Star and Marco vs Evil Book 1

By AmazingStorytime

439 13 6

(See Star and Marco vs Evil for all three books in one volume) Evil's Illusory Threat. Star and Marco have r... More



19 1 1
By AmazingStorytime

Possible spoilers between the ⭐🦋 and 🦋⭐.

— OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO —

Star and Marco, both in armor, stepped out of a dimensional portal into the royal Rose Garden. Star was wearing her usual armor:  zidanium shoulder plates, chest plate, battle skirt, spiked helmet with wings, and gauntlets; heavy leather boots and cuisses; and steel poleyns. She was armed with her wond.

Marco wore all-leather, laminar, armor. Star had conjured the armor specifically to accommodate his particular combat skills, especially his karate. It consisted of overlapping leather plates that were relatively light and allowed for freedom of movement. The helmet was also leather, with extensions to protect his neck and cheeks without obscuring his vision. All the leather above his waist was dark red, while below the waist it was charcoal, to evoke the image of his red hoodie and dark-gray jeans. Scabbarded at his side was El Choppo.

The pair walked up to a table with a magical 3-D map of Mewni on it and removed their helmets. Around the table stood Eclipsa, Moon, River, and the commander of the King's Guard and Butterfly armies, Sir Reginald "Reggie" Stabby. His squire, Kayleigh Higgs, stood a few yards away, her expression unreadable. Sir Reggie's chief-of-staff and second-in-command, Sir Daring "Darryl" Dashing of Muscleton, was also present. Sir Darryl was currently without a squire, his last squire, "Old Guy," having succumbed to The Curse of Fatal Death due to being an old guy.

Before anybody could speak, Jorby, with Kelly riding on his back, leapt over the garden wall. Kelly was yelling a war cry at the top of her lungs, while Jorby declared, "I'm ready for a fight!" Kelly was wearing her steel armor and helmet, with leather cuisses and greaves. Her prodigious hair was sticking out of the top of her helmet, forming a giant, green, plume. Jorby was wearing similar armor, although his was laminar to allow for movement. Kelly carried her family broadsword.

As Moon took a breath to speak, she was interrupted by Tom rising out of the ground in a column of fire. He wore leather armor similar in composition and color to Marco's, although in design it looked like something worn in the Earth Dimension during the Medieval times of East Asia. He wore no helmet and was armed with a two headed battle axe.

"What's he doing here," Star whispered to Marco.

"I called him," Marco whispered back. "I know things are ... tense ... between you two, but you didn't say you've actually broken up, and we need him here even if you have."

Star simply nodded.

"Now," Moon began, only to be interrupted by the loud rumbling of a dragoncycle. Nachos landed in the garden, ridden by Hekapoo.

"Nachos!" Marco cried, running over to greet his precious steed.

Hekapoo was armored in her usual sleeveless yellow dress, what would be large bewbs, or mewbs, if she were human or Mewmin, and her sassy attitude. No weapon was visible, but everybody knew she carried her dimensional scissors, which she could break apart to use as twin daggers.

Moon stood silently as everybody took their places around the table. The silence stretched. Finally, Moon asked, "Is that it? Anybody else? May we start now?"

"Unless you're expecting somebody, that's it," Star replied.

"Sir Reggie, if you would?"

"Our first report came in yesterday afternoon," Sir Reggie began, "of strange creatures attacking Mewmin villages. I sent out a scouting party under the command of Dame Grace to investigate, and they rode into disaster. According to Dame Grace's scouting raven, the force was quickly overwhelmed. They were not killed but taken to Meteora, here," he indicated a position on the map, "where she turned all of them, except one, into more of those creatures. The one exception was a non-Mewmin, from another dimension, who she could not turn. Unfortunately, that did not save him ... Meteora used her magic to feed on his life-force, then he floated away when she was finished."

"What about Mina Loveberry?" Star asked. "Shouldn't we send her?"

"Dame Grace was with Queen Moon investigating that empty village, so knew Meteora could be involved. She asked that Mina accompany the scouts but ... Mina didn't come back either."

