9: You'll Be The Death Of Me

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"You Can't Go In There!" Kevin called to the girls, struggling to get in front of them as they ran for their brother's cell.

"We're goin in there whether you like it or not, he is our brother!" Sookie tried to charge past him.

"I'm sorry girls, he's only allowed one visitor at a time," Kevin tried to reason.

"Kevin, you can either let us by or throw us in there with him, either way I suggest you shift!" Lacey refused, the pair finally breaking past their barrier to see Jason trapped behind steel bars. "Jason!"

The girl's arms moved through the bars, each trying to hug him. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," Jason cried.

"You've nothin' to be sorry for. I just wish we'd got here sooner before you went and confessed to something you didn't do," Sookie's brow protruded in a permanent frown.

"I don't even remember doin' any of it. I just know I did—"

"You ain't no fuckin' killer, Jason Stackhouse!"

Jason's expression only grew more somber with Lacey's outburst, "How can you know that?"

"'Cos we're real close to findin' out who the real killer is."

"His name's Drew Marshall. He had a sister named Cindy, and we think he killed her..." Sookie explained. "Strangled her just like Maudette and Dawn and--...Amy."

'If they know all this, then how come they haven't gone to the cops and gotten their brother out of that cell?'

Lacey glared in Renea's direction, "Because the cops are fuckin' useless and seem more then happy to put Jason away if it shuts everyone up."

"Besides, we don't have any evidence yet. We don't even know what Drew Marshall looks like!"

"So, you can't really be sure he's the killer," Renea reasoned.

"I've seen what's inside his head," Sookie shivered, Lacey again attempting to gauge Renea's reaction through his thoughts—she almost winced at the jumbled voices shouting over each other for attention.

"Listen, I know you two wanna help me but, that's only 'cos you can't accept the truth." A tear traveled down Jason's cheek as he spoke. "I'm a murderer, and I'm goin' to hell. Plain and simpl--"

Sookie gripped his hands firmly, "You aren't hearin' us. We think we know who the killer is. All we gotta do is find him."

Jason pulled away, standing to grip the bars and belch out, "Andy!"

"Listen to me, don't be stupid--"


"What's your problem!?" Andy walked into view.

Secretive Past (True Blood FANFIC) 1/2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن