Loyalty isn't grey

By Jessica168853

19 3 2

A story of deceit, betrayal and romance! Felicity is feeling sorry for her self following a bitter divorce. N... More

The plan....
Date with Dante
Who are you?

A Red Dress

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By Jessica168853

Dante sits on the side of the pool and asks me if I would go up to his room later this evening and maybe wear a dress I bought from the trip out. I quickly accept and begin to feel excited.

He doesn't give me a set time; instead, he tells me to come up to him when I'm ready. In my head, I am thinking it is now too soon but trying not to let him think I am ecstatic, so instead, I throw my hair over my shoulder and say I will be up later. Now he has left, I'm again thinking about Rodi's remark and how he said it.

Maybe I should run to my room and do a google search because that's what mom would do! No, I can't; that's just weird, and only psychopaths do that. I go back to my room but opt to shower rather than stalk the poor guy that's bought me these lovely clothes today.

After all, what's a bit of mystery about someone, and it's not like I will see him again when I leave for England.

After slipping into my new red dress and the sexy red underwear, I bought 'well Dante bought', I check myself out in the mirror and head for the door. I reach Dante's suite and read a note on the door

'Please let yourself in and come to the balcony xx.'

As I nudge the door and enter the room, I notice that it's dark but lit up with candles along the floor. I'm now concerned that I'm going to set myself on fire, and by the time I reach the balcony, I'll only be wearing the new underwear, and Dante won't of seen the beautiful dress he paid for.

Watching out for all the fire surrounding me, I glide through the drapes expecting to see him waiting for me, but he isn't there, and I see only the table with drinks. I decide to take the drink I presume is for me, as I need it to help calm my nerves. I look out over the orchard and can't help but smile to myself. 

"Felicity", a voice calls. I turn and see him standing in the doorway. "Wearing a tie tonight, are we," I ask. His smile widens, and he does a boyish look at his shoulder as if I made him blush, but as he looks back up, he bites his bottom lip and shakes his head.

"Could you look any more beautiful?" he remarks, "well, I've tried my best, Dante, but maybe I could try harder tomorrow", I joked, smiling at him. As he moves closer, I feel my heart beating and a flutter in my stomach. Raising my hand, I place it on the back of his neck and slide my fingers into the hair I can feel.

Pulling him closer, I whisper in his ear, "I love my new dress, and the matching underwear is very comfortable" he then lifts his hand and places it on my face, gently holding it and brings it back round to meet his "And you are worth so much more" he whispers whilst beginning to kiss me. I sync in the feeling of Dante's warm lips as they meet mine.

"Are you hungry?" he asks, "I'm not actually, I'm still full from lunch", trying to reply without insulting him if he has arranged dinner. "oh yes, dinner with my driver", he mocks. "That is fine. We can drink here and look at the beautiful views together," he suggests. "I would love that", I agree.

Sat here with Dante and looking out at views that last miles, I think about what will happen when I leave, and the thought of going home crushes me. Dante notices my change in expression and questions if there is something wrong. I'm honest with him and tell him my thoughts, "Come here", he says whilst rising from his seat.

He places me in front of him, looking out over the balcony and buries his head in my neck. "Please don't think about leaving and just enjoy it whilst you are here. We never know what tomorrow brings, so savour each day".

His words bring a tear to my eye, and I hold his hands tighter where they are clutched around my waist, feeling like it's all a dream or maybe I am in some coma after crashing my car.

He turns me to face him and asks, "stay the night with me?" I smile and nod my head "yes, I will as long as you bring me breakfast in bed". He chuckles and agrees it's a deal. Whilst finishing his drink, he asks if I could excuse him for a moment whilst he makes a quick phone call.

Excellent, I thought; I say yes to staying the night, and he fucks off to make business calls at this time of night. But as quick as I have these thoughts, he returns and informs me he would like to show me something "we just need to take a quick drive to get there".

Felicity, here we go, sold to the sex trade because the stupid girl went with a man she didn't know in a country she had never been to before. I can see the headlines now, and my mother saying, "didn't I teach that girl nothing" "of course, it sounds exciting", I say whilst dismissing any of my inner thoughts.

Angelo meets us at the front of the hotel, and I can't help but wonder if he was fast asleep and Dante has dragged him out of bed. Dante looks excited, and I wonder what he has planned or even how much he sold me for "how long until we are there" I ask.