The group was silent; the last Solarian warrior, augmented with magic and madness, lost at the outset of hostilities. It was exceptionally bad news. Finally, Moon spoke, asking, "Do you have a plan of attack?"

"We do, your majesty. Sir Darryl?"

"Your majesties, if it pleases you," Sir Darryl began, "we will send out a force of Warnicorn Dragoons to attract the creatures and draw them away from Meteora. We will set up an ambuscade here." Sir Darryl indicated a clearing surrounded by trees, next to the distributary of the Mewni River that fed the royal corn fields. The map zoomed in on the location. "There should be plenty of cover to set up the ambush, and she will be pinned against the river."

Moon and River nodded.

Sir Reggie broke in. "This is the difficult part on a personal level, your majesties. We cannot send knights directly against Meteora, lest they be turned. These youngsters are not Mewmin," Sir Reggie said, indicating Marco and Kelly, "nor is Jorby, so they cannot be turned. As a magical being, it is very unlikely that Lady Hekapoo can be turned. Prince Lucitor is only half-Mewmin, with the other half being demon, so we're gambling that he cannot be turned."

"There is still a danger to them," Sir Darryl continued, "as we learned with the non-Mewmin knight, but ... it won't result in them becoming threats to others."

The teens exchanged looks of concern. "Oh, that's not ominous at all," Marco mumbled.

Sir Darryl paused, looking at the queen.

Moon steeled herself, suspecting what was coming. "Please continue."

"Princess Star must also be part of the ambushing force, to counter Meteora's magic."

Sir Daryl paused again, as Moon and River looked at each other. River nodded, Moon taking his hand before asking Sir Darryl to continue.

"Here is the plan ..."

After Sir Darryl finished detailing the plan for the ambush, Moon gave the order to execute. As the group broke up, she called the teens over to herself and River.

"I'm sorry we must ask this of you. King River and I must remain here to cover the defense of the castle and Groundlands, if that becomes necessary. I truly wish we could go in your stead, but it is one of the burdens of leadership to send others into battle for the good of the kingdom," Moon looked into Star's eyes, "even when it means the risk of personal loss." Star was shocked by Moon's change in attitude; Moon had been overprotective of her when Toffee had returned.

Addressing the entire group once more, Moon said, "Fight well, and moreover, be safe. Please."

The teens, emotional from Moon's words, mumbled, "Yes, your majesty."

"Good. If you will excuse us, we must talk to our children in private."

Failing to notice Moon's use of the plural, Marco turned to leave.

"No, Marco, that includes you."

Marco felt a pull on his heartstrings. He had told Star that she was part of his family now, and that her family was now his. It was gratifying to learn that both sets of parents felt the same way.

"They will look to the two of you for leadership. I experienced the burdens of leadership in battle when I was only slightly older than you, so I know how difficult it is, but," the corners of Moon's mouth twitched, "needs must when the devil breaks wind in your face."

Star and Marco giggled, as Moon hoped they would.

"I have complete faith in you, as does River. Fight well, lead well, and be safe. And return to us. Both of you."

"Thank you, your majesties," Marco replied, bowing.

Moon took Marco by his shoulders, lifting him out of the bow. "No, Marco. Remember, when it's the four of us, we're just Moon and River."

River hugged Star hard, lifting her from the ground. He whispered, "My little girl all grown up!"

River set Star down, then turned to Marco. In a threatening tone, River said, "You will bring my Starshine home, boy!" He then gave Marco the same hug he gave Star. When he set Marco down, he said, "Bring yourself home too ... Sir Marco."

Marco's eyes widened in surprise. "Sir Marco? For reals?"

"Yes, my boy," River answered, winking, "no meat blanket this time."

Beaming with pride, Star grabbed Marco by the shoulders, shaking him jubilantly. Marco didn't think he'd ever seen her more pleased.

River turned and walked away, sobbing. Between sobs they could hear him muttering, "all grown up."

Moon took her turn, hugging Star and kissing her on the forehead. Moon then did the same for Marco. She whispered into Marco's ear, "You'll get a formal knighting ceremony later, and we'll make the celebration as special as you are." Marco blushed.

