Secretive Past (True Blood FA...

By stvckinmyhead

3.5K 162 9

Lacey-Mae is trying to smooth over the bumps in her life after being missing for over a year, but what will h... More

1: Strange Love
2: The First Taste
3: Mine/Escape From The Dragon House
5: Cold Ground
6: Burning House Of Love/The Fourth Man In The Fire
7: Plaisir d'Amour
8: I Don't Wanna Know/To Love Is To Bury
9: You'll Be The Death Of Me

4: Sparks Fly Out

306 18 0
By stvckinmyhead

Crickets chirped as tired steps crept up the Stackhouse porch just as the clock struck 2:30 A.M. Laceys' attempt to bypass the front door and collapse on her bed was interrupted by a large black box blocking her path. She frowned at the unfamiliar writing scribbled on a card, the name 'LACEY' standing out in bold. She couldn't help but feel a little excited at receiving such a surprise gift, hurrying the parcel indoors and gently placing it on the table.

Her blood ran cold the second she removed the lid...

A white envelope lay atop a familiar red and white pinup dress, the dress she wore the first night he requested speaking with her--the first thing he saw her up close in after watching her from afar for weeks on end:

Her hands shook as she tore at the white envelope, cursive writing decorating a small card inside; 'So, this is where you ran to.' Turning the note over only confirmed what she already knew, the 'Fangtasia' logo screaming at her forcing her to realize there was no point in hiding anymore. Eric had found her...


"Mornin' Grams," the matriarch didn't seem to notice Laceys' forced smile as she kissed her cheek. "Pass me that," the home telephone was stolen so the brunette telepath could release her frustration at the world in a more productive manner than last night. "Listen, I just wanna say that durin' our trip to hell, you and your husband--who's been cheatin' on you for the past four months--is more than welcome to join. I'm sure Satan would love to gossip with us about your 'V' addiction. Bye now!"

"What was that?"

"That was me stickin' up for you like God would want, plus her drug habits are so obvious even if I can read her mind."

"Are you okay?" A shrug was the girl's response before she sat at the table, Sookie entering the kitchen soon after Grams finished frying some eggs. "Everyone is excited about meeting the town vampire tonight," breakfast filled empty plates, "I didn't hear you come in last night, though I did have to clear a slight fire this mornin'..." Grams focused on Lacey.

"Sorry about that," Lacey couldn't hold back her slight blush in embarrassment. "I got somethin' nasty in the mail. I burnt it before I went to bed last night, I thought I had cleaned it all."

"Well, not well enough..." Gran smiled before moving back to the oven to finish up her cooking, "I didn't hear you come in either, Sookie."

"You went to bed early, you didn't want to hear me come in..." Sookie replied.

"Well," the old woman chuckled, "I just thought I would give you two a little privacy, is all."

The blonde scoffed in defense, "Am I really that much of a lost cause you gotta put all your hopes for me on a vampire(?)"

"Well, he seemed like a very nice man."

"Well, he's not." Sookie cut her food viciously.

"He's not nice?"

Sookie put her knife and fork down to punctuate her point, "Or a man."

"Oh goodness, did you two have a fight?" Grams was shocked, Lacey was mildly interested.

"No. Kinda. I don't think Bill and I have very much in common. He doesn't think like we do, he doesn't feel the way we do--if he feels at all," Sookie only got angrier the more she tried to explain.

"Well, I know that if I had a chance to know somebody who's experienced the world differently, I'd see it as a blessing and not something to be scared of. Or hate." The phone began ringing, no one moving to answer its cries.

"I don't hate him," Sookie said quickly, too quickly. "I just don't wanna be his girlfriend."

"Course you don't(!)" Lacey mumbled into her drink, Sookie glared at her sister's smirk.

"Uh, the phone's ringing," Sookie pointed out.

"Machine'll pick it up," Gran smiled.

"Why? Who'll it be?"

"Just more folk 'excited' about vampire Bill's talk tonight," Lacey huffed, sipping at her coffee and trying to drown out the noise.


"Wow, Gran, it's packed." Lacey leaned over to place a small kiss on Adele's cheek.

"I know, I didn't think there'd be so many people."

"Don't downplay this--you've arranged an amazin' night, hopefully hearin' vampire Bill talk will open the minds of some of these idiots. I'll see you later." Another kiss was planted on her cheek before Lacey walked down the aisle, continuing her journey until she stopped beside a familiar blonde being escorted by Sam Melotte. "Hey, Sook--this seat taken?"

