracks. The Stilinski boy knew that it was her job to protect Lydia and him, she was her guardian and his soulmate but that didn't mean the boy didn't hate when she ran headfirst into danger.

"You-you don't care about getting hurt, but you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated." He continued, as his eyes started to water. "And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind. You see, death doesn't happen to you, Sage. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it?"

He pointed to his face next. "And look at my face, huh? Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?" He ended up yelling and he only realised he did when he saw the saddened look in her eyes, she wasn't upset that he had yelled at her, she was more affected by what he said. "Um - I'm so sorry." His voice softened, the blonde smiled softly at him.

"It's okay." She replied, the boy couldn't meet her gaze as he looked anywhere but her, he felt ashamed that he suddenly yelled at her. Sage stepped closer to him bringing his face back into her hands causing blue to meet brown.

"I know this is going to be hard to hear baby, but you need to understand that I would die for you, I would die for Lydia and if that meant keeping you safe then I would do it all over again." Stiles felt gutted by her words but he knew she wasn't lying and that's what he hated most.

"I would die a thousand deaths for you Stiles but I would also live a thousand lives for you." She smiled before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Er, I'm sorry." Sage had pulled away from the boy and turned to see her bestfriend, she instantly pulled the strawberry blonde into her arms. Lydia had thought she was all cried out but once she was met with her guardian's arms she couldn't help but let out a small sob.

"They won't let me see him, I was supposed to give him something. How am I supposed to give it to him if they won't let me see him?" She cried out, Sage felt her heart break from the sound of Lydia's broken sobs but she knew if there was a way to save Jackson, the answer was this green-eyed girl in front of her.

"Lyds, this is not over okay. Listen to me right now, you can save him. I know you don't know that much about our world just as yet I promise you this, you can save him." Lydia sniffed but nodded at her bestfriend ready to do anything.

"How?" Sage head rattled a little until she saw the key hanging from Lydia's neck, she knew the answer. No matter how much of an ass Jackson was, he loved this girl with everything in him. He didn't know who he was after he found out he was adopted but the one constant thing in his life was Lydia.

"You'll know," Sage whispered to the girl, Lydia nodded to the girl, Sage turned to the Stilinski boy who was already putting his keys in his hands. There was no way he was letting them do this on their own.

"Well, let's go."


"Kill them." Gerard shouts with every last bit of strength he has, "Kill them all!" The kanima was just about to do as his master said but the sound of an engine roared in the warehouse, the kanima had spun round to see the headlights before the jeep barrelled into it.

Stiles opened his eyes, almost afraid of what he'd see. "Did I get him?" Sage giggled at the boy, she couldn't believe he had just done that with his eyes closed, well a little part of her did because it was Stiles. He always did things differently. But their celebration was cut short when the Kanima lept onto the hood of the jeep causing Stiles and Lydia to scream. The three of them hopped out of the jeep, the kanima was about to advance towards them but Lydia stepped in front of them calling out his name.

Sage went to go and stop her friend but the Stilinski boy held her back

"Jackson!" Lydia exclaimed, through unshed tears as she held up a familiar key. "Jackson."

The kanima stopped mid swipe, staring at the key in almost awe, the creature blinked slowly as he took the key from her hands. The creature blinked away, his once green slit eyes ad nowJackson's familiar blues stared at the item in his hands, now half transformed the boy stepped away from the one girl he's ever loved.

He didn't need to look at the alpha, he just let out a soft nod knowing what needed to happen, Derek and Peter rushed towards him digging their claws into his stomach before pulling away. Sage watched with saddened eyes as Lydia rushed to her former lover as she caught him before he hit the ground. "Do you - do you still -"

She knew what he was trying to say and gave him a shaky nod. "I do." She said, through her tears in a shaky tone. "I do still love you. I do, I do still love you. I do. I do. I do still love you, I do." She wept, placing him on the floor as she believed he was dead. Sage felt Stiles' fingers lace with hers, she held onto the boy tightly in fear that he would disappear from her.

"Where's Gerard?" Allison suddenly asked, seeing her grandfather was no longer there where he previously was.

"He can't be far." Chris exclaimed as he saw the trail of black blood.

Sage's ears picked up on a familiar sound, the sound of claws. Everyone seemed to hear the sound as they turned back towards Jackson, Lydia had her back turned to the boy softly sniffing from her loss. But the girl quickly turned around, everyone noticed the boy as he slowly stood up, Derek looked like he was on the defensive side, waiting to see if he was going to attack but that didn't come.

Jackson's eyes turned into an electric blue, the same blue as Peters and the same as Derek's before he became an alpha. The young boy let out an animalistic roar, he had finally transformed, he was always supposed to be a werewolf, the kanima was a step back but he had finally turned.

Sage smiled as her bestfriend rushed into her ex's arms, they held each other tightly never wanting to let go. Sage clenched Stiles hand causing the boy to look down at her, he sent her a smile that was full of one emotion.


Stiles was obsessed with the girl when she first stepped foot into town, and now he still was, he was obsessively in love with her and what he didn't know was that the vampire felt the same way.


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