Moon stood tall, her eyes brimming with tears, looked each of the two in the eyes, then turned away. Without a backward glance, she walked over to where River was now conversing with Hekapoo, Sir Darryl and Sir Reggie.

Star and Marco turned to each other and looked each other in the eyes. They saw reflected in them the worry and fear they both felt. The two besties hugged each other hard. "Hell of a way to spend Friendship Thursday," they said to each other.

"Ahem," Tom interrupted.

The two besties parted.

Tom fist bumped Marco, saying, "Congratulations, dude."

"Thanks. Did you know?"

"Sir Reggie told us while you two were talking to Queen Moon and King River. He wanted to make sure we understood that you now have official standing backing your leadership with Star. Now ... um ... could you excuse us for a minute? I need to talk to Star alone."

Marco gave Star a wink, then walked away to give the two their privacy. Star scowled as Kelly put her arm around Marco's waist as he joined her. When Kelly said "Congratulations" and kissed Marco on the cheek, Tom was certain he heard Star growl. The display was more evidence that he was doing the right thing.

"Starship, I think we should ..." Tom began.

"Nope, nope, nope, nope, NOPE," Star replied harshly. Seeing the hurt on Tom's face, she softened her tone. "Now is not the time, boo. Later, I promise." She kissed him on the cheek.

Tom sighed; Star had clearly misunderstood what it was he wanted to say, but he decided she was correct anyway. What he had to say could prove a fatal distraction ... for any or all of them.

With everybody busy with good-byes, preparations, and discussions, nobody noticed Eclipsa had left the Rose Garden.

— OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO —

The ambuscade party took up their positions. The plan was relatively simple. When Meteora reached the clearing in front of them, Star and Marco, on Nachos, would attack from the trees. While Meteora's attention was on them, Tom, Kelly, and Jorby, would attack from their hiding places on the other side of the clearing. Hekapoo was to hold back, looking for an opening to attack, or provide an escape route if retreat became necessary.

Once they engaged, they were not certain what they would do as they did not know the full depth of Meteora's knowledge of magic. It was up to Star to block any magical attacks on her compatriots, and probe Meteora's powers with spells until she hit on something she could use to disable Meteora.

Giant-sized Meteora walked into the clearing. Meteora had sensed, through her magical connection, the Dragoon attack on her army. She had ordered her troops to capture the Warnicorn-riding soldiers, as usual, and they were currently chasing after the Dragoons as they retreated. Meteora was not a soldier, but Bob's tactical training was enough that she was suspicious. She kept her guard up as she advanced.

"This is it," Marco said.

"This is it," Star agreed.

Because they were looking at each other, hoping it was not for the final time, they did not see the purple-clad figure emerge from the trees. They heard a familiar voice yell, "Meteora!"

As the two turned their gazes toward the clearing, Marco asked in shock, "What the ... what is Eclipsa doing?"

"Meteora!" Eclipsa called again.

Meteora whirled and fired magic in Eclipsa's direction, barely missing her. Glancing at the smoking ground where the beam hit, she called to Meteora, "Before you turn me, I brought you something." She held up a stuffed toy.

Meteora did a double-take. "Is that ... is that Bobo? Is that really Bobo?"

"Yes," Eclipsa replied happily, "it's Bobo!"

Star looked at Marco and asked, "What's a Bobo?"

"But ..." Meteora began, "mama made Bobo. Are you ... my mama?"

"Actually," Eclipsa replied, "I think I prefer 'mother.'"

"What?" Meteora responded angrily, her fists glowing green and purple.

"You know, 'mama' will be just fine. What should I call you?"

"Baby Smooth."


Meteora shrank to normal size so she could look her mother in the eyes. "Mama, where have you been?"

"Well ... some terrible, terrible people locked me up in a dingy old crystal deep down in a dark dungeon. They were a rather backwards, maladjusted people, especially their reckless and irresponsible princess."

"Uh!" Star exclaimed, offended.

"She's teasing you, Star, you weren't even around back then. You really need to get better at picking up on ... OW!" Marco rubbed his upper arm where Star had punched it, in-between his shoulder plates and gauntlets.

"But that is an era bygone," Eclipsa continued, "and I'm hoping now that we're together again, we're going to have everything we've ever missed out on. You can have anything you want. What would you like?"