"No, go ahead." A wide smile greeted the elder, the brunette just barely filling her seat before silence took over the room.

"Welcome," Grams greeted. "It's certainly a pleasure to see so many new faces here this month, but uh--Mayor Norris assures me that there will be enough ambrosia and tipsy-cake for everyone." There was a ripple of laughter through the room, "Now, our guest tonight, is a gentleman who despite what you might have heard is one of us. His family was among the first to settle in Bon Temp, and he bravely fought for Louisiana in the War for Southern independence. Let us welcome one of the original sons of Bon Temp back to the town that he helped build. I give you First Lieutenant William Thomas Compton."

Bill exited a side door to sparse applause as Adele took her seat.

"Thank you, Mrs. Stackhouse. If you'll pardon me for a moment," Gasps controlled the crowd as Bill removed the American flag to reveal a grand golden cross, hanging the flag back on its original pole. "As a patriot of this great nation, I wouldn't dream of puttin' myself before Old Glory. As you can see, I did not burst into flames," he joked, and some even laughed. "We vampires are not minions of the devil. We can stand before a cross, or a bible, or in a church, just as readily as any other creature of God. I am honored to stand before you tonight. Vampires have traditionally been very private. Perhaps to our detriment. But I believe if we reach out to one another, that we can co-exist, and even thrive together...I served in the 28th Louisiana infantry, formed in Monroe in 1862, under Colonel Henry Grey. It was there that we learned the value of human life, and the ease with which it can be extinguished--" Laceys' focus on Bill's words were disturbed by the aggressive and amazed whisper of Sheriff Dearborne behind her.

"That son of a bucks bin' killin' since the 1860s. Why stop now?"

"That don't prove anything. My cousin Terry killed 20 Iraqis in Fallujah. You sayin' we should lock him up(?)" Andy replied.

"Your Cousin Terry should be locked up," the Sheriff concluded. Lacey shook her head to refocus on Bill's speech.

"--Uneducated as we were, we knew little of the political or ideological conflicts that had led to this point. But goin' to war was not a choice for us, we believed to a man that we had a-callin' to fulfill, a destiny handed down to us from above. God forbid should any of our men become wounded or injured. Often the only recourse for serious injury was amputation. More times than I'd care to remember, I had to hold down one of my fellow soldiers while a medic took a saw to his arm or leg. There was no anesthesia at the time apart from a bit of whiskey. It often seemed that the man being operated on suffered more from his surgery than he did from his original wound. Even if he survived the amputation, the chance of subsequent infection was high."

Again Laceys' focus was turned to something else as Bill paused, three rednecks giggling like schoolgirls with a bad smoking habit while playing with garlic near the back row. Lacey tried her darndest to refocus, wanting nothing more than to learn of Bill's past--history always being her favorite subject in school. Yet as his lips moved, his words were silent as Lacey was reminded of a stupid Viking relaying tales of his homeland and adventures that a thousand years had taken him on. His perfect blue eyes and long blonde hair filled every space in her mind until a new voice echoed throughout the room-- "My great-grandfather was in the 28th. I wonder if you might've known him?" An elderly man on the back row raised his intrigue, "His name was Tolliver Humphries."

"Tolliver Humphries?" Bill repeated with a fond smile. "Yes, I knew him very well. We fought together. Tolliver Humphries was my friend. He was a brave man, perhaps to a fault. I dare say it contributed to his death."

"What happened? Were you there?" Mr. Humphries quizzed.

"I was. We were about 20 miles North of where I stand now. The Federals outnumbered us 5 to 1, and they had better firepower as well. We spent most of the afternoon recovering the bodies of those we'd lost. There was a boy in our troop no more than 13 or 14, who lay wounded in the middle of the field under poor cover. He called to us all day. He begged us to help him. He knew he would die if we didn't. I admit I considered shootin' the boy myself just to shut him up, but Tolliver convinced me that would be an act of murder, not war. He told me God wanted him to rescue that boy. I pleaded with him not to go, to think of his own wife and children back home, but he ran into that field like it was a cool spring day. They shot him just as he reached the boy. It was obvious to us that he was beyond help. And then after a while, the boy started screamin' again."

"What happened to the boy?" Mrs. Fortenberry asked.