"Not long now, Fliss, you will love it" Looking up at the in-car mirror, I make eye contact with Angelo, and he gives me a little wink that compliments a smile, well he doesn't look concerned, so maybe I should relax. What feels like 30mins passes, and we come to a stop on a hillside and stepping out.

I can not see what Dante was so excited about, "Follow me, Fliss", he requests. I feel like I needed walking boots instead of these gorgeous new heals that I only got a few hours ago!

A light becomes visible up ahead, but it's only faint, almost like a small opening in the hillside is observable by a candle. As we get closer, Dante picks up his pace "wait up, I have heels on, remember," I shout over. He sprints back like he forgot I was there and scoops me up in his muscular arms to carry me the rest of the way.

Dante ducks under the small opening whilst continuing to hold me and walks further into what I now know is a cave, lit up by candles.....wait a minute, this wasn't no spur of the moment thing; this was planned all along!

We walked further until there was enough space for him to let me stand where he lead me the rest of the way, holding my hand until Dante ushered me to go in front of him, and I turned a slight corner.

"Dante!" I cried out, "I, I don't know what to say". I'm so overwhelmed and trying to stand up straight and not to burst into tears. I look around and try to take everything in all at once! Hidden inside this small cave is a pool of water with steam rising out of it. I see crystal blue water that glistens with the fairy lights and candles that give the cave its only visibility.

To the side of me lies blankets as thick as a mattress and pillows surrounding them. As I look behind me and I see champagne and glasses perched on a dainty table set with two chairs on either side. "We can stay as long as will like Fliss. It's ours so that no one will bother us here," Dante says whilst pouring champagne and handing it to me.

I take a sip and place it on the ground to the side of me and fall into the blankets giggling with excitement. "I told you, you would love it. I'm going for a dip," he says. Whilst he begins to undress, I lie there soaking up my surroundings, watching him reveal the muscle, and tease myself with thoughts of him on top of me.

Once he is in and telling me how warm it is, I stand and slowly pace myself to the edge of the water whilst releasing the zip on the side of my dress. Dante watches me as I lower the dress to the ground. Now giving him a view of the underwear I had chosen, he brushes his hair back and waits for me to enter.

But I'm not finished; unclasping my bra, I stare into Dante's eyes then lower my lace thongs to the floor. I slip off the heels and dip my toe into the water and ease myself in. Dante removes his boxers and throws them to the side before pulling me close to him to feel his hard cock resting against my body whilst he kisses my neck and chest. I let out a hushed moan as I can't contain it any longer, but it only makes him harder.

With this, he lifts me onto a ledge that leans into the water. He raises my legs above his shoulders to kiss my inner thighs. With every touch, I tremble and want to implore him to take me, there and then, on the rock platform. All the while, wanting this feeling last all night. He moves closer up to my thighs and kisses me softly before I feel his tongue between my legs, forcing me to gasp and moan more. Every move of his tongue brings sensations that I have never felt throughout my body, and I feel every touch of his hands caressing my wet skin.

His arms rise to my waist as he now guides me back into the water, but his tongue remains on my body as he lowers me until it reaches my mouth, where he kisses me passionately. Scooping me up, I'm carried out of the water, and he lays me on the blankets.

Dante looks at me lying there, taking his large cock into his hand moving it back and forth whilst he looks me in the eyes. I ease myself off the blankets and position myself on all fours to face him, and I tease him with my mouth, licking him hard and kissing the tip of his cock and gently releasing my tongue until he lets out a groan that encourages me to take him in my mouth deeper.

He makes another groan, and I feel him seep into my mouth and the taste makes me wet. Laying me back down his kisses my body before inserting his tongue inside me, and now he knows how wet he has made me.

I suddenly feel a thrust, and a rush of pleasure courses through my veins as he pulls me down towards him, and he enters me. The heat inside the cave surrounds us. The sweat drips from him as he moves in and out of me. I can't control the overwhelming pleasure that takes over me, and I moan for him as he makes me orgasm.

Dante thrusts harder and faster as he lifts me off the ground, so I'm sat facing him. I kiss his neck while still gasping with every movement until he pushes deeper and deeper before exploding inside me. Gently easing me back onto the blanket, I turn on my side to catch my breath, and I feel him mould into my body where he holds me, and we both fall asleep.

Where the fuck am I, I ask my self waking up startled. I turn over and remember the cave where I am wrapped in blankets, feeling cosy and like I've had the best nights sleep ever, Dante is lying next to me, with his arm over me, and I kiss him on the forehead.