"The throne of Mewni."

Star gasped. "Just like in those AUs," she whispered.

"I'm afraid that's not possible," Eclipsa said.

"What? You said I can have anything I want," Meteora complained.

"But the throne is not mine to give."

"It's ours by right!"

"A lot has changed since we've been gone, and after everything that happened at St. Olga's ..."

"I was a great headmistress!"

"But you were stealing the life-forces of those girls to preserve your youth."

"Oh, you noticed."

"Look, we have each other now. You don't need this kingdom."

"Are you saying ... no?"

Eclipsa hesitated. "Correct. I am."

Meteora grew back to her giant size, then stomped past Eclipsa.

Star gave the order. "Go, GO!" she said to Marco.

"Meteora Butterfly, you turn right back around!" yelled Eclipsa.

Star and Marco burst from the trees on Nachos, heading straight for Meteora. Hearing the roar of the dragoncycle, she turned, to be hit by a blast from Star's Blueberry Cupcake Bazooka.

Staggering, Meteora cried, "Mama, you set me up?"

The blast from Star's Raspberry Panzerfaust knocked both Eclipsa and Meteora to the ground, the latter face-first, stunned.

As Marco turned Nachos for another pass, he yelled, "Hekapoo, get Eclipsa out of here!"

Hekapoo portaled from the trees over to where Eclipsa lay, cut open a second dimensional portal, then heaved Eclipsa through it. After closing Eclipsa's portal, Hekapoo dove back into her own. As Eclipsa picked herself up off the ground where the portal had deposited her, she heard a voice say, "Welcome to Britta's Tacos. Can I get your order?" Eclipsa stood mute, staring in confusion at the girl in the ordering window.

Marco guided Nachos behind Meteora, who had regained her senses and was rising and turning to face them.

"Well," Meteora sneered, "if it isn't Princess Marco Turdina and his other girlfriend, Princess Screw-up."

Hovering out of reach, Star and Marco yelled in unison, "We're not a couple!"

Noting Marco's armor, Meteora asked, "Not cross-dressing today?"

"I'm not a cross-dresser, not that there's anything wrong with that!" Marco yelled. "Princess Turdina is a disguise."

"Uh-hunh, sure, right. I bet it's because your little girlfriend there likes girls, not that there's anything wrong with that."

"We're not a couple!" the two teens yelled again.

Star added, "And they're not little, not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm actually nicely proportioned for my height!"

While Meteora was distracted, Tom, Kelly and Jorby began their attack. Jorby ran out of the trees with Kelly on his back, sword at the ready, while Tom flew to the attack, battle axe glowing.

Unfortunately, the attacks were not silent, and Meteora possessed her father's hearing. She unexpectedly whirled, punching Tom head-on, while sweeping Jorby off his feet with her tail. Tom was flung back into the trees, crashing heavily into a large trunk. He did not get up.

Meteora's eyes glowed green as she fired her transformation magic from her hand. It hit Kelly and Jorby both, their life-energy transferring to Meteora. The two floated away.

Meteora had moved so fast that Marco and Nachos were caught completely by surprise. As she whirled back, Meteora fired another beam of magic from her other hand. Nachos reared to protect her riders, taking the full brunt of the blast. As her life-force was drained and she began to float away, Star and Marco were flung from her back.

Star immediately scabbarded her wond while transforming into her Butterfly Monster form. She flipped in the air then dove, catching Marco.

As Star retreated with Marco back into the trees, Meteora gloated, "Did you like what I did to your other boyfriend? That was so much easier than sucking out his life-force. Just one punch. Bam!"

Seeing Hekapoo hiding behind a fallen tree, Star flew over and dropped Marco while reverting back to her Mewmin form.

"What do we do now?" Star asked Marco.

Marco thought for a few moments. "Hekapoo is basically a one ... whatever ... army. She'll push out as many clones as she can, and I'll lead them on an attack from the ground. You go all Butterfly Monster again, and attack first, from the air. I'll follow when you have her complete attention. While Meteora is distracted fighting all of us, Hekapoo will portal over, then create a giant rift that we'll force Meteora into."