"He lived. He survived the day, and then under cover of darkness, we retrieved him later that night along with the body of Tolliver Humphries. But it seems that Tolliver was right, God did look after his descendants." Mayor Norris put his hand up, "Yes, Mayor Norris."

"I've been diggin' in the archives this week, an' I found this old tintype. The encryption on the back says: 'W.T.Compton and Family'. Can you tell us if this is a picture of you?" Mayor Norris handed it to him.

He suddenly looked broken, no longer the vampire brushing off everyone's stupid jokes and making a few of his own. "This-um. This is a remarkable photograph, I remember the day we gathered to have this taken."

"When was the last time you were with them?" Mrs. Fortenberry questioned.

"When I-uh went to war in 1862. I--...My human life ended before I had a chance to come back home..." Bill choked out.

"But you became a--a vampire after that, right? Couldn't you go back to your family then?" Renea asked.

"No. No, that wouldn't have been possible," he put the picture in his pocket and stopped the possible tears with a tissue. Lacey nodded in understanding, probably one of the only people in the room knowing what a bloody mess it would have been. "I apologize. This is not a subject I am very comfortable speakin' about um--. But thank you for the photograph, Mayor. Brings back many memories for me. Any other questions?"


Lacey walked up to Bill with a wide grin just as Sookie and Sam walked away from their awkward encounter. "Hey Grams..." the pair hugged, "Bill," a nod was their greeting. "The talk was very educational, it was fascinating hearin' about your past."

"Thank you Lacey-Mae."

"Oh, please, Bill--call me, Lacey. It's rare that a soul pairs both my first and middle name at my age."

"I apologize," the vampire smiled.

"No worries--Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you. It seems you've won the town over--well, the people who have brains anyway."

A chuckle escaped him, "I appreciate the sentiment."

"And if you're ever free and willin' to share more stories of your life then I'm more than willin' to listen'--I'm quite the history nerd, I'm not gonna lie."

"I would be delighted," a weight seemed to lift from the man's shoulders--the jealousy he previously felt from Sookie and Sam eased by Laceys' kind words and dazzling smile.

"Good--Well, I best get goin'. I promised Sam I'd work a couple of hours to get in late on my next shift."

"Well, okay darlin'--I'll see you tonight."

"Love ya, Gran," Adele's cheek was kissed, the pair embracing in another hug before the older woman became distracted with Everly Mason taking one too many teacakes. "You've got nothin' to worry about, ya' know(?)" Lacey paused in her exit to steal Bills focus.

"I'm sorry?"

"Sam's been obsessed with Sookie for as long as I can remember, but she's got way too many barriers to see him as anything more than a friend. I don't know what got between you two to make her see you as anythin' but good, but as long as you remain a respectable gentleman I don't see no reason why she won't come back."

"...What makes you so sure?"

"I don't know how to explain it other than you don't understand the peace we experience from hangin' around vampires. And it's a mix between that and the amazed fascination in someone as powerful and interesting as a vampire to be so wholly focused on somethin' so ordinary. It's nice...Sorry if it seems like I'm fetishizing you but--...the feelin' of a vampire payin' you all their attention, especially an old one? You feel like God's entire world...And that's a drug not even Sookie Stackhouse can refuse."

Bill's arm was patted as Lacey took her leave, the vampire just left wondering what mystery surrounded the older Stackhouse girl.


"Jason keeps starin' at you..." Lacey sang while nudging Tara's side, handing out a few drinks.

"Probably embarrassed," she mumbled.


"No reason."

Although Lacey's eyes narrowed at the speed at which Tara spoke, she decided it wasn't an argument worth having. "Ok."

"You're not gonna pry?" Sookie's childhood friend was confused.

"Well, if it's in the past and taken care of then I don't need to worry, which means I don't need to pry." A rag was picked up, "Here he comes."

"Another Dixie draft?" Tara asked, briefly glancing at Lacey busying herself with cleaning behind the bar--completely unaware that the bottle brunette was listening in on each little word shared between the pair.

Jason stroked Tara's arm, "Woah. You feel that? Every hair on your arm shootin' sparks into my hand, you know those electric fences they use to pin horses? It feels like I just pissed on one."

"Oh My God, you are still high--I'm gon' kill Lafayette," Tara whispered harshly.

"No, don't! I'm not high." Lacey glanced back in time to see Tara's glare, the girl quickly hiding her face again so the pair didn't notice her hold in a laugh. "Okay, I am high, but that don't mean that what I'm feelin' ain't real. For the first time, I can see clearly. All these years I was blinded by the bullshit that keeps people apart. That's you, Tara. It's been you all along." Jason rambled.