He wakes with a smile. "Good morning, beautiful," he says, "so how you going to serve me breakfast in bed now then?" I remind him. With that, he leaps up and looks at his phone "wait here a moment and don't move", he insists.

He leaves the cave after throwing on a pair of trousers as we are both still undressed from our antics of last night. Looking around at my morning view, I still can't quite believe how my holiday is turning out.

Oh crap, I never called mom last night, and she will definitely expect a call this morning. I quickly grab my phone and hurry back under the blankets before Dante returns.

'Morning, mom, sorry I didn't call last night. I had a long day shopping and fell asleep early. I'm just having breakfast, and I will call you later. I hope you're ok and I love you loads xxxxx' I press send and lie back down to wait for Dante to return.

I hear him coming back and look at the opening to the way we came in. He comes back, now holding a large wicker basket and sets it beside where we slept.  Lifting the lid, he first hands me some fresh flowers, a flask of tea and a warm box that I open and find freshly baked pastries, "you really did have this all planned out, didn't you" I say.

"Thank you, Dante; this has all been such a magical second date". He also hands me another bag, packed inside is a spare set of underwear, a day dress, pair of comfortable shoes and a wash bag to freshen up, I hadn't even thought about that in all the excitement, but he certainly did. Before leaving, we have another dip in the pool and prepare to return to the hotel.

Explaining to Dante that I need to call my mom was the first thing I did when arriving back at the hotel. He understood, and we arranged to meet for dinner before I hurried off to go and make my phone call and let everything sync in. Mom was so pleased to have her video call, although not pleased she hadn't spoken with me the day before, but at least she is reassured now and off my back for a few more hours.

After showering back in my room, I sit on the balcony with a cup of tea. I get an urge to look up Dante's surname on my phone, 'shall I Shan't I!', I ponder for a while until I hear loud chatter above me. It's Italian, and I think it's Dante.

I try to listen, but it's pointless as I don't speak Italian. He sounds angry, and it's as if he is arguing with someone, but I don't hear anyone else, so I conclude that he is on the phone. His voice gets louder, and all I hear is "e stato ucciso" before a deathly silence.

I pick up my phone to try and translate it before I forget what I heard. "He's been killed", I read out loud. I don't know what to do, I shake and feel like I should run upstairs and ask if everything is ok, but he will think I have been listening to him and intruded on him. I am now pacing up and down the balcony. 

My mind begins to race, who's been killed? I then get a selfish thought 'that means he will leave now, and I won't ever see him again'. I continue to pace for another ten minutes until I hear a knock at my door.

I answer the door cautiously, "Hello, beautiful," he says and placing his hand to cup the side of my face. He kisses me and asks me how I feel?

I want to say, 'well, not great actually, I just overheard you say someone has been murdered. But that might sound strange coming from someone that doesn't even know hello in Italian.

That reminds me, I need to make an effort to learn some new words.

Compose yourself, Felicity, he is looking at you, and he is going to get suspicious.

"I'm great; I've had a nice shower, just got dressed and thinking of sitting on the veranda with a glass of wine before I get some lunch," I tell him. He looks at me with a grin and asks if he can join me. So he didn't think much of the person murdered; the suspense is killing me.

Sat outside drinking our wine, Dante chats away about how wonderful it was to spend the night with me. Is he for real? I can't even think about that now! I want to shake him and ask him why he was shouting on the phone and tell him I overheard him.

But I also don't want to make him angry, so I don't. I sip my wine and agree how perfect his surprise was.

"Would you like to change rooms, Fliss?" He asks; I look at him puzzled "why would I want to change rooms? I like my room, and there isn't anything wrong with it".

He can see I'm puzzled, and it humours him when he reply's, "I'll put it another way, I would love it if you would move into my suite for the duration of your holiday Fliss".

I pause for a moment...."Fliss? Fliss?"

I'm taken back; I wasn't expecting that question and so soon. "Can I think about it?" I answer. "Of course, you don't have to stay in my room, and there are three rooms in the suite and just thought it would be more space for you". I think I've offended him.

"honestly, Dante, it's not that. It's just...well, I haven't told my mom about you, and she might be a little concerned if I tell her I've moved in with an Italian guy I met three days ago". He looks a little less wounded now and tells me he completely understands, and he would agree with my mom to be worried.

"Unless", I add, "maybe I can tell mom that I was offered an upgrade and hide you in the closet when I call her?". Dante excepts my proposal and is already arranging my belongings to be collected and placed in his suite. I also add that sleeping in a separate bed would be silly, considering we had just spent the night together, and he agrees.

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