"I have a better idea," Hekapoo responded, "let's run for it! We could just hang at the Dragon Spit Tavern, wait for this thing to blow over."

"Please, H-poo?"

"Argh, you know I can't resist your adult voice!" Hekapoo stood and began producing clones.

After several dozen clones had been produced, Marco nodded to Star. She transformed into her Butterfly Monster form, then flew to attack Meteora. When she got close, all six hands glowing with pink, magical, energy, she cried, "Mega Narwhal Blast!" The Narwhals staggered Meteora, while Star was flung back into a tree. "Man, this form really packs a punch," she said, looking at her hands.

Star returned to the attack. "Winter Storm Hyper Blow!" "Cupcake Blast!" "Strawberry Annihilation!" "Supersonic Leech Bombs!"

As the leech bombs exploded on Meteora's back, Marco decided Meteora's attention was now focused sufficiently on Star for him and the Hekapoo clones to attack. He ran out from the tree line brandishing El Choppo, with the clones following.

As the attackers closed on Meteora, Star cast another spell as cover. "Jellybean Hallucination Mist!"

Meteora staggered drunkenly for a few seconds, then with an angry roar, green and purple magic erupted in a bubble around her, dissipating the confusion spell. Those few seconds were enough, allowing Marco and the clones to reach Meteora.

They attacked, Marco striking with El Choppo and the clones using their fists. Meteora attempted to swat and kick Marco and the clones away; she was not yet experienced enough to use her magic quickly and effectively in such a close engagement. With Meteora distracted, Hekapoo cut open a portal, emerging behind her.

Meteora sensed the portal as it opened. She swung around, and knowing this was the real Hekapoo, channeled the rage she had been feeling ever since Bob had coaxed out a long-suppressed memory involving Hekapoo.

"You!" Meteora yelled. "You're the one who stole her from me!"

Hekapoo was stunned. "How could you possibly know that?"

The distraction was enough. Meteora hit Hekapoo with her magic, draining Hekapoo's equivalent of a life-force. The portal closed as Hekapoo floated away.

Star, feeling desperate, chose the most powerful spell she could think of. Spreading all her arms wide, she yelled, "TURBO-THERMO-NUCLEAR BUTTERFLY BLAST!"

The explosion knocked everything within a ninety-foot radius to the ground, including Meteora, Star and Marco. All the Hekapoo clones, their flames blown out, disappeared.

The discharge of so much magical energy knocked Star out of her Butterfly Monster form. She lay on the ground, seriously winded. She pulled her wond from its scabbard, attempting to raise it and press a new attack. "Narwhal ... Narwhal ..." She dropped her arm, too exhausted to cast the spell.

Several feet away, Marco shakily clambered to his feet. He felt his heart beating hard in fear, as he watched Meteora slowly stand.

Her vision filled with spots from the blast, Meteora called out, "Where are you, you little brats." She spied a hazy figure standing in the blasted heath. Realizing it was Marco, she said, "Well, guess I'll get my revenge on Princess Turdina first." Green and purple magic began to swirl around her fist.

Knowing he could not run or avoid the blast, Marco closed his eyes, cringing in anticipation. Without warning, he felt himself flung backward. He opened his eyes to see a shimmering beach ball in between his body and Star's Rainbow Fist Punch. When he landed, on his feet, he looked up, and saw Star facing him, wond outstretched. She had managed to get up and in-between Marco and Meteora, taking the blast meant for him.

As the magic enveloped Star, demonic chanting filled the air. Tom had finally recovered consciousness and was attacking, hovering above the ground as he called on his demon magic. The ground split beneath Meteora and a coffin sprang up, closing around her. Mystical demon chains then wrapped the coffin and pulled it down into the pit. As it disappeared into the ground, the split closed, leaving only Star, Marco, and Tom.

Tom lowered to the ground beside Marco, the two staring in horror at where Star lay.