"Who do you think you're talkin' to? I've known you since I was six years old."

"And it's taken me all this time to admit it. Come here. This bar might be full of beautiful women but you're the one who took care of me when I needed it, you showed me love Tara and that's the most beautiful thing of all..."

"Come to me when you're sober, then we can talk serious." Tara went to move away but Jason caught her arm, moving his hand to hold hers.

"Just give me a chance, I'll prove it to you. Everythin' I'm feelin', I wanna feel it with you. One chance..." Jason kissed their entwined hands, "That's all I'm askin'." Tara shook slightly as she moved away, Lacey following after her.

The bartender's attempt at locking herself in the ladies room for a second to breathe was interrupted by Lacey quickly sliding in the gap, the brunette blocked the door and burst out laughing. "He's hilarious when doped up on 'V'--no offense."

"You don't mind?"

"Tara, he ain't the first idiot to do 'V'. Hell!--I've done it, I'm not as innocent as I look ya' know(?)" This time both girls managed a laugh, "Now I know everythin' Jasons sayin' sounds like it's worth it and that he's finally gonna be that knight in shinin' armor you think he is. But I don't wanna see you gettin' hurt, Tara. Because Jason is a fuckin' idiot and he will screw everythin' up, most likely sooner rather than later. And you deserve better than pinin' after a manwhore and lookin' after a child."

Tara was shocked. While growing up she'd never really been that close to Lacey--I mean, sure the two would tease each other and get along, but Tara stuck with Sookie while Lafayette was more Laceys' cup of tea. So to hear all these things...She never knew the girl cared--or even noticed that much... "You really think so?"

"I know it for a fact, honey." The brunette's smile widened, Tara almost knocked down by the truth and care in her eyes. "Now let's go back to the bar and ignore my stupid brother, his drugged-up delusions just ain't worth taintin' your night."

The girls returned to their stations, Lacey pausing by the archway when she noticed Lafayette not in the kitchen, and instead towering over the table of three brainless rednecks. "--In this restaurant a hamburger deluxe come with fren' fries, lettuce, tomato, mayo an' AIDS!" People looked towards Lafayette. "DO ANYBODY GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!"

"Yeah! I'm an American, an' I got a say in who makes my food!"

"Well, baby, it's too late for that. Faggots been breedin' your cows, raisin' your chickens, even brewin' your beer long before I walked my sexy ass up in this motherfucker. Everything on your goddamn table, Got AIDS!"

The imbecile grumbled where he sat, "Well, you still ain't makin' me eat no AIDS burger."

"Well, all you gotta do is say, 'hold the AIDS'. Here..." Lafayette leaned down to lick the burger bun, "Eat it!" The bread was crushed into the man's face, his friends failing in attacking Lafayette when they were knocked back on their asses. "Bitch you come in my house, you gonna eat my food the way I FUCKIN' MAKE IT! Do You Understand Me!" He threw the plate at the redneck, "Tip yo waitress..." The man high-fived Jason and Lacey on his trip back to the kitchen, rage fuelling his shoulders to tense and untense repetitively.

"L, Sookies on the phone for you!" Tara called from the other end of the bar.

"Thanks, Tara..." Lacey accepted the offering.


L- Hey, it's me, what's up?

S- Sam! He tries to kiss me, I reject him and he goes off on one complainin' about Bill and vampires.

L- Well, that's rude.

S- I know! Can you pick me up? He drove me here and I just couldn't get back in the car with him.

L- Sure, where are you?

S- 'Crawdads restaurant'. You know the one? Up on the high main?

L- Sure, my shift ends in 10--can you hold on for 20?

S- 'Course, I'll just get a coffee--I could actually do with the wait to think.



The air was crisp, cutting through Lacey's skin as she drove up the winding path leading to the Stackhouse residence. "That just don't sound like Sam. It's weird..."

"He's been actin' weird a lot lately."

"Still, weird or not, that don't give him the right to act like a dick just 'cos he couldn't get his pecker wet--"

"Lacey!" Sookie exclaimed in disgust.

"I'm sorry!" The brunette couldn't help but laugh as they reached the porch, her blonde sibling following suit as small chuckles toppled from her lips. "Listen, you go on up and get ready for bed. I'll make us some hot chocolate and you can vent more about our boss."

"Thanks, Lace..."

"Anytime, sis..." Lacey smiled in the darkness, padding footsteps signaling Sookie followed her orders. The older sister made her way toward the kitchen, slipping in her search for the light switch. She frowned, looking down to see what Gran might have spilled before bed, yet the sight before her tightened her throat.

The girl's knees just buckled, blood coating them as she landed mere inches from the gore..."I mean I just can't believe--"

"Sookie, don't come in here."

The blonde stopped on the corner, all horrors still out of sight. "What?" Lacey stood on shaky legs, struggling to round the corner--Sookie gasped at the sight of her, "Is that blood?"

"Yes, it is. Now I need you to go into the dinin' room and stay there because there is a sight in there I don't need you being scarred with."



"O-okay. Okay, but can you just tell me what's happened?"

"It's Gran, Sook..." Lacey was void of hurt or anger or tears, she was just empty. "The killer got Gran..."


Lacey flinched when a blanket was wrapped around her shoulders, Sam crouching in front of her and briefly forcing her to look away from the kitchen--the girl having refused to leave the living room since everybody seemed to arrive. "Why don't you go upstairs and lie down. They'll be in there a while. As soon as we find anything out, I'll let you know.

The telepath ignored his words, instead deciding to zero in on the morons inspecting her Grans corpse...

'--Aw shit, I got blood on my boots.'

'Adele was a good person. Pull it together, pull it the FUCK together and do your job. No wonder they don't respect you.'

'They cut her up real good, must be 30 stabs. Throat's wide open--Holy hell, we've got ourselves a serial killer.'

'Poor woman stuck raisin' those batshit crazy Stackhouse kids, didn't deserve this. I knew it ever since the first time--'

"I'm good," she shook her head at everybody's mental screaming.

"But Lace--"

"Where's Sookie?" Lacey played her cards well, knowing well and true that Sam's worry for her would never amount to his concern for her sister.

"On the porch, still in shock. Bills talkin' with the Sheriff but she mostly wants to stay with him..."

"Well, as long as she don't see the body then I'll be fine."

"She's 25, Lace--you don't have to protect her from this--"

"I have far greater authority than you on what's right for my sister. I am the eldest sibling. I discovered the body. What good would it do havin' her see Gran in that state(?)--what a horrible final memory that would be instead of the beautiful and smilin' woman she was earlier tonight."

"I didn't mean it like that--"

"I don't give a fuck how you meant it, Sam. It's hard enough knowin' that the woman who raised you, accepted you, loved you more than anythin' has just been murdered in her own home by a serial killer hatin' on vamps. Imagine the trauma of actually seein' her cut up(?!) I know you just want what's best for her, Sam, but right now she needs a friend and not the guy that kissed her earlier. If you wanna be helpful then start there, not with me..." Her stare returned to the kitchen, Sam's hesitant escape signaling for Andy to join her side.

"Lacey, you and your sister might wanna go sleep at a friend's, someplace less isolated."

"I'm not goin' anywhere." She stood with the words, "I'll try and convince Sookie but I doubt she'll be any more willin'. This is our house. Why should we be driven from our home just because some sick fuck gets his kicks killin' defenseless women?" A familiar figure stood behind Andy, "Bill..." Lacey struggled to smile.

"Lacey, I'm sorry for what happened, but I think the detective's right--"

"I don't care." Andy nodded, retreating to the kitchen. "Listen, Bill, I know it's almost dawn but I'd really appreciate you keepin' Sookie busy for like an hour or so, that or tell Sam if you've got to go."

"Of course, but, why?"

For the first time all night, Laceys' eyes watered..."I don't want Sookie to see any of what happened there. They're gonna take Gran out in a minute and she was a proud woman--she'd be cursin' me from her throne in the sky if I left the house a mess."


"Please, Bill. Sookie's innocence was nearly tainted far too young. At least let me keep her as innocent as I can from this..."


"Thank you..." The brunette looked up, releasing a shaky breath and stowing back her tears at the sight of a black body bag being wheeled toward the front door. "Go to her?"

"And what about you?"

"I don't matter..." Where her final words on the issue, stray hairs smoothed down as she moved toward the kitchen to begin cleaning. Bill stared after her in wonder, hesitating in his exit before leaving for Sookie's aid and fulfilling his promise to Lacey. (I Can't Breathe By Bea Miller)


Thanks for reading x

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