⭐🦋 Star appeared to now be half Mewmin and half Monster. Her blonde locks were now bluish-silver, her skin was gray like wet concrete, and her Magic-Pips had turned a dark rose color. She had grown a long reptilian tail, real horns, claws on her hands and sharp reptilian teeth. She looked like what a daughter from a union between Moon and Toffee might look like. 🦋⭐

Star stood up. Seeing the looks on her two boyfriends' faces, she transformed the wond into a mirror. Gasping when she saw her reflection, she knew immediately what she had to do. She threw the wond to Marco, which transformed into its Marco-Cast upon touching his hand.

"Keep it safe," she implored him, her speech slightly slurred due to her unfamiliar reptilian teeth and tongue. "Learn to use it to beat Meteora. I have to leave now," she paused, looking at her clawed hands, "probably forever ... for real this time."

"No, Star, please don't," Marco pleaded. He paused, took a deep breath, then in a voice barely loud enough to be heard, said, "I love you."

Star and Tom stared at Marco, only one of them genuinely surprised by his confession.

"I haven't admitted it because I know you don't feel the same way; you told me the photo booth and after-Beach-Day kisses were mistakes. I thought if I just focused on being your best friend and squire, the feeling would go away. But it hasn't. The whole Blood Moon Curse, that whole deal? It's baloney. I've felt like this since the beginning. I'm not a little boy, I know that you don't just fall in love at first sight. But I knew our friendship was something special right from the start, and the feeling grew into more from there."

Marco paused, stifling a sniffle. He looked at the ground, saying, "I almost told you yesterday." Marco shook his head. "I know it's in the way, and I'm sorry."

Confused, Star responded, "In the way? Why does it have to be bad?"

"It is bad, if you don't want it," Marco replied, his voice quavering.

Star began to cry. Facing Tom, she said, "Tom, I'm so sorry. Please, don't blame Marco. It's all my fault."

"It's okay, say it," Tom said gently, certain he knew what Star wanted to say to Marco ... and that this might be her only chance to do it.

Star turned to Marco, locking her tear-filled eyes onto his. "Marco, the photo booth made things different for me, too, but when we lifted the Curse I convinced myself that my feelings hadn't been real. But they were; I've never connected with another being like I've connected with you. By the time I realized it was never the Blood Moon, I thought you had moved on; I thought you were growing close to Kelly, just like in that AU. When I kissed you after Beach Day and you didn't seem to want it, and you didn't chase after me when I ran..."

Star hesitated, then said quietly, "The multiverse really does hate us. You were going to tell me yesterday? Yesterday I was going to tell you ... that ..." She pulled her locket out from under her armor. She held it out so she could see it, took a deep breath, then shouted, "I do want it! I want you to love me, because I love you!"

Star screamed, a primal scream of fear, pain, and loss, as she fell to the ground.

"Star!" Marco yelled, starting toward her. Star raised her hand and shook her head, imploring Tom with a look. Tom understood, grabbing Marco and stopping him.

Star screamed again, accompanied by the horrible sounds of clothes tearing, armor bursting, and bones cracking, as Star transformed into a Mewmonster.

But she was not entirely like the other Mewmonsters. Star's Mewberty wings were now giant, dragon-like, wings. Her Magic-Pips remained and had returned to their pink hue. Her eyes, rather than being yellow and catlike, were their normal blue. Like the other Mewmonsters she was hairless, but unlike them, had two brown horns, slightly larger than her hairband's horns. Tentatively, MewmonStar attempted to use magic, conjuring a tiny, magical, kitten ... that she promptly devoured.

MewmonStar stood, tears streaming down her face, locking eyes in turn with Tom, then Marco. She lingered on Marco for a few seconds, then dipped down and opened a dimensional portal.

"NO!" Marco yelled, tearing himself from Tom's grasp.

After a final, longing, look at Marco, MewmonStar leapt into the portal, closing it just before Marco reached it.

Marco stopped, sinking to his knees. Still staring at where the portal had been, Tom walked up to Marco then knelt, placing his hand on Marco's shoulder.

Marco saw Star's locket lying where it fell, the chain broken. As he picked it up, his body was wracked by a single sob. Tears began to fall.

In a whisper, Marco simply said, "No..."

— OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO —

⭐🦋Inspired by Star the Monster Princess  by The Wandering Hippie ( 🦋⭐

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